
Chapter 08 Profound Hope

“Where’s the boy?” Midnight asked, losing his patience. “We can’t be hiding here for too long.”

“Patience, prince,” Spica calmly answered. “I’ll let you know when he’s near.”

The night was clear and the crescent moons were out, shining their light across Deimos. After I created a barrier for the horses and our supplies, we decided to wait in the shadows by the entrance.

Corvus looked around. “It’s strange. As soon as night hits, the town is ridiculously quiet. Could it be a curfew?”

“No,” I replied. “Noah would’ve told us that. It must be the Hellions. I sense a lot more evil than before.”

Orion sniffed the area, eyes narrowing. “She’s right. I smell great fear.”

“The Hellions love the dark. They strive for it. That's why it was hard for us to defeat them when they came to the Crescent Village,” Midnight explained. “Everyone stay alert.”

“Yes, prince,” Corvus, Orion, and Spica said in unison.

I frowned when Midnight glanced at me. I nodded and immediately broke eye contact.

“Are you going to continue to give me the silent treatment? Sooner or later you’re going to have to talk to me.”

I rolled my eyes. “Is that an order or request?”

“How about both?” Midnight answered with a smirk.

“You’re unbelievable, you know that?”

“Can’t help that I’m the prince.”

“I respect you as a prince. I just wish you would respect me as a goddess.”

“Who said I didn’t?”

I glared at him. “I feel like you don't take me seriously.”


“It was like a slap to the face when you abruptly told me no about meeting with the rebel group.”

“You know why I had my issues about this meeting.”

“I understand, but you could've at least given me a chance. I’m trying to help you stop the Hellions and gain public support, but you didn't even bother to listen to me. I'm not here to just stand around and obey Midnight. I have a voice and it needs to be heard.”

“Come Corvus,” Orion stated. “Let's watch the entrance with Spica.”

“Aw man.” Corvus couldn’t hide the disappointment in his voice. “This is getting good. At least I'm still able to hear it.”

“Amari, I do respect you.”

“Then why said no?”

“Because I’m trying to protect you.” A fixed and serious expression appeared on his face. “You know nothing about Nabialia or the Lilitu Nation. I’ll never forget that fateful night. Celena died in my arms. I couldn’t save her and I’ll be damned for allowing that to happen again.”

“I'm not Celena,” I answered matter of factly. “Rest her sweet soul, but I'm not going to die. Even though the odds are against us, we'll finish this mission together.”

“I know. I apologize for making you think I didn’t respect you. If I come on as difficult, it’s not my intention.” Midnight softened his words. “I can't do this without you Amari, nor you without me. My father and mother may be gone, but together, we can destroy the Hellions and rebuild the Crescent Nation.”

My heart started to flutter. It was a weird feeling that I’d never experienced before. I smiled. “I understand, Midnight. Thank you.”

Midnight smiled back. “Anytime. Don’t be afraid to talk to me. Silent treatment isn’t going to get us anywhere.”

“Alright. Fair enough.”

Spica turned to us, eyes glistening. “He’s here, alone.”

Noah stood in front of the entrance, looking everywhere. His face hung low until we stepped out of the shadows. He grinned, staring at me and Spica. “I’m so glad to see you guys again. I was a bit worried you wouldn’t come.”

Spica smiled at the boy. “I’m glad we came too.”

“And you brought your friends.” He looked at the men up and down. “They seemed tough to me. What’s your name?”

“Corvus at your service,” Corvus greeted.

Orion nodded at the boy. “Orion.”

“Midnight. Does the group know that we’re coming?” The prince asked, still suspicious.

“Yes, I mentioned it. They were a bit cautious but I insisted that you guys came to help. Especially since I told him that Spica and Amari rescued me.”

“Then we should be going.”

“Yes, follow me.” Instead of walking the main street, Noah turned left in a dark and musty alleyway. “We have to take a detour. The Hellions love to patrol at night. And since the ambassador’s son was killed earlier today, they’re really hounding the town.”

My eyes widened. “The leader that Leonardo interrogated was the ambassador’s son?”

“Yep.” I’ve found a hint of sadness in Noah’s eyes. “Serves him right for killing my father. I couldn’t even bury him. We had to burn his body and toss his ashes to the sea to avoid any suspicion.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Don’t be. Like you guys said, I have to be strong enough to live to see the Hellions destroyed.”

At the corner, Noah stopped. He leaned against the wall and peeked. “We have to wait for a minute,” he whispered. “The Hellions are interrogating someone right now.”

Midnight scowled, nose squinting. “He's right. I can smell those dirty bastards.”

“P-please, I don’t know anything,” a man pleaded.

“Lies. Tell us where those rats are hiding,” the Hellion soldier ordered.

“I-I don’t know. I never heard that name before. P-please, let me g-ugh!” The pounding of the man's head against the wall sent a shiver down my spine. I waited silently, trying to catch my breath. After a few more agonizing hits, there was no word from him.

“Worthless human. This is the fifth one that didn't know anything. I can't believe we're living with a bunch of idiots.”

“Yeah, the ambassador has been on our ass after his spoiled brat was killed. Didn't like the guy but we can't let those rebels think they have the upper hand.”

“Tch, yeah right. If the gargoyles couldn't stop us from invading their territory, what makes them think they have an ounce of a chance? Once we find them, I’ll cut the leader’s balls and shove them in his mouth.”

“Hahahahaha!” Their laughs echoed down the street until the area became dead silent.

Noah popped his head out. After seeing the coast was clear, he signaled us to follow him. I resisted the urge to glance at the poor man's body.

Orion shook his head. “So that’s why the people are scared to come out.”

“The Hellions love spreading fear and chaos,” Midnight explained. “That way, it wouldn’t be an uprising.”

“Yes, they’ve done a lot of unimaginable things,” Noah said. “I even watched them split a woman in half because she refused to go in the brothel.”

“Disgusting,” Corvus remarked. “I look forward to killing them. I’m a little jealous that you got the chance to do it earlier, Spica.”

“It was worth every bullet,” Spica stated with satisfaction.

Noah’s eyes glistened. “She was awesome. The Hellion soldiers didn't stand a chance against her.” He observed Spica's bow. “I didn’t know you did archery. I bet you're good. You must teach me.”

Spica patted his head. “Someday. After we’re done with the Hellions.”

We followed Noah into the depths of Deimos. All the twists and turns reminded me of a maze. The further we went, the poorer the streets became. Trash scattered everywhere. Graffiti painted on almost every building. Criminals watched us closely with dirty looks but they didn’t dare to approach us.

He finally led us down the street into a grimy alleyway that reeks of garbage. Rats scatter in front of us with squeaks of terror. I could only see their tails, slipping between mounds of waste and soggy cardboard boxes. The smell of sewage and pissed engulfed my nose. I had to cover my mouth from throwing up.

“Here we are.” Noah stood in front of a door and knocked five times.

The peephole flew opened. Hard brown eyes appeared staring at all of us. “Password?”

“When the moons combine, the light shines. Then darkness will perish, ” Noah answered. “I brought them as well.”

The door opened, revealing a man wearing a black cape and gorilla mask. “Enter quickly.”

The sound of footsteps in the hallway was audible now. Reaching towards the end, we followed Noah into a dark room.

“Some hideout you got here,” Corvus remarked after the man with the monkey mask closed the door. “It’s definitely got a grubby touch to it.”

Spica rolled her eyes. “Quiet, Corvus.”

“What? It’s a compliment. The Hellions wouldn’t think twice of coming here.”

“I don’t understand.” I squinted my eyes. In the flickering glow of a lantern. I believe I see people moving in the shadows. “Why is it so dark in here?”

“I don’t know.” Noah looked around. “Honest truth. Guys, we’re here.”

Midnight glared daggers at the darkness. “I can smell you. Show yourself.”

Everything was a blur. Some jumped from the ceiling. Others ran across the room. They circled, pointing their weapons at us. In the middle stood Leonardo.

“Not even a hello? Well, this is a surprise,” Corvus stated.

“An unnecessary one,” Spica remarked.

Midnight growled. “I knew it.”

I glared at Leonardo who I assume was their leader. “What’s the meaning of this? We came to help, not to cause any more trouble.”

“Yeah.” Noah appeared confused as well. “What’s going on, Leonardo?”

Leonardo massaged his beard, observing us. “Nothing, Noah. I’m trying to see if your friends aren’t spies. You can’t trust anybody nowadays.”

Midnight snorted but remained silent. His eyes watched Leonardo carefully.

“We’re not spies for the Hellions. They’re our enemies,” Spica retorted. “I wouldn't have killed them if we were allies.”

“Yeah,” Noah agreed. “They saved my life. You already saw it, Leonardo.”

Leonardo’s eyes narrowed. “Where did you come from?” He questioned. “You’re not from here and I can tell most of you guys aren’t humans.”

Spica glanced at Midnight. When he nodded, she looked back at Leonardo. “Crescent Village.”

The rebels gasped, staring at each other. Leonardo’s eyebrows shot up. “So you’re gargoyles?”


“Then why are you guys here? I thought the gargoyles were hiding in fear from the Hellions.”

Midnight’s eyes narrowed. “We weren’t hiding.”

“Far from it,” Orion remarked.

“Then what the hell were you doing? You guys weren't helping the cause. Most of my family died defending Ganymede because of your poor leadership.”

Midnight stepped forward, ignoring the rebels’ weapons. “That’s none of your business. You already know what happened that night the Hellions attacked us.”

“Oh, I heard alright. The king and his pathetic army died without much of a fight. Some king he was.”

Midnight’s eyes darkened. “What did you say, human?”

“Did I hit a sensitive nerve, beast?” Leonardo smirked. “He must have been very special to you.”

“He was my father.”

“You’re the prince? Hahahahaha!” Leonardo laughed, a harsh mocking sound. “There’s no way in hell you can defeat the Hellions.”

Midnight drew out his crescent sword. The anger radiating from him was unmistakable. “Want to test me?”

“Oh yes, please show me.” Leonardo clutched his spear. “Make my day.”

My heart sank while the rebels gave Leonardo and Midnight some room. I stepped in between them. “This isn’t necessary. We didn’t come here to fight. We all have a goal to defeat the Hellions.”

“Yeah,” Noah agreed. “Come on, Leonardo.”

“I don’t mind putting someone in their place,” Midnight stated. “Especially a trash-talking human.”

Leonardo stood unfazed by Midnight’s remark. “You gargoyles just think you’re so high and mighty. If you were so powerful, you would’ve taken out the Hellions the night they invaded the Crescent Nation. Or come help us defend Ganymede. But no, you decided to cower in your village and leave the rest of us to suffer.”

“Why this insolent mortal.” Corvus took out his sword and glared at Leonardo with open hatred. “I had enough of his weak talking. Should I take him? He’s not worthy to fight you, prince.”

“No.” Orion’s words dripped venom. He gripped his morning star tightly. “I want him. Allow me.”

Midnight shook his head. “No, this is my battle. If this human wants to test my strength then so be it.”

“Everyone, stand down,” Leonardo ordered, getting into his fighting stance. “I’m going to teach this beast a lesson.”

“Wait, this isn-” Spica cut me off by placing her hand on my shoulder.

“Leave it be, Amari. This fight needs to happen,” she assured. “Trust Midnight. He knows what he’s doing.”

I bit my lip and sighed. “Okay.” I made no effort to disguise my displeasure.

“Come on.” There was no mistaking the aggression in Midnight’s stance. “I even fight you in my human form. My beast side would destroy you easily.”

“Tch.” Leonardo dashed, his eyes wild. “I don’t need a damn handicap!”

Sparks flew when their weapons clashed. There was a brief standoff as they stared intensely at each other. Long enough to make me feel tense to my core.

“The human’s emblem,” Orion stated. “I've seen it before.”

“From where?” Corvus questioned.

“The Luminos Clan. They resided in Ganymede and made a deal with the king to rule under the Crescent Nation and protect it.”

“Come to think of it,” Corvus said thoughtfully. “I did see their flags when me and Midnight visited Ganymede. The king didn’t allow us to go to the meetings since we were still too young.”

The rebels clamp their weapons together. They cheered for Leonardo while Noah just watched nervously.

“I’m so sorry, guys,” Noah said with genuine concern. “I didn’t know this was going to happen.”

“It’s not your fault,” I answered.

“I honestly wasn’t surprised,” Spica replied.

Corvus shrugged. “Me either.”

“Me too,” Orion stated. “Now the prince must handle the situation.”

Midnight prowled sideways and thrust his sword. Leonardo immediately warded him off with tight defenses.

My eyes widened. Leonardo moved like a viper, ducking and dodging. “He's fast.”

“He moved faster than I would believe a human could ever,” Spica admitted.

“Yes, the Luminos Clan members are strong warriors,” Corvus explained. “They take their training very seriously.”

“Come on,” Leonardo taunted. “Is that all the mighty prince can do?”

Midnight slashed downwards while Leonardo parried with his spear. “You talk too damn much.” Quickly, before he could respond with a follow-up, Midnight swiftly punched Leonardo in the stomach, knocking the wind out of the rebel leader.

“Nice, prince,” Spica cheered while the rebels glared at her.

Leonardo staggered. The assault stunned him for a brief moment. Midnight struck at him again, but the rebel leader moved swiftly back. “Lucky shot.”

“Whatever,” Midnight said. Their blades ground apart, and now they were moving across the floor in a blur of feints and slashes.

“Get him, Leonardo!” One of the rebels cheered.

“Yeah! You’re strong! We don’t need their help!”

A crackling electrical energy appeared on Leonardo’s spear. He grinned with triumph. “I'll show you why this weapon is the most feared amongst the Hellions. Lightning blade.” He slipped past Midnight’s guard, striking a glancing blow across his shoulder.

Anxiety clenched me again. “Midnight!”

“Damn him.” Corvus scowled.

Blood flowed freely, staining Midnight’s shirt. I sighed in relief when he blocked Leonardo’s attack. “Not bad for a rusty piece of junk. Your clan would be proud.”

Leonardo's eyes glittered with menacing fury. “Don’t mock my clan, beast!” He thrust another lightning attack.

Midnight grabbed the blade. He gritted his teeth as lightning pulsed through his body.

Everyone gasped. I balled my fists, struggling to maintain my composure.

Orion's frown deepened. “I hope you know what you're doing prince.”

“Fool.” Leonardo's eyes widened. “Why did you do that? You could’ve easily dodged it.”

Blood dripped from Midnight’s hand. “To show you that no weapon, no matter how powerful, could ever stop me!” He punched Leonardo in the face.

Leonardo tumbled backward and hit the ground. Before he could retaliate, Midnight knocked the spear from his hand. It hit the floor with a hollow clang.

We waited with eager anticipation. Everyone wasn’t unsure what to do or expect.

“If you want to kill me.” Blood leaked down Leonardo's nose while Midnight's sword aimed at his throat. “Then do it.”

Worry filled Noah's eyes while the rebels stood ready. “No.”

“Hmph.” Midnight put his sword back inside his sheath. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

I sighed in relief. “Thank goodness.”

“Told you he had it under control,” Spica said.

Noah and the rebels ran to Leonardo, hovering over him.

The girl with the wolf mask gave their rebel leader back his spear. “Are you alright?” She asked.

Leonardo wiped his nose as he stood straight, puffing out his chest. “Yeah, I’m not going to die. Not today at least.” He smirked at Midnight. “I give it to you, gargoyle. You’re a fighter.”

“I know,” Midnight answered. “After the massacre, I told myself I’ll never be that weak boy again. Watching helplessly as they murdered my loved ones.”

“That’s how I felt when the Hellions came to Ganymede. They were lucky I was still too young to fight.”

“How did you end up in Deimos?” Spica asked.

“By fate,” Leonardo replied. “My grandfather and I escaped and hid here. Before he died, he taught me everything I needed to know so one day I can avenge my clan.”

“So that’s why you’re leading this group,” Corvus stated.

“Yes, they’re victims of the Hellions’ evil deeds. They weren’t born as fighters but they have a heart as one.”

I frowned, observing them. They look so young. Some are even close to Star’s age. “What’s your plan? How can we help?”

Leonardo raised an eyebrow. “You still want to help? Even though I attacked your leader?”

“There’s no need for division. The quicker we’re done here, the faster we can go to Ganymede and kill Balam.” Midnight stared at Leonardo with respect. “You’re a true warrior. We need all the help we can get.”

“Heh, fine.” Leonardo walked towards a table. Behind it was a map with markers all over it. “As you’re fully aware, Deimos has been conquered by the Hellions and ruled by the ambassador. They use the port to send resources to the Lilitu Nation. It's gotten so bad that they’re even human trafficking women and children.”

“Disgusting,” I commented.

“I was almost one of them,” Noah explained. “But thankfully Leonardo rescued me and others from that fateful night.”

Leonardo pointed to a distinct building. His tone made clear the seriousness of the matter. “This is their most popular brothel. There’s no way to take them head-on since a lot of the citizens live here. So we decided to hit them where it hurts.”

“Why there?” Midnight asked.

“Our spy told us they have an underground gold factory. Apparently, Balam is getting tired of the old currency and wants to replace it with their own.”

Spica’s eyes opened wide in shock. “No, if that happens.”

“Then the Crescent Nation will completely fall.” Anger swept over Midnight. “Damn them.”

“The ambassador and his minions always go at night to check out the process. If we can take him and most of the Hellions out, they will fall and Deimos is ours.”

“Sounds like a plan. But how would we get inside without alarming them?” Corvus asked.

“Easy, the spy will show us the way while my rebels will distract the Hellions from the outside.”

“Can they handle it?” Midnight questioned.

The girl with the wolf mask showed her daggers. “You don’t have to worry about us, beast,” she said while the rest of the rebels nodded in agreement. “We can pull our own weight.”

Leonardo smiled, looking like a proud parent. “You heard the girl. Trust me, I’ve trained them for this moment.”

Midnight still seemed unsure. “Is this spy a reliable source?”

“Of course,” Leonardo replied with no hesitation. “She’s one of us. Look, are you in or not? Tomorrow night will be the time to strike. Especially since he’s still mourning over his pathetic crybaby son.”

Midnight turned to us. “How do you feel?”

“I’m in,” Spica stated. “I owe them for the last fight.”

“Likewise,” Corvus agreed. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.”

Orion gazed at Midnight with eagerness. “You already know my answer, prince.”

Midnight glanced at me. “What do you think, Amari?”

I thought for a moment before replying. I hope I was making the right decision. “Deimos has been through enough. We need to end this misery. I want to see hope in these people's eyes.”

“Alright.” Midnight turned to Leonardo and extended his hand. “Deal.”

“Can’t believe I’m working with a beast,” Leonardo said as they exchanged a good, firm handshake.

“Yeah. Likewise, human.”