
Chapter 3:Gods first Day

*God blinks his eyes a couple of times before slowly rising up from where he was sleeping and starts stretching*

God: *sniff *sniff What the f*ck is that horrible smell! Oh god don't tell me... AH SH*T I HAVE LITERAL SH*T ON MY SHIRT. Wellllll i guess im going shirtless today.


God: A girl!? *he asks as he runs as fast as he can towards the direction the sound came from *he eventually ends up in a alley and sees a little girl crying* Ms are yo-

(A dark skinned man walks out of the shadows and shows a cold smile while grabbing the girl)

Dark/man: Hahahah I feel sorry for you kid but it looks like you're going to suffer a loss today. Now hand over your bags before I kill this girl and you, I'd recommend just following my directions.

God's thoughts: This motherf*cker doesn't even know what sort of things I could do to him, sadly I have to act as a human.

God: listen all im gonna say is th- HEY LOOK OVER THERE!!

(The man looks to the side for a split second not realizing he's just been tricked. But this is enough time for God to use his powers and teleport behind the man, he strikes the man in his neck while also grabbing the girl who's fallen unconcious due to shock.)

God: I didn't want to use my abilities but i guess this situation was unavoidable, oh it looks like i have to handle both of them now f*ck.

(God carries them both to the police station a couple minutes away, he's able to do this due to his physical sttength he trained over the years so even if he's a mortal it doesn't change. People looked at him weirdly as he walked and was stopped multiple times to be asked what he was doing. He just simply told them that he found them both laying unconcious on the floor. After 10 minutes of walking he finally reaches his destination.)

Policeman: Hold on, What're you doing with these two? *God tells the policeman the whole story about the situation he just went through.*

Policeman: Alright I understand the situation now you can leave the two of them to me. Do you mind staying here until the girl wakes up? I'm sure the young lady would want to meet her hero as well as her parents.

God: I don't mind at all I just ask that you bring me some coffe if thats ok with you... sir?

Policeman: No problem at all just take a seat.

*After two hours God is notified by the same policeman that the young girl has woken up, he's then told to follow him to the room.*

Policeman: While the girl was still sleep I took the time to do dig up some background information on the girl and man. The young man isn't much, he's a man named John who was arrested twice for stealing. I didn't think that the girl would be anyone important but after running some tests and digging up information, I found something very interesting. This girl's father is the creator of the popular brand known as yeezy, his name is Kanye West. Her mother is kim kardashian, a famous model who's also known for heheh... many things.

*The policeman finishes talking and stops at a door*

Policeman:This is it I'll leave you two alone for a while, if you need me I'm by the office as always *sigh

*God walks into the room and sees a girl who looks to be around the age of 17, with both jet black hair and eyes, along with skin that makes any woman/girl jealous.

God: Hi my name is.....

God's thoughts: FUCK I FORGOT TO COME UP WITH A NAME, Ok i know what I'll do I'll just go with whatever comes to mind.

God:My name is Derrick it's nice to be able to introduce myself without any interruptions. If you don't mind me asking what's your name?

Alice: Alice(she mutters) It's Alice!, sorry I'm just a little on the edge after what just happened.

God: No prob-

Alice: Thank you!!!


Alice: Thank you so much for doing what you did for me earlier, I'm not sure how you saved me because I fell unconcious but thank you anyway. I don't know how to repay you, do you want money? possibly women?

God:Hahah no thank you I'm in no need of those things at this moment. I just want to live a life of a poor man for a couple of days. I know it's a very weird thing to understand so it's bettet if you don't ask.

Alice:You're very.... intriguing and yet mysterious as well, I'm not sure how to explain it. Take a seat I'd love to have a talk with you

*God takes a seat next to alice, they spent the next 3 hours talking about each others interest and dreams. They eventually fell asleep and the night passed without any problems. That night God was able to fall asleep happily for once, he knew that the next day would be a day full of excitement. God decided to keep his persona of being derrick and didn't reveal anything about him being god or his powers, he just came up with things as the conversation continued.)

A new chapter! Did you guys enjoy it:)