
Chapter -1

Mira Continent Walter kingdom

My name is Dan Descartes , I was a slave who worked in the iron mines of walter kingdom, but when I was kid, i used to live with my mother in an old shack in a small city of walter kingdom, her name was Aria Descartes she was very beautiful unlike me a below average close to ugly guy and i remembered all her precious teachings and a promise he made with her on her death bed, she died when i was only 7 years old and later his poor uncle took me in and raised me for a week, before selling me off to a slave trader for 10 silvers and a bottle of booze.

After that Dan myself did odd jobs in the slave traders shop named 'paradise' for a few years, but i was not alone, their were other young slaves like myself all of whom were boys,they were there to learn to work hard under a 7 feet tall male nanny, if we worked well we got an extra black bread and salt water and if we made a mistake he lightly punched us till we were able to throw up that black bread and salt water.

To sum it up life was so great in there that many wanted to die, but if anyone attempted anything funny like that they were sent to the fun room well that's what they called it , whoever came out of it never slacked off for some unknown reason and we did hear their screams but they never had any physical injuries either except of their way of walking changed and they had this dead eyes for a few weeks, anyways I didn't experience it because after coming to this slave shop named paradise, I was punched once by our sweet 7 feet tall hairy nanny after which I never slacked off not because I was scared of him , but because I had to keep the promise with my mother and it also became a dream after I came in this paradise named hell.

----- 6 Years Later

after 6 years of intense training I faced and torture that my fellow slaves faced the day came in as we met the goal towards which we were training, a fat white man wearing gold chains all over his fat neck nagra city mine official named malthe, we all greeted him as happily as possible as he looked at us with disgust. he was here to buy us all who were trained, he was buying us because kingdom couldn't do it openly or they will lose honour, but buying slave was cheaper then hiring citizens and they could make us work as much as they want so they just did it in secret.

later that day I was able to learn this from one of the adult slaves also known as warrior slaves whom I used to talk to after working,he was crazy warrior who was also a war slave from a another country, he told me that real slave were people who were branded with a slave seal which was a magical seal made to capture criminals or enemy soldiers in the ancient times but now, it was used for slavery after which our lives are in the hand of the person with the master seal, he also told me how this great invention was done by a great sage, as he happily blabbered more I was strangling the sage and this warrior slave in my mind, and the next day I was sent to the mine with no chance to escape, after month of walking we finally reached the mine and without waiting we were told to start mining, there were hundreds of slaves mining hundreds of transporting rocks and many were outside doing other odd job and all the other sixty boys who were with me for 6 years didn't have any hope remaining.

another year went by, But I still had hope, I still wanted to fulfill my promise that was my dream and the day finally came I had the chance , war broke out and even strong slaves were being recruited and if they did a great job, they had the chance to be free only 100 strong slaves from each mine will be recruited to be canon fodder in the war against the empire the strongest country in the Western Region of the Mira continent.

I was the strongest in the mine so I was readily accepted and I started my voyage with 100 other slaves and 107 soldiers to a place named Tenne which was in a part of empire which was occupied by kingdom a month ago and we had to defend it before more main force arrived, an excited me who looked forward to getting achievements and becoming freed and having my dream come true was sunk with ship because of an explosion, or so I thought but I lived.

(but does it matter if I live I can never realise my dreams I will never be able to keep the promise I made to my mother )

drops of tears started fall as Dan cried and... he looked really terrible while crying




{ The hell he really crying, this piece of shit! he should just cut of his neck and be done with it}
