
Chapter 1 - Birth of the Demi-god

Kratos, a remarkable Spartan General, was the epitome of Sparta's glory as he led the warriors through victory. And looking back to the Oracle foreseeing the prophecy with the marked warrior bringing the demise to the Gods in Olympus, Ares has mistaken to abduct Kratos' brother Deimos and send him to the depths of the Domain of Death. Deimos was the one who had the in-born marks, but his older brother Kratos marked himself to pay tribute to his brother who has been tormented by the God of Death, Thanatos.

Once known as a servant to Ares due to the favor of blessing him to win the battle against the Barbarians, Kratos' journey of tearing everyone apart that stands in his way began, until he was tricked to kill his own family by slashing his way down into the Oracle's temple.

The skin of his family coated within his body, thus making it pale. And after the unfortunate accident that made him become the Ghost of Sparta, Kratos suffered from nightmares which gave him his trademark rage and frustration of making the Gods regret what they have done by killing them one-by-one.

He has killed the likes of Cronos, Gaia, Perses, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Persephone, Hephaestus, Hermes, Helios, Hera, Hercules, Thanatos, Erinys, Theseus, Perseus, Icarus, The Furies, Sisters of Fate, Ares that made him the new God of War, and Athena who guided his path and warned him every time that his actions would have consequences throughout his adventures.

It doesn't end with the death of Zeus and the destruction of Olympus because of the war-torn chaos caused by Kratos and his formidable rage towards the Gods. Though they were the ones who gave him years of torment and suffering, he remained loyal to serve the Gods until he grew weary of what are they doing to him. It was only the endless amount of demands that would make them achieve what they want, and Kratos was considered a slave to the Olympian Gods.

And now that Kratos is done with his journey, he has disappeared and is nowhere to be seen again. Supposedly dead, Athena's new life form considered it.

She sought Greece as an aftermath of the wreaking havoc caused by the war between Kratos, the Gods, and the Titans. And her plan? Restore the civilization that once wiped out because of warfare.

She has used the Amulet of Uroborus and the powers of the Sisters of Fate that was once wielded by Kratos to control time, restore and make changes for Greece and its cities including the place where Kratos was born, the city of Sparta.

Not to mention the remaining Gods that Kratos hadn't murdered, including the Goddess of Love and Beauty he once slept with in exchange for a task, Aphrodite. After Athena succeeded in replenishing what is wrecked, Aphrodite meets Athena in Mount Olympus where the battle took place between Kratos and Zeus with an offspring in her grasp.

With Athena surprised that Aphrodite was still alive, she stopped from what she was doing and greeted her. "I thought you and your handmaidens were crushed by Gaia."

Aphrodite chuckled, correcting the Goddess of Wisdom. "Not really, Athena. As you can see, my presence is still here."

While Athena is resuming rebuilding the gates of Athens, she asked who is the child that she is carrying. "And who is that innocent infant that you are holding? Don't tell me it's one of your daughters that will be a part of the brothels again."

"Again, not a chance with your weak guesses, Athena. This child... It's my son with-" The Goddess of Love thought of the Ghost of Sparta who has vanished cluelessly after he clashed with Zeus. "Kratos."

Athena has stopped from fixing the gates to turn around and open the clothing that is covering the child's face slightly, peeking in it if he has a mark similar to his father. But Aphrodite swatted her hands and turned the boy away from her.

Athena crossed her arms in disappointment with Aphrodite, and she began asking her some questions on how did she end up with the Ghost of Sparta. "How did you two had this... Encounter?"

Aphrodite scoffed before gaining a smirk from her question, answering it while praising Kratos at the same time. "Kratos is truly blessed, remember? He gave me what Ares and my handicapped husband Hephaestus couldn't. And this is the child is the product of my undying affection to him."

"Too bad your lover is now withered after he killed Zeus..." Athena tells her that both Kratos and Zeus are no more.

"So... What now, Athena? I see that you are bringing everything back to pieces. I'm sure you have your plans." Aphrodite asked Athena while caressing her son.

"I thought I was the only active God remaining... And I am only the one who thought of taking care of Olympus and the other cities. How irresponsible, Aphrodite. Again, you only care about yourself." Athena pointed out one of Aphrodite's aspects while restoring Sparta.

"Myself? Be grateful that I didn't reject my son even if he won't meet his father after the thing that I heard from you. But... I don't see any point why I should take care of this adorable little Demi-god. Please, Athena. Do you see any visions from my child?" Aphrodite kept on rubbing her son's body gently after asking Athena again.

"Ask the Oracle, Aphrodite. Not me." While focusing on Sparta, she was the one who foresaw the child's prophecy, gasping because of it.

"Athena? Do you see anything? Please, do tell me." Aphrodite became nosy from Athena's actions.

"The child..." Athena saw everything that could happen within the son of Aphrodite to the Ghost of Sparta, and she began telling her anything.

"The boy... If you keep it, the remaining Gods will take it from you. Hence, you won't be able to see him again. They might make him suffer the same fate as what they did to Deimos in the Domain of Death."

Aphrodite was suddenly confused and worried about what Athena saw. "What do you mean, Athena? Taking the child from me? No, I would never! This child is the only memory that Kratos left me, and I won't let him stay away from my grasp."

Though it sounded unusual for her, Athena could see that the Goddess of Love does care for her son. And the only way for him to be safe and sound is to make a favor to the Spartans. "Go to Sparta, but don't tell them that you were sent courtesy of me."

"And why would I do such a thing? Are you commanding me?" Aphrodite felt threatened by it, but Athena tells her to calm down.

"Do not let the worries control you, Aphrodite. If you truly care for your child, then do what I'm telling you. Leave the boy in the gates of Sparta, don't let them know that he's the son of yours and their Lord Kratos. He would be safe there, and this is the only time I trust the Spartans. Perhaps it would be a perfect environment for the boy to grow up with, not yours. This new prophecy tells me that he would be a great warrior just like his father. But don't worry, he would still have your traits as a loving and caring being. Maybe I was wrong about him, Kratos is a perfect specimen to provide you a child. Now, am I making myself clear?"

Aphrodite was left speechless from the explanation of Athena's visions, leaving her nodding in agreement. "Yes, Athena... I would now go to Sparta."

"Go, and wait for the right time to see him. Do this for them, not you. The selfish reign of ours is over, and I hope the Gods would change their actions after what your lover just did." Athena held up her sword, telling Aphrodite to go to the city of Sparta.

"I will." Though this is against her will, Aphrodite is about to do what is must and deliver the boy to the gates of Sparta for them to discover.

Soon as she arrives in Sparta, the gates were empty since no guards were watching over it. This gave Aphrodite the chance to put the boy to a chopped tree near the gate. It was bloody, but the boy has a piece of cloth wrapped around him so he wouldn't get stained by the blood.

"You would still finish what your father started, Matthaios. Farewell." She bids her farewell to her son.

Now that the Spartan guards are present, they saw a glimpse of Aphrodite's presence before disappearing in front of them. They were about to chase her, but then they noticed a moving infant on a blood-stained tree that has arrows in it.

"Look, a boy. Whose child is this?" Asked by the Spartan guard.

"I don't have any clue... But he looks strong." Added by the other Spartan guard.

"Shall we bring her to the Queen?" One of the Spartan guards is examining the boy's build while the other one suggested to bring it to the Queen of Sparta.

The guards agreed, bringing it to the Queen before having the authority to train the boy alongside the young Spartan warriors that would serve the city in the future. Little thing did they know, he was the one who would follow in their former general's footsteps to lead Sparta to any battle they go through. And he is later known as Matthaios of Sparta, the one that would continue his father's work.

To be continued...