
Golden Shores of Youth

This novel, narrated from the perspective of the protagonist Xiaoyu, chronicles her experiences and emotional changes from university life through to post-graduation. Xiaoyu is a woman who undergoes many ups and downs in her love life and personal journey, and her story touches on themes of friendship, love, loss, and growth. During her time at university, Xiaoyu becomes entangled in complicated emotional relationships with several male characters. Her relationship with her boyfriend Zhang Xiao is a mix of love and resentment. Zhang Xiao, burdened by his background in the underworld and a pessimistic view of the future, chooses to break up with Xiaoyu, hoping she can lead a better life. After their breakup, Xiaoyu experiences a period of confusion and loneliness, but she does not give up on searching for love. She later develops a relationship with another man, Muran, who, despite his status in the underworld, has genuine feelings for Xiaoyu and is willing to give up everything for her. Xiaoyu's friend Xiangxiang is also a significant character, sharing a deep friendship with Xiaoyu but also facing her own emotional setbacks. Xiangxiang is forced into an inappropriate relationship with Professor Zhang Cunzhen in exchange for academic success, causing her immense emotional trauma. After learning of Xiangxiang's ordeal, Xiaoyu tries her best to support and help her, but Xiangxiang ultimately chooses to run away from home, disappearing from Xiaoyu's life. In the latter part of the novel, as Xiaoyu faces Muran's departure and Xiangxiang's disappearance, she gradually learns to be strong and independent. She begins to reassess her life and future, deciding not to be swayed by emotions anymore but to take control of her own destiny. Xiaoyu's story is a journey of growth, self-discovery, and courage in the face of life's challenges.

Saibo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs


The white light of the hospital was so dazzling that it made me cry as soon as I opened my eyes. "Ah! Great! Xiaoyu, you finally woke up!"

A scream broke the silence in the room, and I turned my head to look over. It was Xiangxiang, with bloodshot eyes and swollen eyelids, and beside her was Su Qiang, who was full of concern. Seeing their painful and pitying expressions, I felt very sorry in my heart, and said with a crying voice: "Xiangxiang, I'm fine... Don't worry about me..."

But when I spoke, I found that my throat was very dry, and the tremor when I spoke made my throat itchy. I coughed for a long time, and Xiangxiang supported me, handed me water, and patted my back to relieve the breath for a long time before I could breathe. Such a violent cough made my head dizzy, and tears flashed in my eyes, but I still raised my head, rubbed my eyes, and carefully looked for the figure among the people around me. The female superintendent I had met before, and the person who looked like her leader, the school counselor, the secretary of the department, the director of the student affairs department who I had met when I listened to the school leaders speak before, and a bunch of high-ranking people from the school. In addition, there was a man who looked to be in his forties, with a calm face and a proud brow. He stood aside with a different demeanor. I thought he was another person from the police and the school. Who could it be? No matter who he was, because I was more concerned about my disappointment that I didn't find the figure I was looking for here. Would he wait for me on the bench outside the ward? The doctor must have told him that the patient was ill and needed to rest, so he would definitely wait outside the door obediently for the news that I woke up. "Xiaoyu, you're awake, tell me about your experience last night!"

The counselor and I were never familiar with each other, and I was surprised that she could call my name. The secretary of the department behind her also stared at me closely, his eyebrows twisted into a pile. I glanced at the female superintendent next to me, she smiled and nodded at me, and over her shoulder, I saw that it was already noon outside the house. This time is about right. I'm not sick anyway. I'm just nervous and tired and my body has suddenly over-exercised. I'll be fine after a night's rest. "Xiaoyu!"

The class counselor saw that I was absent-minded and shouted to wake me up. It seems that some things have made them anxious and they have to be anxious! The middle-aged man who has not expressed his opinion glanced at the school camp. The counselor looked at me hurriedly with panic. I looked at her with interest and asked, "What?"

"You, tell me about your experience last night!"

Is she interrogating me? Interrogation shouldn't be here, right? Besides, it's not her turn to question, right? So I didn't say anything, and I didn't want to say anything. With my mouth tightly closed, I needed to look haggard and injured, so I tried to think about sad things - those I had experienced, those I had seen in movies, and so on. Anyway, I tried every way to make myself feel sad and sorrowful. Suddenly I thought of death, the end of life consciousness, which was a fearful proposition that had been bothering me. My face turned pale. The man behind the police chief shook his head and said to the female police chief: "Forget it. When the patient's mood turns around, notify us immediately and pack up." After that, he left the female police chief alone and took the other men out. The school people wanted to get something out of me, but the middle-aged man obviously expressed that he was very disgusted with this, so the school leaders whispered a few words to each other and left the class counselor and the department secretary to disperse. At this time, Su Qiang spoke: "Xiao Yu, are you hungry? You haven't eaten since early in the morning. If you want to eat something, I'll buy it!" I said with difficulty: "Water...thirsty..." "Oh!" Su Qiang squatted in front of my bedside table for a long time, and looked helplessly at the middle-aged man with a cheerful temperament: "Dad! Where's the water?" The man pointed helplessly to the place behind the fruit basket on the bedside table. It turns out that there are so many people who sent me flowers and gifts that they have occupied other people's bedside tables. This man turned out to be Su Qiang's father? What's going on? No wonder Su Qiang is so well equipped! When I first met him, I thought he was just a boy from an average family. He said he had saved up money for a long time to buy an iPhone not long ago. But now it seems that this is not the case. Are the people around me unpredictable? With great curiosity, I looked at Su Qiang's father again. He also smiled faintly and nodded at me. His loving eyes indicated that rest was important, and the rest should be left to the men. After I drank the fragrant milk, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. But that milk, no matter how natural and precious it is, will never be as fragrant as the bag of milk that was heated specifically for me. Thinking of the man who heated the milk for me, the man who drank milk with me and was "facially shot" by me, I laughed, laughed and cried, and tears could not stop flowing down my cheeks. However, the laughter and crying were all suppressed in my heart. There are outsiders here, and I can't show it. I could only sleep very sweetly, peacefully and soundly. Forcing yourself to sleep is a very painful thing, and forcing yourself to sleep beyond the limit of your body's tolerance is a thing that makes girls have endocrine disorders, unbalanced blood and qi, bad complexion and weak body! I accidentally slept until the evening, and now I am starving. Xiangxiang and Su Qiang ordered a lot of delicious food from the hospital's catering department, and the dean came to visit my condition many times during my coma, which really made me speechless for a long time - I have no relatives or friends with the old man, and we originally lived in cities thousands of miles apart. Is it because of a case? The hospital receives more than a thousand people who cause trouble every day, and that's because of Su Qiang's father! I think this explanation is very reasonable. And thinking about this link also consumed a lot of my brain cells. I am really dizzy now, and my head feels sticky and thick, so it moves very slowly. The energy I had from oversleeping was also consumed, and now I was much more energetic. Xiangxiang and Suqiang saw me and hurriedly helped me up and fed me food spoonful by spoonful. The two of them hurriedly stuffed all kinds of food that the hospital thought was edible into my mouth, and I was embarrassed to refuse their enthusiasm, which really made me miserable... "This, Xiangxiang... I really, really can't eat it anymore..."

"No! Xiaoyu, you must eat more!"

Xiangxiang stared at me seriously, making me feel like I was having a farewell meal. Turning my head to avoid the chicken fillet handed over by Suqiang, Xiangxiang immediately took advantage of the opportunity to pinch a small tomato and stuffed it into my mouth. "Okay, she doesn't want to eat, so don't make things difficult for her."

A deep and pleasant voice sounded, and it was Suqiang's father who spoke. "Oh."

Suqiang and Xiangxiang both put down their bowls and chopsticks obediently and stood aside to let Suqiang's father go. Suqiang's father walked straight to my sickbed, and his gentle face looked very kind. "Are you feeling better?"

I nodded. "Then get up, I'll take you there..."

He left the ward and said to someone in the corridor, "Get the car."

Xiangxiang and Su Qiang helped me get dressed. In fact, I slept in my clothes, too, with just one more coat at most. The three of us got into Su Qiang's father's car, which was wide and soft, and the interior decoration was also extremely luxurious. The all-round stereo light music brought by Dolby Car was like a warm current flowing into my dry heart. As expected, I was sent to the police station. As I walked along the way, everyone in the corridor was busy walking around, and some of them were jogging. The police uncles and aunts who were usually amiable in my impression now looked at me with eyes like a sharp knife piercing my eyes, sharp and sharp. Sitting in the interrogation room, three people looked at me - two policemen, a man and a woman in front, young, and a middle-aged man in the back, who didn't say anything, but just stared at me slowly. The young police asked me questions one after another, nothing more than "Where were you when the crime happened?"

"What clues do you have?" and so on. I told him about the process of receiving the call and running to the police, and said I didn't know anything else. The middle-aged man kept watching every move of my upper body, and I could only say sorry, I have seen "lietome" and know what you want to see. "When the crime happened, you received a call for help, do you know who called?"

"I couldn't hear it clearly."

"Who do you think it was?"

"I don't know. Maybe a stranger."

"Miss Xiaoyu, this person is not a stranger to you, and he is very familiar with you."

The middle-aged policeman behind me spoke, looking at me with a playful expression, as if they knew everything and were waiting for me to confess. "Oh. I don't know much."

Because I had a guess in my heart and it was about to be confirmed, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated, causing my lips to tremble during this conversation, which is a big taboo! I cursed myself inwardly. How could I realize my childhood dream of becoming a movie queen with such poor acting skills? "Think about it carefully..."

The young policewoman kindly reminded me. I shook my head, frowning slightly, showing an expression of being very upset and physically uncomfortable. "Yeah."

The male policeman behind me said in a deep voice, and when the two people in front turned their heads to look, he gave the young male policeman a look. The young male police understood and opened a file on the table in front of him and read: "At 1:12 am on X-month-X-year, a charred male corpse was found on Wenlao Mountain behind the Confucius Temple in the suburbs of the city. After on-site forensic examination, the man's height... suspected to have been cut by a sharp weapon before the victim, his wrists and ankles were cut off, and there were serious bruises on his body. There were deep indentations under the neck of the male corpse and his chest was sunken. It was suspected that he was strangled to death by a thin rope. Later, the criminal suspect poured gasoline around the scene to cover up the scene and destroyed the body. Fortunately, the special service team arrived in time..." After the male police finished reading, the three people stared at me in silence. I also sat quietly, thinking about my own thoughts: recalling relaxing music, imagining the scene of the crime, recalling the novels I had read, imagining the charred body... I tried my best not to think about the case, but I was hooked and kept describing those scenes in my mind... "Ms. Xiaoyu, can you provide us with any clues?" The female police asked. Madam? Ha, it's really funny. The first time I was called that, I almost burst out laughing, but the unusual heaviness in my heart still oppressed me and I couldn't make any gestures that indicated joy. "I don't think I know him."

I calmed my breath and answered slowly. "According to your mobile phone communication records, you made two calls at the time of the incident. Do you know who called you?"

"I don't know. You also saw that those two were strangers."

"Tell me who you often hang out with recently!"

The old male police officer spoke with a sullen face. "Xiangxiang, Su Qiang and others."

"Anyone else?"

"And all teachers and classmates."

"What about those outside the school?"

I was startled. Are they talking about Yu Ran? But he still insisted, "No more."

"You'd better tell the truth."

"No more."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, we'll go check. I hope you don't hide it. The national law clearly stipulates that those who know about the case but don't report it will be punished..."

Want to scare me? It really scared me, but it was only for a second or two. What I care most about now is whether Yu Ran is okay? So I asked timidly, "Excuse me, do you know who died?"

The three of them stared at my face, as if three black gun muzzles were pointed at me. As long as I made any unusual movements, they would shoot without hesitation. I looked ahead expectantly, constantly reminding myself: my eyes should be pure, haggard, delicate, and tired... After a while, the middle-aged male police officer said: "Sorry, no comment."

This was the turning point of the trial tonight. After that, I responded to all the questions with three-character classics: Sorry, I don't know, I'm not sure... And the most clear thing to me is: with Su Qiang's father here, they won't force me to confess. Because even the road from the hospital to the police station was taken by Su Qiang's father's private car, which shows how much authority he has, so my attitude is also unusually firm. At the end of the trial, I saw that the other party didn't want to ask questions anymore, but they still insisted on asking some topics and guiding me because of their duties. When it was almost over, someone knocked on the door, and then opened the door without waiting for a response and said: "X University girl Xiaoyu, you can go now."

It was over, and I got up and went out without saying anything. Looking at the expressions of the three people who were unsatisfied when they didn't get anything useful from me, I ignored them with disdain. When I walked out and passed the confinement area, Xiangxiang and Suqiang were already waiting for me there. When Xiangxiang saw me, she rushed over and hugged me tightly, crying and saying, "Xiaoyu... Xiaoyu... Are you okay?... Okay, okay, let's go home, let's go home, it's okay, dear..."

She started crying as she spoke, tears streaming down her face, which made my nose sore. I remembered the feeling of being interrogated just now. Not only was I wronged and kneeling, but I also couldn't show my true colors. I was so nervous. Now I was in Xiangxiang's arms, feeling so relaxed and warm. I finally relaxed my tense nerves. I was overwhelmed with emotions. I hugged Xiangxiang and cried. Suqiang handed us tissues, and when we didn't reach out to take them, he wiped our tears and snot like a nanny... Suqiang's father came over from a distance, and his face immediately darkened when he saw this. He asked someone behind him with dissatisfaction, "What's going on?"


The man was stunned for a moment. "Did you use extreme measures?"

Su Qiang's father's tone began to turn unfriendly. "Ah? No, no! Absolutely not! I can guarantee it!"

After the man finished speaking, he quickly whispered a few words into Su Qiang's father's ear, and Su Qiang's father's expression eased a little. Then he said goodbye to the man and led us downstairs to the car. I knew we were going to Su Qiang's house. The driver drove very slowly and steadily along the way, and he was not impatient when he stopped and started at the traffic lights, showing a very elegant and gentlemanly cultivation. Su Qiang's father talked to us about daily matters, and asked me about the various customs and habits of my hometown with an interested look, and then he also carefully explained to me the strange people and things here. I knew he wanted to relieve my pressure and try to create a relaxed and comfortable environment so that I would not leave the trauma of being in the police station in my heart. I didn't care, because I was more concerned about his situation. When we arrived at Su Qiang's house, it was a very large villa. It is said that Xiangxiang has only come here once. Usually Su Qiang and his family live in a view house in the city, and only come to this suburban villa to relax on weekends. Usually only the two elders live here. Su Qiang's mother is also here. I guess she came here specially to welcome me. The hot water is ready. Let's go wash off the smell of the police first. Su Qiang was arranged by his mother to the bathroom on the first floor, Xiangxiang on the second floor, and I on the third floor, while Su Qiang's father went to the bathroom in the bedroom. Su Qiang's mother took me to the third floor and personally reached out to test the water temperature for me, then sprinkled dried fragrant petals in the bathtub, helped me set the massage water flow on the bathtub electronic control, and then leaned close to my ear and whispered: "After washing and dressing, go directly to the innermost study on the third floor, the one with the mahogany door." Then she put down a clean and tidy nightgown and left. Stepping into the bathtub with rolling waves, the soft water flowing over my skin made me feel itchy. I tensed my body for a while before I slowly adapted. Then I saw a lot of various bath products piled up next to the bathtub. The trademarks of various famous brands were simply dazzling. I was so excited that I immediately started washing... After washing, I opened the door of the study on the third floor according to the prompts. A pleasant fragrance immediately penetrated my lungs. "What a good fragrance..."

I couldn't help but sigh. "Indian Manro."

A man was sitting at a desk not far away, looking at me with a smile. "Uncle, you called me here, what's the matter?"

A middle-aged man in a suit and a girl in a nightgown after bathing, God knows this

How ambiguous the camera is! "Xiaoyu, come and sit down first."

Su Qiang's father pointed to a set of sofas beside him and said. I walked over and sat down properly. I had an indescribable feeling, as if sitting here was more nervous than sitting in the police interrogation room. Su Qiang's father said to me: "Tell me, who do you think he is?"


I didn't understand his deep meaning for a while. "The deceased. I think you should know him."

He smiled faintly, and his soft voice was very pleasant, but it was useless to try to get me to talk! Seeing that I didn't want to speak, Su Qiang's father was silent for a while, and then said: "Do you know who the person who came with me to the police station today is?"

I shook my head. He laughed and said: "It's the director."

There was no smile of showing off, it was just for the sake of laughing. I understood that the status of the police chief in front of him was so low that he would make the other party nervous and flattering if he frowned casually. The current atmosphere is more like an interested elder who wants to know about me, rather than trying to get clues for the police. I looked at him steadily and smiled with him. "If you don't want to say it, forget it. I can tell you clearly that the police still don't know the identity of the deceased."

Su Qiang's father's words, in a gentle and indifferent tone, exploded in my ears like a heavy bomb, and for a moment, the dirt in my heart was blown up and filled with smoke. So that's it! If what he said is true, then the people sent by the school to the ward are just to understand my situation, not to find out information about Wang Qin who has disappeared or has been victimized? The police just want to defraud me? They have no way to start with a charred body, and they didn't find any valuable clues at the scene, so they had to use me as the entry point for the case. Even though I knew the identity of the deceased was Wang Qin, as a suspect, I was able to provide a perfect alibi by appearing at the police station near the school at the time of death. In fact, I was not even an accomplice, and there would be no loopholes in my heart, so I was very safe. Thinking of the call I received when I was about to reach the police station, he had considered everything for me? The calm voice continued to sound: "The police found two unknown numbers through your phone, and they were also nameless cards."

Su Qiang's father was actually helping me solve my doubts? Or did he want to play the long game? Should I believe it or not? "You did a good job, Xiaoyu."

Su Qiang's father's voice came again, it seemed very profound, as if he saw through everything...