
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 29: Scars never heal

"GOLDIE!" Bùtóng yelled as raced to Hydro's side.

"Bùtóng...?" Hydro said with a confused tone.

Bùtóng instantly grabbed Hydro by the collar as he dragged Hydro away from Johanna and Ruth. Bùtóng held Hydro in his arms tightly as he stared at Johanna and Ruth with a grimaced expression.

Ruth laughed before he chuckled darkly. "Bùtóng... you couldn't possibly infer to "Lieutenant Bùtóng" are you? That hysterical!"

Ruth laughed as he stood up from his seat. "To believe that we meet again~ but this time I get the chance to see your face."

Bùtóng cautiously walked backwards as he glared at Ruth. Hydro held onto Bùtóng tightly, while he sense the tension of the current situation.

Ruth pointed at Hydro in Bùtóng arms with a cheeky grin. "Yours? Or are you babysitting?"

"Why should I tell anything to a psychopath?!" Bùtóng growled.

"Oh!" Ruth gasped dramatically.

"My, my, my! Mr Lieutenant, I don't remember you being this talkative, it suits you~" Ruth said while he steps closer to Bùtóng.

"Though it has been a while, it pleases me that you still remember me after all these years." Ruth laughed before he grabbed Bùtóng's arm.

Bùtóng flinched before he attempted to pull himself away from Ruth. "Trust me, I tried to forget you many times. However, the action you committed isn't what you called forgettably."

"Aw~ I'm flattered." Ruth grinned wildly.

"The scar is new," Bùtóng remarked.

"Yes, do you like it? It was given to me between our little quarrel back in the Potala Palace." Ruth said as he traced the scar on his face.

"It's almost hard to believe, aren't you supposed to be an immortal?" Bùtóng said cruelly.

"I am, but people began to doubt my immortality after what you managed to do to my face," Ruth said as his grip started to tighten around Bùtóng's arm.

Bùtóng began to sweat as he desperately tried to pull away from Ruth's grip. Before Ruth could continue any other actions, a flaming hand held onto Ruth's arm.

"Gentlemen... please be aware that any acts of violence prohibited on the Rail-Way," Leonard said with a low dark tone as smoke rises between his fingers.

Ruth winced as he hesitantly swayed his hand off of Bùtóng. Leonard sighed in relief before he released Ruth from his flame grip.

Ruth held onto his burnt arm and chuckled to himself, before Johanna started to pulled Ruth away by the ear.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Ruth yelled.

"This is why we don't go to nice places." Johanna stated as she began to drag Ruth out of the room.

"That was close..." Bùtóng muttered before gazed down at Hydro.

"Are you alright?" Bùtóng asked with a calming smile.

Hydro stared upwards before he nodded his head. "I'm fine, but Bùtóng..."

"What is it?" Bùtóng asked.

"I don't know why, but the air smells funny." Hydro said as he sniffled.

Bùtóng felt confusion until he shifted his nose into a bear nose and sniffed the air.

Bùtóng eyes widen. "That's gunpowder."

A huge bang was heard from the other room before there was sound of screaming from Ruth.