
Killing the Last Boss

"Don't talk too much in a fight." Ellen harrumphed and rained them down with four glowing star-shaped blue lights. "Ice Star."

The four Ice Stars flew forward and targeted Alea.

Even Alea didn't want to be surrounded by this attack, so she proceeded to move to the side. However, Theo and his clone had been waiting for her. "Magic Bullet."

"Fortitude." Twenty Magic Bullets rained her down, stopping her movement. Phyrill was also ready to strike her if Theo's Magic Bullets were not enough, but it went according to their plan.

The blue lights were supposed to hit Alea, but they suddenly dropped vertically and hit the ground, creating four huge spikes that made it look like she was inside a boxing ring.

In front of her, Ellen was smiling while waiting for her to make a mistake so she could strike her down.