
Golden Shores of Youth

This novel, narrated from the perspective of the protagonist Xiaoyu, chronicles her experiences and emotional changes from university life through to post-graduation. Xiaoyu is a woman who undergoes many ups and downs in her love life and personal journey, and her story touches on themes of friendship, love, loss, and growth. During her time at university, Xiaoyu becomes entangled in complicated emotional relationships with several male characters. Her relationship with her boyfriend Zhang Xiao is a mix of love and resentment. Zhang Xiao, burdened by his background in the underworld and a pessimistic view of the future, chooses to break up with Xiaoyu, hoping she can lead a better life. After their breakup, Xiaoyu experiences a period of confusion and loneliness, but she does not give up on searching for love. She later develops a relationship with another man, Muran, who, despite his status in the underworld, has genuine feelings for Xiaoyu and is willing to give up everything for her. Xiaoyu's friend Xiangxiang is also a significant character, sharing a deep friendship with Xiaoyu but also facing her own emotional setbacks. Xiangxiang is forced into an inappropriate relationship with Professor Zhang Cunzhen in exchange for academic success, causing her immense emotional trauma. After learning of Xiangxiang's ordeal, Xiaoyu tries her best to support and help her, but Xiangxiang ultimately chooses to run away from home, disappearing from Xiaoyu's life. In the latter part of the novel, as Xiaoyu faces Muran's departure and Xiangxiang's disappearance, she gradually learns to be strong and independent. She begins to reassess her life and future, deciding not to be swayed by emotions anymore but to take control of her own destiny. Xiaoyu's story is a journey of growth, self-discovery, and courage in the face of life's challenges.

Saibo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Xiaoyu, I am willing to plant even if it withers

Border town, Lijiang, ancient and fragrant.

Finally, I finished wiping the last cup. I looked at the neatly arranged wine glasses on the bar and looked at the watch. Let's stop here today.

There was a drizzle outside the window. In the midsummer, such a drizzle just moistened the dry and hot air.

Southerners have an inexplicable affection for rain, just like northerners have an inexplicable affection for snow.

The fresh smell of soil mixed with the fragrance of the blooming Xiaoyu drifted into the room, lingering in the room.

Clusters of Xiaoyu flowers were planted in the rose carved fence outside the door. Now is the season when the strange fragrance is in full bloom. Lijiang has an excellent climate. Water and fertilizer can nourish flowers, and thick soil can nourish people.

This is Yuyexiangju, a small hotel I opened, providing food, wine and accommodation, located on Sifang Street in the ancient city. It took quite a bit of money to buy this small building, but fortunately, with the help of Cowboy and Leopard, I can pay it back slowly and improve my life first, without rushing.

Connections are really good things. At least I have a way out after graduation. Although it is not a big and spectacular career, I prefer this kind of quiet, comfortable and cozy life.

The small building has a backyard, where we planted many flowers, plants and trees. Of course, all kinds of small jade are available. The shop has two special wines, mud-sealed jars of small jade wine and fancy cocktails - "Roses" with a piece of small jade petal added according to the color of the customer's preference after mixing.

Yes, it is "us". The bartender and receptionist are a young couple, the man is handsome and unrestrained, and the woman is sexy and charming. They are Zhang Han and Li Shasha. They found me first, and soon after that, two more people joined, Su Qiang and Xiang Xiang. Whenever I quietly asked Su Qiang how he found Xiang Xiang, he always smiled mysteriously and didn't tell me, even if I threatened and lured Xiang Xiang, I was still helpless. From then on, the five of us started to work hard for the small hotel.

It turned out that Zhang Han had already quit the gang and entered the society with Li Shasha. The two of them had worked very hard for these years without a diploma. Now it's good. Everyone is together and has someone to take care of everything. Now we work for ourselves. Not to mention high-end consumption, at least we don't have to worry about food and drink.

"Xiaoyu, I have news about the village girl!"

Xiangxiang, who was swaying in the recliner, said to me mysteriously.

She was pregnant and was enjoying Su Qiang's pinching and beating her legs. They went back to get married at the end of last year, and after their honeymoon, they came back and got married again in the inn. It seems that they are addicted to getting married? Being a bride every night?

But Xiangxiang asked me to be her bridesmaid, which really made me very happy. Who would think that being a bridesmaid for your bestie is not an extremely happy thing? Witnessing the love and sublimation of the two until the crystallization, their sweetness also touched me and moved me. This is indeed a very fulfilling thing.

Zhang Han naturally became Su Qiang's best man, so we invited neighbors and some acquaintances to witness the couple's second wedding.

"Oh? Really? How is she doing recently?"

I care about this village girl and this sister, but she disappeared some time ago.

"Do you remember her underground love affair in college? Now the man is starting a business and has made some progress. The village girl has been following him. Now their lives have changed qualitatively, and it's time to talk about marriage..."

Xiangxiang said slowly. When talking about marriage, she looked like an experienced person, as if she was teaching us. Sasha, who was watching TV on the side, couldn't help but look at Zhang Han affectionately. Zhang Han was still cleaning the tables and chairs, unaware of it.

"You mean...really?"

I felt the happiness of witnessing marriage again!

"Look at how excited you are, silly! If you really like someone, just get married yourself!"

Xiangxiang said and cast her eyes on Zhang Han, and Su Qiang also looked at me with a smirk.

"That's not what I meant! I'm really happy for the country girl!"

I defended myself truthfully.

Su Qiang then spoke: "Xiaoyu, you are so excited about marriage! I heard that people will be like this when they reach the stage of marriage due to physiological development. Everyone has different body structures and development, and this period comes at different times. In my opinion, it's time for you!"

"Haha, my mature Xiaoyu!"

Xiangxiang also patted my head and said intimately.

"Don't scare me, I know my limits! I don't want to be a mature woman!"

I didn't fall for that. I glared at Su Qiang, then gently stroked Xiang Xiang's belly and asked, "Is the little baby still making trouble?"


Xiang Xiang touched her belly with a doting look, as if caressing the baby's head through her belly, "It seems to be asleep, Su Qiang, I want to rest too, help me go upstairs to sleep."

After that, the two of them hobbled upstairs, supporting each other.

I looked at Sasha and Zhang Han who were resting on the side. They were sitting on the sofa. Sasha happily rested her head on Zhang Han's shoulder and stared at the TV. Not wanting to disturb their world of two, I sat behind the bar, turned on the computer and went online. I don't know how long it took, Zhang Han turned off the TV, hugged Sasha and said hello to me.

"Xiaoyu, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"Well, I'm not sleepy."

"Then you play first, we'll go upstairs and sleep."

After saying that, he looked down at Shasha in his arms. Shasha's face was flushed, and she looked at him tenderly and said "bye" to me and went upstairs to her room.

The whole night, the rain made the air moist and cool, and Zhang Han and Li Shasha next door also hummed all night, and didn't stop until three or four o'clock. Thinking of the time when Zhang Han treated me like this before, I couldn't help but feel a little sour in my heart, and then I felt that I shouldn't think like this, and I must never do it again...

But the gentle and happy voice of Shasha next door was one more and more delicate, as if there were painful tears and sobs, and happy panting and sobbing, as if it was a lotus leaf that received the rain and dew, and it seemed like a small boat that fell into the turbulent marsh. Listening to it, my hair was actually soft, and a wisp of wetness flowed out of my lower body.

"How could this happen?"

I was shocked. Fortunately, I was alone in my room and no one saw me. But my palm pressed against him without my brain's control! A voice in my mind told me that as long as I gently bent my middle finger and scratched it, I would get supreme satisfaction and pleasure. But another voice warned me, Xiaoyu, you can't do this. If you masturbate when Zhang Han is having sex with someone else, you will never get out of Zhang Han's shadow. He will be your shackles and cage! It will be a devastating blow to your future happiness!

No, Xiaoyu, you are just entertaining yourself and not hurting others. You are just loving yourself!

No, Xiaoyu, you should have integrity as a man, and you should be chaste as a woman. Do you have to give up your long-term wait for him just to relax for a while?

Xiaoyu, think about it, waiting for him? Waiting for someone who has no news? Waiting for someone who you don't know whether he is dead or alive and has never contacted you in all these years? Ridiculous! Sad!

Xiaoyu, think about it, he loves you so much, cares about you so much, is willing to sacrifice everything for you, is he not worth waiting for? Do you doubt his loyalty to you?

My mind was full of thoughts, and I started a quarrel. No, I have to calm down first, take a deep breath, and sort it out slowly: Xiaoyu, do you love yourself?

Don't you love Yu Ran?

But you gave your first night to Zhang Han!

But... but, but you can give the wedding night to Yu Ran!

Wedding night, yes! I thought about it, the bride is the most beautiful moment of a girl, and the most precious memory. I want to be Yu Ran's bride, watching him kiss me happily, loving me gently and just right... taking out my best moments and sharing the charm of youth with him, even if the fate is short and we are separated, we have planted the seeds of love!

I don't know when I fell asleep. In my dream, I heard a gentle voice: "When a girl can distinguish between her feelings for her first night and her lover, she will be truly mature."

There are too many girls in the world like me. Our first nights are not entrusted to the person who can love us for the rest of our lives. It is a blessing to meet someone who loves you deeply. There is no need to ask for too much. Sometimes all you need is to wait, a simple wait.

I know, I will wait for him.

Although the flowers of love have withered, the seeds of love have been planted in my heart! As long as we survive the cold winter, beautiful flowers will bloom again next year! Xiaoyu, I am willing to wait even if I wither!

Xiaoyu, I am never afraid of withering, but I am afraid that I will not bloom beautifully enough for love.

On a sunny afternoon, I accompanied Xiangxiang to sit in the shade of the trees in the yard to cool off. Xiangxiang couldn't do anything, so I found a topic for her to practice her words, so I asked her how she survived when she was alone in a foreign place. She said, "I once seemed to be waiting for someone in my heart, but I couldn't tell what I was waiting for. I didn't know what I was waiting for, but knowing that he would come was enough."

"But aren't you afraid? Aren't you contradictory? Women devote their lives to love, but men, what about men? They are always talking day and night, and they don't mean what they say. Do you really bet on yourself like this? Go all in on love?"

Xiangxiang smiled faintly and said, "When you come here, you will understand. God gave men a mouth to lie, and also gave women a heart of mystery!"

"A heart of mystery?"

"Yes! Women can feel the existence of love in the dark, so women feel Don't be with that man anymore, no reason is needed, because women already know that being together won't have a good result, it's better to let go of each other as soon as possible to minimize the harm, women are most afraid of hurting men's hearts. It's ridiculous that men are ignorant and cling to women, and finally get tired of women, which will only make women get farther and farther away from him...Xiaoyu, close your eyes, open your heart, and feel with your heart!"

"No feeling. Is my heart not sincere?"


Xiangxiang couldn't help laughing, "I'm not a cult believer, nor do I have any mental formulas. You open your spiritual consciousness, concentrate your spirit, and be more pious, and you will feel the "road".