
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 1: Pnigmós Dream

I noticed danger and became afraid as soon my body crashed against the rushing waves. I was in the water, with little or no leg movement. My arms reach up water's surface, making me to stay a upright. My head was tilted back with my nose turned up. I rarely made any sounds; as I was struggling just to breath.

I was now dropped below the salty water and my body was in an attempt to protect itself, as I tried to hold on to my breath. I could taste the sea water entering my mouth and flowing out my nose. Though I may continue to struggle, I could not make any sounds as I cannot breathe. Without air, I was losing my consciousness.

Because I was without air, my body felt it was slowly drifting into unconsciousness. I soon began motionless, my breathing has stopped. There is no chest movement or breathing sounds from my body. At this point I was sinking to the bottom of the ocean, couldn't tell if I was sinking slowly or rapidly. I will remain unconscious and die. unless I start breathing again.

I could move my body anymore....


Who is that? Who voice does that belong to?


Mother? Is that you?


My eyes sprung open as my body jolted in shock before I plummeted onto the floor.

I groaned in pain. "Ow...."

"HYDRO GET UP! YOU GOING TO BE LATE!" squawked a annoying red bird.

"Morning to you too, you dumb crow," I remarked, as I lifted myself off the floor.

"THIS ISN'T THE TIME FOR JOKES! YOU HAVE TO HURRY HYDRO! HURRY! HURRY!" the red bird continues to caws, until it was hit by a olive.

"WHAT THE HELL?" both me and the red turns our attention towards up my bookshelfs, to see cute squirrel with colorful fur.

"HOW DARE YOU RATCHET RODENT!" the red squawk as it puffed up its feathers in frustration.

I chuckled as gently patted little bird's head, smoothing out it's puffy feathers. "Calm down Cairo. Artty is only playing around,"

"WELL, I HOPE IT WILL PLAY ANYWHERE EXCEPT AROUND ME!" Cairo puffed, before flapping his little wings and laying on my shoulder.

I sighed as stroked under Cairo's peck. "By the way, why were you so more eager to wake me up this morning. Is something special happening today?"

Cairo then turns to me with a creepy expression, before flew off my shoulder and landed on my nose. "Auntie Terra went to the market early and came back with a basket filled with tomatoes, you should what that mean,"

I could already feel the swings of my tail wagging crazy while the drool from mouth dripped on the floor. There was only one reason why Auntie Terra would go to the market early in the morning, and that reason was...

"WE'RE HAVING STUFFED TOMATOES FOR BREAKFAST!!!" I howled with joy as jumped into the air.

"HYDRO! WATCH OUT FOR YOUR---" it was too late, I've begun slipped backwards from my drool before tumbling down stairs.

I landed to the bottom of the stairs with a large thud. "Ow.... again,"

"You are a idiot..." Cairo sighed while Artty began laughing hard.

"Oh dear! Are you alright Hydro?!" spoke a Kokoni Beast woman as she tried to treat my injures.

I groaned as lifted myself up. "I'm alright Auntie.... are the stuffed tomatoes ready?"

Auntie Terra smiled brightly with her relief expression. "I just finished the first batch, but you have to go and get properly ready before you can any of them,"

"Yes ma'am!" I said before rushing upstairs.

"And Hydro!" Auntie Terra said.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Don't fall down again, okay?" she giggled before returning to the kitchen.

"I won't!" I yelled with flustered face.

"You will," Cairo teased.

"Will not!" I replied.

"Will too!" Cairo remarked back at me.

Through out my morning as I was getting ready, both me and Cairo kept on arguing.

"Hydro! Are you done yet?" Auntie Terra called.

"I'm coming down Auntie Terra," I responded back.

"Without falling over this time," I said to Cairo before carefully walked down stairs.

"See~" I said to Cairo before I slipped over a olive.

"ARTTY!" the squirrel only laughed, while sitting next to a plate of olives.

"Very smooth, which I'm inferring to is the olive not you!" Cairo joked.

I stood up from floor for the third time this morning, and finally sat on my chair as Auntie Terra set up a plate of Stuffed Tomatoes in front of me. First the dream, and then me falling over. But it's well worth it, anything is worth for Auntie Terra's Stuffed Tomatoes.