
Chapter 2 - The Prophecy

The Spartans took the boy that Aphrodite left on a severed tree, bringing her to the newly-crowned Queen of Sparta, Queen Colubra. She is similar to the former Queen of Sparta, Gorgo due to their roots of nobility.

Perhaps, Colubra suits for the throne as the new Spartan Queen. The intervention between the bandits and the Soldiers of Sparta has just ended, and now they had their sights set on the mysterious child that was abandoned in front of the Gates of Sparta.

"My Queen! Take a look at what we found on the gates." Said one of the Spartan guards who is holding the child.

"If this doesn't amuse me, you'll see." Queen Colubra gets up from her throne since she was sitting all day in it, and finally, she has something to do for the day.

"If boredom forbids you so, here, this might interest you." He unveils the clothing that covers the boy's angelic face gently.

The Queen had a glare on the soldiers, taking the child from them. Soon as she examined the boy using her own naked eyes, her grin shows and the soldiers knew that she has a soft spot for the little one.

While Colubra is nuzzling the boy's tender cheeks, she asked where did they he come from. "And where did this precious little boy come from?"

The Spartan who carried him puts his hand in his chest, answering her question honestly. "I only know a little about his whereabouts, my Queen. But if I may, the child would be a great contribution to the army."

"Though I'm not sure that he is a full-blooded Spartan, I wouldn't allow it. But... He needs shelter, and a figure that would take care of him." Queen Colubra insisted since she isn't sure about the boy's origins.

"We would be honored to teach him our ways, Queen Colubra. Hence, if we could only propose an oath. We would." He pledged that they would teach him the ways of a Spartan.

"I admire your confidence, soldier. But again, let me remind you that I make the orders here. Understood?" The Queen finalized her decisions, not allowing the army to take charge of the boy.

"Yes, my Queen. I suppose that we should get back to work now." The Spartan soldiers held their spear and shield, leaving the Queen's lair to get back from their regularly-scheduled endeavors.

The Queen was left alone with Matthaios who moved slightly to indicate that he needs to be comfortable by her side, so she held the boy like the way it should be. A soft touch is what she needs to fulfill what the Demi-god needs.

He seemed to like the environment where is in; A civilized city-state that hones warriors that will bring glory to them. It suited him, nonetheless. But the boy thinks that it is his mother who is holding him, which made him build a bond with the Queen already.

Queen Colubra spent her remaining time with the young Demi-god until the turn of dawn to shine commences after the sun sets, and the boy fell asleep on the Queen's grasp in such a tranquil manner.

The Queen kept on caressing Matthaios until a mysterious glowing figure appeared in front of her which made her stand up from the throne where she is sitting, and the strange entity who just appeared is none other than the Goddess of Wisdom herself in her new life form, Athena.

"Athena!" Queen Colubra exclaimed and reacted violently to the intruding Goddess, but Athena means no harm from her and the little Demi-god on her side.

"I did not come here to declare a war between the Spartans and Athenians again, Colubra. Please, it is not the appropriate time for that." Athena explained since her intentions are not about a war.

"I do have the awareness from your little tricks, Athena. You won't fool us Spartans again. Is it too hard to tell us that you always wanted it?" Queen of Sparta didn't buy her antics.

"Is it too hard to understand that I considered restoring you citizens of Sparta after the war between your Lord Kratos and the Olympian Gods? They are no more, Colubra." The Goddess of Wisdom told her that the Ghost of Sparta has succeeded in slaying the Gods.

"Of course, that meant something from your perspective. Now don't waste my time and tell me." Queen Colubra wished Athena to tell her everything that is taking place after the restoration.

"Kratos left pieces of evidence of his gruesome work... Here, take all of it. You might need it." Athena's hands began glowing as she uses her godly abilities to show the weapons that Kratos used throughout his journey upon killing the Olympian Gods.

The Queen's throne was surrounded by the items that Kratos once wielded, including the legendary Blades of Chaos and their Arms of Sparta. But Colubra asked what is the purpose it. "And why are you sending me these weapons? They would make a great commemoration, yes. Any other reasons why?"

"The boy that you are holding is the son of the Ghost of Sparta," Athena reveals the identity of the boy as Kratos' son.

"How could you be so sure of it? The boy looks so strong, sure. But I do need a solidification." The Queen of Sparta still doesn't make a fool out of herself in front of Athena.

"Aphrodite spoke to me earlier, and she openly tells me about the time she was alive all along after what happened to Mount Olympus. If I told you that Kratos shared a bed with the Goddess of Love and Beauty, would you believe me?" Athena asked her if she would now believe what she is trying to convey.

"They did? Oh, I'm not surprised." Queen Colubra finally bought it.

"And I'm here to tell you that Matthaios, the child by your side, withholds a prophecy that I saw within my visions. I thought that I was the only God remaining, and I was mistaken. And by that mistake, I appointed myself as the Queen of Olympus." She admits her mishap, something that was such a bizarre trait for her to acquire.

"And what does the vision say, Athena?" Colubra asked the Goddess of Wisdom about the prophecy she saw.

"I am preventing Matthaios to be tormented by the remaining Gods, I couldn't bear to watch him becoming a slave to us just like his father. I told Aphrodite to bring him here in Sparta and I would do the honors of telling you directly." Athena told her what the vision contains.

"I thought she has the nerves to abandon her child..." The Queen also couldn't take the fact that Aphrodite followed Athena's plans.

"I have decided to send him to Sparta, and I don't want you to break this oath. Please, I suggest you allow him to become one of your warriors. In that way, he would be molded just like the Ghost of Sparta that you mortals once looked up to." Athena is half-way done by discussing her visions toward Queen Colubra.

"He would be safe and sound here, and he could serve the city in the future. Isn't that right, little Spartan?" The Queen looked at Matthaios, and it wasn't done, Athena still has something to say.

"I owe you a favor, Colubra. If he reaches the right age, make him lift the Arms of Sparta. He is not different from the Spartans, he is one of you. He might be a Demi-god, but the privilege wouldn't be fair and square for the other young warriors." Athena advised the Queen of Sparta to give the Demi-god a treatment similar to the warriors of Sparta.

"I understand, Athena. Matthaios would turn into a great soldier, and I promise that he would learn how to use all of these weapons around my throne." The Queen made the oath official.

"I could count on you, Colubra. I would be deplorably disappointed if you break the oath. It has consequences, and I hope it doesn't end that way." The Goddess of Wisdom warned her about the perishable actions in exchange for the failure to comply with the oath.

"I accept the oath whole-heartedly, Athena." Queen Colubra agreed and came on good terms with Athena.

"Wait, before I leave Sparta. Let the boy have this." Athena's hands glowed again as he blesses the boy to make sure that his abilities as a Demi-god would get unlocked in time before fading away.

"Athena, wait!" The Queen was about to seek some more advice from the Goddess, but it was too late as she vanished with a blink of an eye.

She focused then again on Matthaios who seemed to wake up from getting blessed by Athena, crying from the lack of affection of her legitimate mother. He finally noticed that it wasn't Aphrodite who is taking care of him, and she is watching right outside the Queen's room with a tear shedding around her dazzling eyes.

She wishes to see her son for the last time before leaving him to the Spartans, knowing that the Queen would take care of him just like what she did.

"Shhh, what is bothering you? Ah, this might do it." Colubra caressed the boy then again until it falls back to sleep.

Aphrodite also leaves the city of Sparta after Athena, fully satisfied with how the Queen takes care of her child, and even if she wanted to retrieve Matthaios from the Queen of Sparta, it would bring immediate danger for him.

Not just the Demi-god, but also her and Athena. She is just doing what Athena told her to protect him from the remaining Olympian Gods before they find out about the prophecy from what the Goddess of Wisdom foresaw.

To be continued...