
A Way There pt. 1

"Good morning kids! Ready for some adventure?" Sir Mahanta greeted us as we walk toward him at the east gate of the city.

It's 3 AM right now, everyone in my team has already woken up from their good night dream. Well… for some of us at least.

Anna and I didn't sleep, most Waraney smoke some fire candy to avoid sleeping. The two of us end up spending the night chilling in our dorm while reading a Scientist fantasy, where they tell a tale regarding their kinky non-sense. Anna really likes it.

Meanwhile, a part of our group is kind of… half-awake, namely Hazana and Chiya. Well, it's understandable since they didn't come from a military background, nor have any alternative for sleeping.

"Good morning sir! Ready as ever." I replied, full of energy and excitement.

"Let's not wait any longer, no time for lollygagging!"

Following his instruction, Revian and Althea transformed into their beast form, and each of us began entering the room they both provided for us.

All of us royalty stayed in Revian's room, while the two Sky Scientists fell asleep in Althea's room. There's no point in forcing them to be awake, especially since the ride going to take a couple of hours.

"Revian, I'll be guiding for today's ride, no need to pay much attention to your terra sensing, okay?" Said Sir Mahanta to the big dragon as he hopped into the front, outside of his room.

"Understood, sir." Revian nodded his giant head.

We're not alone here in the east gate, the other teams also gathered for orientation. Sir Mahanta said that traveling at night is extremely dangerous here on Kaput Island. That's why the class is going to go together to our destination as a convoy.

"Althea lined up behind Revian! He'll be leading our convoy." Shouted Sir Mahanta to the she-dragon.

"Will do, sir."

The girl proceeded to line herself right behind Revian, and the other teams follow right behind her using their Talaria Carts, a wind horse carrying a turquoise cart, fast and suitable for land travel. Much worse than a Draconus when it comes to mobile combat though.

"HQ this is Deer Apple, requesting permission to leave the city."

Sir Mahanta played with a round metal on his ear, which is a communication device that uses Polar Network, an electromagnetic network owned by the God of Knowledge, created from his power as the King of Magnet.

Our Watcher here also gave one to each of us, so after seeing him using the device, we started to place it on our ears to join whatever he's doing right now.

"Affirmative Deer Apple, your request is now being processed."

The HQ replied. I heard a soothing sound of a mature lady coming from my device. She's probably one of the Melati who works at the Guild's HQ.

Not long after, the gate began to tremble, and slowly raised itself, until it stopped to make a way for us to go through.

"The gate is opened Deer Apple, you're clear to go." She followed.

"Much gratitude HQ." After replying to the lady, Sir Mahanta then guided Revian to lead the convoy.

We calmly and neatly walked through the gate as orderly as possible. Behind the boundaries, I see an open space, a scenery of the outside world at winter night.

The sky is as mesmerizing as ever, with a waving rainbow light gracefully painted it. The flickering cyan stars draw their constellation, shading our way with their guidance.

"Good morning Deer Apple, this is Green Angel, we'll be assisting you for today."

I heard a carefree sound of man, which can only mean he's a Vhisawi, or to be more specific, a Jawara.

"Roger that Green Angel, happy to be working with you." Sir Mahanta then replied to the man.

"Green Angel?" I curiously asked.

"He gained that nametag since he had a pair of feathers on his back." My Watcher answered while still guiding our friend in his way.

"Oh! Is he Sir Asger from team 69!?" My voice rose.

"Sir Asger? That Jawara Tombak from father's team? He has feathery back!?" Hada asked, he was never really the type to be engrossed in hearing our father's stories, so I won't blame him if he doesn't know much about the legendary team 69.

"Yep, father said that he once turned into a heavenly being, with a gigantic pair of wings, huge enough to block the whole sky." It was a great story to be told.

"Wait wait wait… what!? Heavenly being!? Does that mean he's one of the Candidates for Heaven?" Hada looked surprised, cause he deemed himself to know everyone in the Holy System.

"No Hada, he's born in the late 3rd era… the King told this to us already…" Anna sounded mad. Well… she respected our father the most compared to us siblings after all.

"Ah… ahahaha…" Hada turned small and awkward, he always becomes tame whenever Anna began spurting fire at him. Because he knows if someone as nice as Anna gets angry, that can only mean he fucked up real bad.

Amid our conversation, suddenly a toxic blue light began coating Revian's entire body. Seeing this, I immediately look through the back window and realized that Althea and the Talarias also being surrounded by the same plasma.

"To all archstudents, we will be entering Seija's [Toxic Garden] please behave accordingly, and avoid putting your body parts outside of your room, thank you." Said Sir Mahanta through the communication device.

Being told that way, all of the archstudent quickly move far away from the window, since we all know how dangerously potent toxic hazards are.

"This is Green Angel speaking, asking your approval to channel [Toxic Garden]." Sir Asger chatted through the device.

"Approval granted." Our Watcher retorted.

"Alright alright~"

Shortly after his voice faded, the ground started glowing with a harmful-looking toxic blue color. The light shone brighter than the moonlight, enough to hurts the eye of anyone looking directly at it.

"Argh… this felt unpleasant." Babbled Hada.

A pool of chemical fluid began to rise from the earth, flooding the environment with toxic blue liquid that devours whatever creature stands above it.

The floras, just like every member of our convoy, are coated with toxic blue light. The light and the liquid is the skill of Sir Asger's companion, a Dara Komodo under the name of Seija Mercuria.

This eerie light protected us from the hazard of her garden, if not, every archstudents here probably already melted to existence.

Yes, even though she's a female and a Support, high-ranking guild members can easily obliterate small fries like us.

"This garden won't stop high-grade Taanji everyone, so stay aware." Sir Mahanta reminded us.

"Understood, Sir!"