
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 30: Man in Dark Cloak

"What? Why wasn't I told about-- wait... where is Goldie?" Bùtóng said with dripping sweat.

As soon Bùtóng said that, the three of them ran in different directions while yelling Hydro's name.

"Damn it! Why did that brat had do a stunt like this now of all times?!" Jesse grunted while she stomped down the halls of the Rail-Way.

"Usually when feeble creatures feel threatened, they resort to running away. Conclusion; Hydro ran away after facing the sence of danger." Bob said bluntly, as he humbly followed Jesse.

"Bob, I mean no offense but I would like to be better off without the explanation." Jesse groaned.

"I see... if that's the case, should I apologize?" Bob said with a stern tone of voice.

"That's unnecessary." Jesse sighed.

Before Jesse and Bob could continue forward, they were halted by the intense stench of rotten flesh. Jesse cover nose as she coughed while the stench invaded her lungs. Bob quickly grabbed Jesse's shoulders and dragged her further away from the putrid stench. As Bob did, a number of foot steps approached Bob and Jesse along with a voice.

"AH HA! Jesse~ Bob~ right on schedule as always." spoke the voice.

A man wearing black clothing steps forward, while a eerie shadow fallows him. Causing any sight behind the behind would be just pure darkness.

"Identify yourself." Bob said bluntly.

Jesse wobbled up onto her feet. "And how the hell you know our names? Do we know you?"

The man in the cloak chuckled darkly. "No, you don't. At least not yet. But don't worry, you'll find out who I am when you reach to Stewart island."

"Stewart island?! Why hell we would go there?!" Jesse yelled before she coughed from the horrible stench.

The cloaked man began to laugh. "Oh~ Jesse~ how I missed that curiousity of yours."

"Answer the question." Bob spoke as he slowly pointed his arm at the man in a cloak.

"Bob wait! You can't do that here! The space here is far too small, that and you could accidentally kill some of passengers on this train." Jesse said sternly as she held Bob's raised arm.

"Ah~ this too. This too I've missed from you Jesse. The fact you put the life of others over your own. Not only that, I have missed your Oh so powerful sense of justice." the man chuckled once more.

"SHUT UP! STOP TALKING LIKE YOU ACTUALLY KNOW ME! IT'S CREEPING ME OUT!" Jesse screamed before her hand reached behind her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." the man said with a cheeky grin.

"And why not?!" Jesse yelled again.

"Because what you're seeing right now isn't my real body, but one the passengers on the train." the man chuckled before he removed the hood off his head.

Jesse froze, it was human man with black veins crawling up his neck and from his eyes. The man's eyes were pitched black, while his pupils were bright red. She cursed under her breath as she removed her hand behind her back.

The man smiled, causing to make Jesse to feel sick in the stomach. Bob only stared at blankly, he hooked his arm around Jesse's waist before hoisting her up on his shoulder.

Jesse didn't reacted to Bob's actions, all her focus was on the man. "What. Do. You. Want?"

"I knew you would come around Jesse, you always did." the man chuckled.


The man sighed. "Now, now. No need to be like that. However, in this situation it shouldn't be surprising."

"Can we move on already?!" Jesse yelled again.

"Yes, yes. Alright~ you did ask before why you'll have to Stewart island, correct?" the man started.

"And?!" Jesse irritatingly groaned.

The man began to show a menacing smile before he chuckled. "In a few months from now. Hydro is fated to die on that island."

"SAY WHAT?!" Jesse screamed.

It was unbelievable, utterly unbelievable. However, the fact this man-- no! This thing, knew about our names. Then it means there's a possibility that he's not lying. Damn it! Jesse thought to herself.

"Can you provide proof of what you say is true." Bob bluntly said.

The man chuckled. "Typical Bob, straightforward as usual. But to answer your question,"

The man hovered his hands within the air as he summoned a black warp of mist. Eventually an image appeared upon the mist.

The image showed Hydro was trembling on the floor, while Bùtóng was on his knees in pool of blood and with a huge gap inside his chest. A man stood over Bùtóng with wicked grin before he reached his hand to Hydro.

"What is this?!" Jesse yelled while also trying not to vomit.

"The future in fifteen seconds till now. Good luck." said man before he put his hood back on and walked into the darkness.

"WAIT! DAMN IT!" Jesse reached by her and pulled out a gun before she pointed down the other end of the hallway.

"Thirteen seconds..." Jesse muttered before she pulled the trigger.

"Ten seconds..."

The bullet flied through the hallway, braking through the glass windows into the next cart and swiftly dogged the passengers.

"Seven seconds..."

The bullet flew into the next cart.

"Four seconds..."

Jesse bit her lip while she crossed her fingers. "Please make it."

"Two seconds..."

The faint sound of an curling scream was heard from the other cart, Jesse sighed in relief.

"It made it."