
Gods Gift

Thousands of years ago there was a huge battle in the heavens that no one on earth even knew about. A battle that had been going on for hundreds of years, a battle that no one could see or hear but and the destructive force power to wipe out galaxies. It was a huge battle between Angels and Demons.

Hoggyblue · Fantasia
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51 Chs

Chapter 31: Djynn Problem

Jake was back home continuing his research, going through books coming back with no answer about what his power is or how to control it, getting annoyed Jake decided to head out and start some training for the upcoming battles he was going to have to take part in.

He had been researching secluded areas to teleport to for a while, the best place he found that had some pictures was the Sonoran desert in America, Grabbing both his swords and a bag he teleported out.

Where he had teleported to was completely deserted and had no civilization for miles, a perfect place to practice the destructive power of his abilities, whilst he was out here he was practicing with his new sword, seeing how much power he could surge through it and himself.

Jake had been training for 3 hours straight and was getting pretty worn out so he decided to take a break, sitting down and taking out the bottle of water he had brought with him he started to relax in the sun until he could sense something powerful heading towards him.

Knowing he was in no state for a fight as he had just been training he started to grab his thing to teleport away as he picked up his bag Djynn landed right behind him.

Djynn: And where do you think you are going?

Jake in a complete panic teleported away, the only place he thought of whilst teleporting was the Las Vegas strip the exact spot he teleported to before, appearing out of nowhere he started to make his way down the street heading to the same place he teleported from last time.

As he made it outside the hotel, Djynn came crashing down landing in the middle of the street crushing a car underneath him and cause a huge scene, with people scattering away in panic Jake decided to use it as a distraction to teleport away.

This time Jake had thought of a better location to go to, Jake appeared on top of a snowy peaked mountain range, this was one of the areas he had looked up to train in, drawing his sword and waited for the Demon to make an appearance.

Another hour had passed and the Demon Djynn had not made an appearance, Jake used this time to get his breath back and come up with a plan now that he knew the Demons were after him again.

Jake searched his bag and pulled out his contact card and made a call to Taka.

Taka: Hello Jake

Jake: Taka a demon landed near me whilst I was training

Taka: Oh my god, wait, is he still there?

Jake: No I managed to teleport away, well twice

Taka: What do you mean twice?

Jake: Well the world is going to know about something now

Taka: What happened?

Jake: I was out training when a demon landed near me, I quickly teleported away but….

Taka: But what?

Jake: I ended up in Las Vegas, he followed me there, caused a scene, I teleported away again and am now on top of a mountain, he hasn't followed me since

Taka: At least you're safe, demons can't sense our powers in high snowy areas, and it's the reason our monastery was built here, that and the Grail

Jake now knew he would be safe here until he was ready to head back.

Jake: That would have been useful information a while ago

Taka: Yeah sorry, anyway I'm with the others now we can see you on the crystal

Jake: Right I think I'm ready to fight him

Taka: We all wish you luck

Jake: Thank you

Jake then put the card back in his bag readied himself as he teleported back to the place he was training.

Not long after Jake made it back to the desert Djynn landed in front of him, making Jake jump backward.

Djynn: Where'd you run off to then, too scared to fight?

Jake: No, not scared, as you could see I was training, now do you want to start this fight now, or do you want your friend to help?

Djynn annoyed with Jakes's cockiness charged in for the first attack not knowing what the outcome would be.