
Godzilla: sent to another world

after being Killed by Dr. Serizawa's Oxygen Destroyer, Godzilla is transported to another world by a goddess. Now, he annihilates any who stand in his way, driven by the singular goal of overthrowing the Demon King and claiming dominion over the newfound realm.

YoriGan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Death and the new beginning of a King

Sets the stage for Gojira's destructive rampage in Tokyo in 1954.

Dr. Serizawa's use of the Oxygen Destroyer becomes a pivotal moment in the battle against the King of Monsters. The sea rocks back and forth, and in a moment of fury, Godzilla expresses his anger with a thunderous roar, cursing the humans who had brought about his demise.

Slowly, he faded away, leaving only his bones as a haunting reminder of the people of Japan.

In the eerie silence of the dark void, Gojira's discontent echoes as he ponders his surroundings.

"Hmph. Is this hell? Boring," he grumbles, expressing his dissatisfaction with the afterlife he found himself in.

Abruptly, a deity resembling a human with angelic wings materializes, hovering before Godzilla.

"Welcome to the afterlife, King of Monsters," the god intoned, addressing Gojira with a sense of acknowledgment. Despite Gojira's inability to speak, the deity communicates via telepathy.

With a hint of amusement, the goddess responds, "You're in the afterlife, mighty one. Ask, and I shall explain more of this realm."

Gojira defiantly declares, "I need not any explanation. Guide me to my hell."

The small goddess, however, proposes the idea of reincarnation, to which Gojira adamantly refuses, rejecting the idea of a second life.

The goddess, undeterred, asserts, "Refusal isn't an option."

Annoyed, Gojira turns to gaze at the deity and questions, "Who are you to decide my fate?"

Gojira did not like her asserting authority over him. The goddess reveals, "Our father, the King of Gods, has decreed a fate upon you in a perilous world."

Gojira smirks and laughs, boldly asserting, "There is no world that can comprehend my nature."

The challenge of a more dangerous realm only fuels Gojira's confidence.

In response, the goddess, provoked by surprise, attacks Gojira; he is caught off guard, something that's never happened.

He glares at the deity, provoked and angered. He charges his atomic breath and fires at her.

However, just before the attack connects, a sudden teleportation interferes and whisks Gojira away, transporting him into a mysterious and magical world, leaving the goddess unscathed.

In the night sky, the air itself starts to ripple, slowly intensifying. Then, a portal opens and there, Gojira falls.

He falls down from the atmosphere, coming down like a meteor, with his dorsal fins going headfirst. His entire body starts catching on fire.

Residents of nearby villages notice the crashing meteor from afar and think it is a shooting star.

He comes crashing down into an ocean; the impact creates a huge water explosion.

Several hours after Gojira had crashed, he awakes deep underwater and observes his surroundings.

Not much is different from his previous world.

Gojira thinks, "Hm, not much has changed except... there is strange energy I've never felt before."

This is the energy that enveloped around the life forms in this new world.

As it relies on it to thrive.

While wandering in the depths, he suddenly feels a massive spike of this energy on an unfamiliar continent.

He begins to swims towards it, it was the strongest energy of this type he could sense for now.

Several minutes have passed

He arrives ashore. On the beach, his massive size just by emerging causes a massive flood nearby.

He roars loudly as if trying to call out on the source of this energy.

Receiving no immediate response, Gojira growls and observes his surroundings.

Stand then suddenly gojira felt another huge spike in energy. It seemed it unleashed an attack.

Intrigued, he sets out to investigate the source of the mysterious energy.

As Gojira walks, he observes the unnatural landscapes floating in the air.

As it was nighttime, the forest itself becomes Abundant with light, flowers glowing with individual colors. The forest itself had a whitish blue hue and a green emerald hue, gojira had never truly cared for mesmerizing scenery.

But this was a sight to behold.

Everything intrigues him.

Even amongst the largest predators of the forest cower in fear in the presence of Gojira.

With each earth-shaking step, Gojira approaches the source of the roar.




A red dragon, considerably smaller than him, can be seen engaging in a fierce battle against an army of humans with swords.

The knights' rallying cry echoes, determined to slay the red dragon.

"Surround the dragon!" the leader orders.

The army, motivated, closes in.

However, the red dragon counters, unleashing a fiery onslaught hindering the advancing army's numbers and turning the tide in its favor.

The battle takes a dramatic turn. As the dragon prepares for a final blast, its crimson eyes full of rage.

Gojira intervenes, seizing the creature by the neck.

The once-dominant dragon finds itself at the mercy of the King of Monsters.

In retaliation, the red dragon unleashes its fire breath at Gojira but to no avail. It only annoys Gojira. Gojira roars thunderously, a deafening sound that resonates and hurts the heads of everyone in the vicinity.

With the dragon in its mouth, Gojira shows no interest in the defeated army and swallows the dragon whole.

Slowly turning away, he walks off, indifferent to the shocked and fearful knights who hurriedly retreat to their respective territories.

The leader of the pursuing knights hurriedly enters the king's palace, ignoring the halting of the royal guards. He is about to be taken away when the king orders them to stop.

"You may speak."

"Y-yes, your Highness."

The knight explains everything that has happened from the recent events.

Intrigued by the reports from his knights, the king decides on a goal to subdue this new creature, setting in motion plans to confront and control the colossal creature that had suddenly appeared.





To be continued...