

Transcend humanity. Stand above all. Seek Godhood. Zane, who was admitted to a mental asylum since childhood on earth, is reborn into a world of unnatural beasts, powerful humans, magic and gods. Wanting nothing more than living a normal life with his sister, his fate changes when some shady strangers come seeking asylum in his quiet town. One thing leading to another, Zane delves into the world of Seekers, humans who can wield powers of gods and beyond. Follow Zane on his journey to survive in this cruel world while he unravels the truth of the world and transcends humanity.

BuryTheNight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
186 Chs

Edana's Home

The sun was already starting to rise as Edana reached the door to her house. She stood in front of the door for quite some time before she reached into her pocket and fished out a small key. "Haah.." With a heavy sigh, she moved the key towards the lock and inserted it.


Turning the key all the way, she unlocked the door and pushed it open slowly. Clenching her teeth, she finally stepped inside. Trying to be stealthy, she slowly walked towards the living room and threw herself on the couch. She was filled with complex emotions as she had to watch her colleagues and friends get buried. As it had taken the whole night to bury them, Edana was exhausted. Putting her emotions aside for the time being, she laid down on the couch and closed her eyes, falling into a much needed deep sleep.

After some hours, Edana woke up to a gentle nudge on her shoulder. Opening her eyes, she could see it was Valentina who woke her up. "Val..." Edana slowly sat up straight and looked at Valentina with a soft gaze. At the same moment, Cadell appeared from within the kitchen with a tray on his hands. "When did you get back sister?" Cadell asked as he put the tray down on the small table in front of the couch. The tray had three cups on it, which was filled to the brim with coffee.

Edana smiled at Cadell as her hand moved towards the table. "I returned just this morning." She pulled a cup and sipped on the bitter coffee. Cadell stared at Edana's exhausted face for a moment. "Are you okay?" he asked with hesitation. Edana sipped on her coffee before letting out a long sigh. "I'm fine. It's just..." She looked at the two children before her and stopped speaking. "I'm okay." She said after a brief pause.

Both Cadell and Valentina could tell something was wrong with Edana with the way she answered. "Did something happen? You can tell us." Valentina grabbed Edana's hands. Surprised, Edana turned to look at Valentina, who was looking at her with a determined gaze. She then looked at Cadell who was also looking at her with the same gaze.

'Right.. They're also cadets, and strong children... What am I worried about. It's better to prepare them from now.' Valentina shook her head and smiled at them. "Thank you." She sat them down and told them about the loss they faced due to the mission and how dangerous the mission was. After she finished, both Cadell and Valentina had a look of shock on their faces.

"No...Brother Haskell..." Valentina blurted in disbelief. Hearing about all the deaths of the knights, especially Haskell, had filled them with sorrow. Moreover, they were stupefied by her explanation of the cult's Saint. They couldn't believe there was such a strong existence in the world. After hearing about this, they both silently decided to become more powerful in the future and steeled themselves.

"What happened to the cult's Saint? Is he dead?" Cadell asked. Shaking her head, Edana replied, "No, he had fallen into lunacy and managed to escape. Covert teams have been dispatched to search for him." Cadell nodded. "Lunacy..." They had read about lunacy in the academy and knew how dangerous it could be. 'That Saint is a really dangerous figure.' Cadell thought when he suddenly realized something and jerked his head towards Valentina.

She was looking down at the table and fidgeting her fingers. Her face showed clear signs of nervousness but she was trying her best to hide it. She opened her mouth multiple times to say something, but no sound came out. Cadell then turned towards Edana, who was oblivious to notice Valentina's change as she was spaced out herself, sipping on her coffee from time to time.

"Sister..." Cadell called out softly. "Huh?" Edana jerked towards Cadell, broken out of her thoughts. "Yes?" She responded. Letting out a soft sigh, Cadell asked, "Did you find brother Zane there?" Valentina perked her ears up and looked at Edana expectantly. After hearing Zane's name, Edana came to a sudden realization and looked at Valentina. She could now see the state Valentina was in and felt guilty.

"Right.. Val, We did find your brother." She turned away from Valentina and clenched her teeth. Hearing this, Valentina's face brightened up. "Really? Is he okay?" Valentina became excited. "....He is fine." Edana then began to explain everything that happened with Zane and the rogue seekers. As she went on explaining, Valentina's emotion turned from excitement to worry. Edana explained about what fate awaited Zane as she felt hiding it from her would only hurt Valentina and affect her in the future.

"The Union..." Valentina mumbled dejectedly. "I am sorry Val.. But I am not in the position to do anything." Edana lowered her head. Valentina looked at Edana for a moment before shaking her head and letting out a sad smile. "It's not your fault sister." She paused before continuing. "Can we at least visit him? I want to see him before...." She couldn't bear to even complete her sentence.

Edana nodded vigorously and grabbed Valentina's hands. "I will take you to meet him!" Valentina smiled at her and said softly, "Thank you." After their conversation came to an end, Cadell and Valentina had breakfast and headed towards the academy. Edana promised Valentina that she'd come and pick her up after their classes end to go and see her brother.


"Why!? Why can't I create what I saw!?"

084 slowly opened his eyes to the golden-toothed doctor's ringing voice, his vision hazy. He was strapped tightly on a gurney, but even if he wasn't, he wouldn't have been able to move due to the severe injuries on his body.

"All my research.... will it all go to waste!?" The doctor slammed down on the medical table next to the gurney in rage. He then looked at 084 on the table and let out an angry laugh.

"Hahahaha.. 084.. good you're awake" He picked up a syringe from the table and walked towards the gurney slowly. 'Don't come close!' 084 opened his mouth to say the words, but no words would come out.

"You did good on the fight again. I made a lot of money because of you." A wide grin appeared on his face. 084 looked at the syringe on his hand with fear in his eyes, but he couldn't do anything. Suddenly, the doctors grin vanished and his face contorted into extreme rage. "BUT WHY CAN'T YOU PRODUCE ANY RESULT FOR MY RESEARCH!?" He slammed the syringe into 084's neck. "Mmmph" he could only let out squeals.

"You're only a dog who can fight! Bastard! You're my dog!!" the doctor slapped 084 a few times. 084 clenched his teeth and glared at the doctor. "Dog! Staring at your master!?" the doctor slapped him again, after which 084 could no longer hold out and slowly the world around him turned hazy.

"Haah.. Calm down...." The doctor fixed his gown and walked away from 084. "After all he is one of the two special dog here..." 084 could only let out whimpers as he looked at the disappearing figure of the doctor, then he fell unconscious.



Zane woke up to a soft pull. He looked down to find a small hand tugging his clothes, and at the end of the hand, it was Slem. "Slem..." Zane looked at Slem with a confused look on his face. "Brother, that knight lady is here to see you." Slem pointed towards the cell bars. "She's here with other people too.."

"Others?" Zane slowly raised his head and looked at where Slem was pointing. After he saw the people on the other side of the cell, he widened his eyes. 
