
 Chapter 34 The Governor did not abandon us!

 Deville went to the door to retrieve the notification letter, sat back at the dining table and opened it to read.

  Zizzi -

  The light above the dining table flickered a few times, then went out completely, and the entire room became dark.

  Lilith complained:

  "There's another power outage. There have been more and more power outages recently."

  Frequent power outages have seriously affected her study progress.

  Mattie took out a candle and lit it, and the bright candlelight illuminated several people's faces.

  "Brother, food rations are getting less and less now. What's going on outside?"

  Lilith seemed to have something on her mind. She stared at Deville, wanting an answer.

  For security reasons, Deville strictly ordered Lilith not to leave the residential area of ​​the administrative unit, let alone go outside the Wangting District.

  Other families in the neighborhood do the same thing, keeping their children away from the cruel and dangerous world outside.

  Everyone unanimously chose to keep it secret and not let the children know what was going on outside.

  Lest the despair of reality and the future crush them.

  Deville rubbed Lilith's hair with a gentle attitude:

  "What can happen outside, it will still be the same as before. The reduction in food rations is temporary, and the problem will be solved soon..."

  When he said these words, he himself Somewhat guilty.

  "The Governor will find a solution to the problem!"

  he added, his tone becoming firm.

  "You're talking nonsense!"

  Lilith was a little excited and almost cried.

  These things are always difficult to keep secret, and children will be exposed to some information and even sneak out to seek verification.

  And be afraid of it.

  "Jenny and I secretly ran out to take a look. The situation outside was extremely bad. People were dying everywhere...

  Those people wearing black clothes like you beat many workers to death and dragged away the bodies!"

  "What! I didn't mean that Are you not allowed to go out?"

  Deville couldn't help but raise his voice: "It's too dangerous outside, what if something happens to you!"

  "I heard from the workers that there is no food in Wangting District, and the Governor will stop the food supply. Without rationing, everyone will starve to death!"

  Lilith said with fear in her eyes: "Is that true?"

  "That's a rumor. The Governor will not abandon us!"

  "I don't believe it. He didn't do anything. Liar!"

  "Lilith!" Deville was really angry this time. He would not allow anyone to slander the Governor.

  Mattie also looked at Lilith seriously: "Have you forgotten the rules of the Rapp family?"

  Lilith shrank and her tone became weaker:

  "I remember that the heirs of the Rapp family must be unconditionally loyal and follow the greatness. "Mr. Governor"

  Mattie nodded with satisfaction and patiently explained:

  "Our ancestors of the Lapp family were once slaves in the black mine. It was the ancestors of the current Governor who liberated us

  and made us safe in the upper nest of the nest . It can be said that everything we have is given by the

  current Governor and his family. Without him, we   will

  be nothing. If we

are defeated,

  we will also lose everything.

  Those people outside the royal court area will drag us out of   the

  house and hang us alive, and then inherit our wealth and status!

: "I understand that being loyal to the Governor and maintaining his rule is helping ourselves!"   

  "As long as you understand!"

  Deville said in a stern tone: "You are absolutely not allowed to sneak out again. I don't want to see your body in the corpse transport vehicle...

  Got it!"

  Lilith held back her tears and nodded. : "Brother, I won't go out again..."

  "Let's eat."

  Deville put the remaining half piece of wood slag bread on his sister's porcelain plate: "Eat more so you have the brain to study."

  Wait for him When he lowered his head, he found that there was a small piece of wood slag bread on the porcelain plate.

  He looked at Mattie next to him and wanted to push the slag bread back: "Mom, I'm not hungry..."

  But Mattie stopped him, her tone unquestionable.

  "You have lost weight. Eat enough!

  You have to go out to do things. You have to maintain the dignity of the Lapu family. Don't let people think that our Lapu family can't even afford food!"

  "I will never lose Lapu. Family's face!"

  Deville lowered his head, stuffed the shavings of bread into his mouth with tears in his eyes, chewed it hard, and swallowed it with water.

  After this episode, the family returned to peace.

  They concentrated on the corpse starch in the porcelain dish. It was not easy to swallow it.

  Deville tried hard to swallow the corpse starch in his mouth while opening the important notice from the Wangting District.

  He read the words carefully in the candlelight.

  That was an order issued by Wangting District. All logistics department personnel must gather at the headquarters tomorrow to accept new tasks.

  When he saw the back, he couldn't help but get excited: "The Emperor of God, I will say that the Governor will not abandon us.

  He has found a way to solve the food crisis!"


  Mattie and Lilith were both a little surprised!

  Deville excitedly handed the notification letter to the two of them:

  "Look, below are the words of the Governor.

  He said that a preliminary solution to the food problem has been found, and now we need the active cooperation of all units in the Wangting District.

  My heart is in one place Think about it!

  He also said that everyone has worked hard during this period, and the food and material rations will return to normal

  so that everyone can have enough food to work! May

  everyone's contribution be remembered ! The court is with you!"

  De Vere read out the Governor's last words with a trembling voice, very excited.

  The Governor's speech this time was a little different from before, but it was inexplicably easy to understand and had a hint of cordiality.

  Mattie praised:

  "The Governor really has a way, he is worthy of being the heir of the Grant family that has been passed down for thousands of years!"

  Lilith was also very happy: "Then we won't have to eat wood slag bread and black glutinous rice in the future?"

  Deville and Mattie didn't tell her that the "black goo" everyone ate was corpse starch.

  It is even less possible to reveal the specific composition of corpse starch.

  All she knew was that this food tasted terrible.

  Deville looked at Lilith and said firmly:

  "Yes, as long as we complete the plan told by the Governor and let the Wangting District survive the crisis, we will never have to eat these ghost things again!"

  "Yeah, great!

  Brother, you have to work hard, the future of Wangting District depends on you!"

  "Of course, for the sake of the Governor, Wangting District, and you, I will not relax at all!"

  Deville ! After discussing it excitedly with my mother and sister for a while, I went back to my room to sleep early.

  He must maintain his energy and perform the work that the Governor is about to arrange in the best possible condition!

  "Dududu, for the Governor!"

  The electronic sound of the bedside alarm clock robot sounded, and Deville woke up suddenly.

  (End of chapter)