
God Tier Uchiha- OP Naruto fanfic

Crack-fic, don't expect anything too awesome. It's also wish fulfillment...yeah you already know where this is going. OP Naruto fanfic. The main character will be extremely OP and I will not nerf him no matter what. This has a smart, laidback MC. If you like Weak, stupid MC's this isn't for you. The MC is also a realist, and everything he does will be for a reason, he will be silly and smart at the same time. A perfect mixture of both.

Malxxotic · Anime e quadrinhos
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22 Chs

Konoha's Wonders

(Hiruzen Sarubtobi P.O.V)

In Konoha, an old man could be seen in the Hokages office, smoking pipe while doing the worst thing most Kage were required to do.

Paper work.

Paper work was arguably the bane of all Kage, and nobody wanted to do any paper work. They were shinobi, hard, cold shinobi. What are hardened shinobi doing in an office smoking and signing letters on a paper?

This is exactly what the Konoha's 3rd Hokage was thinking about.

'Minato, I swear when I get to Kami, I'm going to murder your ass!' For an old man like myself, all of this paper labor is really too much. By now, I should be a contentedly retired old man, but what can I do? If only that jerk hadn't died. Why couldn't he just live his life?


The door to the Hokage's office was quickly busted open, which made the aged Kage raise an eyebrow.

"Lord Hokage, we've got news! A man named Tokimo Uchiha has killed Yagura, and rumors have it that he can create tailed beasts!" A Jonin quickly came rushing in with news to the Hokage.

'What the heck, I'm tired of having my damned door flying open.' Thought Hiruzen.

"First of all, don't ever kick my door down again. I'll make you a Genin for lifetime if you do that again. Second of all, why did you come to my office spouting such nonsense?" Obviously Hiruzen wouldn't believe such a thing.

"What was his name again?"

"Tokimo Uchiha, lord Hokage."

Hiruzen was taken aback; wasn't he the same man who had been battling Kakashi in his own village? Wasn't this the same person that kicked his ass? Despite this, he remained doubtful.

"Where did you get this information from?" He asked.

"I got it from my friend, he had a newspaper with the information on it. It explained what happened!" The Jonin explained.

The Hokage had a frown on his face. He would have to discuss with the village elders about this, and boy is he tired of hearing all their requests to kill little Naruto. From bombings, to ambushes, the villagers have tried time and time again to cause harm to him. The elders aren't any better too, with his friend Danzo requesting to take the boy under his own arm, and the rest of his old teammates agreeing, he had never ending annoyances that would just keep crawling down his back.

"Alright, you're dismissed. If you kick that damned door down again though, I'll kill you myself." Hiruzen sent him away quickly with annoyance evident on his face.

Just then, as if on cue, Danzo walked in.

"Hiruzen, what did I tell you." Danzo asked with a look of disappointment on his face,

"Oh, shut the fuck up Danzo! You know that my decisions were with good intent for the village. You just wanted to make him into a tool, and you know eventually he would find out, and defect. He even beat Kakashi on the first day he arrived, it takes skill to do that, and also knowledge! If he found out he was being used and left the village, he would have bad blood towards the leaf!"

"Hiruzen, I'm telling you if you had just let me take him in, there wouldn't be a chance he'd escape. I have my own ways of keeping secrets and silencing shinobi!"

The two friends had a yelling match, screaming at each other.

And then it finally ended.

"Sigh, you do know we'll have to speak to them about this, right." Hiruzen sighed with exasperation.

"Yes, Hiruzen. I will be there tomorrow." Danzo disappeared.

Hiruzen banged his head on the table. He was spent. He glanced over at the conveniently high stack of paper work and his expression turned to that of pure shock.

'When did the paper work get this huge? It was not this high before Danzo came.' He then glanced over at his Secretary who simply looked away from his inquisitive gaze. Then it hit him.

'She's real sneaky. Dumping the paperwork all on me while I was having my squabble with Danzo. I'll increase her work hours for this, she is so going to pay.'




(Tokimo Uchiha P.O.V)

Tokimo was currently walking along Kirigakure with Mei.

"You know, Tokimo. We couldn't appreciate your help any more than we already do now. You've been such a great help, taking down Yagura in just a day and all" Mei thanked Tokimo from the bottom of her heart.

"Eh, it's really nothing you know." Tokimo felt strange being thanked.

"You're being way too modest you know? You defeated an entire army! Plus, you even created that tailed beast!" Said Mei.

"Wait, how do you know about that. You weren't even there." Tokimo knew they couldn't escape his senses since he was a master of chakra and all of its capabilities, he knew that he could sense chakra with extreme ease.

"It's surprisingly obvious, you know? When we heard the sound of distinct battle we quickly followed and saw you riding an unknown tailed beast. We know that when a tailed beast is extracted from someone they will most likely die, and you were extremely powerful on top of it. Lets not forget the fact that that the tailed beast you made has never been seen until it started attacking Yagura's men. Any skilled shinobi should be able to connect the dots." Mei looked at Tokimo as if he was an idiot.

Tokimo berated himself in his head, he should really be careful. Of course they would figure out that he could create them, shinobi naturally have to be smart if they want to be shinobi, most of them would be able to connect the dots, and he wasn't trying to have Nagato on his ass.

"I see, so Mei. What will you do now that Yagura has successfully been defeated?" Even though Tokimo knew that she would become the Mizukage he wanted to hear it from her.

"I don't think I would fit for the role. Sure, I lead the rebels but I had no choice, I am one of the most powerful in the village and I had to step up, that is the only place where I belong." Mei responded

This reply intrigued Tokimo.

"You know miss Mei, you're a strong woman. I'd definitely say that you deserve to take this village over." Tokimo reasoned.

Mei smiled at the compliment.

"The thing is, I lack experience compared to the other Kage. If you weren't here, then this civil war would have taken a lot longer. If I were to become Kage the others wont take the Mist as serious because I am a woman."

Tokimo knew exactly how women were treated in the shinobi world, and needless to say, it was not pleasant at all.

"Miss Mei, you've also got to take into account the fact that you're without a doubt one of the most powerful Ninja in your village. If you dont take up the mantle, who else could? You could also be a role model for the girls in your village. A powerful role model, kind of like lady Tsunade is to the leaf village." said Tokimo.

"I'll think about it." Was what she replied.

"Anyways, Miss Mei. I'll have to head off now. I have things to do."


Mei walked up to Tokimo and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which simply made Tokimo smirk.

"See you later, handsome."

Tokimo chuckled and said, "Well, aren't you a flatterer. Anyways, I really got to go. I'll see you around."

And so, Tokimo disappeared, preparing to meet Kisame, and possibly the Akatsuki in its early stage.

Anddd that was the chapter for today y'all. I had to revamp my writing style bc my editor was kind of tripping.

Malxxoticcreators' thoughts