
chapter 9 : community love




Job: Musician


POPULARITY point (p.p): 1701 (+1500)

Fame point (f.p): 171 (+150)

SINGING: 89/100 « EXPERT »

GUITAR: 85/100 « GREAT »

CREATIVE: 70/100 « GREAT »




★first-person p.o.v (Jason terry)★

While taking my exam I got a notification on my phone that the C2H4 platform has been updated and that the band has some announcements for the fans.

*wow, a new update. these people are fast*

After taking my exam which I professional failed like a boss I went out for the classroom with some of my friends who I also introduced to the band and fell in love with the song after just visioning it for 30 seconds from the preview system in the song before you buy and we have been keeping a close eye for any news from the band while also commenting on some for the comments left below the song which is very congested and everyone to comment on the song so I hope that this update fixes this problem.

"So are you going to download the update Jason "-Greg

" not yet I want to see the announcement so I know what the update is about because I don't have a lot of space in my phone and my battery is at 10%. If only I bought a battery " -Jason

" by a portable battery pack so you can charge your phone "-kings

" I wish kings but I wasted all my money on the new movie on web net "-Jason


" it because you are not in my shoe "-Jason

" I don't want to be in your shoe because it stinks "-Greg

" I am going to kill you one day "-Jason

" if you can buy a gun or weapon broke boy haha "-Greg

" whatever"-Jason

"Hay king's Can you go to the band's platform and download the update so that we can see what up" - Jason

"Shore just give me a minute I need to log in"-kings

After finding a place to sit in the cafeteria kings started to download that update which was 10MB which is not that much but I just hope what they bring is good.

" IIT finishes loading-kings

-ding, update have been successful but please read the announcement below by the band -

"Open the announcement slowpoke"-Greg

" shut up crack head "-kings

" So what does it say "-Jason

" let I see "-kings

-dear: viewers and fan

On behalf of the band, we are very sorry for the overcrowding in the comment area so we have updated the platform and added the following features to the platform so that you can have a pleasant time on our platform.

The first thing we add was a community system that allows the user to communicate with the band and form groups where they can communicate with each other and post stories, videos, and compete with other groups and events for a different topic related to the band or the bandmates.

And last we add a donation system which will allow fans to help support the band so that we can publish more songs that will shack the sky and cause the stars to fall.

We also wanted to add more feature but because of the lack of funds, we will not update the platform for a while because we will are currently participating in the rookie Star competition so to make some of you who are eager to listen to a new song we are planning to make a new song after the competition in the 2nd of December and also are lead is going to publish a song that is sung alone without the help of the band and we hope you love it because it will be uploaded in 4 days from now on November 19.

Form: C2H4

" Finally they added a community system to the platform, I have been waiting for ages"- Jason

"Me too"-dreg

" me also, god this person know what we want "- kings

" but they also added another system "- kings

" yes, they said that they add a donation platform so that we can support them in producing a new song, and right now they said that the lead is going to publish a new song that is solo "- dreg

" great now they want us to donate but I am broke and I have to wait till next month before I can get more money from my parent "-Jason

" BROKE BOY"-dreg

"Fuck you "- Jason

" kings open up the platform amd enter the community "-Jason

" ok " - kings

After a wait for the platform to open we were bombarded with people posting videos and messages like crazy and most for them was about the new update and also the new song and there was even heated argument about who is the leader of the band and what the new song that they are going to release is going to be about.

" What!! , the leader is going to produce a solo what other news are they not telling us "

"I can't wait to listen to the new song my ear are very achy for new music "

"I just donated 20 HGF"

"I want to donate but I have to wait until next month when I get my paycheck "

"At least you have a paycheck, me I am broke to the core "


Reading through the post and reading some of the most popular posts, kings went to the donation system and were treated with another announcement.

-dear: view and fans

If are now opening the donation platform we are here to thank you for coming to donate and if you are going to donate please know that you will get the solo song by the leader for free and also you will be acknowledged by the band when we release a surprise for you guys when the rookie star competition is finished.

Form: C2H4

" yo Jason what do you think that the surprise is going to be?"-kings

"Not sure but when I go home I am going to download the update and I will see if I can form a group so that we all can join and form a popular group with millions of people joined "-Jason

" That a Great idea Jason because that will make us one of the first group in the community and because the song is constantly growing "-kings

" The last time I check the song it had 190,000 views, 120,000 likes, 180,000 downloads, and the number for the subscribers in the platform is 50,000."-Greg

After looking through the comments, posts, videos of people trying to sing along with the funny song I gave back King's phone and started to head to class because I have another test.


--------------------in web net headquarters---------

★third-person p.o.v★

John Coleman the veteran editor of web net was going through some email from different departments when he got a notification from his computer that there has been an update in the C2H4 platform, which got John attention because he has been monitoring the progress of the song produced by the band and is very alarmed by how rapidly the song is growing in every aspect (meaning subscribers, likes, downloads, and views).

After a look at the update notification, John went to the band platform and started to download the update until it was finished and was treated by the same announcement that everyone got and was quite shocked because it has only been 2 weeks since the song came out and the platform started to get subscribers and attention and they already started an update.

*the kids are beasts*

Looking through the platform and the new feature he was even more surprised by the number of people posting and went to this company computer and started looking at the data collected by the web net system about the band and the date was out of this world.

*100,000 active users online (including non-subscribers and subscribers ), and 175,000 users who register to use the community future.

Just crazy, God these people are going to be big and I need to tell my boss can't them quick or we are going to miss gold and only find copper*

Going through this thought about what to do next. John got up from his chair and left his office so that he can head to the chief editor's office so that he can show her the news.

"Hello, a chef are you busy"-john (knocking at the chef door)

" no, what is the problem John "-chef

" There is no problem boss but the new band that we talk about recently have just made an update and the platform is going crazy and even the views, subscribers, downloads, and likes are doubling as we speak"-john

"What? show me "-chef

" ok boss "-john

After getting orders from the boss John went to his office and send a link to the boss with the data that the system collected and went back to the boss's office so he can hear what the boss is going to do.

" The people are animals, just looking at the date make me feel crazy because this is just the first 2 weeks and their rank in the competition is just rising "-chef

" correct boss, last week they were 15 but this week they are in the top 10 and they are about to beat the person 9th"-chef

"We need to do something, fast before we lose them because this band has potential"-chef

" I have a plan but it will need your approval "-john

" what is it?"-chef

"Let give them a contract so that we can own shares of the songs profit except for the tax they have to pay every month from the profit they make from downloads and also let try to buy their song and in return, they get advance privileges and they get some function free"- John

" When do you want to implement this plan"-chef

"After the end of the competition so we can evaluate if the song is still hot"-chef

" great idea John"-chef

"Thank you, boss "-john

" I will be going to my Superior to see if they will authorize this decision"

"Ok boss"-john