Calvin nodded. That was their chance. The group didn't know how long the skimmers were going to leave the area. They likely came here just to hunt, anyway.
One thing was certain, though: they had to take advantage of this chance before they returned.
"Well, let's go then. I don't want to fight those bugs," Kenway said.
Leo and Sebastian made weird faces. "Weren't you the one with the Eternal Optimist trait?"
"I may be an eternal optimist. That doesn't mean I'm stupid."
"Really? But during these months, you proved to me the opposite," Leo said. "Weren't you the one who almost choked on a meatball?"
"What does choking on a meatball have to do with being stupid?" Kenway looked at Leo.
His smile persisted, naturally. He understood Leo was not being serious, but merely joking.
Leo sighed. "Regardless, we are wasting time."