
Chapter 2 Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn

These days were always so stressful for Cassiel. Having to deal with Lizzie and her competitive side was already hard enough, but now he had to deal with a knife thief, and his feelings for Hope. Cassiel saw Lizzie and Josie walking together as they spoke quietly to each other. They were walking toward him and didn't realize untill they almost bumped into him.

"Hello my beautiful sisters. It seems like one of you is ready for game day." Cassiel said as he saw Lizzie in the School football uniform.

"Josie said she was feeling a little sick, but dont worry she'll be able to play!" Lizzie said as Josie gave her a look. These two had their own language by the way that they looked at one another. Cassiel could never really quite understand it.

"Oh no, did you catch a fever?" Cassiel felt Josies forehead but it felt normal.

"I'll be fine, just a bug probably. If anyone is sick, it's you. You've been looking terrible lately, especially yesterday. Are you ok?" Now it was Josies turn to be worried. Lizzie looked at Cassiel questiongly, but didn't say anything.

"I'm fine, just not enough sleep." Cassiel flashed his smile as their Dad came from behind him.

"Hey kids, listen." Dad said with a bag on his back.

"Dont do it." Josie immediately said. "Don't say whatever it is your about to say, because you have Dad face, and wherever Dad face goes, children disappointment always follows."

"I'm sorry, I cant make the game today." Dad said apologetically.

"But Dad, you're the coach." Josie said in disbelief.

"And I'm QB1 this year!" Lizzie mostly whined.

"I hate it as much as you do, but I have to find Landon Kirby." Dad looked between the girls.

"Ok then, let's cancel. I mean it's a joke anyway, we cant use our powers, we suck." Josie said as she laughed.

"Exactly, which is a normal school for troubled rich kids thing to do. This annual event let's the locals see you for what they think you are. And keeps them from asking too many questions."

"But they mock us." Lizzie said with a sad face. Cassiel smiled and patted her head.

"Because they are insecure town kids with little town problems. They are upset because they can't be us Lizz. Don't let them get to you, just flaunt how great you are in front of them." Cassiel said with a smile as he winked at her. Lizzie's face became happy again as she nodded.

"With Landon walking around, we need to protect our cover now more than ever. Can I count on you two to do that?" Dad looked at his two daughters. The girls nodded at the same time, however they were still unwilling.

"Alright. I love you both, we'll be back as soon as we can. Let's go son." Dad said as he walked outside.

"Don't worry, I'll keep him safe." Cassiel said as he followed after him.

As they reached the car, they saw Hope and Rafael arguing about wether he could come or not.

"He can come." Dad said as he put his bag in the car.

"What?" Hope asked confused.

"He knows Landon, he could be an asset. Now fix the car and get in...and put on a shirt." Dad said as he got in the drivers seat. Hope looked at me which only made the way I was feeling feel even worse, but I still made an effort to give her a silly smile and shrug my shoulders. Hope responded with a silly smile of her own as she got in the front seat.


Dad slowed the jeep down to a stop when they reached the crime scene. Police tape stil layed on the street. They all walked through the woods, hoping to find some trace of him and get back that knife. However, a part of him did not want them to find Landon. He didn't know I'd it was because he kissed Hope, or the dangerous look in Hope's eyes.

"I dont know why he's still out here, he has a whole days lead on us. He could be anywhere." Hope said as they walked through the trees.

"Maybe because he dosent have a reason to run." Rafael defended.

"Logic that would be perfectly believable if he hadn't, you know, ran." Hope said sarcastically.

"She has a point." Cassiel chimed in.

"Wait--shh...you hear that?" Dad said as he looked around. "Some one is here." Dad took off running toward the direction of the sound with me, Hope, and Rafael following. Dad came to a stop when he saw a woman covered in soot and was wearing a white gown used to sleep in. She looked rather lost and confused.

"I-Its ok, I-Im not gonna hurt you. Were you in the bus?" Dad asked as the woman took a few steps back. "Can you tell us what happened?" The woman just looked around, seemingly ignoring them.

"Is she a survivor?" Hope asked like she wasn't sure. She didn't believe anyone could survive that.

"Well she definitely smells like it. She is also covered in soot. However she dosent seem to be in the right state of mind." Cassiel said seeing the girl touch the trees like it's her first time seeing them.

"I think she's in shock. I need to get her to the police so that she could get some medical attention. Why don't you three go on ahead. Don't engage. We don't know how dangerous Landon is. Cassie your in charge." Dad said as he looked at them.

"He isn't dangerous!" Rafael yelled again.

"I said don't engage!" Dad made our instructions clear.

"Come on you two." Cassiel said as he led the way through the forest.


"What exactly happened on that bus?" Rafael asked as the walked through some bushes.

"No one knows, it's like someone incinerated it from the inside." Hope said.

"Look whatever he did, I know there is a good explanation." Rafael tried to vouch for Landon.

"What would you do Rafael, if you found out that Landon was Indeed the one who killed all those people? Are you going to justify his actions? We need to know you'll be able to do the right thing, even if its hard." Cassiel said as he followed behind Hope.

"I wont have to make the decision, because he didn't kill them!" Rafael said as he held back his anger.

"There is no way you can know that though." Cassiel just wanted to make sure Rafael wouldn't stand in the way of what needed to be done.

"Yes I do! He is the most loyal friend I have ever had."

"Not to be a dick. But if Landon actually did what he did, then I would hate to meet your other friends."

"Look, he was there for me on the worst day of my life. After my girlfriend died, he was the one who kept me going. So let me get that knife back for you, then the three of us can here him out, ok?" Rafael pleaded at Hope, seeing as he wasn't reasoning with me.

"Appreciate the passion, but maybe you should make new friends." Hope said as she walked ahead.

"Why? So I can be as popular and well liked like you?" Rafael shot at something personal, and it pissed off Cassiel more than It hurt Hope. "Yeah, two days at this school and I've heard all about Hope Mikaelson and her sunny disposition." Rafael didn't have the chance to say more as he was grabbed by the collar of his shirt and raised into the air.

"Tread carefully, don't say things you have no idea about. No one hates rumors more than me, and you judging Hope off them is something I hate more. Don't be upset because we are hunting down your murdering brother." Cassiel let go of Rafael as he landed with a hard thud, then Casiel continued to walk forward as Hope looked at him with shock.

Hope's never seen Casiel get angry, this would be the first time. However, what Hope doesn't know is that Cassiel does get angry, she has just never seen it. He has only really ever gotten angry for Hope's sake.

"Guess you really can't believe rumors, I heard that guy never gets angry." Rafael said as he smoothed out his shirt.

"He...doesn't." Hope whispered, Cassiel has been acting weired lately.

"Look I'll get you the stupid, not-stupid knife. Just tell me where he is." Rafael looked at Hope.

"And why should I believe you?" Hope asked.

"Because I don't lie." Hope scoffed.

"Everybody Lies." Hope said as she contemplated. "...he's in the root cellar. You have three minutes to do things your way."

"But Dr. Saltzman said dont engage." Rafael said confused.

"Two minutes fifty nine, Two minutes fifty eight..." Rafael took off running toward the root cellar where Cassiel was standing guard at.

"What are you doing?" Cassiel asked as he saw Rafael going to the doors.

"I'm getting the knife back."

"No your not. We're not to engage." Cassiel crossed his arms as he stood in front of the doors.

"Cassie please. Let him in, nothing's going to happen." Hope said as she walked up to Cassiel.

"Hope, come on. You heard Dad, he said not to engage. He's right, we don't know what Landon Kirby is capable of." Cassiel tried not to look her in the eyes.

"We'll be fine, we have an Angel on our team." Hope said as she winked at him.

"...fine." Cassiel sighed as he opened the doors. Rafael ran inside and he heard Landons voice inside.

"Seems like your tracking spell worked." Cassiel said as he looked at Hope, who had that dangerous look again.

"Yes, it did." Hope walked into the cellar as Cassiel followed behind her.

"That wasn't me!" Cassiel heard Landon say, as they walked in.

"Then who was it?" Hope asked as we stood in front of them.

"What the hell, you said three minutes." Rafael asked upset.

"Like I said, people lie. Corporis Impetu." Hope said as Landon went flying into the wall, and was pinned.

"Hope!" Cassiel yelled and was going to stop her, but Hope raised her other hand and he too was blasted. However Cassiel was blasted out of the cellar, and was hit with a different type of spell. Cassiel didn't quite hear the words because of the amount of pain he was feeling.

Cassiel rolled to his stomach with great effort, and coughed, spilling some of his grace. His grace glowed blue on the ground, as he felt some dripping from his nose and ears. The grace in him felt like it wanted to rush out, even if it tore through his flesh doing it.

"Where is the knife?!" Hope asked as she still had Landon pinned.

"I don't have it, I must have lost it in the woods." Landon said as he struggled to free himself.

"Why did you burn the bus?" Hope asked again.

"I'm telling you, that wasn't me!" Landon defended.

"Then who was it?" Hope asked.

"...there was this girl. She was on the bus, but she burned everyone with her mouth." Landon said as Hope dropped him. Rafael was quick to come to his side.

"I don't believe a word your saying." Hope said.

"I'm telling you the truth! Come on man, help me." Landon said as he looked at Rafael.

"I believe him." Rafael said as he looked at Hope.

"You believe a fire breathing woman burned the bus alive?" Hope said shocked that he believed him, and in the absurdity of the story.

"Yeah!" Rafael stood up.

"And that he happened to be spared?" Hope brought up a flaw.

"He told you that he ran." Rafael said like it was obvious.

"And conveniently dropped the knife on the way?!" Hope was getting more upset.

"She kept coming at me, like she was going to take it from me. She was burning everything in her path!" Landon said from the floor.

"You want to explain to me what brought you to steal the knife in the first place?!" Hope looked at him.

"I dont remember stealing it!" Landon said.

"Of course not, how about pretending to be compelled?" Hope said sarcastically.

"That was to keep me from being thrown back into the werewolf dungeon." Landon said as he stood up.

"Transitional cellar." Hope corrected.

"Small spaces! Hope you have to understand, Dr. Saltzman had already told me, the school wasn't going to let me stay. If he thought I'd talk, he'd lock me back up. There wasn't a good ending for me! I didn't want to steal from you, and I dont want a fire breather chasing me! I'm sorry for all of it!" Landon yelled out as he explained his thought process.

They were silent for a moment, untill Rafael walked up to her.

"He's not lying, I believe him. Now if he says there is a fire breathing woman running through the woods, then there is-"

"There is a fire breathing woman running through the woods." Alaric said as he went into the cellar. Rafael and Hope looked at Landon.

"Did I or did I not say dont engage?" Alaric asked as he saw Landon.

"He's only dangerous if crappy apologies could kill." Hope said frustrated.

"Where is Cassie?" Alaric asked as he didn't see his son in the room. Hope's heart stopped as she remembered Cassie. She had been so angry, she used the spell she researched to stop Casie from stopping her. Hope quickly ran outside and looked around, she searched frantically but couldn't see him. She didn't mean to hurt him, and if something happened to him, she would never be able to forgive herself. She looked a little farther into the woods and that's where she saw him, but he wasn't moving.

"Hope?" Alaric came out of the cellar, and looked at what she was staring at. Alaric's heart stopped as he sprinted to Cassiel, with Hope right behind him. "Cassie!" Alaric rolled Cassiel's body so that he was on his back, and cradled his upper body. His nose and ears had his grace leaking out, and the floor had a big puddle of his grace as well. Hope covered her mouth in shock, and tears threatened to fall.

"D-Dr. Saltzman, what do we do?" Hope asked, hoping he knew the answer.

"He's lost too much Grace." Alaric said as he reached inside Cassiel's shirt and pulled out his necklace he is alway's wearing. Alaric grabbed Cassiel's hand and used his thumb to trace the infinity symbol, causing it to glow blue. Dust looking blue particles came out of the necklace and into Cassiel's mouth. "Dont worry, he'll be fine." Alaric picked up Cassiel and walked to the cellar.

The two boys saw Cassiel's limp body and visibly stiffened. "Is he alright?" Rafael asked.

"He'll be fine. We're lucky we found him in time before he ran out of Grace. What I want to know is what the hell happened?" Alaric looked at the teens. He noticed the two boys look at Hope.

"Its...my fault." Hope said with shame. If Cassiel died because of her...she wouldn't be able to bear it. The only friend she had, and she almost killed him for trying to help. The guilt Hope felt was eating away at her, and seeing Cassiel unconscious didn't help. Before Alaric could question anymore, he heard Rafael speak.

"Uh...guys?" Rafael pointed outside the cellar where the fire breathing lady stood. "We got company." The woman came down the stairs and held out her hand to Landon. "What does she want?" Rafael asked.

"I don't know but being trapped here with a fire breather is not a good idea." Cassiel said as he struggled getting up.

"Cassie!" Hope hugged him, relieved that he was ok. But she didn't feel him hug her back, making her release him. He had a look on his face that she didn't recognize, she has never seen it before.

"We need to head outside in case we start fighting. Landon walk up the stairs slowly, since it's you she seems to be after." Landon gulped.

"Great, guess I'll feel what being barbecued alive feels like." Landon went around the lady and up the stairs slowly as she followed him. The rest also followed untill they were all outside.

"She really seems like she wants something from you Landon." Cassiel brought up.

"How about that knife that you said you didn't have?" Hope came to a realization. The fire breather seemed to get mad as her eyes glowed orange as well as her throat.

"Everyone back in the cellar!" Dad yelled as fire released from her mouth. The door closed just in time before the fire hit it.

"Where the hell is it?!" Hope demanded as she walked up to Landon.

"Sorry, I panicked." Landon said as he took out the knife from his jacket pocket. Hope snatched the knife with frustration.

"What the hell, Lan?" Rafael looked hurt that Landon even lied to him. The doors burned as more fire was dosed on top of it.

"Hope, the doors!" Dad called out.

"Got it. Adiuuatur." Hope got the doors to stop burning, but that didn't get rid of the fire breathing woman. "Okay, it's a quick fix. It won't last long."

"Alright, great. I need a cellphone." Dad said.

"Take your pick." Landon gestured to a barrel filled with phones and shiny things. Dad grabbed a phone and dialed a number while Hope and I inspected the other things.

"What is all this?" Hope asked as I picked up an ID card from some middle aged mortal.

"Looks like it's from the people on the bus." Me and Hope look at Landon.

"I didn't bring it here. I-"

"If he says he swears one more time, I'm going to melt him." Hope said as she looked at me. Normally I would smirk at that, but right now I'm pissed at her.

"Please tell me you have something." He heard his Dad say when the other line picked up.

[Connection sucks, w-where are you?]

"Root cellar full of contraband that our pickpocket Landon Kirby claims he didn't steal." Hope said with as much sarcasm and sass she could.

"There is a fire breather outside, can you prioritize your rage?" Rafael pleaded.

[Dragon.] Said the voice in realization.

"What?" Asked Dad hoping he misheard.

[Dragon. She steals treasure, breathes fire, hides the loot in her lair. She-She's not a Piromancer, she's a...] It does make sense, only problem is she looks like a human.

"Dragons don't exist or look like normal people." Dad said full of doubt.

[There was a time we would say that about vampires.] Touche.

"Ok, fine. She's a human Dragon." Dad scoffed. "How do we kill it?"

[In anything I've ever read...]

"In fiction." Dad couldn't help but throw in.

[The way to take down a dragon, you need a buttload of courage and a sword.]

"How about a knife?" Hope said as she raised the knife.


The doors to the cellar flew open as the dragon was thrown backwards. Hope came out with knife in hand. "Didn't anyone tell you smoking is bad for you?" Hope asked jokingly yet full of sarcasm. The dragon got angry and got up as she shot a breath of fire at her. "I know, quitting is hard." Hope raised her hand holding the knife in front of her as the fire came upon an invisible wall. Slowly Hope began to Exhaust herself due to the heat of the fire, untill the dragon was sent flying by a fist.

"Thanks for the save." Hope said with a smile as she looked at Cassiel. Cassiel didn't say anything as he reached out his hand. Hope gave him the knife as he quickly threw it, finding its target, the Dragons heart. The dragon fell to the ground as Cassiel walked up to it with Hope following behind. Cassiel kneeled down and pulled out the knife, and handed it to Hope.

"Are you mad at me?" Hope asked softly. She looked into his golden eyes, but he didn't say anything, he only stared at her, which looked like it was also hard for him to do.

"Are you two alright?" Dad asked as we looked at him. "Let's give her a proper burial. See if you can find a shovel." We both nod as we start to look around.

Alaric's phone rang as he answered. "Dorian."

[Found it. The soft spot, that's how you kill it.]

"Uh. Knife to the heart did the trick."

[Huh. Okay. So much for research.]

"What are you reading, game of thrones?" Alaric asked with humor.

[Puff, the magic dragon.] Dorian replied with a laugh.

"L-Look, this just does not make any sense. It has got to be something else." As Alaric was talking, he didn't notice what was going on behind him, untill he heard soft breathing making him turn around. There stood a growing Dragon. "Nope, it's a dragon alright. I've got to call you back." Alaric turned off the phone as he continued to stare at the dragon.

"Dr. Saltzman..." Hope said as she came out with the rest of the teens. They were all shocked when they saw the now fully grown dragon towering over them. "Oh, my god."

The dragon roared as it took flight into the air.

"Was that a..." Landon asked in shock.

"You guys go, get to the car and stay there." Hope said as she threw the shovel.

"What about you?" Rafael asked.

"I have an idea." Hope said.

"What?" Dad asked.

"She wants this, she is going to be back." Hope said as she pulled out the knife.

"Alright, you two go to the car, I'll meet you there." Landon and Rafael took off running.

"This plan doesn't involve you using dark magic does it?" Cassiel asked in a whisper, shocking Hope. Hope was caught off guard and didn't say anything, confirming his answer.

"Give me the knife." Cassiel said as he took it from her hands, but she has yet to let go.

"No, Cassie let me do this!" Hope pleaded.

"Not if your using black magic, I wont let you." Cassiel said as he pulled the knife out of her hands.

"You cant take it on alone!" Hope cried out. Cassiel ignored her as he took off his shirt and threw it at his dad.

"Dad, take cover. I don't want to bring you back in hot ashes to my sisters." Cassiel said as his angel wing tattoos glowed gold.

"The dad card? That's a little low." Still, dad went into the cellar.

"Give it to me Hope." Cassiel said as he reached out his hand. Hope knew what he was talking about and gave him the page she ripped out from her spell book with a guilty face. Cassiel read over the contents, and you can see the disappointment and sadness in his face. "You asked me earlier if I was mad at you... I would never be mad at Hope Mikaelson." Cassiel looked at her soft blue eyes that were holding back tears. "But the person I see in front of me is not Hope Mikaelson." Cassiel's wings were out and he took off into the air toward the dragon.

When the dragon saw him, it shot a breath of fire with a roar, but Cassiel dove out of the way and came up from under it. If the heart didn't work, then the throat should be good. Cassiel held up the knife, and flew at full speed straight to the dragons throat. The knife lodged itself firmly, as the dragon let out a loud cry, and fell toward the ground. Cassiel flew down and landed next to the now dead dragon, and pulled out the knife. The dragon slowly turned back to the girl, but she was fully dead. Cassiel wordlessly grabbed the shovel and started digging.

"Nice Job Cassie. Finish burying it, I'll be at the car." Dad said as he came out of the cellar, and began to head back to the car to check up on the other two.

"Do you want some help?" Hope asked, still feeling guilty.

"I think it would be best you join my dad back to the car." Cassiel said as he dag.

"Cassie, please. I'm sorry. I never ment for anything to happen to you." Hope was trying hard not to cry.

"Stop lying." Cassiel spoke softly. "That was a spell you had to research in order to stop me, especially with the effects it put me through. The amount of pain that spell brought me was unbearable, but it wasn't the pain of the spell that hurt the most..." Cassiel didn't yell, but his words made Hope's heart feel like it was being stabbed. "Landon may have done something dumb, maybe evil, we dont know. But he is just a kid like me and you. My bestfriend Hope Mikaelson would never hurt someone, let alone kill them. That's why I ask you, who are you?" Cassiel said as he looked at her with unfamiliarity. This time a single tear ran down her cheek, and her eyes were red and watery. Cassiel hated seeing her cry, and he hated himself for being the one to make her cry. But she needed to know that what she did was not ok.

Hope wiped her tear as she walked back to the car. Cassiel gripped the shovel tighter as he continued to dig.


Cassiel walked back to the car where he saw Hope and his dad waiting. Hope was reading a letter, and there was no sign of the other two boys. "So I take it they ran?" Cassie asked as his Dad nodded. Cassie sighed as he got in the front seat and put his shirt back on.

His dad and Hope got in the car as they drove back to school. Cassiel leaned his head on the window, sighing as it's been a long day. He could feel Hope's gaze on him from the back seat, but he didn't acknowledge it.


Cassiel took a shower and changed into more comfortable clothing. He sighed as he stared out his window, and into the night campus. He was having trouble sleeping. He looked down at his hands that were holding the death spell, and was reminded of Hope again. With another sigh, he left his room.

It took five minutes to get to her room, mostly because he was trying to convince himself not to go there. He knocked softly and waited for a reply.

"Come in." Hope's soft voice said, however it sounded like she had been crying. Cassiel opened the door, and the look of surprise on her face almost made him smile.

"Hey." He said as he walked inside and closed the door.

"Hey." Hope said softly as she sat up straighter.

"Are you ok? You sound like you've been crying." Cassiel said as he sat next to her on her bed.

"You always know." Hope said with a self mocking smile. "...I've been thinking of them." She said as she looked at framed pictures on her night stand. It was her family, which explains why she was crying.

"It's nice to see I have my bestfriend back." Cassile sad as he rubbed her head. She hated it when he did that, but she was too surprised to hear that he has forgiven her to notice.

"You forgive me?" Hope asked.

"There is nothing to forgive. I told you, I am never mad at Hope Mikaelson...but I AM mad at that person earlier." Cassiel said as he handed Hope back the death spell.

"I'm sorry Cassie, I never ment for that spell to hurt you. I only wanted it to stop you for a few seconds." Hope cried out.

"Its ok, I understand. You don't have to feel guilty." Cassiel said with a smile. "Anyway, I should head back." Cassiel said as he stood up, but Hope grabbed his hand.

"Can you stay here? We can have a sleep over like we used to." Cassiel's heart rushed a little, but he forced it down.

"We aren't kids anymore Hope." Cassiel said with a sad smile. But when he looked at her eyes, he cursed inwardly. She was giving him the eyes again, he could never say no to them. "Fine, you win."

Cassiel grabbed a pillow and an extra blanket from where he remember they would keep them, and made a small bed on the floor. He layed down as the lights turned off.

"Goodnight Cassie." Hope said with a yawn, yet went to sleep with a happy smile.

"...goodnight Hope." Cassiel said as he tried to fall asleep.