
Chapter 80 Group

Having landed in a remote location, everyone got off as Morgan camoflauged the aircraft to match the green and moist surrounding.

"Where are we?" Rose asked the others around her.

Lilly walked towards her and pointed behind Rose before saying. "We are at the border between the Sun region and the Forest of Vita, which is currently behind us."

Set walked up to them and asked. "Last time that we were here, it took us a day of nonstop travel to reach the capital, didn't it?"

Lilly slumped her shoulders and replied. "Yes, it will take us all day to get to the capital."

Miya then asked. "Why didn't we land closer?"

"This isn't like the southern quadrant, Miya. Unlike them, this place is organized and united under a singular banner. We can't just walk in considering who we are."

Miya bashfully scratched her cheek before whispering to Lilly. "Who are we again?"

Lilly looked more surprised than disappointed, which was Miya's prediction, she then answered while looking at the three girls. "We are the Silhouettes. The group that threatens Superpowers, but most of the threatening is done by him."

Lilly then pointed behind them, pointing directly at Chrys, who is currently helping in moving things out of the aircraft.

Lilly then continued. "Just so you know, the reason we are called the Silhouettes is because no one really knows who we are."


"Well, no one is able to give a detailed description about us to be more precise."

"Aside from a few key traits about us, no one can really recognise us. One example of this is my hair. When someone sees white hair, they assume it's me, or when someone sees golden eyes they assume it's you know who."

"I think we got it. But does that mean no one can tell who we are if we just act normally?"

"Yes, most of the time." Lilly said before kneeling down towards them.

She then placed a hand on Amber's shoulder as she looked at the girls' with a serious look in her eyes. She then added. "But listen, Miya, Rose, and Amber."

"Yup, we are listening."

"Listen, if someone recognises us right away, especially when they see you three since you girls are new..."

"If and WHEN someone recognises you immediately.... Promise me to run away." Lilly said with a solemn tone, making the girls feel a lot of pressure.

Miya then picked up the courage to ask. "Why do we need to run, exactly?"

Lilly then stood up from her kneeling position while saying. "Contrary to what I said earlier, there's a group of people that have a very detailed description of all of us."

Amber and Rose then asked. "There is? Even Titan doesn't have your exact description."

"Yes, you are correct. Titan doesn't have our description, only vague bits of information..."

"But this 'group' knows more about us than anyone else outside of this group."

"Just promise me to remember my warning, please?" Lilly said with a somewhat sad smile on her face.

"C-can you just tell us why we have to run? We can fend for ourselves, you know?"

Lilly looked at Rose dead in the eye and asked. "Rose, do you think we are strong?"

"Huh? Uh... yeah. I mean, everyone is afraid of you guys, like a group of international boogie men."

"Then, think of these people as stronger." Lilly said, greatly shocking the girls and making them think.

Lilly then turned to the others, who are unloading stuff of the aircraft, while saying. "Afterall, even after all these years, we haven't even so much as touch them. So please, just run away when you see them."

As the girls remained dumbfounded by Lilly's concerning statement, Chrys said in a loud voice. "Alright, carry your own share of stuff. We have to move now, or we will arrive at the Sun capital tomorrow."

With that, the Silhouettes moved through the forest floor, carrying what they can while the morning sun is still rising from the horizon.

A few kilometers away from them, inside the place known as the Sun capital, a man living inside one of the many houses built on and around the hills that make up the majority of the landscape, opened his windows, letting the morning breeze to come in.

He streched his body as he said the outside world. "Good morning, you shitty sun. Can't you let me sleep longer?"

But the rising sun did not give him a reply, causing the man to say. "Ignoring me like always."

He then grabbed a pair of clothes hanging off to the side. After putting it on, he looked back into the room he was in.

A wooden floor, intricately designed wallpapers, and a large messy matress smack in the middle of the room. He then said to himself. "Looks like it's not just Mistress Sun that got up early?"

He then walked out of the room and into the small hallways. Like the room before, the wallpapers and furniture are quite luxirous by anyone's standards.

He walked pass a mirror, not bothering at all to fix his messy apperance. After taking a few more steps, he opened a sliding door while asking. "Darling, what's for breakfast?"

Then suddenly, the man's eyes shoot open as a knife flew towards his face. Fortunately, he caught it in the middle of his fingers.

A feminine voice then yelled. "Breakfast may consist of you, if you don't wash your face and hands first!"

The man cracked a smile before saying. "You know I work with things deadlier than a knife, right?"

Then, the man's eyes opened in shock once more as he ducked to the ground. A second later, a metal pot wizzed past where his face was at a moment ago

He placed the knife on the floor, bowed in a knowtowing position while saying. "I am terribly sorry. I'll take a bath now." Before hurrying off into the hallways.

The feminine voice then screamed. "Hand me back my knife and pot, you bastard!"

To which the man yelled somewhere else in the house. "No! Too far away!"

After ten minutes, the man finally emerged from the bath. His clothes looking brand new, his short black beard dripping with water, and his sharp looking face shining in the sun's rays.

He then made his way back towards the place earlier, taking the most inefficient route possible just to take in the beautiful backyard that he has in his house.

After making his way back into the room where the feminine voice came from, he saw a beautiful young woman patiently waiting on the food-filled table.

She then said. "Good morning, husband that I truly love and won't hurt."

To which the man replied as he approached the table. "Good morning, my beautiful wife who didn't just tried to murder me. How's your day?"

"Good. Could be better though." She said as she pointed at an empty chair next to her.

The man formed a small smile before sitting next to the woman. They both then said. "Thanks for the food." Before eating the warm food infront of them.

As they slowly made their way through the humble, yet delicious food, the woman asked. "Do you have work today as well?"

"Yes, I do." The man replied.

"Trick question! You don't!"

The man looked at the woman confused. The woman then said with a sweet smile. "Today is the annual meeting between the Jade region and the Sun region, you idiot."

"Oh? It's that time of the month, huh?" The man said as he continued on eating his food, clearly uninterested.

"Hrmm..." The woman grumbled as she saw the man's uncaring behavior towards the topic.

She looked like she had an idea before asking. "Did you hear that Sakamoto's brat is getting married at just sixteen years old?!"

The man then put his bowl onto the table before falling into a pondering pose while looking extremely pained. He then said. "Why couldn't their parents just let children be children?"

As she continued to eat, the woman replied. "Well, because the time's are changing, so does everyone's priorities."

"Can't agree more about that! Haaa!" The man responded before letting out a long sigh.

"What's wrong, my cool husband?"

The man looked at the woman and said with a solemn tone. "I'm just worrying about our future together."

A blush emerged from the woman's face as the man continued. "As generations pass, everyone's potential goes along with it..."

"In our generation, the expected life duration was thirty at the minimum..."

"But today, it is around the age of twenty five."

"Haaa..." The man let out another long sigh before stating to the woman with a genuine tone. "I worry about our future together and our potential children."

The woman placed her bowl down onto the table before coming in for a hug. She then said while hugging the man. "It'll be fine. The Queen is quite reliable. I'm sure she'll protect us."

The man then hugged back before saying. "I hope so too."

After finishing eating, the couple then proceeded to do their household chores. After finishing, the man and the woman met up at the front door.

"Don't you dare look at any other woman or you're eating a bowl full of knives!" The woman warned.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll bring back some bug-infested flowers when I get back!" The man replied as he opened the front door.

"Take care!"

"You too!"

Then, the man left his home just as morning is slowly turning into afternoon. He left his luxurious house and entered the bustling early street.

As the street were filled delicious aromas and morning noises, a man called out. "Yo, Suzuki!" Gathering the attention of the man.

He turned around and saw a bald-headed man sitting on a bench on the side. The man named Suzuki then said in a friendly manner. "Ah, Sora, you bald bastard! How's the wife?"

To which Sora replied. "Ah, you know... Alive."

"Unfortunately, mine's the same. What do you plan on doing today?"

"Ah, nothing much. Got no work today, so that's a plus."

"You want to~... go for some early drinking?"

"Hell yeah!"

Getting up from his bench with entusiasam, Sora followed Suzuki down the lively streets.

"Oi! Get your idiot horse out of my way!"

"Hey, don't say that about our pet!"


As the streets were slowly getting filled with people and laughter, Sora and Suzuki bumped into a group of children.

"Woah, easy there kids!"

"We're so sorry." The kids bowed to the two men.

Suzuki smiled as he said. "Don't bow too much or you'll drop your hair like my buddy over there." Suzuki then pointed at Sora, who then said. "Oi!"

As the children moved out of the way smiling, Suzuki and Sora continued on their walk. They eventually stopped in front of a storefront where a bunch of tables and chairs are set up.

On one of the tables, a man, who appeared to be knocked out cold, is laying on the table with a bottle in his hand.

The two men walked over and tried to take the bottle of the man's hand. But were met with resistance as the man tightly gripped the bottle.

The man pulled his face off of the table, seemingly waking up, while shouting. "Who dares steal another man's drink?!"

There was fury in his drunken expression, but it quickly disappeared when he saw Suzuki's and Sora's faces.

"Good morning, Senior Tanaka! Did you sleep well?" Suzuki asked.

"Ah, Suzuki, and you bald bastard, Sora. The reason your name is like that... is it because your bald head reflects the sky? Hahahaha!"

"Fwuhahahaha!" Suzuki joined in Tanaka's laughter as Sora could only smile.

He then said. "Hey, you know I'm sensitive about my head. Beside's it's just a phase."

"What 'phase'?"

Sora cleared his throat before saying. "Like the leaves on a tree, my hair will grow back in time."

"That's not how it works at all! Hahahaha!"


"Damn the two of you! Give me that bottle! I need a drink."