
God of Play Crossover Sandbox

Meet an Autistic Gamer who is reborn with the chance to have all kinds of fun and adventures as he gets just the superpower to help him. With a unique system and the freedom to do what he wants he's going to make the most of it and get more powerful. After all for a Sandbox Player like with Gmod or Little Big Planet, the Sky's the limit.

PlayfulGod · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

Playful Isekai

I wake up and last thing I remember is I apparently died, I was playing Elden Ring on my crappy old PC and it... blew up in my face killing me... gosh dang it. 

I get up and look around as I notice I'm in some woods by a pond, I look in the water to notice my appearance has changed. I now was dressed and looked like this character named Tet from this anime called "No Game No Life" that I only saw a few episodes of but never got around to more. 

I looked just like him with the only difference being I had minty colored hair, I was a mint haired Tet but otherwise looked like his perfect twin. 

Welcome to the Game New God of Play!

Wait what? This is new.

No shit sherlock, I am your system.

System? oh come on! for as much as I love video games and games in general I don't want a system! Systems are overused greatly by this point.

Understandable, that's why for your system things have been made a little different, instead of being based off an RPG style of games like most systems are... I'm based off Sandbox style of games! Think Garry's Mod or Little Big Planet. 

Well that's... actually not too bad, it's a nice change of pace and I always liked messing around in games like that. 

First up! please choose a new name for yourself Player. 

I think about it and after some thinking with my big brain i decide to call myself... "minus" 

Welcome Player minus! as you know your current default avatar is based off "Tet", is this an ok avatar? 

minus: "yeah this is fine, I quite like the eyes and the God of Play thing fits me really well I'd say"

Also my voice seemed to be different as well, this would take some getting use too. 

Accepted, now scanning your memories for what type of voice you want for the system.

After a minute I hear a ding and the system speaks again. 

Using voice of "Palutena" from kid Icarus uprising, is this satisfactory user? 

Oh yeah, i could work with this.

Excellent! Now for the tutorial quickly, you have a spawn menu that you can access via your own "Popit" menu like the ones from Little Big Planet, try using it now.

I concentrate and I open up a turquoise colored menu that extended from me, this was my "Popit" as I recognize. I saw the spawn menu and with a thought I access it and see what I have. 

You currently only have access to default vanilla things from the game Garry's Mod and no addons. 

minus: "not bad but... is there a way I can get addons or more stuff for my spawn menu and etc?"

Glad you asked! go back to the main menu of your Popit and you'll see a Gatcha section. 

I do just that and see what it meant. 

minus: "Gatcha? I was never the biggest gatcha guy but oh well"

By using real world money or equivalent stuff you can spin a Gatcha wheel that will gift you randomly selected things from Video Games and Anime! You could get something as simple as a basic lightsaber or a special technique or something from a mod! 

Ok now this I'm starting to like this more and more. 

minus: "Ok makes sense, I start off with basic Gmod default stuff I can create but I can get more cool or fun things based off chance... i can work with this." 

Also! you can get missions that if you accept and complete will also give you free gifts without having to pay money for the gatcha, I also have achievements that can get you gifts if you complete. 

minus: "sweet!... so what now and where am I?"

Now you do what you want user! the sky is the limit with the system and power you've been gifted, don't worry about death either cause you can just respawn if you need too. As for where you are welcome to Highschool DxD! 

Ahhh I never saw that anime but I've heard stuff or seen clips of it... that's the one with angels and demons and dragons and gods and is an ecchi anime I think. I check my Gatcha wheel again and see that it cost about 100 dollars to get 1 spin of it apparently... welp. 

New Quest: Get some cash

Requirements: get 100 dollars or the equivalent to get your fist gatcha spin

Alright well it's time to get started, I do wanna look around the place I've landed in as well... actually I just realized. 

minus: "hey system? isn't the language barrier here gonna be an issue?"

Worry not user, I'm not that cruel of a system so by default you will at least have a knowledge of Japanese, any other languages besides Japanese and English you'll have to learn on your own. 

minus: "well thank the lord for that at least... oh wow I can speak Japanese now, neat"

I think about what to do next... what I want is to get ways to be stronger, with more power would come freedom from those who'd control me or my possible friends. I also wanna play games and just have fun and play around as I wish. 

minus: "Time to get some money.... now where or where can I get 100 bucks when I'm so new to this town?"

I start walking around town as I look for options, some people give me odd looks cause of what I'm wearing and also my odd eyes but leave me alone regardless. I eventually bump into someone when I'm not paying attention as we both fall over. 

????: "Oh I'm so sorry!"

minus: "No no your fine, I just had my head up in the clouds"

I see the person I walked into stand up, she was a young looking blonde girl with green eyes. She held a hand out to me as I take it and she helped me up. 

????: "I wasn't paying attention either, I'm sorry"

minus: "like I said it's fine, my fault really... you look familiar have we met before?"

????: "hmmm... I don't think so? I'm Asia by the way, what's your name?"

minus: "I'm minus, so Asia was it? Where were you heading?"

Asia: "Oh I was going back to a church in this town, i live there right now"

minus: "You a holy girl?"

Asia: "Y-Yeah, I'm a former nun"

She said shyly and oh my gosh... she was adorable... I wanna keep her. Asia then seemed to notice something as she seemed to be staring at me. 

minus: "something the matter?"

Asia: "Oh sorry! I just haven't seen eyes like yours before... I was staring I guess"

And now she was blushing... so cute!

minus: "Makes sense, I do have extremely unique eyes"

I end up walking with Asia as we chat for a bit, she's an extremely sweet and pure girl, nice to talk too as well as I see her being very kind to others we pass by. 

I think if anyone tried to hurt her I'd go on a rampage and turn into John Wick or the Doom Slayer. 

Asia: "So are you looking for something?"

minus: "Just looking for 100 bucks right now, I really need the money for reasons I can't quite explain" 

I then see her reach into her bag and pull out 100 dollars in cash as she hands it to me with a smile. 

Asia: "There you go! hope this helps"

minus: "...just like that? wait your giving me 100 bucks without knowing more? Why?"

Asia: "You don't seem like a bad person, your very nice and if you say it's important then I think it is"

The innocence... it's too much for my heart!

minus: "Well... thanks Asia, I appreciate it"

I smile back and summon up my Popit as I use the money for my Gatcha and spin it. After a bit the wheel stops and I finally got my first gatcha win. 

You won: TF2 Spy item pack!

Includes all the weapons and items Spy can use in Team Fortress 2

Quest Complete! 

Achievement complete as well: Make your first friend

Gift for achievement: You've gotten the Kaio-Ken Technique! 

My eyes go wide as I notice what I just got... oh this was going to be fun! Asia notices my elated expression as she looks curious. 

Asia: "Are you ok minus?"

minus: "..huh? oh yes! Sorry Asia, I was just... very happy to get this money. Thank you very much Friend" 

Asia: "O-Oh, I'm your friend?"

She asked a bit hopeful... awwww.

minus: "Yep! from now on your my friend" 

Asia: "Thanks, your my friend too then minus"

She smiled sweetly, I really wanted to test out my new toys as well as the other stuff I haven't used yet but for now I keep walking with her to her destination. 

We arrive at a church and as Asia turns me me. 

Asia: "I guess this where we part ways?..."

minus: "Seems so... but we don't have to part forever, wanna hang out tomorrow? I can come visit"

Asia: "Y-Yes! I'd like if you could visit"

We agreed to meet up again the next day as I say bye before walking off. 

minus: "Why do I get the oddest feeling of dread from that church?... ahhhh I'm sure it's nothing"

I walk to an area on the outside of the town and once I make sure nobody is around I open my spawn menu on my Popit as I spawn in some of Spy's stuff, I get the clock & dagger watch as well as his disguise kit. 

I put on the watch and test it out as I go invisible, after that I try out the disguise kit as some smoke forms and I look like Asia now. 

minus: "Oh I already feel like a sneaky little devil hehe"

after testing those tools out I then turn my disguise off and decide to try out my new skill.

minus: "I've always wanted to do this.... KAIOKEN!"

a crimson red aura flashes and surrounds me as i can feel a boost in my strength and senses. 

minus: "Woah.... this is AMAZING! Yes I can win! I feel great! I CAN DO THIS!"

I turn the Kaioken off as I feel my muscles twitch and feel sore. 

minus: "ok note to self the normal draw back for it is still there... I'll have to keep using and training my use of the Kaioken until I can handle more higher levels of it without the downsides being as big of an issue"

I spent the rest of the day outside of town practicing the Kaioken and using some medkits to heal myself if I pushed myself too much. I was able to get up to somewhat comfortably using x2 of the move. 

It seemed I didn't actually need to eat or drink anymore to live since my body was like a real life Gmod player character though I could still eat for tiny bits of health or pleasure as I tested with some food I spawned. 

I also tested out a few of the weapons I could spawn as well as the Physics Gun which was fun to toy around with. I could get tired still but I had no idea if I needed sleep to still live or not... questions for later. 

I put my weapons in the inventory of my Popit and I was about to pack up and turn in for the night but then I heard someone coming, I quickly use my watch to turn invisible and hide by a tree as I see a girl with black hair walk into view. 

?????: "Strange, I felt some kind of energy coming from this location" 

Ahhhhh shoot! It seems my use of the Kaioken while I was training it caught the attention of someone... and if she could feel it then I assume she isn't human or at least not a normal one. 

The girl seemed to look around and pause after looking my way.... she can't see me right? She walks closer to my location as I try to keep clam, she gets very close to almost touching me as I see her smile.

?????: "...I can hear you breathing"

I stay quiet, maybe if I don't respond she'll go away-why is she rubbing my face now? She was caressing my face. 

?????: "Drop the hiding please, I won't hurt you... I'm just curious now, I assume you were that energy I felt earlier" 

I sigh and turn off my invisibility as I appear to her, she looks at me curiously before smiling again and letting go of my face. 

?????: "That's better... you have very interesting eyes"

minus: "So I've been told... sorry who are you?"

Akeno: "I'm Akeno, what's your name boy?"

minus: "I'm minus... how did you hear me?"

Akeno: "You were breathing too heavy, you need to work on that if you ever wanna be stealthy hehe"

minus: "Right... you aren't human are you?"

Akeno: "I assume you aren't either... you aren't a devil but you definitely don't seem like a normal human... what are you?"

I make a shushing gesture. 

minus: "Sorry but that's my little secret, reserved for friends"

Akeno: "Oh really?~ well that's an easy fix, let's be friends" 

minus: "Now now, you're a... beautiful girl and all but I ain't that desperate, you wanna be friends we'll do it the normal way and see how it goes"

She does a fake pout but smiles before responding. 

Akeno: "I guess that's fair, can you at least tell me what that energy I was feeling was?"

minus: "...sure, that was my Kaioken technique! it boosts my strength and speed and other stuff I use in fights" 

Akeno: "Kaio-what?"

minus: "Kaio-Ken"

Akeno: "I see... may I see it?"

I don't see the harm in it as I power up my Kaioken with that crimson aura again, Akeno looks as me in interest. 

Akeno: "Fascinating... I can feel that you have gotten a boost in your power... reminds me of someone else who boosts their strength heh" 

I turn off my Kaioken as she looks at me with a look that gives me a shiver for some reason. 

Akeno: "...would you like to play tomorrow?"

minus: "...play in what way?"

Akeno: "How about we spar? Just a friendly little spar you see, it would be good training for you I bet to face a proper opponent" 

New Quest: defeat Akeno in a spar!

Requirements: win the spar via knockout or getting her to admit defeat

If you win you get a new gift as well as Akeno's respect 

Lose and she has her way with you

Wait what does that last part mean? well I would like a new gift and it would be nice to have a proper fight to test myself out...

minus: "Ok, we can meet here again tomorrow?" 

Akeno: "It's a date, don't keep me waiting cutie" 

I feel another ominous shiver as she walks away... why do I feel I've gotten myself into something crazy? 


*To be continued*

That's the first chapter! this is going to involve other worlds besides Highschool DxD but it starts here, hope you guys enjoy! I don't know a super big amount about DxD so forgive me if some stuff isn't accurate please. 

Give me ideas for worlds minus can visit later as well as ideas for what he could get from Gatcha to add to his arsenal maybe. Still an amatur writer so don't expect something too good, I'm just making this for fun and cause I was inspired and liked the idea of a sandbox game styled system and all. 

Memes shall come and eventually stuff may get bizarre thanks to his unique system as the new God of Play starts off in this world.

Next he's gonna spar Akeno which... sure is gonna be something, just you wait for what's in store for minus.

PlayfulGodcreators' thoughts