
Golden Shores of Youth

This novel, narrated from the perspective of the protagonist Xiaoyu, chronicles her experiences and emotional changes from university life through to post-graduation. Xiaoyu is a woman who undergoes many ups and downs in her love life and personal journey, and her story touches on themes of friendship, love, loss, and growth. During her time at university, Xiaoyu becomes entangled in complicated emotional relationships with several male characters. Her relationship with her boyfriend Zhang Xiao is a mix of love and resentment. Zhang Xiao, burdened by his background in the underworld and a pessimistic view of the future, chooses to break up with Xiaoyu, hoping she can lead a better life. After their breakup, Xiaoyu experiences a period of confusion and loneliness, but she does not give up on searching for love. She later develops a relationship with another man, Muran, who, despite his status in the underworld, has genuine feelings for Xiaoyu and is willing to give up everything for her. Xiaoyu's friend Xiangxiang is also a significant character, sharing a deep friendship with Xiaoyu but also facing her own emotional setbacks. Xiangxiang is forced into an inappropriate relationship with Professor Zhang Cunzhen in exchange for academic success, causing her immense emotional trauma. After learning of Xiangxiang's ordeal, Xiaoyu tries her best to support and help her, but Xiangxiang ultimately chooses to run away from home, disappearing from Xiaoyu's life. In the latter part of the novel, as Xiaoyu faces Muran's departure and Xiangxiang's disappearance, she gradually learns to be strong and independent. She begins to reassess her life and future, deciding not to be swayed by emotions anymore but to take control of her own destiny. Xiaoyu's story is a journey of growth, self-discovery, and courage in the face of life's challenges.

Saibo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Eliminating the Pain of Children

The date we made an appointment with the gynecologist, Grandma Chen, was Thursday. After going out early and queuing up for an appointment with a specialist, we knocked on the door and stepped into the clinic as scheduled.

Without asking too many questions, everyone understood each other tacitly. Grandma Chen routinely gave us the test, physical examination, and hospitalization orders and then left for the time being.

According to the plan, the abortion was to be done at 8 o'clock tonight. After the operation, she would be discharged from the hospital after two days of hospitalization. Xiangxiang often stayed away from home for three to five days on weekdays, so she didn't have to bother to hide it from her family.

Blood routine, stool routine, electrocardiogram... a lot of things, we were busy and we were exhausted. We couldn't help but sigh that the hospital was really like a maze. It took a long time to find any department.

As the saying goes, "Good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone." When we got the physical examination and laboratory analysis order, we were scared to death!

More than ten kinds of rashes and tineas that we had never heard of were all marked positive, including tinea corporis, tinea unguium, tinea moniliformis, herpes simplex erythematosus, cryptococcosis, etc. Just looking at the names made me feel inexplicably nauseous.

Xiangxiang was so scared that she almost fainted. A girl who took skin care as her top priority and whose beauty was her life, was actually infected with so many horrible skin rashes. It was like a virus mother bank. Even I couldn't help but take a breath of cold air...

Xiangxiang retracted her hand that was holding mine, her eyes were red and she couldn't speak. But I felt very distressed.

Without hesitation, I quickly pulled Xiangxiang's hands, and then put them together in my palms. Her two fists were tightly clenched together, and I covered them firmly with my hands. Before she could struggle too much, I kissed her on the cheek like a "chicken pecking at rice".

Xiangxiang's cheeks were immediately flushed, and she lowered her head shyly, not knowing where to look. Others may think that we are doing lesbian things in public, but I just want Xiangxiang to know that no matter what terrible disease she has, I will not despise her. It doesn't matter if it is an infectious disease, I will never abandon her!

"Okay, let's go ask Granny Chen if this will affect the infection during the abortion..."

I walked in front holding Xiangxiang's hand, but she didn't speak the whole time, looking worried.


Granny Chen frowned when she took Xiangxiang's test report, and my heart skipped a beat. Don't tell me that I have to cure these diseases before I can have an abortion! Although I can't name these diseases, I still know that they are real chronic diseases. They can't be cured without years of hard work, otherwise there wouldn't be so many small advertisements everywhere in newspapers and books.

Granny Chen thought for a moment, then said, "The operation must continue tonight, and it cannot be delayed. The later it is, the greater the damage to the body, and the more likely it is to leave sequelae, and it will be difficult to remove the root of depression. Most of these are skin diseases in other parts of the body, that is, tinea corporis and tinea cruris are closer, but don't be afraid, children, this tinea will not grow into the genitals. The leucorrhea secreted by us women can sterilize and disinfect. The most natural is the best, which is much more effective than many external medicines! Before the operation tonight, I will wash you with special medicine. After the warm uterus, your body will recover. You should go to the 72nd Hospital to treat your skin as soon as possible. They are good at this!"

"72nd Hospital..."

I remembered silently.

Xiangxiang nodded with empty eyes. Granny Chen looked at her, rubbed her head and said, "Don't think too much, it's okay! You just got infected, the condition is mild, and you will get better soon with external and internal medication plus psychological adjustment! Remember, skin diseases also need psychological treatment. You can't be discouraged. First of all, you have to cheer up! Have the confidence and courage to fight the disease..."

Xiangxiang raised her head, stared at Granny Chen, smiled firmly, and then turned to look at me. I nodded with relief, and Xiangxiang's eyes gradually became clear.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, after I signed Xiangxiang's surgery contract, Xiangxiang stepped into the operating area. The nurse closed the isolation door, and I sat on the bench in the corridor outside the door and waited.

The corridor lights in the hospital are still so pale, why not use some warm colors? Maybe it's because fluorescent lamps are cheap and durable... I was thinking wildly in my mind.

However, some gynecologists perform three or four abortions every day, and I don't know how many girls go to the hospital every day to scrape out the unfortunate fruit in their bodies. Grandma Chen is a time-honored expert, and I am very confident in Xiangxiang. At least she will not be left infertile or bleeding beyond rescue by the newly established private hospital as reported...

When the patient is undergoing surgery, the relatives and friends waiting outside the door are always more worried and anxious than the patient, especially when the patient needs anesthesia and falls asleep directly. When you wake up from a sleep and sweat, and glance at the side of the white cloth to see the doctors and nurses packing up the knives and forceps, you feel relieved and liberated as if you have been pardoned, and then the young nurse slowly takes you out of the room, and in an instant your operating cart is surrounded by relatives and friends with tears in their eyes. Everyone hides their haggardness and anxiety before you come out, and replaces them with a forced smile and warm encouragement.

At this time, it seems that you have become a hero who has defeated the disease, and the relatives and friends around you are the green leaves cheering for you...

But do you know? How did your relatives and friends endure the few hours when you were asleep? Do you know how much they love you? Behind the closed door is a situation that they can't imagine or dare to imagine. Although it is a place with warm and fresh air conditioning, bright and clean floor-to-ceiling windows, and meticulous disinfection, in the hearts of people outside the door, it is a dark and unbelievable hell.

The tears of love mixed with all kinds of worries, speculations and pain in the heart filled the eyes of the people outside the door; and how can small eyes carry the boundless love? A mother next to me cried silently.

She didn't dare to cry loudly, so she tried her best to suppress it. Her shoulders trembled briefly and violently, just like her trembling heart.

I sat next to her and gently stroked her back to relieve her breath. After a long time, she finally recovered and looked at me gratefully.

I smiled faintly, and we didn't say anything. There is no need for words here. No matter you are a high-ranking official or a poor and silent peasant, everyone is the same here.

Put away your illustrious background and your humble words. Here, each other is the straw that each other holds tightly in the waves of the sea of ​​hearts; the wishes here are the same, which is far more real and sincere than the imaginary one-fuckin' dream.

Painless abortion, everyone says it's fake. As expected, when Xiangxiang was pushed out by the nurse on the operating cart, her face was pale and her lips were pale. Granny Chen took off her gloves, walked to me, smiled and said, "Let's stop here for today. The little girl is good and has always been strong..."

Xiangxiang saw me and wanted to speak but had no strength. Her lips moved slightly. I knew she had a lot to say to me. After all, in addition to the physical damage of abortion, the psychological damage is no less than scraping the flesh and taking poison. So I hurriedly shook my hand and said, "Don't talk for now. Let's go back to the ward and take a nap. When you are refreshed, we can talk slowly."

Thank God, after all, this is a regular hospital, and it's good that Xiangxiang didn't walk out by herself. Many working women or student girls, unfortunately, dare not speak out when they get pregnant and have to secretly go to remote hospitals for abortions. After the doctors have twisted and tangled their bodies, they will leave when the blood has run dry and move on to the next one. They will throw you a towel to wipe yourself, then struggle to get up and hold on to the wall to move out step by step. And you have to move quickly, otherwise it will be terrible if the cleaner comes in and sees you still lingering in the room. A slap on the face is considered light, and it's good enough if they don't use a broom to beat your calves and make you eat jumping noodles!

Xiangxiang had taken "Dahuangdan", which is an abortion pill, before going to bed. After she went to bed, Granny Chen came to touch Xiangxiang's head and talked about the temperature. She asked about her physical discomfort and other things. Then she handed hot water to Xiangxiang and asked her to take a warm palace pill that she brought with her family secret recipe. Then she taught me how to stew donkey-hide gelatin and meat to replenish Xiangxiang's blood. I listened for a long time but couldn't remember much. I never paid attention to things in the kitchen since I was a child, so I was confused about some of the cooking terms Granny Chen said. After Granny Chen talked for a while, I laughed dryly twice in embarrassment.

Granny Chen gave me a slightly reproachful look, but revealed a loving look for the younger generation, so charming!

I swear that Granny must have been a beautiful woman when she was young, at least she was very good at being a woman!

Xiangxiang also knew my embarrassment, and gave me a comforting look, her lips moving, as if to say, "Forget it if you don't know, Xiaoyu, it's okay."

How can it be possible! I remembered the time when I fainted and was hospitalized, when Xiangxiang and Suqiang took care of me. They brought me all kinds of delicious food and supplements to nourish me. How could I neglect Xiangxiang's postoperative recovery because of my own incompetence? Moreover, Xiangxiang's condition is not ordinary. The uterus and abdomen are the most important parts of a woman, so how can they not be nourished? My heart ached, and I must give Xiangxiang the best dietary conditioning no matter what!

Fortunately, I still have some spare money in my card, so I asked Grandma Chen to introduce her acquaintance, Grandma Nie, to take care of Xiangxiang. Grandma Nie is an old gynecologist who is now retired. She is very good at nourishing qi and relaxing the uterus. So I let Xiangxiang stay in the hospital for two weeks, and at the same time hired Grandma Nie to make nutritious food and massage for Xiangxiang. Grandma Nie has been dealing with gynecology for a lifetime, and she often chats with us and tells us various life tips for women to keep healthy and protect their bodies.

Gradually, Xiangxiang no longer needed to take the "Da Huang Dan" after the operation. Two weeks later, Grandma Chen gave her a thorough examination and asked Xiangxiang to come back for a follow-up examination in three weeks. Then she issued a discharge certificate and let Xiangxiang go home to recuperate.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief. Xiangxiang looked like a normal person. Then I said goodbye to her and boarded the plane back home.