
Chapter 03 Paradise

Darkness surrounded me. I sat here alone. A tingle of fear slithered down my spine and settle in my stomach, paralyzing me. I rocked back and forth as tears coursed down my cheeks.

"Grandma," I uttered. "I'm scared." The wave of guilt swept through me. I thought I was strong, but I wasn't. Fear had a hold of me now. Weakness tied me down. I wished it would go away, but I couldn't stop the agonizing feeling.

"For when I am weak, then I am strong," I whispered. My favorite bible verses usually ease my worry, but this time I felt only emptiness. I whimpered. "Somebody please help me."

A beam of light appeared in front of me. It was so bright I could barely stare at it. Coming out of it was my grandma wearing a pure white gown.

Grandma hadn't changed much; her face looked just the same as I remembered it. "Amari," she smiled genuinely. "You look great, darling."

"Grandma," tears continued to spill out of my eyes. I kneeled to her feet, my face full of regret. "I'm sorry, I don't think I can handle this. I should have stayed in school."

Grandma rubbed my head like she used to do when I was little. "It's okay to be afraid. But don't let it overtake you. Please pray. God is always looking out for you too. Do you understand?"

I sniffled. "Yes." I gripped her gown with all my might. Afraid if I let go, she'll leave.

"No matter what you do, or the decisions you make, I'll always be proud of you." Grandma easily tugged away from me, heading back to the light. "It's time for me to leave, Amari."

"Wait!" I pleaded. My hand extended to her. "Don't go!"

"I have to." Grandma entered the light. I couldn't see her body anymore. "Remember what I told you. I love you, Amari."

"Grandma!" I cried out, dashing. "Please, don't leave me!"

"I can't take you where I'm going, darling. But don't worry, you'll wake up soon."

"Grandma!" The light consumed the darkness. My heart ached for my grandma, but my soul was at peace. I closed my eyes, drifting out of my dream.

My eyes fluttered open. I lifted, checking my body. No injuries. No cuts or bruises. Despite my dirty dress and minor headache, that was great news. But where the hell was I?

It was as if I had stepped from the pages of a storybook. The meadow was enormous and filled with wildflowers. The sun rose over the horizon and shone gaily on the bright greenery. This was paradise.

I gazed around the beautiful, blissful, and fruitful land. It left me breathless. The grass was very green, the sky perfectly blue. I inhaled the fresh air and smiled. Maybe this world wouldn't be so bad after all. Flowers of every color bloomed around me, and the air was heavy with the scent of lilacs, magnolias, and roses.

The moon was still out, but to my surprise, there were not one but two moons in the sky. They were right next to each other. Both were full but a bit smaller than the moon from my world.

A confused expression crossed my face. That's strange. Could it be that this new world had two moons? I had a lot to learn.

I opened my fanny pack and took out my cell phone. I know it was silly, but who knows? Maybe this world had service. Of course, my signal bar had nothing, but I had an unread text message.

From Chelsie: Amari, where r u? Don't be mad. I was just tryin to help u out! Plz call me to let me knw you're safe <3

"Whatever." I turned off my phone and put it back inside my fanny pack. My anger subsided but I was still irritated. Chelsie betrayed my trust. And I didn't want that kind of friendship. However, I felt guilty for leaving unexpectedly. She's probably freaking out by now and calling the UC police. My adoptive family will get involved and try to find me. They probably think I was kidnapped or worse, murdered.

I signed deeply. Now I feel very selfish. I didn't want them to stress over me. That was not part of the plan. I gazed at my rose gold bracelet. I wanted to be bitter and toss it, but I decided against it. This was the only thing that reminded me of my old world.

A white butterfly fluttered around my face. I smiled. I always had an infatuation with butterflies. When I was seven, my grandmother took me to the Butterfly Habitat in Vallejo. "Hello there." I instinctively put my palm out. My heart filled with warmth as the butterfly sat on my finger. The black dots from its wings blended and swirled. "I guess you're my first friend in this strange world. Are there any more of you?"

The butterfly rose, wings glowing. Out of nowhere, a bunch of colorful butterflies flew into the meadow. I gasped and rose to my feet.

Butterflies greeted me. They swirled and twirled. Their wings brightened. I giggled while some fluttered around my face and hair.

The butterflies flew in many directions. Some danced from blossom to blossom before leaving. I waved. "Goodbye." Now loneliness washed over me.

The white butterfly that was in my hand landed on my shoulder, calming my troubled spirit.

"Thank you for staying," I stated. "I'm new to this world. Do you know which way I should go?"

The butterfly flew, gliding to the left and then to the right. It headed down a small and narrow trail.

"Wait for me." I increased my pace, making sure I wasn't too far away.

The peace of the morning soothed my soul. The sun broke through the cracks, lighting up the dirt path ahead of me. I loved the sun and the blazing heat. I could tell it was going to be a nice day.

The sound of birds filled the air, comforting my heart. I walked slowly, awestruck. The forest reminded me of the Garden of Eden. It hummed with all life around me. The sweet and tangy aroma intoxicated my nose.

After a few twists and turns, the butterfly fluttered to an opening. A smell of timidness hovered in the air. I had no clue what was ahead. I clenched my fists tightly, moving forward.

I could hear the bubbling music of water. The river curved gently through the forest. I walked over and bent my head down, splashing my face and taking a drink of crystal-clear water. It was refreshing.

I beamed at the butterfly. "Thank you." Before I could stand, my body jolted when I heard an agonizing scream.

The terror in her voice pierced my ears. "Eahhhhhhh! Somebody help me!" She cried out.

The butterfly flew away while I stood. I gazed around until I finally saw who screamed. A golden skin girl with unfamiliar tattoos on her arms ran away from a group of men. From the looks of their raggedy clothes, they reminded me of rogue soldiers.

I gasped. They weren't human. Some had green, gray, and red skin. Others had tails and pointy ears. The only one that resembled a human was the screaming girl.

The girl glanced back. When she realized they were getting close, she screamed again. "Help me, please! The Hellions are here!"

The soldiers laughed. Those laugh were some of the most horrifying sounds I had ever heard. I couldn't believe they were enjoying every minute of their cat-and-mouse game.

"Yes, I love to hear you scream!"

"She's really going to be hollering after we're done with her!"

I scowled, taking off my wedges. This wasn't right. I sprinted. I didn't know what I could do, but I couldn't just stand here while they tormented that girl.

A goblin soldier grin evilly. He twirled a rope and threw it in the girl's direction.

"Ahh!" The rope caught the girl's leg. She fell face down on the ground, writhing while he dragged her.

"Look what I caught, boss," The goblin called, delighted. "They'll love her at the brothel."

The humongous leader made my skin scrawl. His skin was gray and hairy with horns coming out of his head. He patted his soldier's back. "Yes, they haven't had a female gargoyle before. They'll give us a fine price for her."

The girl grabbed the rope and snapped it apart like a twig. She desperately crawled away from them, her gray eyes wild.

"Get her, men!" The leader ordered. His red eyes glistened with hostility. "And don't hurt her too badly."

"Yes, sir!" They ran with wicked grins.

The girl shivered. She froze in place, ready for her demise. The goblin pulled her curly hair, snapping her neck back. "Ahhhh!"

A shiver of panic trembled in my stomach. I reached out. "Hey!" I screamed. "Leave her alone you monsters!" A light source of energy was released from my hand.

"Ugh!" It struck the surprised goblin's stomach. He gazed down at his body. The blast left a large nasty hole. He staggered before his eyes rolled back, crumbling to the ground.

The soldiers stepped back, slack-jawed.

I gazed at my shaken hand. Shocked, but immediately went back to my senses and grabbed the girl's hand. "Let's go."

"Don't just stand there!" The leader barked. "Get them!"

By the time the girl stood, the soldiers surrounded us. They immediately grabbed our arms and put them behind our backs.

"Let go of me!" I squirmed, but the lizard soldier's grip was so tight, his nails dug into my skin.

"Bring her here!" The leader ordered. "The feisty one!"

His minion obliged. I kept struggling, wanting to stomp his feet and jab and cross him, but I was outmatched and worried about the girl.

The leader grinned at me with sharp pointy teeth. He smelled like a forest, sweat, and alcohol. "I don't know where you came from, human. But you killed one of my soldiers. You're going to have to pay for that."

My temper flared now and I glared defiantly at him. "I don't have to pay you a damn thing," I said icily. "You shouldn't have ne-" My sentence was cut short by a hard slap to the face.

He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at his bloodthirsty eyes. "I would be quiet now if I were you."

"Go to hell," I spat. My skin burned with anger. There were so many things I imagined doing to him. Mainly his whole body being burned alive.

The leader laughed while his men joined him. "We're already in it, sweetheart. You know, I like her men. We'll just keep her for ourselves." He pulled out his sword. The leader had a malicious glint in his eyes while he grabbed my face. "But first, let's do something about that smart mouth of yours."

My heart dropped. Fear swelled up inside of me. I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst.

Instead of feeling pain, I heard rapid footsteps. A brush of wind passed me and I heard a thump on the ground.

"Gwahhhh!" an excruciating scream came from the leader. He released me and dropped his sword. "Ahhhh!"

"Midnight!" The girl spoke. This time with delight. "Thank goodness you're here."

I opened my eyes and gasped. The leader's arm was cut off. Blood poured onto the ground. He kneeled and clutched his wound.

The leader's soldiers gasped. They let go of our wrists and drew their weapons out.

"It's the gargoyle prince!"

"Bastard! How dare you attack our boss?!"

In front of the leader stood a tall medium-built man. Just like the girl, he had ancient tattoos on his shoulder and chest. Locs that were tied in a bun with both of his sides shade off. In his left hand, he held a huge curved sword that reminded me of the crescent moon.

The prince looked fierce and strong. His hard muscles were so defined, his veins stuck out, emphasizing his strength. The prince's dark ebony skin was smooth and perfect with his gray tank top, black pants, and leather boots complimenting his body.

The prince's piercing gray eyes stared hard at the leader. "Get up," he ordered, his voice rich and deep.

"You little shit." The leader gritted his teeth as blood continued to spill out of him. "How dare you attack the Hellions?"

"You're lucky I didn't slice your head off." Midnight got into his fighting stance. "Now get up and fight you low-life demon. I want to see your face when I kill you."

The soldiers hissed and growled at the prince. They sprinted toward him.

"This is for the Hellions!"

"We'll avenge our le-ack!"

Arrows flew and struck their head and chest. Almost all but one crumbled to the ground. As the lizard soldier tried to grab his spear, a woman with short black hair ran and pounded his head with a large bow.

She was much taller than me. Mocha skin with an ancient tattoo on her neck. She and two other men had their bows and arrows. They all wore the same outfit similar to the prince. However, their grey shirt had the graphic of the full moon placed in front. "Midnight, hurry and kill him. We don't have all day."

"I will as soon as he gets up. He's probably stalling because he knows he's about to die."

"Not before I kill you first." The leader grabbed his sword, rushing towards Midnight.

Midnight smirked. "Finally." Their swords clashed, snarls rising in their throats.

I watched in amazement. I've never seen an actual sword fight. The leader may have lost his arm, but he was able to keep up with Midnight's attacks. He ducked and lunged at him with a determined counterattack.

Midnight saw through his opponent's tactics and reacted quickly. He continued to thrust his sword forward in quick movements as he danced around the leader.

The leader lunged forward. "Die!" He tried to slash Midnight, but the prince blocked it.

"I'm done toying with you." With blinding speed, Midnight leaped and slashed the leader's chest.

Blood squirted out of the leader's body. I've seen blood in horror and war movies. Seeing it in real life made me sick to my stomach.

"Gah." The leader clutched his stomach, his movements slow.

Midnight puffed out his chest, putting his sword back into his sheath. "Too easy. And they call you their leader? My soldiers could have easily taken you down."

"Shut up!" A hidden dagger appeared in the leader's hand. He aimed for Midnight's heart.

"Midnight!" Star screamed.

Midnight raised his arm, causing the blade to pierce his forearm. He winced and threw a cross.

I shrieked when I heard a crackling sound. The demon leader fell backward. Blood flowed from his nose.

Midnight took the dagger out of his arm and tossed it. "Sneaky bastard." He grabbed the leader's neck, lifting him in the air.

The leader writhed and glared viciously at Midnight. "You may have won this battle, but you'll lose the war. The queen's Hellions will defeat you."

"I'm not afraid of her or her army," Midnight responded. "She'll get what's coming to her. It's time to take back my kingdom."

The leader roared with laughter. "You and your pathetic little army take back your kingdom? Ha! If your father couldn't stop her, you sure as hell doesn't stand a chance. Lord Balam will destroy you before you even th-ugh!"

Hatred filled Midnight's eyes while he choked the life out of him. "You talk a lot of crap for a guy that's dying."

Eyes wide with fright, I reflected on Vadoma's words. The Queen. The Hellions. The Warrior. Am I supposed to help the gargoyle prince?

"I'll avenge my father. I'll reclaim my kingdom." Midnight gripped his neck tighter. "And most importantly, I'll have the queen's head."

The snapping of his neck sent shivers through my body. The leader went completely still as his neck held an awkward position.

Midnight's eyes narrowed in a gleam of triumph. "Hmph." He tossed the leader's body to the ground, gazing at his soldiers. "Gather their bodies and burn them. Make sure this isn't any evidence that they were here."

"Yes, sir!"

The woman with the bow walked towards him. "Midnight, are you alright?"

Midnight shrugged. "Fine." He glanced at his arm. "It's just a stab wound. It'll heal by tomorrow."

She nodded and embraced the girl. "Star, are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

"I'm fine, Spica." Star hugged her tightly. "They didn't hurt me. Thank you for coming to my rescue."

"Good." Spica glared at her. "What the hell are you doing out here alone? You know you're not supposed to step outside our village without protection."

Star lowered her gaze. "I know. I thought I would be okay, but that was a mistake." She smiled and stared genuinely at me. "If it wasn't for this human girl, I would've been long gone by now."

That's when all eyes turned to me. I rubbed my face and remained silent. They studied me with stares of curiosity and suspicion.

Midnight stepped closer, drawing his sword at me. He gazed with probing intensity into my eyes. "Who are you? And what are you doing in the Callisto Forest?"

I gulped. I had a feeling he was going to slice my head off if I lied. "My name is Amari. And I honestly don't know how I got here. The moon transferred me to this world."

Midnight's soldiers gasped with their mouths wide open.

"Is she the one?"

"Impossible! She's only human!"

"Silence," Midnight ordered, not taking his eyes off me. His voice was low, but full of authority. "Prove it."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Prove what?"

"Prove that the moon transferred you."

"I can't," I confessed. "All I know is that I talked to the moon and said I was ready for my journey. She shot a beam of light and transferred me here."

The soldiers whispered amongst each other. Midnight flashed a dark look at them. Once they stopped, he looked at me with a glint of skepticism in his eyes. "Then I don't believe you."

"But Midnight," Star began. "She must be telling the truth. She killed one of the soldiers with a powerful energy source."

Midnight put his sword back into his sheath. "That doesn't mean anything to me. She could be a spy for the queen." He glared at me. "Leave and don't ever come back to this territory, human."

I caught my breath. I couldn't leave. I knew he was the one I was supposed to meet. "But I-"

"Silence. I don't want to hear any more of yo-." Midnight suddenly clutched his arm, shaking uncontrollably. "Ahhh!"

"Midnight!" Spica glanced at him. "What's wrong?"

Midnight hissed in pain. "The bastard poisoned me. He must have done it when he stabbed me with the dagger."

She gasped. "We need to take you back to the village immediately."

"Ahhh!" His arm sizzled and popped. "Damn it!"

I stood there frozen in place, unsure what to do.

Star and Midnight's soldiers gathered around him. Worry appeared on each of their faces.

"We need to take you before it spreads," Spica urged.

"Too late," Midnight stated. "I already feel it reaching my shoulder. I just have to cut my arm off."

"No!" She retorted. "Are you insane?!"

"It's the only way." Midnight took out his sword with his right hand. "It'll reach my heart by the time we make it to the village."

Spica's eyes clouded with terror. Her voice had an edge of worry. "No, I can't allow this."

Midnight's lips curled back in irritation. "Do you have another plan?!" He roared, body quivering. "Ugh, every muscle in my body feels like it's on fire."

Worried filled my eyes. I desperately gazed at the two moons. "What should I do?" I hated feeling so helpless.

The white butterfly appeared in front of my face, comforting me.

My face beamed, thrilled to see my friend again. "Oh, you're back." A bright light glowed around my hand. I looked at it in shock. "What's going on?"

The butterfly fluttered towards Midnight before flying away.

Anxiety washed over me. I knew I had to help him. My powers were going to do something about it. "Wait," I told Midnight. Luckily he listened and stared at me. "Let me help you."

Midnight streaked with sweat. A purple substance seeped out of his wound. "How can you help, human?" He asked with suspicious eyes.

I got down on my knees. "Just hold still." Before he could argue, my hand touched his arm. The moon magic welled up in me as I drew upon my healing power.

The sizzling stopped. Midnight's wound slowly closed up. He was speechless for a moment. "No way."

"It's working," Spica said. "Keep going, human."

After it seemed like forever, I put my hand down, huffing. The healing process took a toll on me. I was feeling dizzy now. And I wondered if I was going to go into shock after all that happened.

Midnight examined his arm. He moved it around, face stunned. "No more pain."

Star signed in relief. "It's a miracle."

"All thanks to this girl." Spica smiled at me. Her eyes burned with sincerity. "Thank you for saving the prince."

"...No…problem…" I stood, my body swaying. More tired than I realized, I was exhausted from the mental and emotional stress I'd never felt before. After a few seconds, my mind went blank and I collapsed. Last thing I saw was them hovering over me.