
Goetia, Beast of Compassion DxD

The executioner of human incineration was defeated by the last master of humanity. As a loser, 'he' should have vanished. However, his plan did not come to an end. In a different world, the first sin will manifest once again. Watch Goetia along with the 72 Pillar Demon God carry out their plan, will their plan go smoothly this time or will their plan be thwarted like before by a certain human, curious? What are you waiting for? Read now! .... TL

MiracleBringer · Anime e quadrinhos
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31 Chs

Silver-Armed Knight

I, Hyoudou Issei, had my childhood friend from when I moved abroad, Irina Shidou, appear before me.

Apparently, Irina became a warrior of the church and became a Protestant holy sword user while overseas. As for me, I became a devil as a servant of the Satan sister and worked as a warrior of the church, an exorcist. It feels like a strange twist of fate.

So, the reason why Irina returned to this town wasn't just for a homecoming visit.

The Excalibur owned by the church was stolen by Kokabiel, a member of the fallen angel organization "The Watchers Over the Children of God." Irina and her partner Xenovia came to this town to reclaim Excalibur.

Right now, in the Occult Research Club room at Kuoh Academy, I, the upper-class devil who rules over this town and is my master, Rias Gremory, am in negotiation. Well, it's not really a negotiation. The room is filled with an atmosphere ready to explode.

Excalibur is an amazing sword that even appears in legends, but it broke during an ancient war. The church recovered it and divided it into seven pieces to restore it. The Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox each possess two pieces, while the remaining piece has been missing for a long time.

Irina and the others contacted us, the Gremory servants who claim this town as our territory, because it was discovered that Kokabiel was hiding in this town. They also came to give us an order not to interfere with their mission to retrieve Excalibur. At first, I thought it was a request for cooperation, but it seems that the gap between the church and the demons is deeper than I imagined.

According to Xenovia, the higher-ups in the church suspect that this incident involves not only the fallen angels but also the devils. The club president is in a terrible mood, being told not to interfere by the church, and being suspected of having ties to fallen angels.

The cause of Kokabiel's involvement in the incident is related to an agreement concerning some strange monsters that appeared in the underworld. They are monstrous beings that ran rampant in the underworld, attacking the first-generation high-class devils. It seemed that the incident of the church attack was also related to these monstrous beings. Their true identity is too mysterious, so there were moves among the biblical factions to form an agreement to deal with these creatures. However, Kokabiel didn't like that. Kokabiel is a warmonger. I don't understand it. I believe peace is the best.

If the monster that ran rampant in the underworld can be dealt with soon, it seems that the club president will have no problem attending school in the human realm. So, I want them to defeat it as soon as possible, but thanks to Kokabiel, the problem seems to be dragging on. Irina and the others are cautious because they were given the order right before they tried to form an agreement. Maybe they're thinking, "We can't trust demons and fallen angels after all."

In addition to the church's arbitrary orders and the club president's bad mood, it was a problem that Irina and the others had Excalibur. Kiba, who is also a member of our peerage group and has a connection to Excalibur, was in a complicated position.

Once upon a time, there were human experiments conducted secretly within the church—the Holy Sword Project. It was a plan to make limited individuals able to wield holy swords that only a select few could use, even after they were born. Kiba was one of the test subjects, but if he didn't meet the requirements, if he was a failure, he would be disposed of. However, Kiba was picked up by the club president and is now living as a demon. The club president wanted him to live without hatred towards the holy swords... but now the physical objects have appeared. And it's not just the two in front of us. There should be four more that Kokabiel stole somewhere in this town. It was only natural for Kiba's hatred to resurface. He is glaring fiercely at Irina and Xenovia right now.

Hey, hold on. I don't want any more trouble. Please calm down, Kiba. What happened to your usual cool demeanor?

While worrying about Kiba, who is overflowing with killing intent, the club president asks Irina and the others.

"So, I assume it's just the two of you who came from the church?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"The church should have already dispatched a few priests, but it seems they were taken out by Kokabiel's subordinates."

"What?! Aren't there fallen angels mentioned in the Bible? Are you planning to challenge them alone? Are you intending to die?"

"Don't underestimate our faith. Right, Xenovia?"

"Well, yeah. The higher-ups have decided to stop Kokabiel, even if it means destroying Excalibur. Our mission is, at the very least, to retrieve Excalibur from the hands of the fallen angels. We won't hesitate to sacrifice our lives for that. Only Excalibur can defeat Excalibur."

So, this is what faith is about. I truly can't understand it.

"Then, are there no envoys from the Eastern Orthodox Church? They also had two Holy Swords stolen, right?"

"Ah, yes. It seems they have chosen to remain passive. The Eastern Orthodox Church should have enough power to rival Excalibur, but they probably don't want to exacerbate the situation."

Indeed, the Eastern Orthodox Church had their two Excaliburs stolen. One was taken at the same time as the other bases, and the other was reported missing just before Irina and Xenovia arrived at the club room.

"Kokabiel must be aware of our movements, targeting the time when we arrived in Japan."

"That's likely. It's too coincidental for a third party attack, not related to fallen angels, to occur just when you are about to negotiate with me."

As the club president says that, considering such a possibility seems foolish. Well, if someone were to target the Holy Swords at this timing, other than Kokabiel, it wouldn't make sense.

"Could it be that information is leaking from us, the demons?"

"Ah, yes. We can't deny that, can we? There's also the suspicious story about the mastermind who attacked the church and went on a rampage against the first-generation of the 72 pillars in the underworld. They might be setting a trap for us. That's the report from my superior. Well, I also find it suspicious. If it's the Lord's will, we'll obey, but until then..."

The conversation with Irina and Xenovia ends here, but the problem lies with Kiba.

After various conflicts, Kiba ended up fighting Xenovia in a simulated battle where no one was allowed to speak. But he lost. He couldn't even touch the fateful holy sword, and he looked frustrated.

...I never expected that the next day I would see Irina and Xenovia begging for money all over town. It seems Irina was tricked into buying some graffiti-like painting. I felt like banging my head against the wall. I ended up treating them to a meal at a family restaurant, but my wallet suddenly felt lonely...


In the British lake, not the promised utopia, a single sword is thrown in. The sword, emitting a beautiful radiance, pierces the surface of the water as if being drawn in from its tip. And then, it sinks to the bottom of the lake.

The one who threw the sword is a knight.

He is a blond youth with a tall and masculine figure, yet he possesses a beauty that could be mistaken for a woman. While his aura is gentle, his eyes hold a strong determination. Above all, what stands out is his right arm. At first glance, it appears to be a silver gauntlet, but it is actually a prosthetic arm. And not just any prosthetic, but a rather special one.

This knight is the culprit behind the recent attack on the Eastern Orthodox Church. And what he threw into the lake was the stolen―or rather, reclaimed―Excalibur. If there were others present, they would surely question what he was doing. But he would proudly respond, "This is the right thing to do."

Outnumbered. Although he is a Servant with physical strength far surpassing humans, facing an entire organization single-handedly is a daunting task. There was also the restriction of not wanting to injure the opponent indiscriminately, which made the battle even more challenging.

Compared to the savages the knight fought against in his lifetime, it wasn't about the number of enemies. The Roman army and the Picts were even more ruthless creatures.

It was fortunate that no high-ranking angels could intervene in time. If it had been "Knight of the Sun" or "Knight of the Lake," they might have been able to handle the bizarre adversaries described in the Bible. But facing them alone as this knight was deemed impossible.

Aware of this, the knight exhales along with a sense of fatigue.

"That makes six left."

The knight recalls the incident at the Eastern Orthodox Church. Judging from their response, it seems that the other Excalibur that should have been in their possession was stolen by someone else. It appears not only the Eastern Orthodox Church but also the Catholic and Protestant Holy Swords have been similarly taken. Although he has no right to say it since he is the one who stole them, what a disgrace it is. He shamelessly used the King's sword, yet he couldn't even manage their preservation.

The knight simply gazes at the ripple-free surface of the water.

"Once again, I shall slay my king."

The knight's name is Bedivere. He is a Heroic Spirit summoned from another world, a knight of the Round Table who stood by King Arthur until the end. It is said that he returned King Arthur's Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake.

The history of King Arthur in this world deviates greatly from what Bedivere knows. The Pendragon family is still alive, and Caliburn is said to be preserved. Moreover, the Excalibur that he supposedly returned has been divided into seven pieces and stored by the Church, divided among three factions, with one piece even being unaccounted for.

When he learned of this information, one can only imagine the emotions that ignited within his heart.

 I understand that this is an act that has passed. I don't truly know if it's the right thing to do. But even if it were someone other than myself, any knight of the Round Table who came to this world would have done the same. Even that rebellious knight, there is a possibility. If that's the case, I cannot simply stand by and do nothing.

The performance may have declined, but that sword was undoubtedly Excalibur. I cannot imagine that the lake spirit would agree to the church's negotiation. They do not possess such a personality. Did the Bedivere of this world not return the King's sword? Did he hesitate even with the third return, like myself? Or perhaps, did he perish before returning it? Either way--

"--On behalf of the Bedivere of this world, I will return the King's sword to the spirit."

If it is said to be divided into seven, then I shall return it seven times. This time, without any hesitation. 


"On behalf of the Nine Prophets of Peeping Sights, Amon reports. There is a possibility that the entity referred to as the God of the Bible is either weakened or deceased. Despite the biblical factions attempting to form an agreement to counter us, there is no sign of God's movement. If God were truly alive, there would be no need for such an agreement. It would be impossible to form one."

"A communication from Goetia. The validity of our speculations will be revealed by the conclusion of the biblical factions' agreement or the commencement of war. Further speculations would be futile efforts. Therefore, the special mission of the Nine Prophets of Peeping Sights is hereby lifted. Resume the temporarily interrupted operations."

"A report from Gaap. Confirmation of the Knight of the Round Table, Bedivere. It has been determined that he is responsible for the attack on the Orthodox Church."

"A conjecture from Malephar. His objective is Excalibur. Considering his legend and the current state of this world, there is no other possibility."

"A proposal from Shax. While Kokabiel's actions are proceeding as planned, there is a possibility of error due to the intervention of that knight. It should be dealt with before any interference occurs."

"A counterargument from Halphas. Kokabiel's value has expired. The commencement of war is only a matter of time. There is no reason for us to interfere with that knight."

"Agreement from Uvall. There is no need for us to intervene in order to assess the capabilities of the biblical factions. Regardless of the battle with Kokabiel or his defeat, there is a low possibility of error in our plan."

"A proposal from Gremory. Considering his objective, there is a possibility of contact during my operation. Let us prepare to respond in such a case."

"A decision from Goetia. Gremory will be in charge of interference with Bedivere. However, the success or failure of the negotiation is irrelevant."

"A proposal from Alloces. Florence Nightingale has shown excellent performance, but she has deviated from the original purpose. We need an Heroic Spirit with a more universal perspective. We should begin preparations for the next summoning."

"A concern from Ipos. It has already been decided that we require Heroic Spirits to ensure the success of our plan. However, we should avoid any further reckless summonings as they may contribute to the plan's failure."

"A proposal from Eligor. Then we should summon a Heroic Spirit of wisdom. They may not be on the level of the Mage King, but there were Heroic Spirits with a philosophical and intellectual aspect on that planet as well."

"A proposal from Hagenti. If we are to save this era, we should avoid Ancient or similar Heroic Spirits."

"A request from Baal. There is a technique I wish to test."

"A decision from Goetia. The next summoning will be based on the assumption of summoning a Caster from the modern or contemporary era. Baal will be in charge of the summoning."

"Goetia, we need to talk."

"...Ophis. As you can see, we are busy. Why don't you practice the specific barrier I taught you the other day?"

"I have learned the specific barrier. I have acquired a new tranquility."

"...What did you say?"