
God of the Multiverse: A Shinobi's Destiny

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xXDarkNinjaXx · Anime e quadrinhos
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35 Chs

Chapter 3




"You were supposed to be resting today, weren't you? So why did you visit your grandfather about our work?" Ruri stared into her daughter's eyes intently. An ominous aura surrounding the older woman as Akame chuckled nervously.

"Sorry... if she's like this now, how would she react to only visiting Konoha to visit old lady Mito for Fūinjutsu help?" Akame sunk into the spring water, her mother's gaze not once leaving her and only intensifying.

. . .

. .


The days passed by with Akame and Eto spoiling little Kushina. Taking the little girl to the market where they bought supplies for the trip, such as vegetables, fruits, and seasonings, as well as some kunai and bandages.

With all necessary preparations completed from the girls, as well as Iroh and his crew, finally, after four days in Uzu, they were loading up Iroh's ship with previously bought supplies before loading the Namikaze prisoner under the ship.

His hands and feet were chained apart, suspending the blond in mid-air, with a sealing tag attached to his face, tha Kanji for seal written in blood to seal off the Namikaze's Chakra.

"It's been quite some time since I've seen this old girl."Atop the ship's deck, Ruri let out a sigh, recalling ancient memories with the ship, Iroh, her husband, and Eto.

Beside her were Akame and Eto with Kushina in her arms, as the little girl stared in awe of her surroundings, taking in the ship's layout and the view of the sea, almost like a sponge.

"Indeed. You never did like coming aboard after Kai passed." Eto calmly stated with a bright smile across her beautiful face, uncaring of the fierce glare coming from her elder sister.

"Hehe, Ruri, you shouldn't be so uptight about Kai. While he was a good man, you both should know what he was like as a father and a husband." Eto giggled, though her words stabbed the mother daughter duo. Certainly, the two would never forget the man who dedicated his life to the sea and lacked any care for his family back home.

"Don't start with me, Eto. We haven't undocked yet, I still have time to walk off this ship." Ruri furrowed her brows and clenched the ship's wooden railing so hard it began splintering.

"Sorry. But you know what I mean right." Eto chuckled lightly, seeing her sister remove her hand from the partly destroyed railing. Her gaze soon trailed over to Akame, whose bangs shadowed her eyes, hiding the deep hatred burning within them.

"Yeah..." Akame let out a mutter before calming down, her eyes no longer exposing her deeper emotions, though she smiled bitterly.

"Anyways. How long till we undock? I already want off the ship." Changing the subject, Ruri asked as she looked around the deck where Iroh's crew moved like flowing water, with all preparations completed in only a few minutes.

"It shouldn't be long. The crew is waiting on Iroh at this point." Eto said as she turned to face the crew as well. Her gaze lingered for but a moment before moving back toward Kushina.

"And what is Uncle Iroh doing? He entered the cabin not long ago, so wouldn't it take him a while to come out?" Akame asked, glancing over at the Captins cabin where Iroh had entered.

"Not what, but who. And trust me, it'll be over very soon." Eto giggled as she played with her daughter. Akame and Ruri were at a loss for words as Iroh stepped into the cabin just a moment later with a fairly young woman in a light blue robe, pale red hair that reached her shoulders, and grayish eyes that reminded Akame of a dead fish.

The mother and daughter duo watched as Iroh adjusted his pants with the woman skipping off the deck to the dock.

"He never changes." Ruri rolled her eyes, wrapping her arms around her sister and daughter as she led the two off to their shared cabin, not wanting to continue waiting on the deck with a bunch of men.

"Awww. Kushina wanted to stay, hell even I wanted to stay on deck." Eto shot Ruri a puppy eye gaze, fully enjoying her sister's company and reactions.

"Whatever. I'd like to spend as little time in the sun as possible so as not to get burned." Ruri rolled her eyes and continued guiding the three girls to their cabin. All the while, she could feel the hungry gazes being directed toward them.

"Pigs." Akame grumbled as she too felt uncomfortable and peeved at the stares they were getting. unlike Eto, who couldn't care less about the gazes and only focused on teasing Ruri some more to make up for the years they missed together with her sister refusing to come out or visit.

. . .

. .


"Ahh~ Finally, we're away from those ugly ducklings." Akame released a sigh as she rolled onto one of the three futons located inside their cabin.

Ruri and Eto smiled slightly at the girl's words as they sat on their futons as well with their legs crossed.

The ship rocked slightly, signaling that they were undocking and setting sail for the land of fire, a journey that shouldn't take long to reach.

"Hmm. Now that we're alone, Ruri, why did you bring us here so suddenly? I thought the sun would do your skin some good since you're looking quite pale after not coming out for so long." Eto hummed as she coddled the cheery and playful Kushina. Akame sat up hearing her aunt's words, and the redhead stared at her mother expectantly.

The mother daughter duo had already decided to let Eto in on what they have been doing for years, though neither one wanted to face the incoming scrutiny once they do.

"Well... It's like this....." Eto stiffened like a statue as her sister described what she could only call their acts of blasphemy. As time passed and Ruri only continued to fill her sister in, Eto had soon regained enough sense as her expression turned serious before berating the two for their incomprehensible stupidity.

"You two must be brain dead! What in the damn world were you thinking?! Create a god!? World traveling!? Why, in the name of Kami, would you two even think creating a god was something anyone should do!? How do you even know if that thing would be a god?! How did either of you accept such an idea?!"

"Dumb bitch! How could you influence my dear niece like this?! Akame! You're smart. How did you allow your mother to do such a thing?!"

As Eto continued her rants, adding insults everywhere she could. A vain of annoyance pulsed on the brows of the mother daughter duo.

"Aunty. We're all aware of the prophecy that our clan would be deatroyed, I only wanted to create a way for at least some of us to survive. I know it may seem crazy, but I stole the life force of a real god for his creation, so he'll be the one to save us." Akame sighed, her head lowered as she avoided Eto's judging eyes, but the next moment, she lifted her gaze to meet Eto's.

"He's my creation, my own child. You can call me crazy, but that was the only choice I had! I don't wanna die! Nor do I wanna see my loved ones die!" Her voice was slightly shaky, but her resolve filled each of her words.

Eto and Ruri had remained silent as Akame breathed heavily, her heart racing, and her cheeks turning redder than her hair in embarrassment.

"Really... again with the child talk? I hope you know that thing should be well twenty." Ruri rolled her eyes after letting the tension sit briefly before cutting it. Eto giggled in response as Akame huffed and rolled into her futon, ignoring the two now.

"Oh sweetie... I think you would be better suited to be its child instead." Eto joked, but a fierce glare shot her way from Akame.

"I will never call him my dad or father! I made him, so I should be the parent!" Akame huffed before going back to ignoring the two adults.

Ruri couldn't help but smile, seeing her daughter more cheerful now than when she dedicated her entire childhood to the lab and missions. The mother had felt sorry for her daughter,since thanks to the girls dedication, she neglected her Kunoichi training.

Now, while the girl is still a top-tier Ninja with the rank of Elite Jonin, the girl could have easily reached Kage level. With her sealing chains, she could undoubtedly seal any of the current kage, that's only if they remain motionless long enough for her to catch them.

Knock Knock

Soon, there was a knock on their cabin door, and Akame leaped out her Futon with a Katana she had sealed away.

It had been less than two hours since they undocked, and they weren't expecting anyone to come to their cabin. Let alone know where it was since an illusion seal was placed on the door.

"Eto! Ruri! It's me!"

The muffled voice of Iroh came from the other side of the door, causing Akame to reseal her blade. If it was any of the crew members, she would have offed him right then and there.

"Ah dear, come in!" Eto chimed just loud enough for Iroh to hear, but not too loud that the currently silent, bored, and drowsy Kushina would be spooked.

"Gah! Come on out, you two! Have a drink! You both haven't left Uzu in years. Enjoy the sun, the waves, the beer, and the annoyance of many tiny little gnats!" Iroh shouted, causing Kushina to wince at his booming voice. The man reaked of beer and was already stumbling about.

A sigh escaped the three women's lips as only one thought crossed their mind. 'This is gonna be a long day..."

. . .

. .


And a long day it was.

Since the entire crew was drunk, even the navigator, the ship had sailed off coarse, delaying their arrival to the land of fire to another day as Eto took the reins and steered the ship with Ruri as her navigator under the starry night.

Akame watched the two women in awe. It was her first time ever seeing both sisters together, and their teamwork was impeccable.

A nostalgic feeling washed over Eto and Ruri, the eldest controlling and adjusting the sails as needed in accordance with the wind while providing their coarse to Eto, who sailed the massive ship through the violent waves with a mastery very few could achieve.

As the two sailed, Akame couldn't help her curiosity and ran up the standing rig to reach the ships' crow nest, giving the fifteen year old girl the perfect view of the ocean and stars.

"Beautiful..." Akame whispered, taking a deep breath of the salty air as a familiar voice soon entered her mind.

'Indeed it is, but not as beautiful as his long... hard... fat... co...' The voice in Akame's head was cut short by the girl's words.

"I get it. There's no need to get me so worked up over it." Akame grumbled as a giggle echoed in her mind. "Anyways... why did you show up now? I thought you were finally gone when your voice stopped appearing in my head a few years ago."

'Of course I never left. I just had no interest in watching you lollygag in 'his' creation.' The voice was none other than Akame's, though it held a more mature, sultry tone to it.

It was also this voice that led Akame to create a god, and also the one to plant the idea of it being her son. Though, since the voice had been with Akame for as long as she could remember, the teen always assumed it was the effect of her ability to travel through worlds.

"But why now?"

'Well, that's simple, darling. Our little boy will finally be born soon. Shouldn't I make it clear that I was here for it.?' The inner Akame said, and akame could have sworn she felt arms wrap over her shoulders.

"He can't see you, so what will be the point?"

'Hmm, you'll just have to wait and see.'

. . .

. .


Under the sun's blinding rays, Eto docked the ship at a Uzumaki owned port in the land of fire.

"Ugh. Land..." Iroh groaned as he stepped off the ship holding his head and stomach in pain. A hangover at sea was something the man didn't wish to have again, but the man knew it wasn't his first, nor will it be his last time.

With the sun at its highest of the day, Iroh and his crew loaded up a large wooden wagon with their supplies for the road, and since they didn't bring a horse one of Iroh's crew, a man burly man with a baby face was ordered to pull their supplies.

Having all they needed, they set out for Konoha with their Namikaze prisoner being dragged and monitored in the back.