
God of Contract

Given the Essence to make contracts and reincarnate within the body of Gin, he walks on the path to becoming the ruler of contracts. Disclaimer: I own nothing but the main character. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/r5Q2z9HqYp

meatball_san · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter: 10

"Oken… It's a key that is required to reach the Soul King palace. To forge Oken, one needs 10,000 souls and Jureichi (Concentrated Spirit Zone) with a radius of one spiritual ri."

The knowledge of Oken and its production were only known to the Captain-Commanders of the Gotei 13 and it always has been passed down orally. So except for Yamamoto, no one should have such knowledge.

The shock of the captains present was evidence of such a thing. Hearing Yamamoto explaining Oken and its forging method, indeed left them shocked and baffled.

"Yes." Ukitake nodded, matching the knowledge provided by Gin with Yamamoto. "According to Gin, the current Jureichi is Karakura Town in the Human World!"

"Such a thing…" Hitsugaya frowned. "Isn't Ryoka this time also from Karakura Town? That place sure is the center of such a big mess."

"It just shows the extent of Aizen's planning." Ukitake stated with a frown.

"Now that we have this knowledge, we can make prior preparations for it. So when Aizen comes, we are ready for the fight." Soifon said.

"What about Wandenreich? Are we ignoring it?" Mayuri asked. His hands itched to experiment on those ancient Quincies. He was sure that he could get some spicy experimental products.

"About that…" Ukitake closed his eyes, contemplating something before opening them. "To enter Wandenreich, we need a Quincy who can control Shadows… Or a method to locate and enter the hidden kingdom within Shadows. Gin said… since the moment he came to know about the existence of Wandenreich, he has been searching for a method to infiltrate it. According to him, it shouldn't be long before he is able to create such a method. So we can either wait for Gin to complete it or create our own method."

"... Wasn't there a Quincy among Ryoka? That kid is not bad." Mayuri didn't like the idea of someone else beating him to research—remembering the Quincy kid he fought, he thought he should be able to use him to create a method to locate the hidden Kingdom within shadows.

"From the reports I have received… Didn't he lose his powers while fighting with you, Captain Kurotsuchi? How can a powerless Quincy help us?" Looking towards him, Soifon asked, making Mayuri scoff.

"We can always use his body to extract information regarding their abilities. That kid definitely has the purest Quincy Bloodline so far. It will surely help us."

"Humph." Hitsugaya looked toward him with distaste apparent on his face. "You want us to become enemies with Kurosaki Ichigo?"

"And when did the Soul Society start to care about some random Shinigami?"

"He is not a random Shinigami, Kurotsuchi. He might be our last hope!" Ukitake answered instead of Hitsugaya. He looked towards Yamamoto and asked. "What should we do, Yamamoto-san?"

"Hmmm." With his eyes closed, Yamamoto looked to be in deep thought. After some time, he opened his right eye and smacked his wooden staff on the ground. "For now, focus on Aizen. As a member of Gotei 13, we cannot let Aizen Sosuke be successful in his schemes. Contact Kurosaki Ichigo and explain everything to him. Also, send a captain and some vice-captains to Karakura Town as scouts. They are to remain there and protect Kurosaki Ichigo and everyone else until further orders are initiated to them."

"I think… We should also contact Urahara Kisuke and Yoruichi Shihoin; especially Yoruichi-san, seeing how Gin seemed to have some form of relationship with her." Remembering how Gin mentioned only Rangiku and Yoruichi during his departure from the Soul Society, Unohana had felt something wasn't right. More so when he looked towards her after mentioning Yoruichi. To her, it felt like he was trying to tell her something, and that something should be related to Yoruichi.

"She should have some significant information that we do not possess."

"... Very well. Contact Urahara Kisuke and see what he has for us."

All in all, whatever decision they were going to make, it was bound to make everyone within Seireitei busy.


Boring. Gin was getting bored with each passing day and he wanted entertainment. Yes, he could spend some money and open a route to another world or go to another world for a fun deal, due to his little shenanigans with Aizen, he knew Aizen was putting him under watch.

That's why he needed distraction. Something to put Aizen busy with. During his talk with Ukitake, he had already put different suggestive words that if Ukitake was even a little intelligent, he would be able to pick them. And Gin hoped he did.

'Otherwise, I won't be able to push the plot faster.'

Walking through the dull corridors of Las Noches, Gin was lost in his thoughts which soon were disturbed as his eyes landed on pale-faced Espada—Ulquiorra Cifer, number 4th Espada!

"Oh! Ulquiorra. What a coincidence meeting you here." Gin smiled and walked towards the apathetic Espada, who looked at him with a stoic gaze and expression.

"What do you want, Ichimaru Gin?"

"Nothing. I was just curious to know if something interesting happened in the Human World." Gin didn't mind his cold behavior and approached him as if his long-lost friend. "I did hear that the Soul Society had sent watchdogs over Karakura Town. How mysterious, right? They seemed to know our next move."

"..." Ulquiorra remained silent before turning around and started walking towards the main hall where Aizen was present. "It does not matter. If Aizen-sama orders me to take care of them, I'll personally clean the place for him."

"I'm sure you will." Gin smirked while walking beside Ulquiorra. "Incidentally, I remember a very interesting person in Karakura Town. Want to know about her?"

"Not interested."

"How cold. I'm sure she will interest you." Gin persuaded. "Oh. Apparently, she has the power to 'reject God's work". As in, she can reject the phenomenon that has happened. Interesting, right?"

"..." Ulquiorra stopped and turned around, staring at Gin's face in silence before inquiring. "What are you suggesting? If you think I am stupid enough to fall for your plans, then allow me to correct you: The only person I follow is Aizen-sama and his orders. Whatever you say or suggest, it has nothing to do with me nor will it ever have. I suggest you find someone else to play your pity games with."

"... How loyal~ Captain Aizen really is blessed with so many loyal followers. It makes me jealous."

Ulquiorra didn't entertain Gin any longer and continued his walk towards the throne room with Gin silently following after him with a grin, staring at his back with a flash of greed which soon seemed to vanish.

After a short walk, they appeared in a massive throne room having the same dull grey color as the whole castle. It really made one question his sanity after staying there for a long time.

"Everyone is here." Sitting over his throne, Aizen looked down at Ulquiorra and Gin before turning his gaze back to the other people present within the hall.

"My dear Arrancars, I'm sure you are bored after staying here all day." Aizen spoke in a calm and charismatic voice, addressing everyone present. "I have heard reports about how Soul Society has sent Shinigami to protect Karakura Town."

"Just some pesky ants. Allow me. I'll go and smash all of them."

"Mind your manners, Yammy. You are in the presence of Aizen-sama." Tosen reprimanded Arrancar, causing dissatisfaction shown on his face.

"It's alright, Tosen." Aizen stopped Tosen and looked at Yammy. "I'm glad that you are as excited about it as I am. That is why I have decided." He looked toward Ulquiorra and stated. "Take some members with you, Ulquiorra, and test the powers of Kurosaki Ichigo for me. As for others, do as you like. Can you do it?"

"I shall follow your orders, Aizen-sama." Bowing, Ulquiorra answered.

"Actually, I'm also getting quite bored here. I was wondering if I could also go with them."

"Gin…" Aizen looked towards him with a thoughtful gaze, but seeing his natural smirking face, he couldn't read what he was thinking. "... Very Well. You can go with them."

"Thank you~ Captain Aizen."

After the meeting had finished, Gin approached Tier who was leaving for her quarters and called out to her, causing her to stop in her tracks and look toward him.

"What do you want?"

"Hmm. I feel like I'm not really liked much here." Gin stopped and added. Remembering how Ulquiorra also asked with the same grumpiness when he approached him.

"Glad to know we are on the same page."

"Well, did you check the place?" Not minding her words, Gin inquired with interest. Of course, he was talking about Nell.

"... Come with me." Tier said before ignoring Gin, not even looking back to see if he was following her or not. After a small walk, both of them reached her quarters. The moment Tier opened the door, a blur appeared and stuck her in the abdomen, causing her brows to twitch.

"Tier-tama! Thung-Tun and othert are bullying me!"

"... Nell. How many times do I have to tell you to not jump on me so suddenly." With a frown, Tier said with a harsh tone. She can't count just how many times she almost slashed at her thinking it was an enemy attack or something.

"Oya~" Gin approached Nell before picking her up from the back of her clothes, staring at her face, he chuckled. "You did find her. I'm surprised. I thought you would have ignored what I had said."

'After mentioning the previous 3rd Espada, I doubt anyone would have just ignored it…' Tier grumbled internally about the fact that she played right into Gin's hand.

"W-Who are you!? L-Leave me thith inthant or Tier-tama will not forgive you!" Being carried in Gin's hand, Nell waved her hands angrily but because of her size, she barely made any difference whatsoever.

"... Did she forget me? I thought she at least held most of her memories. Guess I was mistaken?" Gin was confused. He remembered clearly from the cannon that she knew about Espada and even the fact that Aizen was the leader of Hueco Mundo. In that case, she should also have a memory recollection of him, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

"It's all a jumbled mess it seems." Tier added with interest. "She knows pretty much everything about basic knowledge but seems to forget everything else."

"Is that so?" Gin turned to look back at the scared Nell before he smirked. "Ichimaru Gin. I'm a Shinigami."

"T-T-Thinigami!? Bad guy!? You are finally here to kill me?!" All color seemed to lose her face as she started to sweat heavily. "D-don't kill me! I don't have anything valuable!"

"... Quite energetic I see." Gin raised his other hand as a contact appeared, gaining Tier's attention as she narrowed her eyes.

"What's this?"

"Something that will heal her." Gin didn't explain before putting the contract in front of scared Nell's face.

'Wait… she probably can't sign it…'

Thinking for some time, the contract vanished and what appeared in his hand was an ink pad. Taking Nell's hand, he placed her hand over it before placing the same hand over the contract.

The moment he did so, the contract vanished making Gin's smirk enlarge.

'Another maid getto~"

"She… doesn't seem to be healed." Examining Nell, to whom Gin left as she ran towards her siblings, Tier asked. She looked at Nell's head, at the cracked mask, and knew the real reason for her… peculiar condition. To heal her, one needed to heal her mask.

"Oh. Did I say that the contract will heal her?" Gin softly laughed. "My mistake. I was joking."


"Well. I'll be going then." Gin shrugged his shoulders and turned around. "As for healing her… I'll do it after giving you my order."

Leaving behind his words, Gin left. It was time to go to the Human World and play with Yoruichi.

Support me at: patr eon.con/meatball_chan

Your support is highly appreciated!

AN: I had this chapter from another novel (Which hasn't been uploaded anywhere) about a dude reincarnating within STB (Strike the Blood).

I'll post it down. Feel free to read and give me your honest opinion.

A little knowledge: My first thought was reincarnating as Kojou with Essence of Blank and Crafter. In the second one, I changed Crafter Essence (Which essentially allowed him to create anything at a conceptual level) to True Trace. And below is the third idea which is SI in the world.

Anyway, here you go!

PS: I'm really ill right now (fever, headache, muscle pain, loose nose (liquid mucus or whatever, Idk what it's called tbh), watering of eyes). So this novel is probably going to slow down around 20 chapters (not a daily update). Till then, enjoy your daily updates ;p

Meatball out!


[Ding! A new mission has been assigned!]

[Details: Itogami Island was a Demon Sanctuary made in the middle of the Pacific. It was built on the top of ley lines—dragon lines in the Orient—that ran on top of the ocean. To control the dragon lines, a keystone was needed in the centre of the island. Senra Itogami, the creator of the man-made island, stole a relic containing the right arm of a dead saint from the West European Church to act as the core for this. Rudolf Eustach, the Armed Apostol from Lotharingia has found out about this and decided to steal the right arm of the dead saint. But if he did so, Itogami Island would sink to the bottom of the ocean, killing all 500,000 people on it.]

[Members of the chat room can decide whichever path they like: Either stop the Armed Apostol, or help him in stealing the arm of the dead saint. Rewards will be based on the path and contribution made in that path.]

[Note: Only one member can take this mission]

[Difficulty: S-EX]

[Warning: Demon Sanctuary comes under the dominion of the Fourth Primogenitor, the World's Mightiest Vampire, utmost caution is required!]

[Warning: Be aware of Death!]

[The Dancer: It has been a while since the last mission]

[Strongest Sorcerer: Finally, a mission. I hope it's not as boring as the last one]

[Exhibitionist: Are you calling my world boring?]

[Strongest Sorcerer: Ah! What gave it away!? Hahaha… Me and my mouth [fingers]. Sorry, sorry]

[Exhibitionist: …]

[The Dancer: Uhh… Anyways, could this world be related to @ThirdPrimogenitor? Seeing how there is mention of the Fourth Primogenitor in the warning section]

[Exhibitionist: Whatever. I just hope whoever this Fourth Primogenitor is, isn't as narcissist as a certain sorcerer]

[Strongest Sorcerer: Oya. Are you talking about me, @Exhibitionist? Surely not, right? With that kind of name, I doubt you have any write to criticize anyone]

[Strongest Sorcerer: Incidentally, the Fourth Primogenitor is dubbed as the World's Mightiest Vampire. I feel like we can be friends, of course after deciding who is strongest amongst us; which obviously is going to be me.]

[Third Primogenitor: @TheDancer, no, I don't know this Fourth Primogenitor. The fact that he is called the World's Mightiest Vampire itself gives it away, since the Fourth of my world could be beaten by me easily. Though it would be a lie to say I'm not curious about this World's Mightiest Vampire. Either there isn't any other Primogenitor in that world, or their strength isn't based on numbers]

[Exihibitionist: Oh yah. Your world's primogenitors are based on the number they were born with.]

[Third Primogenitor: Something like that]

[The Dancer: By the way, who is going to join this mission?]

[Third Primogenitor: Me]

[Strongest Sorcerer: Me]

[Third Primogenitor: … @StrongestSorcerer, you went on the last mission too. I didn't join and let you take the participation, it would be better if you stay out of this one]

[Strongest Sorcerer: Oh. And what if I don't?]

[Ding! The Third Primogenitor has selected the Wheel of Choice! Anyone who wants to participate within the mission, please enter your name. Otherwise, Third Primogenitor would be defaulted.]

[Strongest Sorcerer: …]

[Strongest Sorcerer has joined the Wheel of Choice.]

[Ding! Third Primogenitor is the winner!]

[Third Primogenitor: Go flaunt your di*k somewhere else, bit*h!]

[Strongest Sorcerer: Shitty system!]

[Strongest Sorcerer has gone offline]

[The Dancer: I will take my leave too. I have a hunt to join]

[The Dancer has gone offline]

[Exhibitionist: Good luck, @ThirdPrimogenitor! Be sure to bring a souvenir or two if you can]

[Third Primogenitor: Humph. Who do you think you are, little girl?]

[Exhibitionist: Your chat mate? Anyway, bye~]

[Exhibitionist has gone offline]

[Third Primogenitor has gone offline]


An island created in the middle of the Pacific, everything was covered in darkness—it was Itogami Island. A man-made Island created some 330 kilometers away from the metropolitan city of Tokyo.

An island densely filled with a population of both humans and demons; a Demon Sanctuary that was only possible after the Peace Treaty between the Three Primogenitors and humankind.

Made up of four giant constructs and other smaller constructs known as Gigafloats.

Compared to other Gigafloats, Island North was comparably quiet. And since it was an R&D district, no one really liked noise anyways. Most people barely left the buildings which gave the streets quite a desolate look. Only a small number of people could be seen, and these were only those that were leaving for their homes.

MAR, or popularly known as Magna Ataraxia Research Incorporated was a giant conglomerate with branches all over the Far East.

A corporate group formed of a number of sorcerous product manufacturers with global reach, and was one of the world's leading magic industrial complexes. An industrial giant that made up everything from pills for the common cold to military fighter jets.

Within one of their underground labs, in a dark room with only a single bed, a young male laid.

Rhythmic sound of Heart Rate Monitor resounded within the dark room, the monitors at the side containing different parameters being the only source of light.

He had black hair, reaching down his ears with a bang between his brows and two more bangs cascading both sides of his face. His skin was pale, as if he hadn't seen sun for ages, same with his lips, cracked and dry.

With each breath of his, fog would accumulate his breathing mask.

His bed was quarantined by plastic curtains with weird runes; they would flash from time to time. The black miasma that was leaking out of the young man's body seemed to be the reason for those ruins.

Suddenly, there was a reaction. A slight movement of his finger, and then—

The building shook! The ruins curtains creaked loudly as there seemed to be a weird screech that filled the room! It was as if the world couldn't bear the burden of the highly dense miasma that was leaking out of the young man's body.




The sound of sirens shook the residence of the building as everyone became alert. The guards picked their guns and ran towards the young mans' room; the robots—created with the use of sorcerous circuitry—followed after.

Soon enough, the whole MAR building was emptied leaving behind only the guards and special personnel.

A pair of blazing crimson eyes stared at the dull ceiling. His pale and weak hand moved, quite slowly, and reached for his oxygen mask; gently pulling it off, he used his hand to stand up.

His face was dull, antiseptic and emotionless.


Just then, the intensity of black miasma increased. Like an unstoppable flood, it slammed the curtain of ruins, shaking them as cracks formed all over it, much to the horror of everyone witnessing it!

"This is—!?"

"What is it, Doctor Mimori!?" The head guard shouted with trepidation as fear seemed to be prevalent within everyone's mind. Like a snake, it seemed to crawl and firmly grasp their soul and mind.

They didn't need anyone else to tell them why. Because the 'thing' they were seeing was death! It howled like a hungry beast, wanting to devour the very world alive! It smashed itself to the curtain of ruins, resisting to its fullest.

"Shin…" A gentle yet a grave whisper left Mimori's lips; at that moment, the curtain of ruins broke!

"FIRE!" The headguard shouted.

"Stop! He—" She couldn't finish her sentence before the headguard opened fire.

Blessed Bullets rained down at him. The moment they reached close to him, the miasma seemed to awaken! As if it gained sentience and a target to eliminate for its Master, it roared. Like a maw of a mighty beast, the miasma spread. Everything that it touched, died. It didn't discriminate. A force of pure terror, it moved without any direction.

Leaving nothing behind, it killed everything in its wake. The room, the equipment, the guards; the moment it touched the miasma, it just… died.

Just when the miasma was about to touch Mimori, a highly robotic sound resounded— "Stop."

A bead of sweat trickled down Mimori's face. She took a fearful step backward as the miasma reverted back to the young man before fully entering his body and vanished.

Silence took over the room with Mimori watching the young man, who stood firm in his place, his crimson dead-fish which didn't reflect any light lost in thoughts. Finally, for what seemed like eternity to Mimori, he finally turned to look at her.


"It has been a while." His voice sounded highly monotonous, filled with majesty and coldness of death. "... Mother."

Mimori's eyes widened in apparent surprise. Her lips quivered ever so slightly.

"You… remember me?" Her voice sounded shook, but she was able to put her words out firmly.

The young man, now known as Shin, simply nodded his head. His eyes stared down at the dead bodies of guards, a red light flickering slightly within his crimson gaze.

"They are dead."

"It isn't your fault." Mimori, now fully composed, explained. "If they hadn't opened fire—"

"It's alright. You need not to console me. I know I killed them." Shin replied before his hand reached his chin and he nodded. "Hm. Well, it can't be helped. My timely unresponsiveness was indeed at fault. As such."

He raised his hand and pointed at the guards.

[True Resurrection]

A miracle occurred and Mimori's eyes finally gave away as she fell down her knees, staring blankly at the scene that looked like a mythical story. The dead guard started to stand up one by one, completely opposite to their previous state, alive!

"So it is true…" She looked towards the young man who didn't have any change in his expression as if he didn't do anything special, and muttered absentmindedly. "He did become Death itself…!"


Mimori Akatsuki was a lazy person with a childish personality.

Sitting in the room which Shin could only dub as the living room, used clothes were thrown everywhere; bra, blouse, shirt, panties, everything that a woman could possibly wear with snacks and drinks.

It looked… disgusting. As if a person with crippling depression lived there, it was a horrendous place to stay.

'At least she perfumed the place enough, and there isn't much smell either. Magic maybe?' Examining the room, Shin thought.

Both of them sat on the couch that Mimori just cleaned… or just swiped everything on it to the side before throwing a box of cold pizza on the table with two cups of drinks.

In quite some time, Mimori had a serious face but it still didn't hide the childish personality of her completely. She slumped on the couch and picked up a glass of drink, sipping, she looked at Shin and said.

"Not going to drink?" Gulping down another mouthful of juice, she continued. "You have been living on fluids for over five years now. Must be hungry, no?"

"..." Shin stared down at the cold pizza and juice before he picked the glass and took a sip. "My body can live for eternity without any substance. You need not to worry about such trivial matters."

"Oh~" An expression of interest floated over her face. She leaned slightly towards him and asked. "A perk for becoming… that?"

"You can say so." He nodded before taking a bite out of pizza and stopped. "It's not delicious at all…"

"Oi! Don't you insult my lifeline!"

Ignoring the angered woman, Shin focused on the pizza as magic flowed within his body, warming it up!

"... Better." He nodded, much to the giddy feeling of Mimori as she particularly jumped on her son.

"Teach me!"


"The way to heat up the pizza! With that, I won't need to heat it up everyday! I can just take it out and heat it to my liking!"

"I see…" Shin remained quiet for a while before asking. "Can you… explain everything to me? My memories are quite… fuzzy."

"Eh~" Mimori's eyes narrowed slightly, another sip of her juice, and she asked. "What do you remember then?"

"Dying." Shin's reply was to the point, shutting Mimori up.

A silence draped over the both as Shin silently ate the pizza with Mimori lost in her thoughts. After some time, she finally opened her mouth.

"You, Kojou, and Nagisa were called by your Father, or to be precise, Nagisa was called and you two just hung together. Anyway, it was an island called Gozo that floated, more or less, in the center of the Mediterranean Sea."

"Island of Ruins… I remember it." Shin nodded, a memory of the past becoming slightly clear to him.

"Yes…" Mimori nodded before taking a bite out of the pizza and nodding how it was of perfect temperature. "During the evacuation of ruins and Nagisa deciphering the antience language, it was attacked by the demon extremist group called Black Death Front."

"... And I died during the terrorist attack?" Shin asked, more to himself.

Mimori nodded her head.

"More or less, yes. And then—"

"Death descended and took over my body, which was reverted back to its normal state despite it being riddled with holes. After I was healed or the right word should be resurrected—since my body was too weak and that of a mortal—I lost consciousness. And haven't awakened since then, right?"

"That's the gist, indeed." Mimori shrugged her shoulders and slumped on the couch. She looked towards her son and asked. "What now? What are you going to do now?"

"... I don't know." Shin replied honestly. Staring up at his reflection, pale skin as if he hasn't seen sun for ages, black hair, crimson eyes; it was a face he was not familiar with. "Maybe take over the world or something."

"... You are joking, right?" Mimori's face sweated hard. It wasn't even a joke hearing the very Death saying that it was going to take over the world. It depicted quite a horror-some image in her mind.

"Of course I am."

"You seriously need to do something about your humor first…" She sighed before standing up. "Anyways, I'll contact Kojou and Nagisa. I'm sure they would be happy to know that their brother is back to life."

"... I wasn't dead…" Shin took another bite out of pizza and muttered.


This wasn't how it was supposed to be! He couldn't remember anything of his past life; it was a jumbled mess. Memories were there, but it was hard to recall them. They were foggy.

He was chilling and living his life, and then suddenly he found himself standing in a completely unknown place; it was a huge throne room with a young man sitting over the throne.

He was looking down at him, like how humans would look down at their lab rats. Those weren't the eyes of someone who treated living beings as living beings. Those were the eyes of someone who was used to living above everyone else.

They didn't hold disdain, but the natural arrogance was there. As if the young man desired, he would be dead.

'I cannot speak… nor can I move…' He looked at the young man silently as he opened his mouth.

"Well, I already know how it is going to happen." He said, his voice holding the natural elegance and majesty of an Emperor. "So I'll just do it without going through the hurdle of a Q & A session."

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

"Ainz's power-set, YGGDRASIL spells, and True Trace. This should do." He nodded his head in apparent understanding of himself before smirking. "And a little tweak here and there. Hm. Yes. This should do. Well then, Good Luck!"

'What, in, the, actual, fuck?' He stared at the unknown ceiling with a blank gaze, not understanding what just happened. All of it happened so fast that he had no fucking idea what was going on right now!

But the moment he was about to panic, something rushed past his whole mind and all those emotions that may or may not affect his state of mind vanished. And just like that, he was calmed.

He could hear shouts of people around him, and a soft murmur of a woman. But his mind was too focused on trying to process the memories and data that was being forced into it.

And just as his mind finally gained clarity and he looked around him, he saw the face of a woman that seemed oddly familiar. Seeing that [Despair Aura V] was about to touch her, he called out—"Stop."

It was more of a mental command than a verbal one, but it just came out so smoothly that he thought it was natural. With another mental command, the aura was called back into his body, or more like disabled.


"It has been a while." He almost choked on his words hearing how overbearing and majestic his voice sounded for some whatever reason. "... Mother."

He finally realized it… He was reincarnated! And that too within Strike the Blood… as a Death!