
Chapter 2

* I don't own Genshin Impact, the rights go to Mihoyo, this fanfic well has dark themes and relationships from all walks of life so if you're homophobic or hate dark themes then I would recommend not reading this. Those of you that do stay enjoy*

Chedon was walking around trying to find Aether, he was doing his best to reach the newly made God, but he had no luck it was as if he had vanished into thin air. He tried to call for Aether name, but no response come out and he was about to give up when he heard the sound of footsteps behind him, he quickly turned around and frowned when he saw Imus following him and he made a point to shout at him and say, "what are you doing Imus?" Imus passed before looking at Chedon and answering "to help you look for…"  but before Imus could say another word Chedon growled angrily "do not say his name you have no right." Imus took a step back in surprise; he had never seen Chedon so angry before and it was clear that Chedon had a soft spot for the boy that ran away. Imus looked down, finally aware of his own actions but also the actions of the others and just how much damage they have done. 

He realized that instead of showing the boy any kindness he and the others pushed him away all because they were jealous and thought he didn't deserve the title due to weak nature, Chedon watched Imus in silence before he turned away and started to walk off again. Imus looked up and started to follow up but to his surprise this time Chedon didn't stop him instead he allowed him to follow him deeper into the forest to find the missing young god. As they walked, they heard the sound of hissing, and they turned around to see Qhydos in his true form following them. Imus was sure that Chedon would snap at him and tell the god of funerals to leave but to his surprise once more Chedon just acknowledged him and kept walking, Chedon then sighed heavily and said "Otyx I would appreciate you not following that far behind if you want to join us then join us" Qhydos and Imus waited until they heard the sound of wings and looks at Otyx lands and like Qhydos he was in his true form; his long cloak covering his face and the only thing showing was his boney hands. 

Even though Chedon was angry at them he couldn't help the smile that formed on his face upon seeing them, he wouldn't admit it but he had hoped that at least some of them might see how upset they had made Aether and maybe come and talk to him and see if he was safe. As they walked further and further into the forest Chedon started to lose hope of finding him because the more the he walked the more he could see the sun was setting eventually Qhydos spoke up " I don't mean to sound rude but does anyone else feel like the Great Mother is protecting him" Chedon didn't reply but even he felt it, he felt like they were just walking in circles with no end in sight. 

Imus sighed heavily upon the realization "it's possible that we didn't just upset Chedon but we also upset the forest our mother" everyone stopped walking and Otyx eyes widen as it started to dawn on him that maybe they really did screw up and screw up bad, Chedon looks at them and decided that if the great mother doesn't want Aether to be found then he will stop looking. Chedon quickly looks up and said, "we will head back now, and I will stop looking for him when the time is right will go and see him once more," it seems the forest respond because they felt a strong wind blow and what felt like hours of tirelessly walking felt like a quick 20-minute walk back to their resting place. 

As they entered Chedon angry flared again and this time he yelled at all of them "I hope your all happy because the Great Mother is upset with us and has forbid us to find Aether" the other gods and goddess froze at his worlds and Qygrasil who spoke first "what!" Chedon just frowned and said "you heard me our Great Mother is protecting him, and we can't find him" everyone started to break into a cry of outrage, shock and fear. Many of the gods and goddess couldn't understand why he was being protected and why the Great Mother would go this far while others started to notice the seriousness of the situation and just how bad this is, it was one thing to chase away a new god as they have done it many times before but it's a whole new thing if they chased away a new god that the Great Mother actually liked. 

Chedon just turns to walk back to his room and many of the gods and goddess asked him to try and talk to the Great Mother and go off to find Aether again, Chedon snapped at them again "how dare you! first you wanted to chase him out for being weak and now that you know how badly you screwed up, you're all crawling to beg him for forgiveness." The gods and goddess looked down and they knew deep down that Chedon speaks the truth, they shouldn't be asking forgiveness instead they should respect the wishes of Aether and the Great Mother. 

---Back at the Temple of Illusions---

Aether was relaxing on the top floor of his new home; he looked outside to see the beautiful river and he smiled. It didn't actually take them long to design what they needed as he had found that the temple was already equipped with all the things he had hoped for, the design was simple the top floor was his private chambers; the second chamber was the library and has two bedrooms which was claimed by Kai and Lucan his first and second illusion swords; the third floor was the training room and also holds two bedrooms which was claimed by the twins Izen and Aizen his third illusion sword; the fourth floor was the kitchen and the ground floor was the entrance way and holds two bedrooms which belonged to Hunter and River his fourth and fifth illusion swords, they were admitted that they were the ones to sleep on the ground floor as they wanted to be stand guards and make sure that whoever enters can't see him unless they beat them in a deal. 

To Aether surprise it wasn't just Hunter and River who felt like this in fact the boys all claimed a floor and decided that whoever enters the Illusion tower must beat them in a deal otherwise they have no right to see Aether unless Aether himself allows it, Aether relaxes even more he realized now that he had already found his family in the form of his most trusted and loyal swords. As Aether was about to close his eyes, he heard footsteps coming up the stairs and towards his room, he hums softly as he turns his head to the door to see who it was. 

Kai and Lucan had heard from River and Hunter that when they had gone out, they saw a group of gods searching for Aether and had told them that one of the gods is called Imus, when Kai heard this, he was beyond angry how dare they come looking for their god after what they had done. Lucan had the same feeling it wasn't right for them to search for Aether when they had clearly wanted him to be kicked out before, as the boys reached Aether room Kai knocked on the door waiting to hear Aether's voice. 

Aether smiled when he heard the knock "come in" Kai and Lucan step forward before bowing and Aether immediately sense that something was wrong, he turns to frowning "what's wrong my dear friends" Kai sighed before answering "some gods were found wandering in the forest it seems they are in search of you Aether" Lucan continued from Kai "one of them was named Imus." Aether eyes widen as he looks at them and he quickly gets up from his chair before walking to the balcony of his room "impossible they are looking for me but I thought they hated me," Lucan could feel Aether sorrow before speaking up again "Aether why don't we train for 3 months and then allow them to meet you" Aether looks at them and smiles "what a good idea that why I have time to change and show them that I am far more elegant and strong then they think."