
Gods Gift

Thousands of years ago there was a huge battle in the heavens that no one on earth even knew about. A battle that had been going on for hundreds of years, a battle that no one could see or hear but and the destructive force power to wipe out galaxies. It was a huge battle between Angels and Demons.

Hoggyblue · Fantasia
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51 Chs

Chapter 24: Family

They had just finished their drinks when Jakes Father had come back from work, walking into the living room he was shocked to see Jake was actually back and was sitting there, as he was standing there stunned he turned around before saying anything and made his way upstairs.

Jakes mother followed him upstairs telling him to come back down, as Jake was sat there his phone started to buzz in his pocket pulling it out he saw that it was his friends trying to get in contact with him saying they knew he was back and that they want to meet up with him.

Jake replied to them saying he was just talking with his family and that he will meet up with them later tonight.

Jakes mom and dad came back down the stairs, his dad walked up to where Jake was sat, Jake stood up as he did his dad gave him a hug.

Ezra: Glad your back son

Jake: Thank you?

Letting go of Jake he took a seat across the room near the TV, Jakes mom looked annoyed

Sherri: IS THAT IT?



They both started to argue with each other, Jake looked down and started to chuckle to himself as this is the exact thing he hated and the reason he left home so early in his life but now he slightly missed it.

Jake got them both to settle down and continued catching up with his parents, making up fake stories of what happened on his travels when they would ask.

Jake: so where's Liz

Sherri: Your sisters at school still, she will be back about half 3

Jake: Oh yeah, I completely forgot it was a weekday

Ezra: So what exactly you going to do for money

Sherri: EZRA, he's just got back give him some time

Jake: No mom it's fine, I actually have some money, from some jobs I did whilst travelling

Jake looked at the time seeing it would be about 2 hours until his sister would be home.

Jake: Would it be okay if I came back about later to see Liz? it's just I have a few things to do today

Sherri: of course, she will be frilled to see you

Jake stood up and started to say his goodbyes

Ezra: Before you leave have you still got the keys to your car

Jake searched his pockets and pulled out his keys

Jake: Yeah, doubt it will start now, you can have them I don't need the car

He then threw the keys to his dad.

Ezra: Thanks, I'll just sell it then, no point keeping it around anymore

Jake: That's fine, you can keep the money from it

Jake knew he would never need it, the fact he had been given some gold coins which he had to go and get turned into actual money from cash for gold service or at a specialist, this was one of the things he had to get done today.

Jake said his goodbyes to his parents and left the house searching for a way to sell these coins and turn them into actual money he could use.

Getting back to his hotel room Jake was searching the internet for information about the coins, trying to find out how much they were worth, he then found a website that was looking for these exact type of coins.

The website stated that the coins were worth about $100,000, when Jake had read that he got excited quickly checking how many coins he had been given, pouring the coins out on the bed he counted them.

He had 34 coins in total Jake was getting more excited as he knew he had over 3 million dollars' worth of coins, he then quickly contacted the buyer with pictures of the coins and asked where they should meet.

It was not long until the buyer responded to Jake with and address and a time, the buyer was ready to meet him tomorrow but the address was in Philadelphia, Jake knew it was not a problem and responded agreeing to the time and place to meet.

Jake then came up with a simple plan to be able to receive the money and keep it a secret from his family, his plan was he will claim he has a small job and not live his life in massive luxury for the first couple of years and claim that he won the lottery later on.

Jake noticed the time was almost 4 o'clock and decided he would make his way back to see his sister, without thinking Jake teleported right outside their house, luckily no one noticed so Jake knocked the door one again.

His dad opened the door

Ezra: you can just come in you know

Jake: Hello to you too

Walking in his mom greeted him as they made their way to the living room.

Sherri: Liz can you come here

Jake took a seat

Sherri: We still have not told her you are back yet

Jake: Really, well this is going to be interesting

Jake was excited to see his sister as she was one of the only reasons he thought about staying in this house back when he left.

Jake could hear her door open and hear her coming down the stairs.

Liz: What is it?

As soon as she saw Jake sitting there she ran up to him, Jake stood up as she pretty much jumped into his arms.

Liz: Oh my god Jake I've missed you

Jake: I've missed you too

She then let go of Jake and in a split second her tonne of voice change to moody.

Liz: Where have you been?

Jake started to laugh

Jake: You have not changed a bit

Liz was a typical teenager who went from moody to chirpy in quick snaps, Jake sat back down and told her what he had done and even stayed with his family for dinner which they just ordered some takeout food.

Whilst eating dinner with his family Jake got a message form his friends asking if he would meet them at the pub in an hour, Jake said okay and told his family he will be leaving soon.

Jake had finished up and prepared to leave his family to meet his friends he said his goodbyes and left saying he will come back around soon.