
Goddess Qiáng

The story opens with a goddess whose power is amazing and incredible. In the ancient Chinese world, she is a young immortal beautiful doctor who saves lives but is one day betrayed by the love of her life who found out that she is goddess and wants to use her power for selfish purposes. When the doctor is placed in a tight spot she is forced to freeze her body and send her soul into a orb articraft. This articraft is sealed in molded box and is kept by a school filled with sorceress who worship her. Only a vessel with a strong mind can obtain her soul and power. In the earlier ancient China. A wealthy family, a minister at the palace and the cousin of the king found it hard to bear an heir and when they were blessed with a child. They are told that the baby won't last for long. In desperate need to save their daughter they try every way and every means and when they beagan to lose hope, they meet a monk who they saved from a bunch of bandits. In return of their favor, he tells them about the soul of the goddess and they go to the school where the orb is kept. With high hope and great spirit, the place the hand of their baby girl on the box and it opens. The souls breaks out of the box and enters the baby. The girl becomes healthy and as she grows the powers of the goddess began to manifest in her body. She meets a blind boy whose Chakra and moshu is blocked and becomes friends with him The blind boy is the son of two powerful sorcerers but his mother had a slight vision of his power overpowering him when she was giving birth to him. So in an attempt to save her son from his deadly future, she blocks his Chakra and moshu and turns him to a weakling human. The girl's family is accused of treason and her family was killed and she was sent to be sold at the black market. The blind boy saves her by buying her for a huge amount of money in the market. The two come to a compromise. One would help the other to be a powerful sorcerer while the other will help to seek revenge.

AuthoressFannovela · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 2

In ancient China, it was that time of the year, early spring when the peach blossoms were at their prettiest. The weather played tricks on them, veering from dark and gloomy to bright and clear. The House of Zhao anxiously awaited the arrival of the heir or heiress.

The couple had been waiting for a miracle for ten years after their marriage, and finally, the gods answered their prayers. Prime Minister Zhao Feng paced outside his wife's chambers in his night robe, his anxiety evident in the sweat on his brow. Inside, he could hear his wife's wailing and grunting. The midwives had forbidden him from entering her room, instructing him to pray and await good news. He followed their advice, standing before her chambers.

The manor's workers, who loved the couple as if they were their own, were also on edge. Despite the disappointments after each failed attempt at childbirth, the couple remained jovial with their staff. Thus, everyone prayed for the arrival of the baby, and tension filled the air. Finally, they heard the sharp shrill cry of a baby that pierced through the atmosphere.

The atmosphere suddenly lightened, and smiles and tears filled everyone's faces. The prime minister dashed into the room without waiting for permission from the midwives. His wife, Hua, could barely open her eyes to see her baby. She was sweaty and out of breath, slowly losing consciousness.

Feng hurried to her side, holding her hand and kissing it warmly. She managed a small smile before her eyes slowly closed. In panic, he looked at the physician for help, but she reassured him with a smile. "She just needs rest," she said, and he finally exhaled in relief. He then took the baby from the midwife's hands. The baby, covered in blood and fluid, was a girl with sleek black hair. Feng couldn't hold back his tears of happiness as he stared at her, feeling like he was holding an angel in his hands.

Overwhelmed with happiness and pride, he gasped when the baby opened her eyes. Everyone, including Feng, was taken aback. The beautiful baby girl had a rare, unique set of gray eyes, and she was born blind.

"Oh, my sweet child," Feng exclaimed. His tears flowed anew, but a smile broke from his lips when the baby suddenly began to smile as if she found something amusing. Seeing his blind baby girl smile filled his heart with immense happiness and joy, making her blindness insignificant. She giggled loudly, and everyone had to hush to savor the moment of her mesmerizing laughter. This baby could not see, she was obviously shrouded by pitch darkness yet she giggled like she was surrounded by light. It was a sight to behold. 

Unconsciously, Feng looked out the window and saw the bright, breezy day with peach blossom petals floating in the air. "Guāng Táohuā," Feng muttered. "I will name you Guāng Táohuā. Zhao Guāng Táohuā. My beautiful radiant peach blossom." He then placed a kiss on her forehead.

Being born blind didn't stop Guang from inheriting her parents' Qi. Her parents were known as the most powerful mages. Her father, Zhao Feng, was an Alchemist, and her mother was a Sorceress necromancer. From birth, she emitted a strong aura, but her power proved too much for her body and soul. The baby girl often fell ill, which broke her parents' hearts.

The physician who checked on the child warned them to prepare for the worst, suggesting she might not survive past her adolescent age. However, the couple refused to accept this fate and searched for a cure to keep their only child alive. They tried different elixirs, sacrifices, and potions to strengthen her, but nothing worked. They sought help from mages worldwide, but Guang grew sicker, paler, and continued to her light.

The couple started to lose hope, unable to find a cure for their only child. However, as they passed by a temple, they overheard gossip about a monk who helped women with childbirth. Hua got out of the carriage in a hurry and joined a group of women gossiping to inquire, "Where can I find this man you speak of? Please, tell me." Her urgency and desperation were evident in her voice and eyes. They provided directions to where the monk lived, and Hua and Feng wasted no time in seeking him out.

They found him living in an old, tattered bamboo hut near a river by a mountain. Though the hut appeared weathered, their need for a cure compelled them forward. The monk wasn't inside but sat by the river, seemingly meditating. A young boy led the couple to him. Feng and Hua stood behind the monk, who didn't turn to face them. "Greetings, wise monk, we've come for your he—"

"Shh..." the monk hushed. Feng was slightly offended by the monk's rudeness but remained silent. "Your child is lucky and unlucky at the same time," he began. The monk's voice sounded distant, even though he was right in front of them.

The couple knew the monk was no ordinary monk; he had stored a high amount of Qi in his system. Hua and Feng exchanged glances, worry etched on Hua's face. Feng offered her a reassuring smile and turned to the monk, who still hadn't turned to face them. "You've come for your child, right?"

"Yes, her body and soul are weak," Feng explained, and Hua nodded in agreement.

The monk scoffed. "Is that so?"


"Bring her to me; I will be the judge of that."

The couple sat in front of the monk with a sleeping Guang in her mother's arms. The monk, whose bald head bore inked writings, stretched his arms and collected the baby from her mother's embrace. Guang stirred and smiled in her sleep, which brought a rare smile to the monk's face. the baby seemed to be comfortable in the monk's arms"There is a solution, but are you ready for yours and her fate to change?"

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