
Golden Shores of Youth

This novel, narrated from the perspective of the protagonist Xiaoyu, chronicles her experiences and emotional changes from university life through to post-graduation. Xiaoyu is a woman who undergoes many ups and downs in her love life and personal journey, and her story touches on themes of friendship, love, loss, and growth. During her time at university, Xiaoyu becomes entangled in complicated emotional relationships with several male characters. Her relationship with her boyfriend Zhang Xiao is a mix of love and resentment. Zhang Xiao, burdened by his background in the underworld and a pessimistic view of the future, chooses to break up with Xiaoyu, hoping she can lead a better life. After their breakup, Xiaoyu experiences a period of confusion and loneliness, but she does not give up on searching for love. She later develops a relationship with another man, Muran, who, despite his status in the underworld, has genuine feelings for Xiaoyu and is willing to give up everything for her. Xiaoyu's friend Xiangxiang is also a significant character, sharing a deep friendship with Xiaoyu but also facing her own emotional setbacks. Xiangxiang is forced into an inappropriate relationship with Professor Zhang Cunzhen in exchange for academic success, causing her immense emotional trauma. After learning of Xiangxiang's ordeal, Xiaoyu tries her best to support and help her, but Xiangxiang ultimately chooses to run away from home, disappearing from Xiaoyu's life. In the latter part of the novel, as Xiaoyu faces Muran's departure and Xiangxiang's disappearance, she gradually learns to be strong and independent. She begins to reassess her life and future, deciding not to be swayed by emotions anymore but to take control of her own destiny. Xiaoyu's story is a journey of growth, self-discovery, and courage in the face of life's challenges.

Saibo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Xiangxiang Scandal

College life is fleeting, the prosperous years like flowers flow through my fingers unconsciously, making it hard to grasp. In the blink of an eye, it is already the first semester of my sophomore year. The ignorant life of my freshman year has passed unconsciously, and the boyfriend Robin who I knew in a daze has long disappeared from my sight. As for Zhang Han and Yu Ran, the only two men who have possessed me so far, I have never seen them since I went to college. They didn't contact me when I went back during the holidays during my freshman year, and I didn't want to go looking for them. However, every evening is about to come, there is a vague expectation in my heart, and the phone is tightly held in my hand, but it never rings. Forget it, don't think about it, now I don't care much about emotional matters. But just because I don't care doesn't mean that others don't care either... "Xiaoyu, here! Come quickly!"

I heard Xiangxiang's shouting from a distance, and Su Qiang and another man stood next to her. "What's up?"

I asked Xiangxiang as I approached her. "Let me introduce you to a friend. This is Wang Qin, who is a senior this year."

After Xiangxiang finished speaking, she turned to the boy and said, "Wang Qin, this is my little sister, her name is Xiaoyu!"


I looked at Wang Qin, smiled casually and nodded, purely to give Xiangxiang face. Wang Qin is a boy about 1.78 meters tall. He wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and looks very refined. His personality that pays attention to appearance can be seen from his neat hair and neat clothes, but this does not match his appearance at all, so he looks rigid and rigid. People dressed like this are everywhere in the talent market, and there is nothing new. "Well! Hello! I am Wang Qin, the vice president of the school student assistant association!"

Wang Qin proudly introduced himself, and then stretched out his hand in front of me to shake hands in a very sophisticated way. I can't stand this kind of pretending to be mature, it's very artificial, at least I can see that he is artificial, but Xiangxiang and Su Qiang are next to him, so I don't want to make it too ugly, so I stretched out my hand and shook it. After shaking twice, he still had no intention of letting go. I shook twice again, but he still held my hand tightly. Xiangxiang also saw my embarrassment and laughed: "Oh, you two know each other? How come you are like old acquaintances when you meet..."

Wang Qin said with a red face: "Aha! I often saw Xiaoyu before, but I never talked to her. It's hard not to know such a beautiful junior! Xiaoyu, if you don't mind, can you leave me your phone number?"

Me: "..."

Turning to look at Xiangxiang, Xiangxiang smiled and blurted out my mobile phone number, and then smiled: "I will only say it once, whether you can remember it depends on you..."

After hearing this, Wang Qin hurriedly took out his mobile phone and tapped it on it while muttering the mobile phone number he just heard. Finally, he asked Xiangxiang to check if he had entered it wrong. "Ah... touch screen mobile phones are not easy to use. I accidentally pressed the wrong one, haha."

Wang Qin smiled and turned his Nokia in his hand. But no matter how I look at it, it seems like he is bragging that his mobile phone is very trendy? "Su Qiang, what time is it?"

I didn't look at Wang Qin playing with his phone, and asked Su Qiang the time. "Oh? Let me see... it's seven fifty!"

When Su Qiang took out his iPhone, I saw Wang Qin's stiff expression from the corner of my eye. He quietly put the phone into his waist bag while no one was paying attention, as if he had never taken it out. Xiangxiang didn't notice Wang Qin's change, and continued the topic they talked about before I came: "Senior, then do you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination or work?"

"Haha, of course I want to work! I just passed the entry-level written test of a foreign company not long ago. If it weren't for my excellent test scores, undergraduates would not be admitted directly! This is a battle of thousands of troops and swords to scramble for a place! If I don't go, wouldn't it be unfair to these learned and talented people? Hahaha..."

"Oh! So awesome!"

Xiangxiang shouted in cooperation, making Su Qiang's mouth curl up and look unhappy, and I sneered at the sight. "What are you laughing at, you little bitch!"

Su Qiang came over and patted me on the head, then pinched my neck. I took the opportunity to tickle his soft spot, and the two of us wrestled and laughed. Su Qiang held me back, leaned close to my ear and whispered, "Damn! That B is so arrogant, and you helped him laugh at me!"

"Tsk! You're just jealous of Xiangxiang praising other men in front of you!"

I pointed out Su Qiang's secret thoughts that could not be hidden. "Oh my god... it's just..."

"Okay, stop making trouble! Su Qiang, if you bully Xiaoyu again, I'll kill you!"

Xiangxiang's scolding saved me. Su Qiang let me go and laughed dryly at Xiangxiang twice, then sat down on the flower bed to play with his phone. "Xiangxiang, I'm leaving too."

I said goodbye. "Well, go back to the dormitory early."

Wang Qin waved at me hurriedly and said, "Bye..."

I forced a smile to respond to him, revealing two shallow dimples, then secretly went around behind Su Qiang and slapped him hard on the back when he wasn't paying attention, scaring him before walking away. Su Qiang screamed from behind: "Ah! I was just about to pass the test, but you killed me in one blow!"

Before I got back to the dormitory, my phone received four or five text messages, all from the same strange number. The content was nothing more than some funny little humor. The content was very old-fashioned. I had seen it hundreds of years ago. He still treasured it and forwarded it like a treasure? I could tell with my feet that the owner of the number was Wang Qin. I felt a chill when I thought of his eyes hidden behind the glasses that kept swallowing strong desires and the light of possession. What a lousy "Vice President of the School Student Assistant Association". I hate these students who think they are superior officials and look down on others the most. Go out and try to show off in the society? I casually sent him a text message: "Haha, very funny!"

In fact, I just think he has no sense of humor. "Haha! Really? Guess who I am?"

The other party seemed to be very interested. It is true that you can tell the other party's mood through the text message. "Are you a senior?"

People in the senior grades like to be called seniors by the juniors. I always think this is very flattering and ugly. It should be a Taiwanese way of calling it. People speak differently. But they have to introduce it to the mainland and spread it. It's disgusting. "Haha! You are smart! How about it, do you have time tomorrow? Our association will organize a mountain climbing trip!"

Smart? I just guessed that he was a senior. "Well! Then you guys pay attention to safety!"

I said casually, will he understand that I care about him? "Okay! Thank you for your concern! I will wait for you downstairs tomorrow!"

What you fear will come true. "Ah, no, I have an appointment with a few friends to go shopping for clothes tomorrow."... After I explained many times, I finally got rid of Wang Qin's invitation, "It's so annoying!"

After returning to the dormitory, I sent the last "Bye!"

text message, threw the phone on the bed in frustration, and complained. "Oh? Xiaoyu? You're back?"

The voice of the village girl came from the dark corner of the dormitory like a ghost. It was dark, and someone was in the dormitory without turning on the lights? "Village girl, you are here! I thought no one was there!"

"Xiaoyu, what are you talking about?"

The village girl asked me tentatively. "Hey... a senior male, I won't say anything. Why don't you turn on the lights? It's dark..."

I tried to see her in the corner. "Oh... Hey, Xiaoyu... you, have you heard?"

The village girl hesitated to speak, and there was something else in her words. I can't stand her temper of not finishing her words at once. She has to keep us hanging to feel better? "What? What's the matter?"

I don't understand what she is talking about at all. "Don't know? It's Xiangxiang...she..."

The village girl reminded me, but I still didn't know anything. What happened to Xiangxiang? She's fine! At least as far as I know, nothing special happened that would make the village girl so nervous! To be honest, I am confident that Xiangxiang and I have a very close relationship. We often stick together. In winter, we often squeeze into one bed when we sleep. We hug each other to keep warm, put earplugs in and listen to music together to fall asleep. From time to time, we reveal our little secrets to each other. This is the embodiment and representation of mutual trust between girls. Xiangxiang knows my former first love boyfriend Zhang Han, but she doesn't know about Yu Ran's existence. Last semester, when she was tickling me and asked me if I had had sex in the past, I just smiled shyly with my head down. At that time, she thought that I was disappointed with Robin in college, and then I had sex with my ex-boyfriend Zhang Han when I went home during the holidays. I didn't say right or wrong, but just kept my head down and said nothing. Actually, Robin was a choice I made to escape from the past, but he gave me disappointment, grievance and resentment. I had to re-examine myself and think about how to face the past and the future, Zhang Han and Yu Ran in high school and other people and things in college. I think I have to find a balance between the two, otherwise my life will be a mess. Speaking of the village girl, seeing me shaking my head in confusion, she pulled me to her side and whispered: "Xiangxiang, there is a little scandal with someone else..."

What a joke, what kind of person is Xiangxiang, the queen of the dormitory, a person who is usually very popular among men, what's there to be nervous about having a scandal with someone, it's just some villains who fan the wind behind the back to vent their psychological distortion. "It's nothing! Xiangxiang, you know it."

Maybe there was a sense of disbelief and contempt in my tone for the news of the village girl, the village girl decided to continue to expose: "This time it's a little different... It's with, Zhang Cunzheng!"

After saying that, she pursed her lips and looked at me, looking forward to my next expression. "What?"

This time it was my turn to panic! I hurriedly grabbed the village girl's shoulders and asked, "Zhang, Zhang Cunzheng? What's going on?"

"It's Zhang Cunzheng! I heard it from a friend I know!"

The friend the village girl mentioned was a boy from one of her work sites where she cast a wide net to catch big fish. He was Zhang Cunzheng's student, or more precisely, a graduate student under Zhang Cunzheng's guidance. That's why the village girl was sure that her news was different from usual and was not a lie. "What's going on? How could it be Zhang Cunzheng! That's, the teacher!"

I felt that something was wrong. Xiangxiang, you shouldn't have a scandal with the teacher no matter what! "Zhang Cunzheng, you also know that the teacher who teaches our professional course this semester and the third year, which is the next two semesters, is almost fifty years old. He usually stares at our girls' chests in a lustful way during class!"

The village girl has always been resentful of the half-bald old man. "Country girl, stop talking nonsense. What's going on?"

I calmed down a little and asked the village girl again. "That is, my friend saw Xiangxiang coming out of Zhang Cunzheng's dormitory on campus. Her face looked... a little different, and her hair was not neat."

"Different face? Can you explain in detail what kind of difference?"

I was almost driven crazy by the village girl's way of speaking like squeezing toothpaste. "It seems she cried."

Fortunately, it was not flushing... I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that I had to find a time to talk to Xiangxiang and ask her. I must not let her be taken advantage of by that stinky old man! ...Su Qiang was not in a good mood today. I wanted to invite him to have coffee, but he said he wanted to go to the bar, so okay. Su Qiang ordered three cups of "ink" as soon as he arrived, and I ordered a blue cocktail. "Ink" is a kind of wine mixed by the boss himself. It is smooth and not spicy at all, but it has a strong aftertaste. It is quite famous in this area. The waiter was surprised and asked if we ordered the wrong thing. He didn't believe that a man and a woman could consume three glasses of "ink" and the woman ordered the wine herself. Was the man self-abuse? The wine was just served. Su Qiang grabbed the wine glass without saying a word and drank the next glass first, then "Huh..."

He exhaled and leaned back in his seat dejectedly, closed his eyes and waited for the alcohol to rise. Looking at him, I didn't say anything, but quietly took a sip of the female cocktail in front of me, which was not high in alcohol and looked like juice. The alcohol that Su Qiang expected did not rise for the time being. He took a sip from time to time. Until the second glass was halfway through, his face began to turn red, and then a green color appeared. His eyes were a little confused, and his head shook as if his neck could not support his head. "Su Qiang, what's wrong with you? If you have any sadness, just say it!"

I could feel his consciousness gradually becoming blurred from the opposite side. I wondered if I should call 120? "I...I..."

Su Qiang's eyes rolled back and forth, wanting to say something but not wanting to. "Su Qiang? Are you in any trouble?"

I asked softly. "Xiao Yu...Xiao Yu..."

Su Qiang muttered my name, raised his head and barely focused his eyes on my face, then fell towards me softly with a bitter and uncomfortable expression. I hurriedly stood up and supported him to prevent him from falling directly under the table. Then I sat next to him and touched his forehead, and asked: "Are you very sad?"

Oh my God, he misunderstood what I meant! "Xiao Yu...Wuwu...I'm so sad, it hurts so much mentally..."

Su Qiang started crying, his head fell heavily on my shoulder, tears ran down his cheeks and fell into my collar. Su Qiang's hands fell limply on both sides of his body. I am sure that his upper body was completely uncontrollable and fell towards me, but his expression was so painful, and he cried for no reason, so I didn't know how to comfort him. "Su Qiang, if you have any sadness, just say it out, don't keep it in your heart, okay?"

"Xiao Yu, don't stop me! Drink it for me! I want to drink..."

Su Qiang screamed hysterically. "I didn't stop you...ah, no, don't drink it, you can't drink it anymore! If you drink it again, you will go to the hospital!"

Seeing Su Qiang reaching out to take the half cup of "ink" on the table, I hurriedly slapped his hand away. "No, I feel better after drinking it..."

"Su Qiang, please take care of your body, okay?"

I slapped his hand that wanted to grab the wine glass again. His arm was soft and I was afraid that he couldn't even hold the wine glass. As soon as I thought of this, Su Qiang suddenly jumped up from my side like a chicken blood, rushed to the table, picked up the half cup of "ink" and drank it all, then squinted his eyes and calmed down to find the last cup of "ink". Before I could stop him, he grabbed the cup of "ink" and poured it into his mouth. I tried my best to snatch it, and he kept dodging. However, Su Qiang was much taller than me, and my head was only at his shoulder. It was very difficult for me to snatch it when he raised his head. Finally, when he was about to raise his head and drink it to the bottom, I snatched the cup and poured the wine into my mouth. "Hmm?"

Su Qiang stupidly closed his eyes and waited for the wine to flow into his throat, but found nothing, while I felt that the cup of "ink" was sour and a little bitter. I swallowed it into my stomach without feeling anything. As soon as it entered my stomach, a burning feeling began to rise from my body. "Xiaoyu! Did you drink it? You..."

Su Qiang then opened his eyes and saw me swallowing the wine. "Yeah."

I nodded and reached out to wipe the wine from my lips. "Xiaoyu? You...you...how do you feel? Tell me if you feel uncomfortable!"

Su Qiang looked at me anxiously, his face full of regret. "Su Qiang, why do you hurt yourself like this?"

I tried my best to suppress the alcohol, and took advantage of Su Qiang's temporary sobriety to ask hurriedly. "Xiaoyu...you..."

Su Qiang didn't want to talk about his own affairs, and wanted to change the subject to me. "I'm asking you!"

"Xiaoyu, I, I feel uncomfortable..."

"What's wrong?"

"Woo woo..."

Su Qiang began to sob again. "Tell me, it's okay..."

I tried to make my voice sound gentler so that he would feel like talking.

, and then pulled him back to sit on the sofa. "Wuwu...Xiaoyu...Xiaoyu, Xiangxiang..."

"Well, tell me, what happened to Xiangxiang?"

I roughly knew what he was going to say. Wasn't the purpose of asking him out today to tell him this? "She and Teacher Zhang, it seems... it seems..."

Su Qiang looked at me, frowning, and swallowed the words that came to his lips. "No seem!"

I interrupted him loudly and fiercely, with a very firm tone. The sharp eyes swept across his face and seemed to make him sober up a little. He looked at me blankly. "Xiangxiang didn't have anything with the surname Zhang! It was the surname Zhang who tried to take advantage of Xiangxiang by soft and hard, and was rejected by Xiangxiang, so he got angry and slapped Xiangxiang. Xiangxiang ran out of Zhang Cunzheng's dormitory and was seen by others!"

I told everything I knew in one breath. These were all told to me by Xiangxiang. I believe Xiangxiang would not trample on herself so much. She hugged me and cried on the bed. At that time, she would not lie to me. "Ah, oh..."

After listening to this, Su Qiang was stunned for a long time, then his eyes rolled over and he fell to the other side of the sofa drunkenly. I clearly saw that although he was drunk, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned... Then, I also felt a strong sense of alcohol rushing straight to my head, as if someone hit my head with a hammer, and I fell dizzy against Su Qiang.