
Goetia, Beast of Compassion DxD

The executioner of human incineration was defeated by the last master of humanity. As a loser, 'he' should have vanished. However, his plan did not come to an end. In a different world, the first sin will manifest once again. Watch Goetia along with the 72 Pillar Demon God carry out their plan, will their plan go smoothly this time or will their plan be thwarted like before by a certain human, curious? What are you waiting for? Read now! .... TL

MiracleBringer · Anime e quadrinhos
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31 Chs

Is that okay?

My memories—Yuto Kiba—begin with the experiments of that Holy Sword Project.

It was one of the secretive research projects conducted by the Church. It involved human experimentation to artificially create compatible individuals for the holy swords, the Holy Sword Project. The subjects were myself and other orphaned individuals who had a connection to swords and artifacts.

We endured the experiments together, and we sang hymns together. But everyone died. Everyone except for me. The researchers deemed us as "failures" who couldn't adapt to the holy swords and decided to dispose of us. Even though there were others who wanted to live more than me, I was the only one who survived.

After escaping from the facility, I was taken in by the Club President, Rias Gremory. She gave me a place, a name, a purpose, and her affection as a "Knight." However, within my heart, there was a swirling hatred towards those involved in that project and towards Excalibur.

That's why I believed it was fate when someone wielding Excalibur appeared in this town. Not only a High-ranking Fallen Angel but also a researcher who led that project. I couldn't forgive them. I had to defeat Excalibur to fulfill the grievances of my comrades.

And then, I discovered the true purpose of that research. The essence of that research was not to create individuals who could wield the holy swords, but to extract the factors necessary for wielding them. By gathering small factors, integrating them, and creating a larger factor, anyone could handle the holy swords. In other words, from the beginning, we were not meant to fight for the gods or the Church with Excalibur.

The researcher who was involved in the Holy Sword Project, Valper Galilei, already considered himself unnecessary and handed me the crystallization of the factors I obtained in that experiment. From that crystallization, I heard their voices. The voices of everyone. Their songs. Their wishes.

Listening to their voices, I reached my decision. The Forbidden Technique, Balance Breaker, the Holy Demonic Sword of Supremacy, Sword of Betrayer.

I stood face to face with the amalgamation of the four Excaliburs. ...Kokabiel should have secured five holy swords, including the one I took from Irina Shidou who came to this town. But perhaps he could only integrate four of them due to some limitations. If Excalibur is not complete, there is a chance of victory.

No matter how versatile its functions are, I'm not afraid of an opponent who can't fully utilize them. Besides, it seemed that Freed's movements were worse than before. Although his speed had increased, his consciousness couldn't keep up. He might have made further modifications to his body in this short period.

I strike directly at Freed!


Effortlessly, Freed evades my strike. However, due to the awkward posture, he couldn't alleviate the burden on Excalibur. The aura of the Holy Demonic Sword and my sword strike shattered Excalibur.

Freed quickly jumps back, creating distance. But I don't pursue him further. I confirm one fact. Excalibur, shattered into pieces.

"――Did you see that? Our power surpassed Excalibur."

Yes, I did it. I finally achieved revenge.

"Well, well, it's broken, huh? Patchwork doesn't work, I suppose. Maybe it's because I'm not accustomed to 'adjusting' my body... Anyway, it's a shame that the big brother I heard about didn't make it in time."

 Kokabiel, who showed no signs of being affected, was in a state of agitation. However, it wasn't because Excalibur was broken; it seemed to be about my Holy Demonic Sword.

"Oh, this is impossible! The merging of the holy and demonic is impossible! Could it be that not only the Devil but even the God..."

"Fuhaha, fuhahahaha!"

It was Kokabiel. Laughing mockingly, he planted his feet on the ground, exuding tremendous confidence and aura.

"But you believers of God and devils fight each other even if you have lost the ones you should serve."

Kokabiel's sudden words and actions were cryptic and mysterious.

"...What do you mean?"

"By the way, let me tell you. It's not surprising that you don't know. Who could say that God have died? As long as we don't know where the information leaked from, only a few at the top of the three major factions know about this. With the death of the God and Satan, the power balance between the holy and demonic has been disrupted. As a result, various anomalous phenomena are occurring in different places. Even the ability for a young boy like you to create a Holy Demonic Sword is due to the imbalance between the holy and demonic."

It was because God was absent that my Holy Demonic Sword was born. It's ironic, isn't it? Despite rebelling, I had devoted most of my life to God.

"...That's why there's an agreement regarding the pillar-shaped mighty creatures. Some faction might have noticed the absence of God. The biblical factions have not fully recovered from the three-way war. If a war were to begin, angels, devils, and fallen angels would crumble. Even so, you suggest joining forces with those incomprehensible beings? Ridiculous! Are you telling us, proud fallen angels, to stand shoulder to shoulder with them? They are our archenemies! Can we fight alongside such beings? If we had fought as we were, we might have won the previous war!"

I see. I had a feeling something was strange. It's unthinkable for the God's side to form an alliance with devils and fallen angels. If there's no God, it makes sense.

"I will start a war! As a souvenir, I will take your heads! Even if it's just me, I will continue what I started back then! I will show Michael, Serafall, and those unknown monsters that we fallen angels are the strongest!"

Leaving us in shock due to the astonishing revelation, he raised his voice.


That voice came from Freed. He wore a deeper madness than usual, with a mocking smile on his face. However, it was directed towards Kokabiel, who should be his boss. There was something different about him compared to earlier.

"Oh, I see. So, so. The damn God is dead, huh? Despite boasting to be the only and absolute, it's not a scam! This is what they call the transient nature of existence! Oops, that's a Buddhist term. By the way, I used to be a former Christian!"


"You know, you might be strong, but you're pretty weak-minded. Talking about a war doctrine is just too arrogant, you know? You don't have charisma, you know? You're just a lackey middle-boss. Who says that fallen angels are the strongest? You don't even realize that you're dancing in the palms of the brass!"

"Freed! What are you saying!? What do you mean by 'palm of the brass?"

"This is what I mean."

I felt the temperature around me suddenly drop. Whether it was because I had a premonition of what was about to happen or not, I started sweating coldly. While thinking that I had to stop Freed, my body trembled and couldn't move.

"Manifest yourself. Take form. To this end, the seventy-two pillars of demons."

As Freed chanted the spell, a strong light emanated from him. It was too bright to look at directly, so I covered my eyes with my hand. When the light subsided and I looked at where Freed had been, there stood a 'Monster.'

The towering figure resembled a pillar, without limbs or even joints. Numerous bizarre eyeballs, red like blood, adorned its pillar-like body. It was an indescribable aberration, beyond the realm of ugliness.

There was no mistake! This was the pillar-shaped monster that attacked the First Great Devil Generations! Its appearance was almost identical to what was described in the information sent from the Underworld. Though the color was different, it belonged to the same species.

Was it a transformation by Freed? No, there is also the possibility that the earlier incantation was meant to transform into this monster.

Kokabiel's expression grew stern. There were stories that an agreement regarding this monster was the cause that drove him to commit this atrocity. It must have been extremely vexing. He created an enormous spear of light in his hand.

"Hmph! To appear before me! Learn the power of a fallen angel!"


In an instant, an explosive energy filled the surroundings.


There stood Kokabiel, with his right shoulder and part of his abdomen blown away.

It was overwhelming. The fallen angel described in the Bible was brought to the brink of death with a single blow.

"You... You fool. I..."

"You are already of no use. Old fallen angel. Once the absence of God is confirmed, your worth is nothing more than that pitiful form of yours. Let your life serve as proof of our power."

There was no value in killing him.

 Upon hearing that proclamation, Kokabiel's face displayed more fear than humiliation. Implicitly, it meant that the blow deliberately avoided vital points, so it was only natural. And we felt the same way. We would have to face such a monster from now on.

As we were drenched in sweat due to the overwhelming pressure, the pillar-shaped monster introduced itself calmly.

"I am Gremory. One of the seventy-two demons under Solomon, Gremory."

...! What did this monstrous entity just say? Gremory?

In my disbelieving eyes, I saw club president, Rias-sama furious expression burning with anger. The surging waves of magical power emanating from her intense expression and body conveyed just how enraged she was.

"To deceive me by pretending to be Gremory in my presence takes quite some nerve! Very well, Mr. Flesh Column. I shall obliterate you as you wish!"

Rias-sama unleashed a massive destructive magical power! It was likely a full-powered strike. Even for high-ranking devils and superior fallen angels, taking it head-on would be disastrous. However, the pillar-shaped monster didn't avoid it; it took the blow. Even if it was stronger than Kokabiel, it wouldn't come out unscathed—

"That's my line, my counterfeit."

---But it remained unharmed. The words uttered by the monster showed no signs of pain. There was no indication of any defensive measures taken. In the face of our despair, the pillar-shaped monster calmly delivered its message. It was as if it was stating that our despair and Rias-sama demonic power were naturally ineffective.

"We are the true seventy-two demons. The primal rituals that served the mage king Solomon. Know that you counterfeit beings are not even worthy of standing before us."

It was not a declaration but an announcement. It didn't convey its own will. It simply conveyed a 'fact.' A fact that seemed too obvious. However, accepting it was a stark deviation from our common sense.

"Our purpose for manifesting in this human world is twofold. Firstly, to exterminate every devil that falsely claims to be one of the seventy-two demons, defiling the names of the seventy-two demons and the sacred name of the king."

The pillar-shaped monster proclaimed itself to be the true seventy-two demons.

"And secondly, to eradicate the incompetent god who allowed such corruption. However, if it is true that God have already perished, then there is nothing we can do. If the throne of the heavenly realm is vacant, we shall offer it to the king."

The word 'king.' In other words, it meant that there was an entity that controlled such a powerful pillar-shaped monster. How much stronger could it be compared to this monster? If those who claim to be the seventy-two demons refer to it as the king, then perhaps—. The Underworld might now have to face an unimaginable enemy.

However, before that, we must survive. Even if we have achieved victory over Excalibur, it would be meaningless if we don't survive! But just facing this creature is enough to make one tremble in awe.

All the eyeballs on the pillar-shaped body turned towards Rias, who stood there dumbfounded.

"My counterfeit. You shall die here. I shall kill your father and your brother. I shall kill all my counterfeits. The counterfeits of my comrades are the same. Only we, the seventy-two demons of Solomon, are enough."

With that declaration, the red eyeballs of the flesh pillar fixated on me, on Koneko-chan, on Akeno-san, on Issei-kun.

"You may flee. Poor children. Our purpose is solely to eradicate the abominations that taint the human world. I have no intention of killing you, who are victims of the incompetent God and our counterfeits. If you wish, I can remove the afflictions that plague your bodies. You may start anew as humans."

"A-as humans?"

"Indeed. We, the seventy-two demons, have established a method to extract the 'Evil Piece' as our counterfeits call it. It is possible to return you to being humans. You may start anew. Living as devils has surely been a torment for you as humans."

The disease that this monster referred to as the 'Evil Piece.' I had never heard of a means to revert someone reincarnated as a devil back to being human. I couldn't believe such technology existed. But for some reason, it seemed true to me.

"That's enough. There's no need for you to suffer any longer. It took quite a while, but I will save you."

Because there was compassion and solace present. Despite the horrifying appearance, I felt a saintly kindness emanating from it. I almost found myself naturally accepting its call to "start anew as humans."

"Don't make me laugh!"

However, my wavering thoughts were interrupted by Issei-kun's shout.

"You're saying you're the real Gremory? That the President is fake? Don't talk nonsense! The President is the President! Rias Gremory-sama! Disgusting monsters like you don't have the right to call her fake! I'm glad to have become a devil. Don't just assume we're unhappy!"

That's right. What was I thinking? I was saved by Rias-sama. Without her, I wouldn't have been able to achieve victory over Excalibur. It wasn't this pillar-shaped monster that saved me; it was Rias Gremory-sama. We—

"I got to see the President's bare breasts, and I even got to touch them! The next goal is to suck on them. Until the day I can suck the President's breasts, I will continue to fight as her servant devil!"

Issei-kun, I don't think this is the time for that kind of conversation. I want you to respond to the cry of my heart.

"I see. While I cannot sympathize with your opinion, I can understand it. Your words are probably a human-like sentiment. To suck on the breasts of your master—huh?"

Huh? Did this grotesque flesh pillar just make an incredibly foolish sound?

"Is that what you truly desire?"

"Huh? What the hell do you mean?"

"We considered the possibility of rejecting our proposal. There are moments when a girl who can only live for an instant may refuse eternal life. Therefore, we also considered the acceptance of those who choose to live as devils. But, well, is there no other way?"

A slight hint of anxiety laced the question. Why was that? This horrifying monster suddenly began to seem oddly human, emanating a sense of urgency.

"Do you not possess the faith that entrusts your body, the passion that illuminates a nation, the desires wagered with your life, the determination that displays pride, the conviction to pursue ideals, the loyalty devoted to eternal service, the courage to defy gods, the hope to survive this day? Don't you possess any of that?"

In response to the monster's question, Issei-kun clenched his fist.

"What the hell are you saying!"

Given what was said to him, I thought Issei-kun would give a serious response—how naïve of me.

"If there's a breast god, I'll pray even if it gives me a headache! I burn with passion for breasts! No one surpasses me in desire for breasts! Loving breasts is the purpose of my existence as Issei Hyoudou! I'll do anything to suck breasts! I pledge absolute loyalty to President, the possessor of magnificent breasts! Even if I have to defeat gods, I'll fondle those breasts! Because breasts are incredibly wonderful! Especially, the President's breasts are the best in the world! Just being adored by the President makes becoming a devil worthwhile! And as a high-class devil, I'll create a harem with beautiful girls! Return to being human? That's none of your business! Even if I become human again, I won't be popular anyway! I won't tolerate anyone interfering with my harem plan because of you!"

He might be trying to be cool, but I don't think that's the right approach, Issei-kun.

"For the sake of my breast life, I will defeat you!"

"I see..."

Issei-kun! I'm sorry for interrupting your momentum, but I want you to realize something. The person you referred to as a monster, thinking that I'm a monster as well, is incredibly troubled! No, rather than troubled, he seems bewildered. Or perhaps, it would be more accurate to say he's lamenting.

"Is our wish beneath mere lust? Was our pursuit correct...?"

After that, the monster fell silent. Issei-kun was the only one looking puzzled, but everyone else had faces that seemed to say, "Well, that's unexpected."

I don't understand anything about this monster. However, this much I could perceive. It's not just me. I'm sure everyone except Issei-kun understands.

The monster is now silent with an incredibly ambiguous expression—!!