
Chapter 1 is broken, I am a follower of Slaanesh!

 "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

  On the green field, a handsome man with black hair, black eyes and a fair complexion shouted.

  His name is Ron, a young social beast from the 21st century.

  Last night he stayed up late playing Warhammer, his heart skipped a beat and he fell asleep. When he opened his eyes again, he was in this place.

  "This is not time travel, it's a dream!" Ron was very sure.

  Because he is surrounded by beautiful women!

  On the surrounding grass and by the river, there are girls of different styles.

  The royal sister, a beautiful beast girl, with high heels, black stockings and long legs, all hit his XP hard.

  What's even more frightening is that he can vaguely recognize many familiar faces in the E drive and the two-dimensional wives!



  Kamisato Ayaka?

  Sure enough, there was everything in the dream...

  Ron decided to enjoy this dream in accordance with the principle of come and come.

  He walked towards the girls, wanting to communicate with them.

  But an inexplicable sense of crisis made him stop.

  "Something feels wrong, I seem to have forgotten something..."

  Ron looked around cautiously.

  The breeze blowing on my face, the sweet smell of flowers and grass, and the solid earth under my feet, everything is so real.

  So true!

  Just as Ron was hesitating, the sweet scent in the air became stronger and filled his heart.

  The raging hormones generated by that breath took over the high ground in his brain, gradually making him lose his ability to judge.

  It's just a dream, what's there to worry about?

  What if it takes too long and wakes up?

  By the time Ron regained his composure, he was already in front of the girls.

  They looked at him expectantly.

  "Come on!"

  "I feel so uncomfortable." "Master,

  can you give me a hug?"

  The slightly trembling voice, numb and tingling, was like a demonic sound penetrating his ears, completely breaking down Ron's resistance.

  do not care!

  Ron couldn't restrain his inner desires and allowed them to rage and degenerate.

  In an instant, darkness enveloped everything.

  His consciousness seemed to fall into an endless abyss, falling forever and ever...

  What on earth is this place?

  Ron's remaining consciousness was thinking about this issue and gradually disappeared.

  On the eve of death, suddenly a beam of light came in.

  The mysterious and warm power awakened Ron's consciousness and gave him a moment of clarity.

  "I remembered!"

  Ron opened his eyes suddenly and looked at everything around him.

  Green fields, seductive fragrance, soft female body, endless joy.

  "Isn't the setting of WOC the Palace of Slaanesh?"

  That's right, Ron has traveled through time!

  Last night he was playing games and talking nonsense with his teammates.

  Saying such nonsense as "The God-Emperor is above and Slaanesh below" and "I don't speed up watching movies because I am a follower of Slaanesh".

  His keyboard clicked loudly: "If I enter Warhammer, I will commit myself to Slaanesh, all Slaanesh..."

  Before he could finish typing, his heart twitched and he lost consciousness, traveling to Warhammer 40k!

  Everyone in Ron is numb. It's just a joke. How can it be serious?

  The world of Warhammer 40k is extremely cruel, and ordinary people have almost no way to survive.

  Not to go to the front line as cannon fodder and die on the battlefield against aliens and chaos.

  Just chewing on corpse starch and frantically driving screws in the empire's factories until he died of exhaustion.

  This is already a happy way to die.

  At least he has contributed to the great God-Emperor and is blessed.

  What's even more terrifying is being corrupted by the Chaos Evil God.

  They will twist people into monsters under endless torture.

  You can't live, you can't die!

  Sadly, Ron has fallen into the hands of the evil god.

  This is His palace!

  That evil god is called Slaanesh.   

  He is androgynous, an irresistible evil god in charge of pleasure!

  Damn it, I have truly become a follower of Slaanesh!

  Ron was desperate, fearing that he would be pouted by Slaanesh now.

  No, he is not qualified yet.

  The one who can be poked by Slaanesh is still the Primarch or the Daemon Prince. The most he can be poked by is the Banshee of Slaanesh!

  And the place where he was happened to be where the most Slaanesh banshees were.

  The third ring of the Palace of Slaanesh - the Ring of Lust, a place full of sensual pleasure!

  Ron looked at those girls, they looked so real and charming.

  But he knew in his heart that they were all Slaanesh banshees!

  The Banshee of Slaanesh takes on the most alluring forms to enchant Slaanesh's followers.

  Let him sink and twist in the extreme pleasure, and eventually corrupt into a monster!

  This is over, let's increase the intensity at the beginning, right?

  Let's just say, which hammer friend can withstand such a test?

  Hiss...huh...don't do this!

  Ron tried to hold back and stay as conscious as possible.

  He pushed the banshees away, but soon they gathered around him again.

  "Wow, wow, am I not beautiful?"

  "I will try my best to make you happy."

  "Tonight you belong to the slave family"


  "Get out of here!"

  Ron took his hand away from "Shiranui" and fiercely He pushed "Tifa" away and overturned the succubus that was coming towards her.

  At that moment, he saw the truth!

  The beautiful cooing turned into a growl and a whisper.

  The banshees have twisted bodies, ugly faces, and dark holes in their eyes and ears.

  Their slender tongues licked Ron's body and face, leaving behind a sticky and disgusting liquid.

  Slaanesh the Banshee!

  Soon, the banshees returned to their previous appearance and became even more charming.

  They increase their charm and try their best!

  Who can withstand this?


  Ron mobilized all his will to resist the erosion of desire.

  He didn't want to become Slaanesh's feed!

  But the corruption had begun, and he found in despair that his hands had twisted and transformed into dark claws.

  what to do?

  Who can save him from the evil god of chaos?

  Ron had a flash of inspiration and thought of that great man!

  He has many names: the Emperor, the Immortal Emperor, the Great God-Emperor, the Ohm Messiah, the cold sun of the void...

  The God-Emperor, as a human belief, is real and has the power of a god.

  Such as blessing, protection, resurrection, etc., the Cursed Legion is proof of this.

  Ron decided to improvise and pray for the God Emperor's blessing.

  As a time traveler, you should get some special treatment, right?

  And he is quite loyal to the God Emperor... right?

  Ron felt a little guilty, but no matter what, he was now the most loyal believer of the God Emperor!

  No one can stop it!

  Ron closed his eyes, prayed loudly, and offered his loyalty to the God Emperor:

  With every part of my strength,

  every inch of my will,

  and every ounce of my soul,

  I swear that

  my soul and my faith

  belong to the immortal Emperor,

  Shepherd of mankind!


  Prayers are not working and the corruption is deepening.

  Ron's eyeballs are starting to loosen, the skin is peeling off, and he's about to turn into a monster!

  Boundless despair invades!

  But he didn't give up. He prayed more and more fervently, trying to grasp the last straw!

  "Please watch me with your love, watch over your servants and warriors, please protect me in this danger!"

  The prayer ended, and nothing happened.

  At this moment, Ron didn't even have the strength to speak, his desire was deeply rooted in his consciousness.

  He will be completely corrupted into a slave of Slaanesh, from which he will never be freed.

  However, he wants to live!

  Even in this extremely cruel world.

  The moment he lost consciousness, Ron saw the sun.

  That huge, cold sun suspended in the void!

  Praise the sun ~ Praise the God Emperor!

  (End of chapter)