
God Of The Horde

In the vast universe and the Endless Realms, lay many terrifying beings and inheritances of reality breaking magnitude, the most powerful and feared of which was the power known simply as [H̸̼̄̍̎̈̽ö̵̲̐̂̑͝r̷͙̪͇͕͈̒́͗͊̇͘͠d̶̹̹̳̒̿e̴̢̛͇̊͑̔̾͂͘] a power that only has one word but makes even The Great Old Ones and The Outer Gods tremble in fear, the Traveler wary, and the %̴̗̼̣̉̆̈%̸͈̱̼̫̦͔͆͆̏̇͑̎͂#̵͔͕̋̈̓͝^̸̲̫̭̂̔̓̄̕͠*̶̢̯̮͖͇͍̽%̷̡̅̈́̇̈́̕͝#̶̢̹̍̈̀̊͌̈́}̸̝̳̙̈́̆͝+̷͚͂͝]̵̩͉̫̱̩͖̭̉ ̷̘̈́̑̊̿͝(̸͓͌̂͗͐̈́̑͘?̵̢̗̘̞͔͚̼̿̄̄̃͒͠)̵̛̳͎̩̓͋̚ alert. This power which controls forces beyond comprehension being placed in the hands of a soul who knows its worth is already terrifying to think of, but the power being in the hands of a soul that isn’t aware? Indescribable terror will spread to all! ............................................... Lord Wan, a young man who had been orphaned alongside countless other children in the apocalypse had finally reached his 16th birthday, the golden day, where the lives of many are changed, he awakens...... but the first problem he encounters is that he doesn't understand his ability, after all [Fireball] is self-explanatory but what is [Horde]? Come and watch the journey of this young man as he explores the world, finds the mysteries and intricacies that the public has no knowledge of, goes out to the greater universe, and in the process learns more and more about his power…... ……….[H̸̼̄̍̎̈̽ö̵̲̐̂̑͝r̷͙̪͇͕͈̒́͗͊̇͘͠d̶̹̹̳̒̿e̴̢̛͇̊͑̔̾͂͘] DISCLAIMER: The Cover is NOT MINE!

Kais_Imperium · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

The Beginning (VI)



The sound of someone brushing came, that someone was none other than Lord.

Brushing his teeth, Lord looked at the mirror in front of him with his determined yet immature face.


Spitting out the accumulated foamy toothpaste, Lord washed his mouth. Lord looked back towards the mirror as he gave a toothy grin.

Although brushing his teeth had taken off a lot of grime and a bit of the yellow color from his teeth, it still looked ugly, brushing once wouldn't make the cavities and things in his teeth and possibly gums go away.

Lord frowned, but thought nothing too much about it, why bother wasting time with something he couldn't solve? Besides he was only washing himself for the bare minimum courtesy.

As Lord looked at his teeth in the mirror, He picked up another razor, wondering what it was he tried reading the label.

"Puuuu..bi..c..ha..ir.. razor?" He recognized the word razor as he had just used a tool that said razor.

Although Lord didn't understand what the label and the words "Pubic hair" meant he felt an instinctive chill in his nether regions.

Face turning pale, Lord thought of something akin to a horrible nightmare as he looked at the razor with trembling hands.

"I-is this what I think it is?" In a trembling voice Lord inquired of no one.

Turning paler by the second and nearly feeling his arms turn limp, Lord quickly slapped himself to wake up from the fear.


Lord could endure getting his cheeks cut, or anywhere else in his body, but at his nether regions?!

The No Man's Land? The most precious treasure of human existence? The part that held the dignity of the human species?! Not even a beast would be able to do that with their precious jewels!

Absolutely not!

"What the hell! What madman made this?!" Lord said in absolute horror, he had imagined the scene of him using this, and cutting himself there.


Lord felt absolute horror, 'Is this what those elites use? How do they even have children anymore?!' Lord questioned the sanity of those elites, do they wish to not have children so badly that an atrocious tool like this was made to castrate them?!

"And why would you ever castrate yourself in such a painful way?! Are all the elites, humanity looked up to secretly masochists?!`` Lord truly began to question the sanity of this world.

An apocalyptic world filled with not only dangerous beasts but also secret masochistic elites?

'Sanity is becoming a precious resource' Lord silently nodded at his thoughts.

He felt he had only now understood how mad this world was. Lord felt deep concern for the future of humanity, to be led by such degenerate fellows who showed their fetishes without concern or shame, it was truly something worrying.


It seemed that he would have to work even harder to reach his goal if the people in charge of leading humanity were such degenerate fellows.

Actually, if Lord had been just a bit more literate and better in reading, he would have been able to read the description underneath the label which stated that the razor was safe and wouldn't cut a man's netherworld!

What a twist!

It was said that Karma was a bitch, but it was even worse than a bitch!

Because of their greed at keeping literacy monopolized, the elites had succeeded in making the future pillar of the human race, someone they would sell their soul to have a friendship with, have a misunderstanding and negative view of them!


How could the elites have predicted that they with their greed were at fault for making Lord view them in a negative light?!

How could they have known that they had sabotaged themselves 45 years ago?!

How would their pig-like greedy faces distort in regret if they knew what they had done to themselves?!?!!

The Irony!

It was truly an act of "Taking the egg but leaving the chicken"!

Karma was amazing to have set up such an elaborate scheme, if the elites were comparable to children at schemes then Karma was their Ancestor!!


Finishing up on cleaning himself to the best of his abilities, Lord walked out of the shower room.

His gear was still ragged but was much more clean than before as Lord had washed them.

How did they dry so fast?

Because there was a small portable dryer in the blue container!

It was indeed very convenient as it had many bathroom and cloth-related essentials and machines.

Walking out of the hallway, Lord saw the receptionist still working on her electronic device that looked similar to a computer before the Chaotic Era but had obvious differences as it looked far more portable, reaching the level of a smartphone.

"Huh?" The receptionist saw Lord at the corner of her eye.


"Ah! My apologies sir!" The receptionist immediately stood up, making the chair she had sat on fall onto the ground with a thud.

Trembling a little, the receptionist kept her head down and squirmed in worry thinking that she had offended Lord.

"Ah, whatever" Lord looked at the receptionist in silence for a second before shrugging and walking off.

"H-have a good day sir!" The receptionist immediately bowed towards Lord's direction while stuttering a little.

'Hah, what the hell…" Lord simply sighed as he thought it was truly annoying that he couldn't bring himself to dislike the receptionist even when she had severely annoyed him as her personality was truly that of an airhead.

Walking outside, Lord breathed in the terrible smell that always emanated in this world

Looking at the sky Lord closed his eyes, seemingly enjoying the artificial sunlight.

"Ugh! Yep, it feels just like home!" Lord scrunched his face while breathing in the terrible smell. Being in that room even for 1 hour felt like heaven compared to whatever was outside.

The world has never truly smelled the same since the apocalypse, the smell of mold, piss, excrements were always around and as the smell had accumulated throughout the years, it was now a nose-raping aroma fermented by time and more excrements.

But if he were to truly decide which he preferred, he would choose the outside, because no matter how terrible, to him it felt …home.


Author note: Yo! Leave me a comment about what you think about my story? Terrible? I don't mind! Good? Oh thank you! Let's get some chit-chat! I am so lonely here (lonely face emoji)

Cya later broskis, and if on the rare chance you're a female (biological or claiming to be) then cya later Sistas! Btw give me a power stone or a comment, I'm a bit lonely over here!!!