

Karl is a student at Oxford university in New York. He lives with his aunt. He discovers that he lives in a world filled with supernatural entities able to shatter mountains with a snap of a finger. He is unable to remember anything below the age of 10. Earth has a strong 'Will' called 'Jal' which prevents normal humans from seeing anything supernatural. The supernatural entities are Gods, Vampires, Angels, Werewolves, Demons, Espers,etc. Will Karl be able to fight fate and walk his own path with strong women-oops companions.

Eternal_Jiminii · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
59 Chs


"Okay, I want to learn more about the supernatural. Also I need a training partner so ya that is reasonable of me, right....right."

"Is that all you want?" She stared at him blankly as if he had grown a second head.

Seriously she thought of many things but not this. Well this was in her favour. In the end she had nothing to lose. 'He seems ignorant about the supernatural or is he faking it. I can sense my maids have already arrived. I will help him this once since he has cured my curse.'

"What? Don't tell me you want to back out now that I have stated the deal." Karl looked at her keenly. Escaping was a distant dream for her in the first place or so he thought. What he didn't know was that the woman before him was powerful. The curse had limited her strength and slightly altered her personality. He indirectly helped her return to her peak.

"We must leave this place or else those bastards will come knocking on you door. Trust me it isn't a good feeling. I will do my part of the deal tomorrow. See ya." She said and disappeared. Her voice trailed off in the air.

Karl was left stunned. He couldn't sense her presence anywhere. It was as if she never existed in the first place. Was she hiding her true strength or something. Instinctively, he knew she was a league above ordinary. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Deciding to follow her advice he left. He jumped on buildings and ran faster. He didn't want to risk using his powers. He might be tracked down.

At the highest tower, a red haired woman stood silently looking at Karl's departing figure. Her crimson eyes glowed in the dark. A woman materialised behind her. She bow respectively.

"I am deeply sorry, I have failed my job please punish me for my incompetence." The maid said as she bow her head in shame. This was not meant to happen. The princess might have lost her life in such a weakened state. It would be bad if the Queen knows about it.

"There is nothing to worry about now. What I want is information about that man. I don't know how he was able to cure that curse. What I dreaded happened. The curse was growing more powerful as my strength increased. I ended up losing myself." Her soothing voice which melted many men prevailed in the air. She breathed deeply.

"He is Karl Ainsworth.There is nothing special about him such as a powerful background. He is a student at Oxford University. He has participated in some gang activities though not a member of any. It is just part time job to him if you ask me. I don't see any information about him being a supernatural."

Mia was puzzled. What she had seen earlier was a complete opposite of this. Was he hiding something. This was impossible as they had a very strong spy network. Nothing could escape their eyes.

"Tell those following him to retreat. We will meet tomorrow anyway." A radiant smile could be seen on beautiful her face. She had to 'compensate' him for the 'damage'. What a weird way to think. 'Seems like he knows nothing about me which is good to know. When was the last time interacted with a male, was it 20 or 30 years back. Most of them had lustful expressions. Disgusting.' She clicked her tongue and disappeared.

Mia sighed at her behaviour. Though she was her maid, both grew up as dear sisters. She knew Lia morethan even the Queen herself. Lia's curse had been getting worse each day. Even the Queen failed to get a cure proving how much of a problem it was. And now that the curse is gone, Lia was itching to go and consolidate her powers.

Come to think about it, that silver haired man was very handsome. She has never seen that level of handsomeness even for Vampires. Which race was he then if not an incubus. It seems he caught Lia's interest. Was it because he defeated her or something of the sorts. 'I will just do my work and get over with it. This is not for me to decide.'

"Mission abort." She communicated to the other maid to retreat. Mia's beauty could in no way lose to that of Lia. Both were over 500 years now.

Karl returned home as fast as he could. He didn't find Luxuria. It seemed she had left for her work when he was cultivating. She could spend almost a week whenever she left. Now the house was in his control.

He took a shower and changed into comfortable clothes. He decided to watch the television to kill time.

[There has been an accident in the slums of New York City. Buildings have crushed over 15 people who have heenan rushed to the hospital for immediate treatment. It is said that these buildings couldn't keep up any longer....] Karl watched the news in shock. How could he not be shocked. These news reporters were uttering bullshit. But it dawned at him as he remembered. Normal people couldn't perceive anything supernatural. The government had to bullshit not to make people panic.