
Golden Shores of Youth

This novel, narrated from the perspective of the protagonist Xiaoyu, chronicles her experiences and emotional changes from university life through to post-graduation. Xiaoyu is a woman who undergoes many ups and downs in her love life and personal journey, and her story touches on themes of friendship, love, loss, and growth. During her time at university, Xiaoyu becomes entangled in complicated emotional relationships with several male characters. Her relationship with her boyfriend Zhang Xiao is a mix of love and resentment. Zhang Xiao, burdened by his background in the underworld and a pessimistic view of the future, chooses to break up with Xiaoyu, hoping she can lead a better life. After their breakup, Xiaoyu experiences a period of confusion and loneliness, but she does not give up on searching for love. She later develops a relationship with another man, Muran, who, despite his status in the underworld, has genuine feelings for Xiaoyu and is willing to give up everything for her. Xiaoyu's friend Xiangxiang is also a significant character, sharing a deep friendship with Xiaoyu but also facing her own emotional setbacks. Xiangxiang is forced into an inappropriate relationship with Professor Zhang Cunzhen in exchange for academic success, causing her immense emotional trauma. After learning of Xiangxiang's ordeal, Xiaoyu tries her best to support and help her, but Xiangxiang ultimately chooses to run away from home, disappearing from Xiaoyu's life. In the latter part of the novel, as Xiaoyu faces Muran's departure and Xiangxiang's disappearance, she gradually learns to be strong and independent. She begins to reassess her life and future, deciding not to be swayed by emotions anymore but to take control of her own destiny. Xiaoyu's story is a journey of growth, self-discovery, and courage in the face of life's challenges.

Saibo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Man, My Man (Next)

After returning to school, Yu Ran refused to let me touch the luggage. He insisted that I carry it myself and that I could just eat what I didn't finish on the train. I watched him carrying, slinging, carrying, and dragging until his waist was bent with exhaustion. I couldn't help but ask myself if I had packed too much luggage. He only had one travel bag, while I had three, not to mention the full-stuffed women's shoulder bag on my shoulder… Walking on the road on campus, the scorching sun at noon was really scorching. Seeing the oil and sweat stains on Yu Ran's forehead, I quickly tore open a wet towel and wiped it for him. It's just after the winter vacation, why is the weather so hot today? I wiped his head hard, otherwise the oil secreted by the skin would be difficult to wipe off and absorb on the tissue, and the white wet towel would get dirty with just one wipe. Yu Ran watched me throw away the dirty tissue in my hand and smiled at me embarrassedly. "What are you laughing at?"

Seeing his silly character, the girls passing by all covered their mouths and laughed. "Hehe, I made you dirty..."

"What are you talking about? You helped me carry so many things, I don't even know how to thank you..."

After saying that, I thought it was bad. He asked me to marry him, so how could I say it back? But Yu Ran was obviously not the kind of person who would say some boring words to embarrass me. He just said very seriously: "I don't want you to thank me, Xiaoyu."


What he said was different from what I expected, and I couldn't figure it out for a while. "I don't want too much gratitude between you and me... I didn't do this for you to thank me. Maybe I will feel better if I do this... I am also doing it for my own good."

Yu Ran's words Yu Ran's logic was a bit difficult for me to understand and accept in a short period of time. Maybe my brain couldn't keep up with his speed of reasoning. I said "oh" and closed my mouth and walked silently. "Xiaoyu, I'm thirsty."

"Oh, I'll go buy some water."

When I looked up at the building and recalled where there was a convenience store nearby, Yu Ran spoke again. "I want to eat apples. These apples are very juicy!"


I quickly took out the apples and handed them to him. I rarely served others since I was a child. When I was with Zhang Han in high school, he served me a lot. But there was a problem. Yu Ran's hands were not idle, and even his shoulders were burdened. How could I expect him to eat apples by himself? "Here, let me carry the computer!"

I reached out to hook the shoulder strap of his computer bag. "No, I want you to feed me..."

Yu Ran dodged my hand and looked at me with a smile on his face. Huh? This is my campus! It would be so embarrassing to be seen by someone I know! After all, Yu Ran is a lifelong face, how can I explain this situation? I have been single since Robin and I had a falling out in college. Now I am not used to the sudden appearance of a boyfriend! It turns out that love will become unfamiliar if you don't touch it for a long time. I need to find that feeling. Yu Ran insisted on me feeding him an apple. I stuffed the apple into his mouth but he couldn't chew it. His teeth always slipped and he bit it. I seriously suspected that he was pretending! "Just bite it off and give it to me!"

Yu Ran kindly made a bad suggestion. "That's so embarrassing..."

"What's embarrassing about that? We are an old couple..."

Yu Ran snorted and said with disdain. After a long quarrel, there was no way. He urged me to eat in a hurry. Seeing that there was no one around the tree-lined path, I bit off the apple and spit it out in my hand and then passed it to his mouth to feed him. Fortunately, Yu Ran didn't say "Yeah" or cheer or anything. He calmly chewed the apple pieces I handed to him. Sometimes I would take a bite first when I wanted to eat it myself, and then feed him when he urged me to eat it. Finally, I finished feeding him the apple. As we were walking, Yu Ran came again: "Xiao Yu, I want to listen to music!"

I was stunned. I took out my Walkman and hung it around his neck and helped him put on the earphones. After listening for a while, he stopped listening again! "Why are they all old songs?"

"Old songs are nice!"

"I don't want to listen anymore!"

Okay, if you don't want to listen, then don't listen. I'll just put it away. As we were walking, Yu Ran came again - "Xiao Yu, I want to hear you sing!"


I felt like I was hallucinating! Yu Ran actually wanted me to sing for him! To be honest, although I like music, I don't open my throat. I'm always unconfident and feel that my voice is not good. Then I always listen to very few people singing in KTV, unlike those microphone tyrants who grab the microphone and arrange the microphone order and finally everyone quarrels. It's really unreasonable: Will I die if I take turns singing? I never argue, usually I just sit in a corner or in a group of girls, chatting with people around me, and basically I have nothing to do that night. Sometimes they ask me to sing, but I can't help but sing, but it seems that no one says that my singing is bad or encourages me. I feel that they may think that my singing is out of tune or not good, and they want to keep a name for me and not expose me, so no one has any opinions to express... After listening to me singing a section of Karen Mok's "First Love", Yu Ran clapped his hands vigorously, shouting "Good! Good!"

, I was really flattered and looked at him. For a moment, I was speechless and blushed and didn't know what to say. It is difficult for Yu Ran to clap - specifically, his body will consume a lot of energy when doing this action, but in this hot weather, when he was sweating and exhausted, he actually applauded and cheered for my singing with all his strength, which really touched me. He didn't say it, but his heart was definitely sweet! It tastes as sweet as a man drinking a girl's juice, but it's definitely not like a woman drinking a man's juice... Yu Ran sent me to the dormitory building. The aunt guarding the dormitory didn't let him go up, so he waited downstairs for me to carry my luggage up one by one. I carried it three times before I finished packing. Only Xuejiu came early in the dormitory. I heard that he had signed up for a study class and had been studying for half a month. I know Cun Gu and Xiang Xiang. They are definitely the kind of people who won't show up until the ultimatum. I put my things down and wiped my face and hurried downstairs. When I closed the door, Xuejiu seemed to ask me if I wanted to eat together. I vaguely shouted "Don't worry about me" and hurried downstairs. I was afraid that he would be idle and tease other girls, but according to my secret observation, he was still very well-behaved. I guess he didn't take the initiative to flirt with other girls in school. Why do I have to think so much? How much does it have to do with me whether he flirts with other girls? Do I care about his private life? I questioned myself over and over again, but I couldn't get any answers. I wanted to sneak behind him to scare him but failed. "Yu Ran, do you think the girl's legs in front are pretty?"

We held hands tightly and swung them vigorously. I asked him with a smile. "Not pretty! Not as pretty as Xiaoyu at all. It would be so nice if Xiaoyu was my daughter..."

"Ah! Here you go again. What nonsense are you talking about! How can I compare to her... Look at her legs, they are thin and well-proportioned, without any fat!"

"Xiaoyu doesn't have them either!"

"I do!"

"That's even better. There should be some meat on the legs to make them look and feel comfortable! I like Xiaoyu's legs the most..."

Yu Ran said as he leaned on me, lifted my chin and quickly kissed me on the lips. "Oh, you're so bad!"

He and I played and played all the way while eating. Yu Ran was clamoring to experience the flavor of our school cafeteria, saying that he wanted to see what kind of food I had eaten in a foreign land over the years, and whether I could get used to it. I asked myself that my ability to adapt was quite good, much better than many delicate girls. When I came here, many people caught a cold today, had a fever tomorrow, and had diarrhea the day after tomorrow, but I was still normal... I took Yu Ran to the second floor of the cafeteria to order food and set up a small table. I was extravagant. After finding a seat and ordering food, I went to deliver the menu while Yu Ran went to get the drinks. Just write the table number on the menu and give it to the chef. They will make it and ask the waiter to bring it over. But I forgot that you have to swipe your meal card to buy drinks in the cafeteria, not cash... Oh, Yu Ran was borrowing a meal card from a girl in the distance, probably explaining that he would pay her back in cash. The girl smiled and handed the card to Yu Ran. He seems to be very popular with women! Some men are not bad at heart, but they are intimidating to girls. It's not that they are ugly or fierce, but they are just not pleasing to the eye. Yu Ran's signature sunny smile is really lethal! And it applies to women of any age... Even men will have a doubled impression of him! But I think the uninvited guest in front of me will never think so. "Wang Qin? You, why are you here?"

I was stunned! Didn't he say that he was training in the company during the holiday? Why did he come to the school cafeteria to eat? I hurriedly looked over - Yu Ran was chatting with the girl in the distance, waiting for the waiter to get a drink from the soda machine. "Why can't I come? Ha, the company's winter vacation training is over, and I can go to work at the end of June!"

Wang Qin showed a proud smile. "Oh, then congratulations."

I said it without thinking. "Haha, congratulations. When the time comes, I will save some money, then borrow some from my family, buy a white-collar apartment in XXX, and then buy a car..."

Wang Qin began to build his happy and successful workplace and future in his fantasy. "Didn't you go back home for the Spring Festival this year?"

I interrupted his idea and asked curiously. "No! What's the point of going back? Isn't it just to have a meal, set off firecrackers and watch the Spring Festival Gala? What's the point?"

Wang Qin raised his eyebrows disdainfully, and at this time Yu Ran came over. Yu Ran held two large cups in both hands, which were paper cups for drinks like those in KFC, and looked at me in disbelief. He raised his two index fingers and pointed at Wang Qin who was facing away from him, opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. It's bad, Wang Qin must ruin my business! I haven't met him too much, but I know that he is definitely not a good person from the bottom of his heart! "Ah! Yu Ran, come here, sit here!"

I waved my hand and patted the seat next to me and said. Yu Ran was going to sit opposite me, but that place was occupied by Wang Qin, so he sat next to me and squeezed in with me. Wang Qin was stunned when he saw Yu Ran, and then a trace of gloom flashed in his eyes, which was not easy to detect. He quickly concealed it and said to me politely: "Look how crowded it is! Come, sit over here!"

Wang Qin said as he pulled a chair behind him to his side. "No, I'm fine here."

I spoke coldly and wanted to tell Yu Ran and Wang Qin my position. "Then come over and sit! It's not good to squeeze other girls!"

Wang Qin said to Yu Ran again. Yu Ran is a person who hates others to use imperative sentences to him the most. Although he usually treats me with affection, he actually has a lot of ideas in his mind, but he just doesn't want to say it out. At this time, he just looked up and glanced at Wang Qin, and then ignored his existence and talked to me about his hometown. Wang Qin looked at me and Yu Ran chatting, his face was not good, and he stared at us without saying a word. When the dishes came, Yu Ran picked some for me to eat. I saw Wang Qin sitting alone opposite me, as if he was holding back his anger, so I invited him to eat some. Wang Qin looked at our dishes, shook his head with disdain, stood up, shook his straight suit and said, "Xiao Yu, I'll treat you to the newly launched garden dinner at Dingsheng Hotel this weekend."

After saying that, he glanced at Yu Ran and left. Yu Ran asked me if I would go there on the weekend while eating. I said of course not, could he afford it? "Then if he can afford it, will you go?"

Yu Ran looked at me with a half-smile. "Go to hell! Am I that kind of person?"

I smiled and stuffed some enoki mushrooms into his mouth with chopsticks. "Haha, you can't say for sure!"

Yu Ran said with a smile, but I found that his eyes flickered, and then a faint sense of sadness filled his eyes, but it disappeared after he calmed down a little. After dinner, I said I would take Yu Ran out for a walk. Actually, I knew it was like asking him to go out with me, but he still agreed. When we were leaving the cafeteria, Yu Ran suddenly said, "Xiao Yu, don't get involved with that guy anymore."

I nodded obediently, "Yeah, I know. He's the one who always comes to bother me all day, and I'm quite disgusted with him..."

It's not just me, Su Qiang is the same. I don't know what Xiang Xiang was bewitched by that he actually introduced me to him! This is not a very sisterly thing to do... But I think she is doing it for my own good. She and Su Qiang are together all day long. Seeing me alone and helpless, she is determined to match me with this and that... Because of her, I have more than 50 unfamiliar mobile phone numbers in my phone in a year, all of which are men. During holidays, they send me text messages all the time, which makes me shut down my phone when I reply... Most of them get along with me in a friendly and harmonious way. I can be said to have gained a lot of connections. If I need help, they will never hesitate to ask them. Only a few who were too emotional found their other half after I rejected them. I think they date girls to make up for the emptiness. But Wang Qin kept pestering me after I said I was not interested in him. I was very annoyed with him. Although he did not do anything out of the ordinary to me, I was just a little wary and did not think too much about it. Until... that night. Yu Ran stayed in a hotel near our school for seven nights and was about to go back. The second semester of the second year of college has just begun. I haven't started studying yet. The new books haven't arrived yet. Everyone has nothing to do all day. I often skip classes to find Yu Ran and take him to play in this city and the surrounding areas. Xiangxiang and the other village girls don't know about Yu Ran's existence for the time being. They just suspect that I am in love. Maybe it's because we are going to separate. Yu Ran often stays with me quietly these days. Every evening we walk around the campus together and go to the road park for a walk. He said that he likes to watch the sunset the most, so I take his arm and walk with him slowly. The cool evening breeze lifts my hair and sprinkles it on his chest. He gently catches a strand, holds it in his palm and combs it carefully for me. "Yu Ran, do you know that you are so handsome sometimes..."

I hold his face and whisper softly. "When?"

Yu Ran laughed and leaned over to kiss me on the forehead. "Standing in the evening breeze... Do you know that I also love to watch the scenery at dusk, which is magnificent, meaningful, slightly desolate but also soul-stirring..."

"Yeah, silly girl..."


Our lips touched and ignited the flame that had been brewing in our hearts for a long time. We kissed madly, lips and teeth intertwined, saliva overflowing, Yu Ran's hands hugged and rubbed me from behind, as if he wanted to squeeze me tightly into his body. Yu Ran said that the train the day after tomorrow morning, the return ticket at this time is easy to buy, he had already bought the ticket when I was in class the day before yesterday, and it would be OK to buy some food on the train tomorrow. There was a trace of reluctance in my heart, entangled with Yu Ran, I didn't want him to leave, I was afraid of his loneliness after leaving, but I knew that it was rare for him to accompany me these days. Although his purpose of coming here was to make love with me, he had to endure the hardship of acclimatization. The altitude, time difference, and air pressure of the two cities were very different. The climate, customs, and people were even more different. Yu Ran wanted to know what my living environment was like in the past four years, so he came - he tried very hard to remember the scenery I took him through, the houses, gardens, street scenes, and amusement parks. Yu Ran memorized all the places we went to very carefully. He said that in the future, when chatting with me, he could talk more about the city where I went to college and he would not be unable to continue the topic. "Silly, Baidu will do!"

"No! Don't you know that the information above is updated very slowly! And it's not very accurate!"

"Haha, you are the only one who is accurate, okay?"

After walking on the street, I accompanied Yu Ran to his hotel room. Yu Ran hugged me and threw me on the soft Simmons mattress, and then pressed his whole body on me. "Take a shower first! Oh... No, it's dirty there, don't lick it randomly... Ah... Help, pervert..."

"Hehe, never mind, it's okay, Xiaoyu, I don't mind you being dirty, why are you embarrassed?"

"What about you! If you don't wash your body, it will smell so bad..."

I said with a red face. I don't know why, when I smell the smell of his lower body, my heart beats faster. It's a very erotic smell. I can't say whether it's fragrant or smelly, but it makes me think about doing that thing. Yu Ran doesn't care whether I am clean or dirty, but he pays great attention to his hygiene. He was originally in a state of lust and wanted to do drastic things, but after I said that, he ran into the bathroom to wash shyly. "Hmph, he must have gone in to get some water and then came out..."

As if to verify what I said, Yu Ran opened the door and rushed towards me, without even a bath towel around him. Was he so greedy? Just like a starving person seeing a hot bun... The ending was very tragic. The starving person leaned on the hot bun and struggled up and down, in and out, squeezing and deforming the hot bun every time, and the other soft parts of the hot bun did not escape the clutches of the starving person. They squeezed, kneaded, twisted, and pulled it in every possible way. Honey splashed, and the groaning continued. The battlefields frequently switched, and the battle became more and more intense. Finally, we tensed our bodies to welcome the intensive charge and the release of comfort and joy, reaching the peak of the waves, and getting the crispness of falling into the clouds of the fairyland. Our souls have entered a state of ecstasy and oblivion. Here, there are only two bodies entangled with each other, seeking pleasure, tirelessly, without knowing the time... Here, in this room, in this world that belongs only to Yu Ran and I - some are just sweating and working hard, he is hardworking, strong and capable. Some are just silent and lingering, she is gentle, delicate and considerate. Some are our reluctance to part and our nostalgia for the new marriage... After we were released together for the last time, Yu Ran and I both shed tears.