
Chapter 02 The Time Is Now


"Ugh, do I have to?"

"Yes, birthday girl. It's time to turn up."

I took a deep breath. "Fine." I grabbed the pink shot glass, squinting my nose from the harsh smell of vodka. "Three, two, one."

The alcohol burned my throat after gulping it down. I made a face and took a sip of my coke. "I don't know how you can do this all the time."

"You'll get used to it." Chelsie poured herself another, quickly downing it. She sipped her chaser. "Going to a lot of parties in high school helped."

"Can't relate," I remembered being invited to one party, but after throwing up on myself and my friend's car, I was afraid to show my face again. I was honestly surprised I didn't gag from this shot.

"Well, that's going to change. Just hang out with me, and we'll go to the best parties." Chelsie was about to pour another shot but paused. "You want another one?"

"No thanks." I drank my bottle of water. "Let's go to this party that your eye candy is hosting."

Chelsie took her third shot. She didn't even bother to drink her chaser. "I'm ready. And hopefully, he won't be too drunk to entertain me tonight."

"I hope not." I grabbed my purse. "You look great though."

"Thank you." She twirled while her black shoulderless dress flowed around her curvy body. "I love your rose pink dress. It matches your bracelet."

"Thank you." The backless dress was a nice deal at Crossroads. Plus the pink wedges were almost fifty percent off. "I'm glad we went shopping today."

"Me too." Chelsie checked herself with her mirror. She put on her ruby lipstick and smiled. "Let's go. Our Uber driver will be near Crescent Lawn in fifteen minutes."

I raised my eyebrow. "Why Crescent Lawn? Our dormitory is on Durant Avenue."

"I don't know. For some reason my phone is picking Crescent Lawn as our location," she stated with a look of annoyance. "I'll have IT check my phone tomorrow."

The sky turned completely dark once we made it outside. For some reason, I immediately focused my attention on the heavens. There it was, the moon, full and glowing. Usually, I look away, but tonight was different. The moon called, drawing me closer to her than ever before.

Peace and relaxation consumed me. Vadoma was right. I was beguiled by its supernatural beauty. Now I finally knew the true power of the celestial body.

"Amazing," I whispered. I would've stared at it more if my roommate didn't interrupt.

"Amari." Chelsie gave me a peculiar look. "What are you doing? Let's go before the Uber driver cancels on us."

"Right." My body didn't want to move. Each step tortured my inner spirit. I just wanted to sit, relax, and bond with the moon.

We walked and chatted, but I couldn't pay attention. The moon wanted me to focus on her power and beauty.

"I can't wait to get my I.D.," Chelsie stated with her black stilettos clicked across the Grinnell Pathway. "That way I can get into the bars and talk to older guys."

"Be careful," I warned. "There's a lot of weirdos at the bar."

"There are weirdos everywhere, but I'm not worried. My weirdo radar is usually on point. And I already ordered my date rape drug test and pepper spray on Amazon."

I sighed. "It's sad how we have to be super cautious just to be safe."

As we got closer to the lawn, a group of four men walked straight down Oxford Street. They loudly joked among themselves, laughing and sipping their cans of beer. As they walked closer, I realized they weren't too many years older than I was.

One of the guys in front looked at us up and down like we were a piece of meat. "Damn, you ladies look good tonight. Why don't you come to our spot and have a real party?"

My skin crawled. He was obviously drunk as he staggered close to us. Luckily his friends didn't follow his lead. "No, thanks. We'll be on our way."

The man frowned, teeth-baring. Great, an angry drunk. "What's up with you bitches? I give you an invitation and you just going to diss me like that? You ain't all that."

Before I could tell Chelsie to ignore him, she stepped forward. "Who are you calling bitches? You have the nerve to talk with your crusty, intoxicated ass."

The man growled as his friends snickered. He dropped his beer and clenched his fists. "Bitch, what did you say?"

I immediately grabbed her wrist. "Let's go." It was safer to leave a situation before it escalated. I tugged her away while she kept talking.

"You heard me, dusty!" She retorted. "Why would a female talk to you?! You have nothing to offer with your broke, sloppy-ass!"

The veins formed on his hands while his friends hollered with laughter.

"Damn, she told you."

"I like them feisty and pretty."

"Bitch!" The man howled. "Don't come back here! If you do, I'm going to beat your ass!"

"I like to see you try, dusty! You're weak for wanting to hit a girl! Why you mad?! Did I hit a sensitive nerve?!"

"Come on." I urged, tightening my grip. Bystanders stood and watched the commotion. "Ignore him, please."

We finally walked away. The Uber driver parked near the corner of Oxford Street and University Avenue. We greeted the mature man before entering his vehicle.

"I can't believe that guy!" Chelsie fumed. "He had the nerve to call us bitches. No wonder he can't get any females. And his weak-ass friends only stood by and watched the clownery."

"It's okay," I assured her. "He's not worth our energy. Let's go to this party and have some fun." Deep down, I really hoped I'll be having fun. I've always felt out of place in social gatherings.

"You're right." Chelsie took a deep breath. "The dusty isn't going to ruin our night. I need a couple of more shots after that little incident."

Within ten minutes, the Uber driver stopped in front of the Alpha Tau Omega house. We thanked him and exited the vehicle.

"Woo hoo!" Chelsie raised her arms. "Let's turn up!"

Loud music already hit me when we came close to the building. I squinted my nose while we passed some students smoking marijuana and cigarettes. I can already tell by looking at the windows that the party was fully packed.

Chelsie didn't bother to knock. She opened the door and confidently walked in. I shyly followed behind her.

"Chelsie!" A blonde-haired girl with bright blue eyes squealed. She gave her a tight hug. We only met once. And if I remembered correctly, her name was Kat. "You finally made it!"

"Hell yeah, I made it. And I brought my bottle." Chelsie took it out of her purse and opened the cap. "Girl, let's take a shot. My nerves are pretty bad from cussing out a guy."

"Screw him, girl. You look good though."

"Thank you. I love your two-piece outfit."

"Thanks. I'm trying to get my sexy vibe on." Katie finally gazed in my direction and smiled. "Hey, Amari. Didn't know you'll be here."

I shrugged. "Me either. Chelsie wanted me to come out since it's my birthday."

"Really?" Katie seemed surprised. "Happy birthday! We definitely need to take a birthday shot."

"Sure, but that's it," I warned. The first shot barely settled in my stomach. "After that, I'm good for tonight."

"Boo," Chelsie pouted. "You're no fun."

"At least she came," Kat replied.

The kitchen was way too cramped. Most students were doing shots. In the corner, a group of boys chanted while a guy drank from a keg. Other students gathered around a long table watching fraternity boys play beer pong.

Kat placed three shot glasses on the counter that was filled with different types of alcohol. "Chelsie, you do the honors."

"Don't mind if I do." Chelsie filled the shot glasses up, making sure not to spill a single drop.

My stomach twisted. I grabbed my shot glass and opened my bottle of coke.

Chelsie and Kat lifted their shot glasses high. "Happy birthday, Amari!" They both cheered in unison.

I smiled and took my shot. The alcohol went down my throat with ease. I sipped my chaser to get rid of the bitter taste.

After taking their shots, Chelsie poured some more vodka for her and Kat. "I'm ready for another one."

"Me too," Kat said. "Thank goodness it's Friday."

"Mind if I take a shot with you fine ladies?"

I rolled my eyes dramatically. I knew that familiar cocky voice. It was a matter of time before he found us.

Chelsie turned and smiled. "Of course. I was waiting for you, handsome. Do you have your shot glass?"

"You already know, beautiful." Chase placed the glass on the kitchen counter. I could smell his axe body spray even though he was right next to Chelsie. He must have sprayed a ton on his collar shirt. Overall, he looked good with his guy bun. "Fill it up."

While they were taking their shots, Leon and Mike came over. "I know you're not taking shots without us," Mike stated. He wore a white T-shirt with denim jeans.

"Nah, bro." Chase placed their shot glasses down. "We're just getting started. Do you have the brandy?"

"You know I do." Leon poured the alcohol into each glass. His navy Gap sweater complimented his mocha skin. Once he was done, he glanced at me with lust in his eyes. "Do you want a shot, Amari?"

Before I could utter a no, Chelsie answered. "No thanks. The birthday girl already reached her limit. She's such a lightweight."

Leon licked his lips. His hair was freshly faded. He must have gotten it done after our little lunch gathering. "That's too bad. I was hoping to take a shot with the birthday girl."

"I'll just have a beer," I answered. "Don't want to be too somber on my birthday."

"Make sure you drink water, Amari," Chelsie stated while she and Kat giggled. "We don't want you throwing up."

I held my tongue and glared at her while they took their shots. I swear she does too much when she's with her group. It made me not want to be around her.

Leon smiled at me after he put his shot glass down. "I'll get you a beer. One second."

"So." Chase placed his arm around Chelsie's shoulder. "How about you and Kat play a fun match of beer pong with me and Mike?"

"You're on." Chelsie grinned. "Me and Kat are queens at beer pong."

"We'll see ladies." Chase gazed at his brothers who were still playing an intense game. "Aye, yo! We got next round!"

"Alright, bro!" One of his brothers yelled. "We're almost done kicking their asses!"

"Yeah, right! All you're doing is kicking your mouth!"

Chase wrapped his arm around Chelsie's waist, pulling her close. "You look very hot tonight."

"Well that's an understatement," she replied, staring at his hazel eyes. "I always look hot."

"True. But for some reason, tonight you're looking extra spicy."

My eyes flickered with annoyance. The more I stayed here, the more I regretted it. Maybe if I disappeared while they played beer pong, they wouldn't notice my absence.

Leon came back to me, giving me a budweiser. "Here you go." He smirked, overconfident. "Cheers to the birthday girl."

I opened mine and took a sip. Maybe it'll be okay to stay a bit longer. Budweiser wasn't my favorite, but it'll have to do for now. "Thank you."

Leon winked at me, sipping his beer. "Anything for the birthday girl."

Mike tapped Leon's shoulder. "Bro, me and Chase are about to kick Chelsie and Kat's asses at beer bong."

"Yeah, right," Kat stated. "Don't gloat now."

"For real," Chelsie agreed. "The only ass-kicking is you guys."

"Well, ladies." Chase and Mike went to the opposite side of the table. Their brothers patted their backs and cheered them on. "Let's set up the game. We don't want to waste any more time."

"Do you want to play after them, Amari? I can be your partner," Leon suggested.

"No, thanks," I answered. "Never played before, and I'm sure you don't want a lightweight to ruin your game."

He laughed. "Don't take offense to Chelsie's comment. She only said that because she thinks she can handle all of the alcohol she drinks. Sometimes I don't know she does it without a chaser."

"Yeah, she told me a lot of her party stories in high school. Apparently, a lot of the private school girls weren't so innocent."

They placed their ten cups on each of their sides, assembling the triangle. The girls poured beers into the cups while the guys did the same.

Chase gave Chelsie an air kiss. "Ladies first."

Chelsie stuck her tongue out and tossed the ball. It effortlessly landed in the middle. "Woo hoo!" She and Kat high-fived each other. "At this rate, the guys are going to be chugging a lot of beers."

A yawn escaped my mouth while I stood by the middle of the table. At this rate, I might pass out at the party. I looked around, everyone was so absorbed in the game and their cliques, I knew it was going to be difficult to make any conversation.

Suddenly as if God answered my prayers, the perfect dub music came on. It had a nice melody to it. My shoulders and feet couldn't help but move. While the group focused on the game, I decided to follow the music.

It was much hotter in the living room section. The DJ had his own set up by the window, bobbing to his playlist. Some people grind on each other. Others were having a kiss-out session. I placed my drink down on the small coffee table and proceeded to the middle of the dance floor.

"Don't stop moving. Keep the beat going. Shake, shake, shake."

I swayed my hips, lifting my hands high in the air. Some watched me as I let loose but I ignored their stares. When I dance, I just be in my own little world.

"Can you feel the beat? It's taking me high. I can't stop and won't stop. Shake, shake, shake."

As the song progressed, I felt relaxed. I didn't want to stop moving. Nothing else mattered anymore. My feet were in perfect sync with the beating of my heart.

"Shake, shake, shake, shake."

I slowed down while the song reached its climax. Once the music stopped, I gave the DJ a thumbs up.

"Nice moves," someone said from behind. "Didn't know you could dance."

I turned around. "Didn't expect you to be here. Weren't you watching the game?"

"I was until you disappeared." Leon came closer. I could smell the harsh alcohol under his breath. "You want to dance?"

I frowned. I didn't feel like grinding on him. Plus I was already sweaty from dancing my heart out. "No thanks. I'm going outside for some fresh air."

"I'll come with you."

Great. I sighed. I was hoping he wouldn't. I had a bad feeling but ignored my intuition.

A nice breeze cooled me as we headed downstairs. My eyes automatically gazed up at the moon, smiling at her beauty.

"Beautiful," I whispered.

"Did you say anything?" Leon asked.

"I said the moon is beautiful. Don't you agree?"

"Yeah," he shrugged. "But you're more beautiful."

"Corny," I muttered. Uneasiness swept over me. For some reason, Leon has been acting strange. He never gave me the time of day before. He didn't even acknowledge me when I have seen him walking around campus. "Thank you, I guess."

"I guess?" His brown eyes glistened with amusement. "You don't believe you're beautiful?"

"You don't need to worry about my self-confidence," I replied. My grandmother always told me to love myself. No one can do that for you. "What makes me beautiful?"

Leon seemed taken aback. I guess no other girl asked him this question. "Your face."

Typical answer. I crossed my arms. "Go on."

"Your long hair. I still can't believe that's your natural color. And of course, I can't forget your eyes."

Boring. I almost walked away from him. "That's it?"

"And your beautiful dark skin. Matter of fact, it looks like it's glowing under the moon."

Now that comment was acceptable. My face softened. "Thank you."

Once again Leon stared at me with lust. "No problem, Amari." He leaned in for a kiss.

I backed away. Before I could reply, he tried to kiss me again. This time I pushed him with enough force to stop his unnecessary advance. "What are you doing?" I said in disgust.

"Trying to kiss you." He stared at me like I knew his motive all along. "That's what you want right?"

"What gave you that idea?" I demanded. "Cuz I sure as hell didn't."

"Chelsie! She said you were interested but was playing hard to get," Leon explained. "She also said you were a virgin and wanted your first time to be special on your birthday."

"This is not special!" My cheeks burned. How dare this bitch set me up like this? "Making out and having sex with you at this stupid party isn't going to make my birthday spectacular!"

Leon raised his hands. "Hey, calm down." Some students paid attention now. "It's not that serious. We can just go back like it never happened."

"I'm not going back." I stormed off in a rage.

"Hey, Amari! Wait!" Leon called out to me.

I ignored him and walked across the street. "Tell Chelsie I'm leaving and don't even bother to call me." I doubt she would anyway. She never cared about me. It was always about Chelsie, Chelsie, and Chelsie. Thank you for ruining my night.

I shivered in the cold night air. The moon comforted me as I walked down Channel Street. Some college students passed by me, excitement on their faces while they headed to a party. I didn't want to call Uber since I needed to cool down. How dare she? Yes, I was a virgin but it was my choice to be one. I didn't want to give it up to a random college dude. Especially an arrogant jock. The nerve of him.

Ugh, three more years. My shoulders slumped. Three more years of overwhelming studying. Three more years of socializing with fake people. Three more years of being in my comfort zone.

Vadoma's voice popped into my head. "The moon will be waiting for your answer."

I shook my head. This is insane. I was being selfish. I needed to be in school. My grandmother worked her butt off to bring me here. I had to finish for her.

I made it to Telegraph Avenue, strolling past a group of men. One of them turned to me.

"Hey, Benjamin," the guy spoke. "Isn't that one of the girls that told you off?"

"Yeah," Benjamin still sounded pretty angry. He shot me a nasty grin. "That's one of them. Hey, bitch. Come back here."

"Damn it." I walked faster, scolding myself. I didn't even recognize them. Master Chen would've given me a disapproving look for being in my head. He taught me to always be alert, especially at night.

"I'm going to get you!"

My wedges made it hard to pick up the pace, but I ran as fast as I could. "Somebody help!" I yelled in panic. Pedestrians stood and examined the situation, but nobody intervened. Talk about luck.

I halted by the corner of Telegraph Avenue and Bancroft Way. Traffic zoomed past and the street light was still green. I stood my ground and balled my fists. I refused to kill myself for this drunk creep.

"That's right! You better stop!" I heard his footsteps getting closer and closer.

I took a deep breath and bent my knees. Master Chen told me to leave a bad situation immediately if I sensed danger. If there are no other options, defend yourself.

"Bitch I to-." Before he could grab me from behind, I ducked and elbowed him hard in the gut.

"Oof." Benjamin clutched his stomach. He tried to reach for me again, but I kicked him in the groin.

He crumbled to his knees, touching his private part. After a few agonizing seconds, he finally spoke. "I'm going to get you!"

I already crossed the street, sprinting to the university. I doubt I would ever see that weirdo ever again.

The moon's calling was getting stronger and stronger. I couldn't ignore her much longer. Part of me wanted to cross the street and get back to Blackwell Hall safe and sound. Another part of me wanted to visit Eucalyptus Grove to spend some quality time with the celestial body.

Am I crazy for doing this? I walked in the opposite direction from my dormitory. Maybe I needed time to meditate. My mind was everywhere at the moment.

The Grove was quiet and secluded. Some students walked by but they didn't bother to pay any attention to me. In the darkness, I stood alone.

I sat on a tree stump and took a couple of deep breaths. Once my head cleared, I gazed at the moon. "Hey, moon. You look lovely as always."

The moon stared in silence, but I knew she wanted me to speak more.

"Vadoma told me to talk to you. I honestly don't know if I should be doing this. I already have a home here. I'm going to school. I'm trying to get my bachelor's degree. I just want to make my grandma proud. She was the only one that truly loved me for me. I don't want to disappoint her."

"But what will make you happy?" My inner voice asked.

I paused. Was I really happy with my life right now? Not really. I'll probably be content with graduating and living a normal life, but still be in my boring comfort zone. My other family members didn't care. I wasn't popular. People probably assume I was a loner. Sometimes I did feel like I didn't truly belong in this world.

"Don't let fear decide your outcome."

"You're way too chill. Just live a little."

"Yes," I whispered. Determination filled my eyes. No more hiding. It was time. If the moon chose me, I was going to do it. "Yes," I spoke with more confidence. "Yes, moon. I'm ready to start my adventure."

A beam of light shot down from the moon, heading straight toward me. I gasped while the light penetrated my whole body. It didn't hurt, but a new source of energy flowed through me. Like the warmth of the sun on my skin. The light spread wider, creating a circle with strange carvings.

My eyes widened. I wanted to dash out of the way, but my trembling legs stood in place. I frantically gazed around. No one in plain sight. It was probably best this way. They'll be freaked out by this. "Ahh!" My body started to sink into the circle.

"Help!" I tried to escape but to no avail. The more I moved, the more my body sank deeper. This was way out of my league. I'm regretting it now. However, I still sank until my realm turned to complete darkness. My head spun until I passed out.