
Chapter 05 Expectations

"Ladies and gentlemen." Adara stood in front of a crowd, flashing a stunning smile. She looked like a doll wearing a white dress. In her hand, she held a moon diadem. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the full moon. From silver to full, her beauty and power have been with us through generations."

The crowd clapped and whistled while I kneeled in front of Adara. Darkness fell upon us. The two full moons were out. Multiple bright stars surrounded the sky. I stared in awe, never seeing so much in my life.

Adara enchanted everyone. She had a sweetness about her, gazing at me with loving eyes. "And most importantly, we finally found our moon goddess. A human girl from another world. It wasn't what we expected, but the moon said she is what we needed. We'll honor the moon's wishes and bless the goddess."

"The goddess is here! That's all that matters!" a gargoyle yelled.

"She's one of us regardless if she's a human or not!"

I blushed. After the elders prayed over me, I washed myself and wore a ceremonial silver dress. They told me it belonged to Celina. It was a bit loose, but they said they'll make another one for me.

Midnight, who was next to Adara, watched me with an unreadable expression. He looked nice with his black long-sleeved outer coat. Ever since the test, he's been quiet around me. I didn't mind since I was glad he accepted my role.

"Amari," Adara stated. "Will you become a moon goddess to protect and guide the Crescent Nation?"

I felt a great leap of excitement as I spoke. "Yes."

"Will you honor the moon and use your abilities for the greater good?"

"Yes," I answered firmly. "I will."

"Then it's settled." Adara raised the diadem high. "Cheers to the moon goddess! With her help, we'll reclaim our territory and destroy the Queen of Darkness and the Hellions! Praises to the moon!"

"Yes! The Crescent Nation will rise again!"

"Glory to the moon!"

I smiled as she placed the diadem on my head. Something in me had shifted. The shy girl who had once feared change now felt driven to be part of the revolution. For the first time in my life, I felt a sense of a larger purpose. I rose and hugged Adara. "It feels good to be here."

Adara hugged me back. "I'm glad you feel that way. You don't know how happy I am to have you here. Now let's eat."

There were tables and pillows already settled around the bonfire. I had my own private table with a curtain. While observing the scene, I ate my salad. It was lively. Everyone looked so happy. The atmosphere these gargoyles brought was festive and welcoming. So much hope filled their eyes. I found myself laughing and smiling, relieved to be among them.

Star approached me looking cheery, wearing a yellow dress. She carried a glass of red liquid. Her voice was as soft as a cloud. "Would you like some cherry wine, moon goddess?"

I smiled and extended my cup. "Sure. And you don't have to be formal with me, Star. You can just call me Amari."

"Okay, moo- I mean, Amari."

After she poured the liquid, I sipped. The drink was refreshing. Nothing like the wine I drank from my world. "Delicious." I gazed at Star. "Have you eaten?"

"No, not yet."

"Come eat with me." I was a bit lonely sitting by myself and needed her sweet company. "The cook gave me a lot. No meat here though."

"No worries and thank you." Star settled next to me and took small bites of the bread. "This must be different for you."

"It is," I replied. "I'm not used to people worshiping me. I get it. The moon chose me but I don't know how to be a goddess."

"Just be yourself," Star replied, giving me a huge smile. "You are already showing your goddess traits; courageous, resilient, kind, trustworthy. You could have left me with those men, but you chose to save me."

"Thank you. I appreciate that," I said, my smile warm.

"No problem."

After we finished eating, the servers cleared the table. Once again, Adara rose. The crowd went silent. "It's time to celebrate the full moon. We gargoyles always thrive at night, especially when the moon is out. Let's show the moon how we appreciate her."

"We love you moon!"

"Her beauty is unmatched!"

"Let your light shine upon the darkness!"

Their bones crackled and popped while they transformed. Huge wings grew from their backs. Claws growing long. Different colors of skin glistened under the moon. They roared in delight.

Star watched me as I stared with a mixture of amazement and nervousness. Her skin turned deeper gold while her wings flitted. "Don't be afraid, Amari. We're just in our true form."

"Fascinating." I observed Adara and Midnight. Her skin black as night. His gray as the moon.

"Wheeee!" Star flew high in the sky, circling the two moons. Others leaped and joined her.

I watched in wonder. I couldn't help but be excited for them. Their celebration made me want to worship the moon as well. The music began all at once, so sudden and sweet that I forgot everything else. While the trumpets blared, and the drums banged, I stood up and went to the bonfire.

I stepped lightly and raised my hands. The music uplifted me. It held the greatest allure. Rhythms that spoke to the spirit. My body answered to the sound as I circled along the bonfire.

Moon, I'm so honored to be at your service. Thank you for selecting me. My body glowed and swirled. All eyes were on me now. Midnight watched with curious eyes. He looked at me with more interest than he showed back in the field. I ignored their eager stares, continuing to worship and praise the celestial body.

The music carried me to the end. Climaxing in a vibrant that left the audience breathless, whistling, and stomping their feet. I giggled with delight and stopped when the music ended. The glow disappeared from my body. The gargoyles clapped and surrounded me. I usually shrink away from crowds, but this time I stood in place.

"Give it up for the moon goddess!" Adara applauded. "She fills us with hope and grace!"

I bowed and waved, feeling like a queen. For the first time in months, I felt safe and welcome. I honestly look forward to this adventure.


I woke up with a happy spirit. My thoughts were hazy, still twisted up in dreams. It took me longer than it should have to realize where I was.

I was in the shrine. Since officially becoming a goddess, the elders told me this was my new home. A place for me to rest, pray, and worship the moon. I bucked off the bed as a sweet sensation of euphoria washed over me. A huge smile appeared on my face. I was excited for this day.

While I entered the main section of the shrine, Nova, my curvy shrine servant, bowed to me. "Good morning, goddess. Your bath is ready."

"Thank you, Nova. I appreciate it. And please, call me Amari."

"No problem. And okay, Amari. I'll prepare your breakfast while you get ready."

After taking my bath, I put on my new clothes; a long v-neck gray dress with a shawl. After slipping on my sandals, I placed the diadem on my head. I put a few drops of lavender essential oil on my hand. A villager gave it to me as a welcoming gift. I took a deep breath, enjoying the sensational smell while rubbing it on my hair and neck.

I headed for the kitchen. On the table was a plate of potatoes, porridge, berries, and toast with a cup of pomegranate juice. I prayed and consumed the food. "This is delicious. You're an excellent cook."

Nova blushed, standing in front of me. "Thank you. My children enjoy it too."

"What about your husband?"

"Of course, he loved my meals when he was alive." Her eyes held such a deep sadness. "He died in the massacre."

I grimaced. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned him."

"It's okay. It was a long time ago. Some wounds take longer to heal, but me and my children are getting by," Nova explained. "We lost a lot of our people that night. I tried to not think about it since it's the past. But it still affects us, in some way or another. "

My heart sank. I didn't realize the massacre traumatized a lot of people. It reminded me of the pain that I've seen on Midnight and Amari's face. After finishing my meal, I rose from my seat. "I should get going. I'll be heading to the palace."

Nova nodded. "Anything you need me to do before I go?'

"Nothing right now." I smiled. "Thank you for making me feel welcome."

She bowed. "My pleasure, Amari. Orion will escort you to the palace. He's waiting outside."

I nodded and left the kitchen. I grabbed my staff from the table and exited the shrine. "Good morning, Orion." I greeted. The tall man that reminded me of a basketball prayer stood silently by the water fountain.

Orion nodded. "Good morning," he said in a low voice, walking towards the moon gate.

I followed behind him. I met Orion last night at the ceremony. Not much of a talker, but he seemed nice and respectable.

The villagers started their day early. Some greeted me and waved.

"It's the moon goddess."

"She looks so pretty today."

I smiled and waved back. A gargoyle boy approached and gave me a white rose. I blushed and took it. "Thank you." Such sweet people. It was shameful what the queen had done to them.

I gazed at the two moons with affection. It was now in its waning phase, shrinking little by little. Within two weeks, it'll become a new moon.

My butterfly friend suddenly fluttered over me. I opened my palm. "Hello, I'm glad to see you again."

The butterfly landed in my hand. Its wings glowed and moved slowly.

"Thank you for helping me at the forest," I stated. "Hopefully you come visit me more often."

The butterfly flew up, circling around my face. I took that as a yes.

"Good morning, beautiful," said a familiar voice. "Hey, Orion."

I turned around while the butterfly flew away. Orion stopped walking and waited. "Good morning, Corvus and Spica."

Spica bowed. "Good morning, moon goddess." She smiled at Orion. "Morning, Orion."

Orion grunted in response.

"Please call me Amari," I stated. "I'm still getting used to other people saying that name."

Corvus grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Not a problem, Amari. I'm so glad you are truly the moon goddess."

My cheeks burned. "Thank you, Corvus."

"Yuck." Spica did a dramatic gag. "Please don't take him seriously. He flirts with a lot of women."

Corvus looked appalled. "I do not. Only the gorgeous ones," he stated, giving me a wink.

"I honestly don't know what women see in you."

"Let's see." Corvus thought for a moment. "It must be my awesome personality, my dashing smile. Oh, and I can't forget my handsome face." He came closer to her. "Maybe you want to try me, Spica. You don't have to be so jealous."

"Please." Spica lightly pushed him away. "Not interested. You're the last thing on my mind."

I giggled. At this moment, I knew I was going to like these two.

"Are you ready for the meeting?" Corvus asked me, now serious.


"Me too. I'm ready to fight. The Hellions had it coming for a very long time."

"Don't get too excited," Spica warned. "We have to see if the elders agree."

"They will," Corvus stated confidently. "The goddess is here. Anyways, we should get going. The meeting will be starting soon."

"You guys go on ahead," I stated while we entered the palace. "I need to speak with Adara. She has something for me."

Corvus smiled. He and Spica turned to the left. "Alright, beautiful. We'll see you soon."

I headed to the main hall. I beamed when I spotted Star walking in my direction. "Good morning, Star."

"Morning." She bowed and glanced at Orion. "Good morning, Orion. How was your night, Amari?"

"Wonderful. I slept like a baby."

"That's great," she stated. "I wish you could stay at the palace. It'll be a lot more fun if you were here."

"I bet." I touched her shoulder. "You can always visit me when you're not busy. We can even have a sleepover."

Star eyes lit up. "I would like that."

My eyes glistened with delight. Star reminded me of a younger sister that I always wanted. "I should get going. I have to meet with Adara before the meeting."

"Of course." Star waved before walking away. "See you soon."

"See ya." Orion and I headed to the great hall. The guards greeted us once we came near the door. I glanced at my bodyguard. "You can wait here with the other guards."

Orion nodded and stood by the door.

I knocked and opened it. Adara and Midnight didn't bother to look my way. They were focused on their conversation.

"Midnight, please. I want you to control your anger. I know you're dealing with a lot, but I need you to be calm."

"I will. You don't need to worry, sis."

"Yes, I do. After our parents' death, I've seen a change in you. You're so focused on reclaiming the Crescent Nation's honor, you haven't focused on yourself."

"It doesn't matter. I need to focus on the goal." The determination in Midnight's voice left me no doubt he'll do it. "I want to kill the queen with my bare hands. I want to destroy the Hellions and burn her nation to the ground."

"Midnight, please. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. We'll reclaim our honor in a timely manner."

I cleared my throat. "Good morning, I hope I'm not interrupting."

Adara smiled and rose from her throne. "You're not. I was just discussing my brother's role as a prince. How did you sleep last night at the shrine?"

"Peacefully. I can tell you guys took great care of the shrine."

"Celina was a phenomenal goddess. We wanted to honor her by making sure the shrine was in perfect condition." Adara gave me a journal. "Here, I want you to have this."

It was a black leather journal. I flipped through the pages. It was already filled with written text and drawings.

"It was Celina's journal dedicated to the moon. I want you to read it. Hopefully, you can get something from it."

"Thank you, Adara."

"No problem." Adara glanced at Midnight. "Well, you and my brother should be heading to the meeting right now."

"You're not going?"

"No, I'm more of a diplomat. Since Midnight is going to be king soon, he plans the battles."

"Then we should head off." Midnight strolled to the door. "Amari, follow me."

I waved goodbye to Adara before leaving the room. Orion followed behind us. It was complete silence as we walked.

Turning the corner at the end of the massive hallway, we stopped at another door. Before Midnight opened it, he turned to me. His eyes held mine, full of genuineness. "Thank you."

I raised my eyebrow, taken back. "For what?"

"For healing my arm and being the moon goddess. You don't know how long we waited for your arrival."

"You're welcome, Midnight. I'll do whatever I can to help the Crescent Nation."

Midnight's lips curved into a smile. It was refreshing to see since he was always so serious. "Now let's see what the elders have to say about my proposal." He opened the door, striding in with confidence.

There was a long circle table settled in the middle of the room. An unfamiliar map was also placed on the table. The gargoyles stood up and bowed to their prince. It was only a few of us: Midnight, Spica, Corvus, Elder Sirius, Elder Carina, Orion, and me.

"You may have a seat." Midnight sat in the middle. His face held a calm demeanor. "Let's begin."

I settled between Midnight and Spica. Orion stood behind me watching closely.

"As you're fully aware elders, the Hellions have been in our territory for far too long. Disappointing, but it doesn't matter. A victory is sweeter when it takes a long time to carry out the plan. It's time to act with full force."

"Yes, we know. The Hellions caused widespread destruction and mayhem after the massacre," Elder Sirius stated. Although his eyes were bright and engaging, his wrinkled face and white hair gave away his true age. "What is your proposition, prince?"

"Take our army to our territories, destroy the Hellions and their resources. When we make it to the capital, we'll kill Balam."

"Midnight, this sounds like a suicidal mission," Elder Sirius said. "You're taking our army and an inexperienced girl to the new capital." He pointed at the map, moving his finger to the far end. It appeared to be a huge town. "We used to be the capital, but Balam changed it to the opposite side of our territory. It'll take you about a week to get there. How can you manage without being noticed by the enemy?"

Midnight smiled. His voice was confident and relaxed. The voice of a person who was very secure about his power. "I'm not hiding. I want them to know that we're coming. For far too long they have been mocking us. It's time to show them our power once again."

I listened without arguing. I may not truly understand Midnight's plan, but I can have empathy with his frustrations. Dealing with the Hellions in the Crescent Nation's territory was humiliating to him.

"That's insane," Elder Carina spoke. Her voice had an edge of worry. Her mature and strong spirit reminded me of my grandmother. "If you go, you're leaving the village vulnerable to any attack."

"I'm not taking all of our army," Midnight explained. "I'm just taking my top soldiers and the goddess."

Elder Carina's face turned hard. "Midnight, are you even thinking clearly? You're fighting the Hellions. They have thousands of soldiers ready to fight."

"I'm a hell of a fighter. If my father can wipe out hundreds of soldiers with one swipe of his sword, so can I."

Elder Sirius heaved a sigh and threw his hands into the air in defeat. "When do you want to leave?"

Midnight spoke with deep seriousness. "Three days if it's possible."

The elders gasped. Shock appeared on their faces. I couldn't blame them. Three days was way too soon.

"Midnight." Elder Sirius pinched the bridge of his nose. "Of all the rulers we've counseled, you are by far the most reckless one. What will your father think?"

Midnight shrugged. "I don't know. He's dead. Besides, he'll tell me I'm old enough to make my own decisions."

"Prince, we can't stop you but please be logical." Elder Carina glanced at me. "The moon goddess just came. She doesn't even know the basics of her power. How can she help you? If you want to destroy the Hellions and Balam, you need her power to be at her highest potential."

Midnight paused for a moment. "Fair enough. What do you suggest?"

"Give her at least two years."

"Two years?!" Midnight roared, slamming his fist onto the table. I jumped as it cracked down the middle right in front of the elders. "No way in hell I'm waiting two years. They already destroyed half our nation." Sadness etched in his every feature. "Balam secluded us in our own village like some caged rats. He ordered us to pay high taxes and take our resources. If it wasn't for our agriculture and gold mines, we would be stricken with poverty. Those Hellions bastards even had the nerve to try to take Star to their brothel. I'm so sick and tired of them. I want them out of our territory now!"

"Midnight," Spica spoke. "Calm down."

"I am calm!"

"No, you're not. You're scaring Amari."

I didn't realize my whole body was shaking uncontrollably. I took deep breaths, calming my heart.

Midnight glanced at me and let out a heavy sigh. He unclenched his fists. "I have another proposition."

"What is it?" Elder Sirius asked.

"I can't and will not wait two years. By then the Hellions will get bolder. Take Amari and go to the time realm for two weeks."

Everyone gasped excluding me.

"Two weeks?" Concern filled Spica's eyes, her face stunned. "We're barely there for five days. Do you think Amari can handle that much pressure?"

Midnight's eyes flickered to mine. "Yes, I believe so. They killed our former goddess. Elders, you guys are the only ones left to teach her the ways of the moon."

"Indeed we are." Elder Sirius peered at me. "What do you think, goddess? We're not going to go easy on you. The training will be brutal. Can you handle it?"

I pondered for a few seconds while everyone waited for my answer. "I'll be alright. If the prince is sure that I'm ready for the next step, then I'll do it."

"Very well. We'll prepare the chamber now. Goddess, gather your things and meet with us when you're ready." Elder Carina rose. She grabbed her cane and stared at Midnight. "Prince Midnight, in two weeks you should have everything ready for your trip. I may be against it, but you're the prince soon to be king. We'll agree to this mission."

"Yes, I'll be ready." Midnight stood up. He looked pleased but not conceited. "Thank you for approving and helping Amari."

"Don't thank us just yet. We'll see if she's ready by the end of training." Elder Carina glanced at Elder Sirius. "Let's prepare, elder."

"Yes, dear."

After the elders left. The room became quiet for a few moments. Corvus stood and grinned. "That was intense."

"It was needed," Midnight replied. "I couldn't just sit back and do nothing. I've been doing that for twelve years."

"You're certain about this?"


Corvus shook Midnight's hand, patting his back. "Then I'm behind you. One hundred percent."

"Thank you."

Spica picked up on my expression. "Are you alright, Amari?"

"Yes, but I am confused," I answered, my head filled with questions. "What's a time chamber?"

"It's a place where time comes to a halt," Spica described. "Inside the dimension, a day is considered sixty days."

My eyes widened. I calculated the days in my head. "So I'm there for two years."

"Your body doesn't age. Just your stamina, muscles, and powers. I've done it for a month," Midnight explained. "It's not easy but it'll be worth it. The elders may be stern, but you're in good hands."

"Don't overthink the process," Corvus said. "Take it day by day."

"And listen to your body," Spica stated. "Don't strain it regardless of what they say."

I nodded, rising from my seat. Orion followed along. "I should get ready."

"Amari," Midnight spoke, causing me to halt.


"You can do this. I believe in you."

I smiled, my eyes amused. "Now you believe in me?"

Midnight smirked. "Yes. The next time I see you, I know you'll be a different woman."

"I hope so Midnight. I don't want to let you guys down." My face turned serious as I stared at all of them. "I'll see you guys soon."