
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 33: Stuck

"COME ON MOVE ALREADY! WE GOTTA MOVE NOW!" Jesse yelled as she attempted to push Bob through the doorway.

"It has seemed I have leaded myself Inescapable form of confinement." Bob bluntly stated.

"Stuck, Bob! You can just say you're stuck!" Jesse argued as she frustratingly pushed Bob with all her might.

"That does simplify this, however it does not solve this situation." Bob said bluntly.

Jesse growled. "Then. Do. Something. About. It."

A small rumble was heard inside Bob's chest before he said. "As you wish."

Bob widen his jaw before he blasted a gust of wind out of his mouth. Bob's body instantly surpassed through the doorway and lunched down the hallway before he landed on the floor with Jesse underneath him.

"You did that on purposed, didn't you?" Jesse said gritted her teeth.

"I am merely committing to your advice; if I am displeased, intent is necessary." Bob said as he refused to move himself.

Jesse chuckled with spite. "And to what did I do that was so "displeasing" to you?"

"You got me stuck a doorway." Bob bluntly.

Before Jesse was going to protest, Bob interrupted her when he said. "You also tore my cloak."

Jesse inhale while she tried to think up an excuse, but her thoughts failed her. "Okay I admit, that's a fair point. But can we argue about this after we confirmed Hydro and that Shifter are still alive?"

Silence grew between the two until Bob finally stood up and turned towards Jesse. "Though I haven't forgave you, this engagement will be justifiable."

"Thanks Bob. You should go on ahead, I'll catch up with you later on." Jesse said as she sat against the wall.

"Why are you not currently joining me? You were desperately concerned for the pup before, were you not?" Bob said coldly.

Jesse clicked her tongue before she calmly said. "Bob, look at me for a moment."

Bob scanned his eyes at Jesse's expression before down across the rest of her body. Bob glance halted at Jesse right leg.

Bob kneeled down and took a closer examination. "You are injured."

"Yep." Jesse said calmly with cherry smile print onto her face.

"I sincerely apologize. It wasn't my intent to--" before Bob could finish, Jesse cuts him off.

"To break my leg? Bob I know you better than that, it's okay. I'll be alright bud." Jesse said while she patted Bob on the shoulder.

"You are far too forgiving..." Bob muttered.

Jesse laughed. "Well, my empathy was what got my family killed."

"Don't joke about that."

"Hmm? Why not?"

"Either you trying to hide the pain or you wanting me to not treat you with concern. I have little experience when it comes to emotions than you do, however..."

"Bob, that's enough. We can talk about this later. Right now I'm more concerned for Hydro. If I knew this was going to happen, I would never brought him here."

"Do not blame yourself over things you can not control."

"I won't. But seriously, can you get a move on. I don't know about you but I don't want show up seeing a dead pup. The sight alone would give me nightmares."

"Understood." Bob nodded before he began to carry Jesse in his arms.

"Bob..." Jesse said as her brow twitched.

"Yes?" Bob replied as he walked towards the broken doorway.

"Why are you carrying me?"

"You are injured."

"I'm aware of that, but why are you carrying me? You could simply leave me behind to rest."

"At this stage, the danger level is too high. There is a killer inside this train that possesses the ability to turn others into stone. There is also that man in the cloak, he may have vanished.

However there's not a one hundred percent possibility that he will not return." Bob said strictly as he stomped to the next cart.

"Bob, I'm really am okay. You don't have to do any of this out of guilt for me." Jesse laughed.

"I failed to understand your explanation. Could please you clarify?"

"Though you breaking my leg was unintentional, you currently feel deeply disappointed within yourself and feel like you have to take responsible of tending to me. Thus the main reason why you carrying me.

The reason you talked about "danger level" before was because you are too ashamed admit that you have done wrong. You acting kind towards me is your way to repent for your actions." Jesse explained with a cheeky grin.

"Once again, you have proven that humans truly are the masters when it came to emotions." Bob said coldly as he pushed passed the crowd of people.

Jesse laughed. "Sorry, was I too on point. My bad~"

"Look ahead." Bob informed.

Jesse softened her laughter as turned her head. There was one door to the other cart, the door had a window. Through the window, Jesse saw Hydro on top of a wooden counter, Bùtóng on the side of the counter and two other people.

A man with long sliver hair and a woman with short black hair. Jesse eyes widen when she met eye contact with the woman.

"It can't be, could it?" Jesse blurted.

The woman smiled towards Jesse before red smoke covered her from view. Jesse wave her hand, and through the smoke a shadow waved back.

Jesse's face lack expression as she muttered. "Johanna..."