
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 4: The Letter

Hydro opens the envelope to pull out a letter.

"What does it say?" Cairo squawked in Impatience.

"Wait a moment," Hydro growled as he examines the envelope carefully.

"What's the hold up," Cairo questioned.

"How is it, that a envelope given by a Phoenix has not one burnt marking on it?" Hydro said, still examining the envelope.

"Well... it's glowing, so I presume that someone's blessing is on it," Cairo caws with a blunt tone.

"I'm not blind, Cairo. It's just that I've never seen another blessing before, so I'm a bit curious," Hydro said before taking a quick sniffled of the envelope.

Hydro froze, as he started to feel chills crawling up his back.

"What's wrong? Smells bad or something?" Cairo remarked but Hydro didn't respond.

Hydro puts the envelope down and began to read the letter, while his tail wagged excitedly.

"What does it say? Who is it from? Tell me! TELL ME!" Cairo squawked into Hydro's ear, but he took no mind to it as he readied the letter.

[Dear Hydro]

[It's has been a very long time since I last saw you. How have you been? How's Auntie Terra and Uncle Sora? And what's that walking bag of bone been doing these day? Is he still among the living? Jokes aside, I really do miss you all, with all my heart.]

[That all said, there is a actually reason why I'm sending out this letter to you Hydro. It's top secret, so don't tell anybody. Even Auntie and the others two. This is between you and me alone, understand?]

[By the time this letter reaches to you, it would be Génnisi Day and the Anagénnisi Festival is most probably happening, right? What I need you to do is get a mask and cloak then go to the third alleyway down Eros street.]

"Eros street? Why Eros street? Is it because it's in the Aphrodite district?" Hydro said to himself.

"What do we do?" Cairo said.

Hydro sat in silence for a moment before getting off bed, wrapping himself a wore out cloak and putting on a white mask that was gift from his Auntie Terra. Hydro neatly folded the letter and placed it inside his pocket.

"You two coming?" Hydro asked as he turned to Cairo and Artty.

"Is that even a question?" Cairo caws proudly, wearing a small black mask.

Artty smashed some olives into some green paste before spreading over half his face.

"Great! Because I don't want to go alone..." Hydro whims as he trembles by the thought of going into a dark alleyway by himself.

"You scaredy pup!" Cairo laughed before huddling inside of Hydro's hood while Artty sat on the other side.

The Phoenix caws before landing if talons on both Hydro's shoulders. "Hold on! Wait!"

Soon the Phoenix took off with Hydro screaming through the whole flight.