
Chapter 4: A boy!?

*God and Alice both wake up almost simultaneously and are both startled because....*

Alice:Mom! Dad! ,what are you guys doing here so early!?

Kim(Her mom): Haha the question is what the hell you're doing with this boy? I thought i taught you better Alice!, have you really lost your virginity to a unknown man!, hav-

Alice:MOM! Just shut up please, it's not what you think I promise you, please just let me explain everything.

*Alice explained the whole situation to her mother and father, and while explaining both of her parents expressions went from anger to a happy one.*

Kanye(Alice Dad): I see... Thank you so much for saving my daughter Derrick, If there's anything I can do to help you please feel free to call this number.

*Kanye gives God a card with the words "YEEZY" on it and a number.*

God's thoughts: I just want to live the life of a homeless man -_-

God:Thank you, but I won't be having a use for this anytime soon. I appreciate the offer but I'll be on my way now, it was nice meeting the three of you.

Alice's thoughts: I didn't want him to go but who am I to say that he can't. Sigh*.... I want this man to be with me and protect me forever. What the hell am i thinking!? what is this feeling I have whenever I think about this man... it's probably nothing maybe I'm just overeacting.

*Little did Alice know that this feeling of hers would slowly hut surely reveal itself. God says goodbye to the officer sitting at the desk in the front, and returns back to the bench where he slept at on his first day of being a mortal on Earth.*

*God looks around in order to make sure no one is in his surroundings. He then quickly vanishes leaving the place he was just once standing empty. He teleports to heaven and reappears in front of satan in his(God's) work space.*

God: Hello brother, how are you enjoying my job so far hahaha.

Satan: Fuck off I don't feel like dealing with your nonsense today.

God: Calm down satan I've just come to see how things are going so far, no need to be grumpy (lol (He laughed obviously but I didn't feel the need to type that out so i just put lol)

Satan:*__* Things are fine around here brother there's nothing to worry about. Oh yeah! before you leave I just wanted to tell you that I've seen what you've done on Earth. It's the most funniest thing to see you without your usual and unrivaled powers.

God: Oh shut up before I have to surplex yo ass ( I'm not sure how to express his facial expression, so just think of him having a mad face with the # on the right side of his forehead.)

* After saying that he disappears again and reappears in the exact same spot he left from. Thinking that he was in the clear he sat down on the bench and picked up a newspaper laying on the ground. But God didn't realize that his every movement,even his disappearence was seen by a boy hiding in the tree a few inches away from the bench.)

I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER! I decided to finish the rest of this in class today.