
Chapter 06 No Mercy 1


My name is Amari Harris. Adara gave me this journal to help me with my journey. She said writing my progress will help me become a better goddess. I hope so. A lot of people are depending on me. I’m the key to ending this war. No pressure but their anxious faces tell a different story, especially Midnight. He wants to end this war so badly. The Crescent Nation is depending on him as well. I pray this training can help me.

The elders told me to focus on the moon phases. Study the constellations and the moon calendar. The heavens always guided the Crescent Nation. But their source of power is within the moon. Without it, they're nothing. I've also been reading Celina's journal. She was a wise woman. Her sketches of the moon are amazing. The way she described her interaction with the celestial body was poetic and magical. I'm not her but I wish to be as powerful as her. And have a strong influence on the Crescent Nation. I will do my best.

The first day was intense. The elders wasted no time. My body aches. Right now I want to close my eyes and rest but I must study now. Will write more tomorrow.



The elders said I'm too soft. What do they expect? Killing is not in my nature. I know they were only holographic dummies, but I still couldn’t manage to hit all of my targets. They say it's for the greater good but I digress. Killing that goblin did something to my spirit. I felt so…empty... Like a dark void wanting to swallow me up. When I tried to explain this they said I needed to toughen up. It's a war. It's kill or be killed. After scolding me, they said my combat skills were great. It was flowy and smooth like I was dancing when I maneuvered and attacked the dummies. I thank my grandma for allowing me to take modern dancing and Muay Thai. The compliment made me feel better but I’m still nervous about killing. Oh, grandma. I wish you were here to comfort me. I didn’t grow up like this. I don’t know if this war is going to change me for the better or worse. All I can do now is pray for my well-being.

God bless,


The elders are insane! Crazy I tell you! Elder Corvus deliberately stabbed Elder Carina’s neck and told me to heal her before she died from blood loss. Thank God I was able to heal her in time. Though they scolded me for being too slow. Next thing I knew I was knocked out on the ground screaming in pain. My leg was sprained and my stomach was dripping with blood. They instructed me to heal my body. I almost passed out from the process. I barely had enough energy to heal Elder Carina. But with the grace of God, I did it. They said good job but I'll have to work on my stamina tomorrow. Ugh, look forward to it.

God bless,


I had a dream about the moon. It was full, shining so bright that it blinded my eyes. Suddenly cracks appeared around the celestial body, splitting the moon in half. With all of my might, I tried to push it back together. No prevail. I cried as the moon fell and fell. It crashed into the beloved earth, shattering like broken glass. The stars faded away and everything turned to complete darkness. I immediately told the Elders when I woke up. Thankfully they took the dream seriously. They interpreted it as the heavens and the earth being off balance. The dark pulled the moon apart, but the light kept the moons up in the sky. They fear if the queen wins, total darkness will spread throughout Nabialia. Great, my anxiety is on high. We have no choice but to win this fight. God and moon, please give me strength.



Today was my last night here. Honestly, I’m glad it's finally over. This training has been hell. The Elders were too much for me. I have good news though. They told me I was ready. They had doubts, but they noticed my improvements. They knew I was working hard every day to get where I needed to be. I’m stronger and wiser than ever before. However, I’m thrilled and nervous at the same time. I don’t know what enemies we’re about to face. Or no clue on what Balam has done to this nation. All I know is that the celestial body chose me so I’ll do my duty. Wish me luck, moon.




I closed my eyes for a moment, butterflies filling my stomach. “Moon, lend me your power. Illuminate your light around this village.” All eyes were on me now as I tapped the ground with my staff. I took a deep breath, visualizing a protected sphere surrounding us. “Bless your goddess this very moment.”

We stood in the middle. The villagers watched in awe as the staff glowed. The barrier formed, rising high until finally enclosed. I smiled at my work. It was my first time creating a huge barrier. "That should do it."

Elder Corvus observed my barrier. “We’ll see.” He glanced at Elder Carina. “Carina, will you do the honors?”

“Certainly.” Elder Carina pointed her cane and fired. A white blast that was the size of a cannon zoomed past us and collided with the barrier.

Everyone, including myself, anxiously waited for Elder Corvus’s response. After close examination, he smirked. “Hmph, not even a scratch. Well done, Amari.”

I sighed in relief. “Thank goodness. I was nervous it wouldn’t work.”

“Don’t be nervous. You did a good job,” Adara said with a smile. "It’s not easy finishing a training session in the time realm.”

"The barrier should hold until we come back. If something happens, I'll be able to detect it," I explained.

"We should be fine." Adara winked at me. "We took precautions just in case."

Midnight stood next to his sister. "The soldiers I left here will protect you and the village. I made sure they knew their assignments."

"We'll be fine, Midnight. Don't worry about us. Focus on completing the mission. You have a difficult task ahead." Adara hugged him. "I love you, brother."

Midnight’s face softened. He hugged her back. "I love you too, sis."

"Do it for mother and father."

"Of course. And for the Crescent Nation."

I smiled, placing my staff behind my back holder. After all, they have been through, their bond was beautiful and stronger than ever.

Midnight gazed at the excited crowd. "Everyone, today is the day. These past years have been a time of uncertainty and heartache. Much has changed since the Lilitu Nation came into our territory. For my sister and I, and our nation, the death of my dear mother and father was a profound loss. During their lives, my parents remained a constant source of inspiration for us all, and I know what great support they drew from everyone’s loyalty and devotion.”

The crowd and I attentively listened. When Midnight spoke, he made a difference.

“We must live up to the standard they set and resist our enemies. I, your prince, am amongst you at this time, not as for my royal bloodline, but as a warrior ready to lay down for the moon, for the Crescent Nation, for the people, and for my honor."

"Speak Midnight!" The crowd whistled and cheered, edging him on.

"I told the elders I'll not accept my crown as king until the Hellions are out of our territory. I must kill Balam, and destroy the Lilitu Nation. I want to redeem our nation. Take it back to its glorious day when no human or beast would even think about stepping into our territory without any consequences."

"Yes, the Crescent Nation will rise!"

Midnight stared hard at me. "With the new moon goddess, I know we can do it. The moon was waiting for the perfect opportunity for us to strike. Now is the time. With the moon on our side, we will win!"

Claps thundered the area. "All hail prince Midnight!"

"What a powerful leader!"

I clapped, feeling a great leap of excitement. The speech was wonderfully made. Midnight’s enthusiasm was infectious. It made me hyped for the mission.

After giving the crowd more love, Midnight turned to me. "Are you ready, Amari?"

I smiled. "Yes."

"Alright." Midnight turned to his soldiers. "Spica, Corvus, Orion, it's time. Bring the horses."

"Yes, prince," they all said in unison.

Elder Corvus approached Midnight. “We still have our issues with this Midnight.”

“We were hoping you would come to your senses and stop this ridiculous mission,” Elder Carina explained. “But we can see your mind is already made up.”

“I’m not backing down,” Midnight replied. “They brought it on themselves. Now it’s payback time.”

Elder Corvus’s eyes flashed a warning. “Don’t be so focused on revenge, Midnight. You’ll lose yourself over the process. When you go out there, please don’t be stupid and attack blindly.”

“I’m not. Have more faith in me, elders,” Midnight bowed, showing respect. “Thank you for always giving me counsel. I won’t come back here empty-handed.”

“We hope so.” Elder Carina touched his head. “I can’t believe the hot-headed prince grew up. May the moon protect and bring you peace upon this deadly mission.”

“Amari,” Elder Corvus stated. “Watch and counsel him. He may be the leader, but he still needs guidance in this journey. The moon should help you.”

“Yes.” I nodded, bowing. “Thank you for training me, elders.”

“You’re welcome, child.” Elder Carina rubbed my head. “I can see why the moon chose you. Your spirit is beautiful. May you be blessed with the moon's powers.”

We walked to the entrance of the gate. The crowd followed and waited.

"We believe in you guys!"

"May the moon guide you on your journey!"

I slowly approached my white horse, looking at her warily. I’ve never ridden one before. And these horses were different compared to my world. They were slightly bigger. And their tail, hooves, and eyes possessed a silver glow that reminded me of a flame. The white stallion nuzzled my hand, her and the other horses’ bodies were covered in armor.

“Don’t be afraid,” Corvus stated. “Lyra is easy to ride.”

Spica guided her brown horse closer to me. “And easy to command. All you need to do is cue them with your words or rope. Don’t worry, me and Corvus will help you.”

“Up you go.” Before I could react, Corvus already settled me on Lyra. “Put your feet between the footbeds.”

I obliged and grabbed the rope. Luckily my cloak, robe, and tights were perfect for riding. No diadem. Amari recommended that I keep it at the shrine.

Star came closer, smiling brightly. She opened her palm, revealing a necklace. “Here, Amari. I made this for you.”

I took the necklace. It was a crescent moon made out of clear quartz. I immediately put it on. “It’s beautiful. Thank you. Star.”

“No problem. I wish I could come with you guys, but I’m not a fighter. I’ll just slow you guys down.” Worried filled Star’s eyes. “Just come back in one piece, okay?”

“We will.” Corvus hopped on his gray horse. “You don’t need to worry about us.”

Spica nodded in agreement. “Take care of yourself, Star.”

Midnight rode his black horse forward, heading towards the gate. “Let’s go, everyone. We have a long journey ahead.”

Amara stood by Star and waved. “We’ll see you soon. I’m sure of it.”

“Yes, you will. And with good news.” I waved goodbye to Adara, Star, and the villagers as we rode past the entrance. Sadness threatened to overwhelm me, but I let go of the feeling. I glanced at Spica who rode next to me. "What's our first stop?"

"Phobos," she replied. "It's a small village from here. Not a lot of people, but we need to see if everyone is alright."

"I doubt it," Corvus remarked. "The town has been wiped clean. Spies confirmed it."

"Do other gargoyles stay in the outer area?" I asked.

"The lords and generals but mainly other creatures and humans," Corvus answered. "Once the Hellions took over, they either fought to the death or retreated back to the Crescent village."

The peace of the morning soothed my soul. We traveled a long distance. The landscape of the Crescent Nation took my breath away. Serrated mountains loomed in the distance. The open land reminded me of the Garden of Eden; everything was a pleasure to look at.

Up ahead, I spotted a village. “Is that Phobos?”

“Yes,” Midnight answered. “Everyone, be on guard.”

The sky had darkened as we approached the entrance. It was too quiet, deserted, and looked like no one had been there for years. I carefully jumped down from Lyra. “Something isn’t right.”

Orion growled while getting off his horse. His nostrils flared as if he smelled something horrific.

Corvus’s nose wrinkled in distaste. “You smell that, Midnight?”

“Yes, it smells like death.” Midnight got off his horse.

Spica let out a profound sigh. “I remembered when we used to travel freely with no worries. It’s crazy how things change.”

“Yeah,” Corvus agreed. “And by the looks of it, the Hellions did a horrible job taking care of it.”

We walked silently, observing everything. It was worse than I expected. Evidence of disorder could be seen everywhere. The cottages looked so old that they appeared to be withering before my eyes. The silence was deafening, endless, and restless. The insurmountable stench engulfed the air.

"There's nothing here," Spica remarked. "Do you want to leave Midnight?"

"No," Midnight answered. He remained calm but I could tell there was an explosion of angriness that was ready to burst out. "Let's look around for a bit."

Corvus shook his head in disgust. "This village used to be lively and friendly. Now look at it."

Orion grunted in agreement.

We made it to the heart of the village. I gasped, covering my mouth. “Oh no." Tears began to form in my eyes.

"Those bastards." Midnight scowled. His lips curled slightly as if he had an unpleasant taste in his mouth.

The scene filled me with dread. I wanted to run away and never come back. Corpses piled up so high, that I’m surprised it didn’t collapse. Maggots and flies enjoyed feasting on the flesh. Human bones and remains are scattered across the ground. And the smell, ugh. The wind forced the odor of rotten flesh and raw sewage into my nostrils. Nauseated, I rushed away from the scene.

Spica touched my shoulder as I cowered by a cottage. “Are you alright?”

“No,” I said, wiping the tears from my eyes. My heart ached for these people. “This is horrible. Why would they do such a terrible thing?”

“I don’t know,” Spica replied. “But hopefully we’ll put an end to this.”

Midnight approached us, his face unreadable. “You damn right we will. They’ll pay for everything they had done.”

“Look over there.” Corvus pointed at the corner. “A survivor.”

A mummy figure settled down on the ground. It was a mature man with a long beard. He didn’t even lift his head as we approached him. He was so skinny that I could tell he hadn't been fed for a while. Scars appeared all over his body. He moaned softly.

“Looks like they overworked him,” Spica said. “And left him out here to die.”

“Damn them,” Midnight stated.

“Here, sir.” I took out my water container and a piece of bread. "Please have some water."

“...uhhh…” The poor man couldn't even move. All of his strength was completely gone.

“Let me help you.” I put the container onto his lips, slowly tilting so the water could pour out slowly.

At first, he sipped a little. Then he continued to gulp until there was nothing left. He grabbed the bread and began to eat. "Thank you…young lady. Your kind gesture…will not be forgotten."

"No problem. What happened here?"

Pain and despair crept upon the old man’s face. "The Hellions...Took everything we had...At first…it was the women and children. My wife and daughter were in the first group to go. I've never seen them again since that dreadful day."

My heart cracked while Midnight and Corvus growled.

"After taking our loved ones, they force the men to do hard labor. All day and night. They hardly fed us. Barely had time to sleep. One by one we were dropping like flies."

“Damn,” Spica said. “Are all the villages and cities like this?”

“I hope not,” Corvus replied. “Let’s pray they’re not.”

"Eventually the Hellions left once they used all of our resources. I'm the last survivor." He scowled. "Damn those gargoyles. I blame them for my misery."

Midnight gave him a cold look. "What did you say?"

"Midnight, don't," Spica warned.

"He's not worth it," Corvus explained, taking pity on the old man. "He's just angry."

"You damn right I'm angry. The treacherous king was weak and lost the battle. Because of that, I lost everything."

Midnight stepped forward. "How dare you talk about my father like that? If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have lived in harmony with other creatures."

The man spat on the ground. "So what? That was years ago. I'm talking about now. Where were you guys when the Hellions invaded us? Oh, that's right. Hiding in your secluded village like some cowards." He glared at Midnight with piercing hate eyes. "They laughed and talked about how weak and pathetic you guys were. And I can see now they were right."

I frowned. "Now hold on. This isn't the time t-"

Midnight took out his sword, putting it close to the man's face. "I had enough of your rant, old man."

Great, now he's upset. I massaged my forehead. "Stop, Midnight. This isn't necessary."

"She's right," Spica stated.

"It is necessary." Midnight snapped back in a low and cool voice while the old man shivered in fear. "He needs to learn some respect. He’s not the only one who lost their loved ones. I won't apologize for what happened years ago. What’s done is done. All I can say is that I'm here and ready to take back my nation. And I’m not going to let the weak and filthy Hellions stop me from achieving my goal." He placed his sword back inside his sheath and walked away.

The man’s mouth agape, watching the prince leave. "That's your prince? What a joke. He'll never be king with that attitude."

“At least he wants to rebuild this nation rather than letting it crumble.” I glared at him. “Being pessimistic isn't going to bring your wife and daughter back, or heal your trauma. You need to have faith for a better day."

Corvus shook his head while we walked away. "If that's how that man feels, then I wouldn't be surprised if the others are feeling the same way."

"Yes," Spica agreed. "We need to be cautious now."

God, I pray that man has the strength to forgive and heal. I glanced worriedly at Midnight. This is going to be harder than I thought. Especially for the prince.