
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 2: Deliveries and Festivals

Hydro grabs one stuffed tomato after the next, before shoving it into his mouth within a fast pace.

"Hydro slow down, you're slowly eating through Uncle Sora and Grandpa's share," Terra said as she washed Hydro's dirty dishes.

"If you keep eating like that you WILL be a stuffed tomato," Cairo caws.

"Said the crow whose eats cockroaches for breakfast," Hydro remarked, pointing the dead cockroach hanging from Cairo's beck.


"I'm done, thank you for another amazing breakfast Auntie Terra," Hydro said before hopping out of his seat.

"DON'T IGNORE ME!!!" Cairo squawked as he tried peck Hydro, however Hydro dodge and Cairo ended up pecking the nose of a old shepherd beast man.

Cairo could feel the intense negative energy coming off from the old man, and it made Cairo terrified. If the old man wasn't angry early, he was now.

Hydro gently pulled Cairo away from the old man as he slowly walked backwards to the front door. "Good morning Grandpa..."

"GET OUT!" Hydro's Grandpa barked.

"YES SIR!" Hydro saluted before grabbing his bag and running out through the front door.

Silence filled the house, the old man sighed before sitting down on his clean cut chair and began to eat some Stuffed Tomatoes.

"That boy really does give me a headache," Grandpa grumbled.

"You used to say the same thing about Pyro when he was Hydro's age as well," Terra giggled as she continued washing the dishes.

"Pyro? Oh God no.... that boy was basically a living nightmare," Grandpa groaned as thought through his past memories.

Terra laughed at her grandfather's harsh yet true comment. "Things have changed since back then..."

"No kidding, I've never heard the house this quiet since that brat finally left." Grandpa huffed.

"I wonder how's he doing these days, I hope he's safe."

"Safety? From Pyro? HA! That's wishful thinking my dear. We both know wherever Pyro goes, trouble is not too far behind him." Grandpa chuckled.

"Wishful indeed..."

"WHY DID YOU HAD TO MAKE GRANDPA ANGRY CAIRO?!" Hydro yelled as he ran through the streets of Delphi city.

"IT WASN'T ON PURPOSE! I MET TO PECK YOU, NOT HIM! SO IT'S YOUR FAULT!" Cairo squawked back as Hydro rushes pass some tall beast men.

"MY FAULT?! DON'T BLAME ME FOR YOUR LACK OF AIMING! YOU DUMB CROW!" Hydro howls as he jumped over a woolly yak.

Hydro soon halted himself in front of average size building with a sign saying; "Delivery" on it.

A Shepherd beast man walks out of the front door, throwing large brown bag to Hydro.

"Hydro! I need you to deliver all of these packages at Eros street in the Aphrodite district, can you do it!"

"Consider it done Uncle Sora!" Hydro howls cheerfully while his tail wagged.

"It's Sir! Hydro, remember I'm still your boss. You need direct me properly, okay?" said the Shepherd beast man.

"Yes Uncle-- I mean, Yes Sir!" Hydro howls again.

"Good boy! Now go out there and do some deliveries!" howls Sora.

"Yes Sir!" Hydro howls before running off.

When Hydro began to run through the Aphrodite district, he noticed decorations across the street.

"So many colors..." Hydro said in awe before he sneezed.

"A lot of flowers too," Cairo caws as he flew away from Hydro sneezing direction.

Hydro covered his mouth to prevent himself to sneeze on someone. Until tall beast woman gave Hydro flowers, and then Hydro sneezing suddenly stopped.

"Huh? How?" Hydro stare at the beast woman confused.

She gave Hydro a bright smile. "This flower is called a Aster, it's a flower that helps beast men who are dealing with some allergies,"

"Really?! Can I please have it? I have a lot of work to do today, and I don't want to accidentally sneeze on someone," Hydro explained.

"You can have it, I'm giving Aster for free today,"

"Hmm? Really? What for?"

"Because it's Génnisi Day," said the beast woman.

"What's Génnisi Day?" Hydro asked, wagging his tail excitedly.

The beast woman laughed as she gently petted Hydro's head. "Génnisi Day is the day when God created our race the beast men, so every once a year we celebrate this day with a festival called Anagénnisi Festival,"

"Really?! So that's why the Aphrodite district is decorated!" Hydro jumps in excitement.

"That's right! Now run along, you said you have a lot work to do. You better finish before sunset, because that's when the festival begins," said the beast woman.

"Okay! Bye now, and thank you!" Hydro howls as he ran off to finish his delivery early.