
God Of The World:Aiger

Ok I am writing the boring stuff from which most will probably judge book ok so God was dethrone by hero why you will know later how you will know later ok yea the God only wants his power back so lets see how he gets it back or will he hmm he can remain powerless forever whatever I will decide in future sayonara bye tata alwida see you Next chapter at 200views

DaoisteIvOFN · Fantasia
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7 Chs

Dark Elf Planet:Omega

When I reached dark elves planet omega which was once under my control and which is inow neutral. I used God's Aura enhanced by Law of Trickery and Law of Brainwash and descended to their planet.

Many dark elves were shocked seeing me as most of the race assumed I was dead but here I am alive and walking. When I reached the planet I was greeted by their matriarch Silvia.

She had silver hairs and a toned body of a fighter as in this planet strength was measured in martial arts realm as they couldn't use magic as they never recieved permanent magic blessing from world tree which is inherent for race like normal elves and now that world tree is destroyed it wouldn't be like that magic blessing will cease to exist as if two elf has magic blessing their descendant will also have magic blessing and if 1elf has magic blessing and other didn't their descendant wouldn't recieve magic blessing.

This was one of the reason they were banished from elf planet as elf didn't want dark elves to taint their bloodline.

The rank of dark elves are

-Beginner Warrior

-Intermediate Warrior

-Advanced Warrior

-Perfect warrior

-Warrior General

-Warrior King

-Warrior Emperor

- Demi God warrior

-Peak demi God

-Warrior God

Then come planetary God then galactic God then multiverse God

I said to sylvia"I will give you technique to become Warrior God as you are stuck at Demi God warrior but your planet need to become my followers. You also need to provide me an army"

Sylvia replied"All 15billion dark elf will become your followers my Lord and I will give you my planet's personal army of 10billion strong people which are as follows

5billion-Warrior General

2billion-Warrior King

1billion-Warrior Emperor

and rest peak warrior

they are my planets most elite army of 10billion people.

I said "Good you also need to ally with elves"

Sylvia said "What we never agreed on this"

I commanded "I commanded you you don't have an option"

Now it's time for those cocky overgrown lizards...

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