
God Of The World:Aiger

Ok I am writing the boring stuff from which most will probably judge book ok so God was dethrone by hero why you will know later how you will know later ok yea the God only wants his power back so lets see how he gets it back or will he hmm he can remain powerless forever whatever I will decide in future sayonara bye tata alwida see you Next chapter at 200views

DaoisteIvOFN · Fantasia
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7 Chs

Its complicated

Ok so before I use my life force to cast teleportation magic I should explain a little about this world I was God of this galaxy so I was Galactic God second only to Universal God they are few I can count them in 5 fingers yea so there are Planetary God weakest of all they are also few as anyone who can ascend to God has good talent so they atleast go to low Galactic God level I was peak Galactic God haha I am so strong but yet I got defeated damn. So i regressed to Planetary level God I am happy as I am peak Planetary level but still sad I lost so much power.

For a God to become powerful he needs faith point must have it can't be recovered naturally it can only be accumulated so 1billion to 10billion faith point you are Planetary God. 10billion to 10000billion you are Galactic God. 1000billion to 100000billion you are Multiverse level God who I don't have any idea about as only Universal stage God at peak can know about them.

So I lost most of my faith point (FP) against the hero and his army I must say he was clever as he made angel betray me my main army. So I fought war against my army and his army I don't know what he offered to angels that they betrayed me damn it I don't like it the way he can manipulate people.

So long story short I only have 9billion FP and when I was the Galactic God I had 100life planets under me each having 1-2billion population who can be made in followers. But there were 2life planet whom I could make my slav...ahmm followers and they had highest population of 25billion and 10billion respectively.

So as you all may have guessed one was elf planet and other was draconic planet. So I am going to elf planet and you may wonder why I used life force instead of FP because I need FP to do something which can shake the foundation of the elf world itself.

After I reached I was shocked to see..