
Goddess's Destiny: Queen with a system

A Queen going through different life to finally take revenge on those who wronged her with her guide a system.

sliver56_29 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


"Abbie Fleming, wake up"

A very robotic voice woke me up, at first glance I thought I was in a hospital. With white walls and at the side, a bookshelf with all the books. The books were radiating light? wait, light? I rubbed my eyes to get a better view and it was a golden hue coming from them, I almost want to touch them.

"Abbie Fleming"

shocked by my name coming from my side, I looked everywhere but there was nothing. Wait a min, Is that a bubble? without seeing light reflect in it, she cannot see it. It almost mixed with the walls.

"I am not a bubble but a system and you are.."

before the bubble continue Abbie spoke, "Am I in a mental hospital?"

"stop cutting my words, you are dead. I made a contract with you when you were a child that you wanted to go to different worlds and travel, I am giving you an opportunity to prove your worth" rambled a systemic voice.

"so you are..." before she can ask the system replied "a system Abbie"

"please give me a few minutes to process everything," asked Abbie

"Of course, when you are done please select a book which attracts you the most and read it. Till then bye bye" replied the system.

after some time there was something she discovered:

1) she cannot remember anything about her life

2) library has great books that just match her taste

3) It took her little time to accept her situation.

"Hey, did you choose the book?" asked the systemic voice

"oh my god, can you just let me detect your presence? It's like I am with a ghost" surprised Abbie asked

hearing no answer, she just said the name of the book that she liked.

"I like this one, 'YOURS TRULY'"

"Of course, it's like your past life. You must truly as this troop" the system muttered under his breath.

"huh? what did you say?" questioned Abbie

"nothing just read that story for fun, and then, I will tell you the character and background information related to it," stated the system

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