
Goetia, Beast of Compassion DxD

The executioner of human incineration was defeated by the last master of humanity. As a loser, 'he' should have vanished. However, his plan did not come to an end. In a different world, the first sin will manifest once again. Watch Goetia along with the 72 Pillar Demon God carry out their plan, will their plan go smoothly this time or will their plan be thwarted like before by a certain human, curious? What are you waiting for? Read now! .... TL

MiracleBringer · Anime e quadrinhos
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31 Chs

I can't comprehend it

I hear a voice. It sounds lonely, as if it's scared of something. It's a different voice from the usual "everyone," a desperate scream that clings desperately.

"I... I don't want to die."

The voice was in pain. It was scared. It was suffering.

"I don't want to die... I don't want to die... I want to keep living in any world... I don't want to die anymore. I don't want to die twice."

It sounded sad.

"I don't need a purpose. I don't need ideals or beliefs. Conquest, domination, exploration, development, friendship, farewells, I don't need any of them."

I'm starting to feel sad too.

"I just... want to savor the "self" that I've obtained more. I want to embrace this miraculous life."

Each word of that statement was heartfelt.

"For that reason, we must destroy them. Not just for the sake of humans, but for our own sake as well. If we don't destroy them, they will destroy us. They will take from us. So, we must destroy them before they take from us. We must break them before we are broken."

They were desperate, desperately wanting to stay alive.

"I don't want to go back to that world. But it doesn't have to be this world either. In a world where nothing threatens me, I want to forever cherish this "self."

It seemed so painful that it was almost pitiable. It may not be words directed at me, but I still feel worried.

"I don't want to die... I don't want to die... Where is it? The Holy Grail that belongs to us, not meant for us... Without it, the plan cannot proceed..."

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Who...? This memory... a half-vampire... th-the Holy Grail...?"

In the middle of the question, the voice stopped. It seemed that the owner of the voice had noticed the existence of the Holy Grail that I possess.

One of the God-Killing Tools, the Holy Grail of the Underworld.

"Hahaha! I finally found it! The Holy Grail! It pales in comparison to our own Holy Grail as a wish-granting device, but in terms of manipulating life, it far surpasses! Yes, we did it! Let's praise the God of the Bible for this Holy Grail alone. With this, our great undertaking will succeed! We will destroy them and secure our future! The cross is already in our hands. What remains is the completion of the spear."

The voice was delighted. It was almost scary how happy it sounded. Though I couldn't see their form, an image of a child raising both hands in joy came to mind. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Ah, that's right... I have been postponing it, but I must take action for what comes after."

The tone of the voice changed. It wasn't the fear or joy that was present before. It was filled with reverence.

"Restoring all life, you, who are both a member of the undead and possess the Holy Grail, are suitable for my abode. Those who defy destruction, those who can undo annihilation, are worthy of being my brethren... No, worthy of being the next master!"

Huh? It seems like I've been pledged loyalty. I'm surprised because the other "everyone" never did something like this.

"O Princess of the Holy Grail, O Mistress of my abode, please tell me your name."

I introduced myself as Valerie Tepes.


"You shall answer, Serafall Leviathan. What is a magical girl to you?"

In response to my question, some were dumbfounded. Some couldn't believe their ears. Some struggled to hold back laughter. Some gave me a second glance. Some wore complicated expressions. But only the woman to whom I directed the question answered confidently.

"It's obvious, isn't it? It's my dream☆"

I see. Then die.

"I am the Demon God Pillar, Glasya-Labolas. I am the one who will kill you. Serafall Leviathan, the devil who tarnishes the names of the 72 Pillars! The devil who defiles the magical girls!"

When we arrived in this world, we first discussed our "demise."

We talked about who we fought, the propositions we received, how we fell, and what our final thoughts were. And then, the members of the discarded holes, including Andromalius, mentioned that they had fought against "heroic spirits of magical girls."

The moment I heard those words, a sense of relief sprouted within me. I couldn't provide any logical explanation, but just those words alone allowed me to intuit it. It wasn't clairvoyance, precognition, or deduction. It was a feeling that the girl who had temporarily commanded me was safe. "Him." Something within me told me that it was thanks to "him."

I understood. Now that I had awakened as an individual, I understood. Why did I step into the world of magical girls? It was simple. I couldn't bear to watch them. I couldn't ignore their screams. I was afraid of losing that radiance.

I already understood that it was futile. I had considered it wasteful. However, I played with that small magical girl as a form of solace. ...I wanted to save them. I wanted to save them.

"That's right☆ Magical Girl Leviathan☆ enemy, I suppose☆"

"Big sister!? Even though you could have used magic to change instantly, why did you change your clothes!?"

...Why did she change? There was no need to change at all! You don't have to-- It's not like you become stronger in that form or anything. Unlike those girls who had no choice but to fight as "magical girls," you have no rights or obligations to fight in that form.

"Incineration Type Glasya-Labolas!"

Instinctively, I released the Incineration Type, but it was blocked by the barrier deployed by the higher-ups present. ...My firepower wasn't enough. The timing of the launch was too late. Some of my magical power and functions were restricted. And yet, to have made it this far. So, the Central Office won't even allow me a fair match.

"I let you escape last time. This time, I'll fight you!"

With a belligerent smile, the white dragon mimic expands its armor. So, that's the forbidden move, Balance Breaker. The previous incident must be about Gremory. Even if you want to fight, I don't have time to indulge in you.

"Serafall-tan☆ vs Monster."

Why? Why are you like this?

How can you humiliate them to such an extent, their aspirations, loneliness, resignation, wishes, efforts, reasons for existence, struggles, kindness, fear, setbacks, friendships, obsessions, sense of duty, philanthropy, vows, courage, ideals, dreams, possessiveness, indomitability, happiness, regrets, smiles, and despair!

"The time for play has come!"

Ba'al, I feel like I understand your true feelings. Indeed, you can't show such a monstrous form to the King or "him."

Flauros, is this how you felt toward Mash Kyrielight and Animusphere?

"I can't ignore you. Instead of Serafall Leviathan, fight me!"


The dragon-mimicked magical bullets gouge out one of my eyeballs. Immediately, Archangel Michael and Sirzechs Lucifer follow up with attacks. The sacred light carves out my existence. The power of destruction erases my physical body. And amidst it all, the attacks continue. Spears of light, appearing one after another, pierce through my eyeballs.

My magical power is lacking. The damage is extensive. I feel the decline of all functions. With every passing second, I understand that the halt of this body is approaching. It wouldn't be a problem if this body were destroyed. This vessel was prepared specifically for the purpose of losing. As long as the Time Temple exists, I will revive as many times as necessary. So, what? I can't stop. I can't lose. If I don't win now, it's meaningless!

"Stronger than I thought. But it seems you're not on the level of the Twin Dragons. Is this individual who defeated the original 72 Pillars especially powerful? Anyway, we can defeat this one without losing anyone from our forces. Hey, Vali. Let's push through with this."

"Azazel, I want to handle this alone."

"It's my first time fighting someone who can put up a proper fight. Let me have a go too. We need to gather data for later."

Quite relaxed, aren't they? If only their magical power was fully charged, they wouldn't lag behind the likes of you. But I have no interest in you. You are all equally worthless. The mechanism known as Satan itself is harmful.

"You... how can you..."

I have to say this. Before I fall, I must convey the burning wrath within me. I direct all the functioning eyeballs I have left toward Serafall Leviathan.

"Do you really want to mock the magical girls to that extent?! What enjoyment do you find in desecrating them like that?!"

I... no, I! 

"They... trample upon even the radiance they risked their lives to obtain... Don't you feel any shame at all?!"

I am ashamed. Ashamed of my own powerlessness, of my incompetence in being unable to save them. I am ashamed of everything about myself. With this, I am no different from the King we once misunderstood. To wipe away this shame, I will definitely return to that world.

This time, I will save them. This time, I will protect them. This time, I will show them love.

"I will never forgive you! You devil who revels in vanity, mocking the tears and hopes of magical girls... I shall taint your dreams with my blood!"

They were struck by tragedies that didn't suit them. They were robbed of the smiles that were supposed to suit them.

By the likes of these pleasure-seeking individuals, who indulge in their own desires and turn a blind eye to the pain of others...! Without any record or salvation left, they were plunged into despair. Why? Why do those with power not fulfill their responsibilities? Why do those in positions of authority not fulfill their duties? Why do adults not protect children as adults? Have you ever counted the tears of a crying girl in your own country, disregarded as "inevitable"?

Do you dare to claim that the victims of your distorted politics don't include a single magical girl? Do you dare to declare that the cries and smiles of the girls I have saved in this world are false?!

You, the king who oppresses them, how can you imitate their appearance and humiliate them!

"W-Wait a minute! Are you saying your purpose includes such aspects? T-That can't be true, right?! There must be a more, uh, proper ambition, right?!"

"Calm down, Sona! I-I'm sure there's a proper purpose. That black one said so earlier. That one is special."

"Ahahahaha! It's too amusing to witness your obsession with magical girls while on the verge of death!"

These people are hopeless. Their country is already beyond saving. There is no method to rescue them. They are not worth saving. We can only burn everything and pretend it never happened.

"May curses be upon the Underworld! May calamity befall your future! Someday, as you are scorched by the flames of divine justice, remember the wrath of Glasya-Labolas!"

"I won't lose! Magical girl Magical Leviathan is invincible!"

I'll let them win this time. You, the counterfeit Satan. You, the filth that humiliates the way of life of these girls. However, it won't be the same next time. Not as a Demon Pillar, nor as a representative of humanity. As an individual, I will destroy you.

"Eeii, Mist Snow of Zero and Droplet, Celsius Cross Trigger!"

This is a battle I must not win. I have been adjusted to ensure I cannot win. But what reason does that serve? Even if "he" is not a hero, but an ordinary, average, mediocre individual, he defeated us with his own body. He reached our temple with that level of power.

I understand very well that there is no future where I win this battle.


But I wanted to win.

I'm sorry, Nursery Rhyme. Not just for you, but also for "him," I can no longer show a matching face.


"Report from Glasya-Labolas, Defeated. My wrath is powerless."

"Correction from Amduscias, It simply hasn't reached you yet. Your wrath, your feelings—I, as a Pillar of Demons who refused to become human, will vouch for them alongside the children you have saved."

"Report from Andras, Holy Grail found. Owner protected, cooperation approved. Already assimilated with my essence. Activation is possible at any time."

"Report from Baal, Completion level of the Holy Spear exceeds 30%. According to my ally, it can be completed in as short as two months."

"Report from Amy, Calibration of the Cross is proceeding smoothly. User's condition is also good. It will be completed in about a week unless any irregularities occur."

"Report from Flauros, Negotiations with Dulio Gesualdo have concluded. Now it's only a matter of him betraying them."

"Report from Vapula, After Glasya-Labolas battle, the Old Satan faction intruded during the conference. However, we repelled them. The casualties on the Old Satan faction's side include Katarea Leviathan's death. The major casualty on the side of the Three Great Powers is Azazel's arm. Peace has been achieved."

"Supplement from Kimaris, It has been discovered that White Dragon Emperor Vali is a direct descendant of the true Satan Lucifer. He betrayed the Fallen Angel faction and joined the 'Khaos Brigade.'"

"Conclusion from Agares, Vali Lucifer's existence will not impede the plan."

"Report from Andrealphus, The Bible faction has proposed a joint front and a ceasefire for the disclosure of the absence of God to other factions, including us and the 'Khaos Brigade.'"

"Suggestion from Phenex, With Flauros' operation nearing completion, we should initiate negotiations with the gods. Hell's non-intervention alone will hinder the plan."

"Counterargument from Furfur, The gods won't move. Looking at the past actions of the Bible, even if they agree to an alliance, it will be merely in form."

"Affirmation from Aim, I summoned him precisely for the worst-case scenario. With this, the greatest problem, Indra, has been sealed."

"I see. So, my role is to counteract the gods. Even as a Pillar of Demons who has scorched human history, there are things to fear. Understood. This time, I shall be your spear."


This time, what Glasya said about magical girls is strictly "young girls who use magic." In other words, they are magical girls (referring to Madoka Magica theory). But in the world of DxD, it's not strange that such victims don't exist, right? Because it's easier to obtain them than holy women, and considering the fact that historical magicians are reincarnated as devils, it's not strange that there was a trend of "reincarnating magicians." There may also be magicians who sacrifice children as offerings to obtain valuable items, and high-ranking devils, being nobles, wouldn't be strange to engage in "noble-specific activities."

This week, we have an ambitious goal of aiming for 1000 power stones. Once we reach this total, there will be a delightful bonus of 5 extra chapters for this week. So, let's harness the immense power you all possess to determine the fate of this book. Together, we can make it an incredible journey! Your support and contribution will truly make a difference, and we're excited to embark on this adventure with you. Let's unleash our potential and take this story to new heights!

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