
Chapter 28 Sister Morgan

"Sister Morgan is here!"

"Huh?! "Good, now tell her to take care of the people on the high ground." V said as he kicked another person.

"How do you expect me to tell her when she's up there?" Lilly shouted as she pointed at the opening at the top of the canyon.

"Tsk, you're right." How does she even plan on getting down here? " V said.

Suddenly, at the top of the canyon, a figure jumped into the air. The figure eventually landed on the ice spike that Hela created. The figure then slid down the spike.

The figure pulled back the blue longbow in its grasp. An arrow made from a type of blue energy manifested on the string. And the figure let the arrow loose. It formed a lovely blue arc in the air before striking an enemy in the side of the head.

Before the body of the first shot person landed on the ground, another three were already shot in the same manner.

Just as the figure reached the end of the ice spike, everyone else was lying dead on the ground.

The person who did all of this was a beautiful woman whose beauty was like that of a fairy. The woman had straight black hair and deep blue emotionless eyes.

A white button-up blouse is paired with an oversized black jacket with yellow accents, which has a familiar feeling to it.

She started to walk over to Lilly's group, which was spared from the hail of arrows. The longbow in her hand was almost as tall as her. It had a blue metal body with a white, sharp edge at the lower tip of the bow. It had some sort of meter on the body of the bow, which emitted a green light.

She adjusted her grasp on her bow, which somehow caused it to change. The strings turned to dust as her bow straightened itself, causing it to look more like a spear.

"Arrgh!" One of the men on the ground grunted.

The man had a blue arrow embedded at the base of his neck. He pressed down on the wound with both of his hands, causing them to get covered in blood.

"Aaar! Please let me go. I'll forget what happened here. I swear! " The man then began pleading for his life as he tried to crawl away from the woman with the blue bow.

The woman stared at him with emotionless eyes for a moment before heading in his direction.

"P-please, I beg you! I'd do anything, just let me go! " The man pleaded more as he began crawling away faster.

The woman, still with the emotionless look in her eyes, raised her bow with the sharp end pointed at the man.

Before the man could react, the sharp edge was already through his skull. The woman placed her foot on the now deceased man's face as she pulled her weapon free from his skull.

She didn't seem the least bit bothered by what she had done as she just let the blood of her victim drip from her weapon.

She stared at the open air for a moment before slowly turning her head towards Lilly and the others.

Her eyes soon met Miya's, which sent shivers down her spine. Her blue emotion-less eyes seemed to stare straight into her soul.

Miya felt like an animal in front of a hunter. unable to move an inch in the woman's petrifying gaze.

"Sister Morgan!" Lilly cheered as she raised her hands in the air. The snake heads on her arms transformed back into her cloak.

The woman, who is presumably the one named Sister Morgan, slowly removed her gaze away from Miya and turned it towards Lilly.

"Lilly, I-" Morgan spoke in an emotionless, monotone manner.

"I'm glad you're okay!" Lilly shouted as she ran straight towards her.

Morgan opened her arms like one that's about to receive a hug. Lilly willingly jumped into her grasp as she hugged her tightly.

Morgan hugged back without letting go of her bloody weapon, as she said in monotone. "Me too. I'm glad. "

They stayed like this for a moment, before both of them let go of each other. They began to walk towards the other direction while walking at the same pace. Like a stroll in a park, filled with the corpses of the people Morgan shot to death.

Hela and Loki arrived at the other side with Loki still in the form of a giant wolf. Loki bit the arrow stuck in Hela's arm and pulled it out, which caused her arm to bleed. Hela reacted by also pulling arrows off of Loki.

"Hey! Don't pull it out carelessly! It might get infected! " Lilly shouted before quickening her pace towards them.

V hopped on top of a piece of ice and sat down. Morgan opened her mouth and said "Is he—"

Before she could finish her sentence, A loud bang came from the front. This causes both Morgan and V to look towards it.

The massive ice spike that Hela created now has a massive hole, with a familiar truck going through it a minute later.

It stopped in front of V and Morgan, as the driver hopped out. It was Chris.

"Looks like it's already done." Chrys said with a relieved sigh.

"Yeah, it didn't need to happen though." V said to him.

"Hmm?" Chrys looked at him, curious about what he meant.

"Hela engaged when we were about to run." V continued.

Hela's ears perked up upon hearing her name. "Huh? However, Whitey advised me that if we were in danger, we should call for help.Hela said.

"Huh?! Whitey?! VI! Look at your influence! " Lilly shouted.

"Hey, it's not my fault Hela doesn't remember your name!" V shouted back.

"Well, anyways, Hela made a great choice. Cut her some slack, Bush head, since she knows when to pick a fight, unlike you. " Chrys interrupted.

"Huh?! "You picking a fight? " "V he said angrily, as he jumped down from his seat.

"Heh, I don't know. I'm picking a fight. I can't tell. " Chrys began acting dumb while asking mockingly.

All the while, Morgan was just staring with a blank, emotionless face. Suddenly, V turned his attention towards her and said "Oh yeah, you're also here." Go do something about Goldie over here. "

She turned to look at him with a blank stare and replied in monotone. "Why should I do what you want, Bush head?"

"Huh?! Are you sure you want to talk to me that way, Morgana? " V asked as he walked closer to her.

"My name isn't Morgana, it's just Morgan." She replied in monotone.

"Oh, is that so?" You know, Morgan kinda sounds like a guy's name, you know? " V said, causing Morgan's body to quake a little.

So, saying it like Morgana can cause it to sound more... how should I say this... more ladylike." V smirked.

Morgan stared at him with a blank stare as the meter on her bow raised another green bar.

"If you ask me, you need those extra... lady points." V let out a sinister smile.

Morgan tightly gripped her bow, which was still in the form of a spear.

"Since you know," because there are some desirable parts you expect from a woman, V stared her down.

Morgan continued to stare blankly at him.

"You are lacking." V said, pointing at her relatively small breasts.

Suddenly, Morgan attacked V with a sharp stab from her weapon. V evaded the attack with a back step.

"Haha, it also looks like you are lacking in the eye department too, since you missed me in close range. "Are you sure you want to use a bow?" V said, in a mocking manner.

Meanwhile, Chrys was just watching, with his hand covering his mouth. of which is clearly smiling. Morgan released another stab towards V.

"Ha, you might be good from afar, but I'm clearly better," V said as he began to dodge away from her attack with another back step, but his foot landed on a piece of ice, causing him to lose balance.

Taking the opportunity in front of her, Morgan spun her weapon backwards as she took a step forward.

This caused the blunt side of her weapon to hit V right in the back of his head. Her attack had so much force that it buried half of V's face into the ground.

"Uurgh!" V let out a low, grumbling sound, which suggested he survived the attack.

"Insensitive prick." Morgan monotonously said, as she looked at V's body in front of her.

Chrys walked over to the dirt-eating V and bent over to him as he mocked. Do you want a shovel there, bud? It seems like you have already started digging your grave. "

"Fuck the two of you lovebirds!" V said as he raised a finger before his body went limp.

Chrys and Morgan ignored V's body before turning to look at each other. Completely disregarding the unconscious V, they had a chat.

"Glad you're okay." "Crys," she said, with a gentle look.

"Me too." She replied in monotone as she stabbed the ground with her weapon.

"Hmm, is that really how you feel?" Chrys said as he lightly kicked the bottom part of her weapon that was embedded in the ground.

This caused a sort of lever motion to occur. As he kicked the bottom part of her weapon, the upper part of her weapon went forward. This caused Morgan to lose control of her weapon.

Morgan's face, which had had a perfect poker face until now, slowly crumbled. Her expression, which was completely blank a second ago, slowly turned to one of shock and surprise. The green light on the meter of the bow disappeared as she completely lost her grip on the bow.

The bow landed on the ground, which caused a thump sound to occur.

Meanwhile, Chrys' face was full of delight and bliss, which was also accompanied by a bright smile. Morgan frantically covered her face with her hands and bent down to grab her bow.

Once she grabbed her bow, she ran away from Chrys. only stopping when she was a good distance away. The meter on her bow now has a yellow-orange color.

She turned her face towards him, which was back to her original emotionless expression.

Aww, don't run away from me. You'll make me sad. " Chrys said as he tried to frown, but his blissful smile wouldn't let him.

"No. You'll just try to make me drop my bow again. " Morgan replied in monotone.

Chrys opened his arms like the one that's about to receive a hug. Come on, do I seem like the person who would do that? You trust me, don't you, Morgan? " "Crys," I said, with a bright smile.

"You just did, and I trust you to do it again." Miss Morgan replied as she lowered her body, which was ready to run in at any moment.

"You know me so well, Morgan." Chrys said, lowering his arms.

Chrys then quickly opened his arms in a hugging position and ran towards Morgan like a maniac. Morgan, in response, ran away with Chrys chasing after her.

"Hmph, can't they do this sort of stuff when we're home?" Lilly whispered to herself as she bandaged Hela.