
golden hearts

Emma's life was never a peachy one, she had to fight for every last thing she's got. Her indifferent father and broken marriage did nothing to mend the twisted mind she grew to have nor heal her broken self. Emma is not whom she pictures herself to be, secrets that are buried deep inside are about to be exposed. Secrets of gravity beyond imagination.

leadermc5 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
85 Chs

part 46

Third Person POV

Adam got back from work on his usual time. It was his routine since he got Giuseppe working in the company as a Vice President four years ago. He basically left him the company to run as a training before he take over the business once he finishes university.


And even though the young man has a lot on his plate, dealing with the company, attending his lectures regularly, and his training with Müller, he never once uttered a beep about. He never complained or slacked off, on the contrary, he's trying his best balancing between all of his duties.

He doesn't want to meet his adoptive parents expectations, he wants to exceed them. He wants to stand proud as their son, and he wants them to be proud to call him their son.

That's one of the main reasons Adam's hard on him, he wants him to grow into the man he deserves to be. He doesn't him want to get swept up by his environment nor does he want him to be drawn in this revenge thing of his that it controls his life and dictates his movements.

He want him to be known a great and ruthless businessman rather than a mafia leader because using one's brain is sometimes a lot more beneficial than using muscles and fists.

So Adam wants his son to be just like how his mother once was. To consider the mafia as a plus or a part time job, one that he can use in times of need but not his official one.

He made sure to train him to use his brain as a businessman and depends on it instead of depending on the mafia to solve whatever problems he may confront.

Adam made it clear to Giuseppe that he doesn't want him involving with the Crawlers directly, that he doesn't want him to be an active member, but that he should think of himself as their regular client. To use them only when they're the only way to solve whatever problem he's in.

Emma named them the Crawlers for a reason after all.

It was so that they know who the owner is and who controls the pace of the game. It was because they're never meant to rise unless she ordered them to, they were her pacesetter.


Gisela came running to her father before he even could announce his arrival, it was as if she was waiting for him. "Papa, Momma's mean." She complained, throwing her arms around his neck as he leaned to her height.

"I heard you, young lady!" Shouted Emma from the kitchen.

Adam chuckled, this was almost a daily routine. Gisela always had something to complain about about her mother whenever he came from work, and she would have something else stirred for once Giuseppe comes home too. "What did you do this time?" He asked her.

"Gisela did nothing, I was just playing with Greta." Defended the little girl, but Adam knew there was something more to it when she called herself with her full name, and gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"Oh, really? What did you play?" He asked her, disbelief clouding his tone. She definitely did something to the poor lady.

"We were playing dolls." She confessed, moving her leg in circles.

Adam picked his little girl up and walked to where his wife's voice came from moments ago.

When they entered the kitchen, he was shocked to find Emma attending to the poor woman who had her hair almost completely shaved and he see few drops of on some strands.

He turned his attention to the little devil in his arms. "Gisela Knights! You said you were playing dolls?" He asked her sternly.

The little girl knew her father was angry with her when she gave her his famous you're-in-trouble look. "We were, Daddy. Aunt Greta was pretending to be my doll." Gisela defended.

"So you glued her hair and shaved it? Where did you even get the scissors from?" He asked in disbelief.

"Uncle Müller helped me." She said.

"What did I say about lying, Ela?" Reprimanded her mother.

"Princesses don't lie. But Momma I didn't lie, I got it from your room when you were speaking with uncle Müller. So he helped me," Gisela explained. "Unknowingly." She added while looking down, fidgeting with the strands of her dress.

"Apologise to aunt Greta, Ela." Adam told his little troublemaker sternly.

"I'm sorry, aunt Greta." Gisela obeyed.

Greta was so busy with her hair issue that she didn't hear the little girl's apology.

"Go to your room, and don't come down until I tell you." Emma told her daughter.


"Ah, finally!" Emma exclaimed, entering her bedroom.

Adam was doing some work on his P.C when she came, he put the computer on the bedside table and scooted a bit so that Emma lay next to him.

"It's over?" Adam asked his wife while hugging her to his body.

"Yeah, the poor woman had to shave whatever left of her hair and put a wig on until her hair grows back up." Emma said. "That little devil of ours is a certified troublemaker. If I came minutes later she would have cut her eyelashes and possibly hurt herself." She added, genuinely worried for their daughter.

"I'll talk to her, don't stress yourself about it." Adam assured her.

"You better, seeing that she only take your words seriously. I'm afraid she'll end up getting hurt badly if she keeps coming up with stunts like this." Emma said, fear prominent in her eyes.

"Hey, honey, relax. Nothing will happen to her. I'll make sure she tones it down a bit." He promised.

Emma sighed both in a mixture of stress and relief at the same time. She was relieved by her husband's words, but still feared for her little angel's safety.

"You still blame yourself, don't you?" Adam asked her.

"Wouldn't you, if you missed a whole year of her life. The year where she needed me the most." She told him.

"You know, it was not your fault. Nobody blames you for it." Adam told her for the million time.

"You think so?"

"I do. You didn't miss out on that year on purpose, you were in a coma so there was nothing anyone can do about it." He assured.

"But you said I almost lost her when somebody attacked me when I was pregnant with her. I must have done something for somebody to cause something like that to happen, and for that I am responsible." Emma said sadly.

"You had nothing to do with any of that, trust me. It was all on them." Adam said.

"I'm tired, I want to take a nap before dinner's served." She told him, changing the subject.

Adam nodded at her, and watched as she got under the blankets and drifted off.

Adam's mind kept going to what happened five years ago while he watched his sleeping wife.


Hey, lovelies! So what do you think happened to Emma five years ago?

Anyways, things are about to be clarified, or some of them at least.

Hope you enjoy the update.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Until next time, happy reading, everyone.