
God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss

The gods exist. The Supernatural is real. But poor foolish Mortals can never pierce through the Truth hidden by the Veil. They say Ignorance is Bliss. But for Adam, such Bliss woven by a lie is worthless. In his opinion, Ignorance may be Bliss but --- Knowledge is power. This was the truest fact; something Adam built his empire around. ---- He wasn’t always this rich. He wasn’t always this powerful. There was a time he too struggled to earn enough for the treatment of his sick and dying mother. But one day, on a Halloween night, his life was forever changed. His eyes were opened to a completely new Reality. The truth that was hidden from the eyes of all normal humans. An entirely different world, rules, and society exist just in front of us. Follow Adam, as he uncovers the Truth about his identity, the power in his blood, and his adventures as he rises to the throne that is rightfully his. To attain his goal, he will not hesitate. He will even become the God of Crime if that is necessary. --------- The story will be moderately slow-paced during the First four volumes as I set Adam in the world and slowly develop the world-building and Adam starts to adapt to the new reality. I know it might not be to the taste of everyone, but I believe it's worth it. We discover the world together with Adam and how he will grow from someone who knew absolutely nothing about the supernatural world to being someone no one can ignore. This will be a long road and I would be happy if you are willing to walk this road with me. ---- (Alternative title: Midnight Prince: Empire of Sin) [ Tags ]: Mature| Grimdark | Gore |Netori | Harem | Milf | Young & Mature | Supernatural |Action | Gang War | Criminal Empire | System | Gigolo | Handsome MC | Weak to Strong MC | Antihero| Neutral good to Lawful Neutral Evil. | Showbiz | Psychic | ****** ) ----- Disclaimer: The cover picture is AI made and is the art for Adam as [Magician] Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HikaruGenji Discord: https://discord.gg/3v2xvhvD6j My other work Son of The Hero King: https://www.webnovel.com/book/son-of-the-hero-king_24153504605334705

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539 Chs

CH 38: BODHI (2)

Where was he? Just what the hell was happening here?

Confusion spread through Adam's mind as he observed the unknown scenery surrounding him. He was supposed to be at his home right now, bathing in icy cold water, in order to open the so-called Eyes of Truth.

But right now, there was no such thing happening. No sensation of wetness or coldness was being registered in his mind.

All he could feel was the gentle breeze of the wind as he stood in a beautiful and vast grassland, seemingly without an end as it stretched beyond the horizon itself.

But more than anything, what caught his attention was the man peacefully sitting under the shade of the tree as if he was asleep. Looking unfettered from the woes of the world.

'Was I called by some kind of entity like Akasha again?'

This situation was very similar to the one he went through not long ago when he died for the first time. Yet it didn't quite feel that way either.

'Did I maybe die again?'